name="Large video display (640x480) for local playback"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a large video template. Captured content emphasizes high-quality video and audio. Intended for local playback.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Large video display (480x360) for local playback"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a large video template. Captured content emphasizes high-quality video and audio. Intended for local playback.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Large video display (480x360) for delivery at 300 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a large video template. Captured content emphasizes mixed audio, such as voice with background music. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Medium video display (320x240) for local playback"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a medium video template. Captured content emphasizes high-quality video and audio. Intended for local playback.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Medium video display (320x240) for delivery at 300 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a medium video template. Captured content emphasizes mixed audio, such as voice with background music. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Medium video display (320x240) for delivery at 150 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a medium video template. Captured content emphasizes voice, such as presentations and news. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Medium video display (320x240) for delivery at 100 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a medium video template. Captured content emphasizes voice, such as presentations and news. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Small video display (240x180) for local playback"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a small video template. Captured content emphasizes high-quality video and audio. Intended for local playback.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Small video display (240x180) for delivery at 300 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a small video template. Captured content emphasizes mixed audio, such as voice with background music. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Small video display (240x180) for delivery at 150 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a small video template. Captured content emphasizes voice, such as presentations and news. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Small video display (240x180) for delivery at 100 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a small video template. Captured content emphasizes voice, such as presentations and news. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Small video display (160x120) for delivery at 33.6 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video for playback in a small video template. Captured content emphasizes voice, such as presentations and news. Target audience has a dial-up modem connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="High quality audio for delivery at 128 Kbps"
description="Use to create high-quality audio content. Intended for audiences with a high-speed Internet or LAN connection. Also suited for local playback.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Mixed audio for delivery at 96 Kbps"
description="Use to create a narration, which emphasizes mixed audio, such as voice with background music. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Mixed audio for delivery at 64 Kbps"
description="Use to create a narration, which emphasizes mixed audio, such as voice with background music. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Audio narration for delivery at 32 Kbps"
description="Use to create an audio only narration, which emphasizes voice, such as presentations and news. Target audience has a dial-up modem connection of 56 Kbps.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Audio narration for delivery at 16 Kbps"
description="Use to create an audio only narration, which emphasizes voice, such as presentations and news. Target audience has a dial-up modem connection of 28.8 Kbps.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 128 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains high-quality audio content. Intended for audiences with a high-speed Internet or LAN connection. Also suited for local playback.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 96 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains mixed audio, such as voice with background music. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 64 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains mixed audio, such as voice with background music. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 32 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains audio only narration, which emphasizes voice, such as a news presentation. Target audience has a dial-up modem connection of 56 Kbps.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 16 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains audio only narration, which emphasizes voice, such as a news presentation. Target audience has a dial-up modem connection of 28.8 Kbps.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Video screen capture with large video display (800x600) for delivery at 300 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video of the screen for playback in a large video template, with audio narration, such as a product demonstration. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Video screen capture with large video display (800x600) for delivery at 200 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video of the screen for playback in a large video template, with audio narration, such as a product demonstration. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Video screen capture with large video display (640x480) for delivery at 300 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video of the screen for playback in a large video template, with audio narration, such as a product demonstration. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Video screen capture with large video display (640x480) for delivery at 200 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video of the screen for playback in a large video template, with audio narration, such as a product demonstration. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Video screen capture with large video display (480x360) for delivery at 300 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video of the screen for playback in a large video template, with audio narration, such as a product demonstration. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="Video screen capture with large video display (480x360) for delivery at 200 Kbps"
description="Use to create a video of the screen for playback in a large video template, with audio narration, such as a product demonstration. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For local playback at 800 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation for local playback. Presentation contains high-quality video and audio content.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 300 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains video with accompanying mixed audio, such as voice with background music. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 150 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains video with accompanying voice, such as a news presentation. Target audience has a corporate LAN, cable modem, xDSL or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 100 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains video with accompanying voice, such as a news presentation. Target audience has a corporate LAN, dual-channel ISDN or equivalent connection.">
<profile-local version="458752"
name="For target audience playback at 33.6 Kbps"
description="Use to create a presentation that contains video with accompanying voice, such as a news presentation. Target audience has a dial-up modem connection.">