case 1792 : ckeys = "Strg+Alt+Shift+" + String.fromCharCode(intval & 255);
function name: gotoexplore(pfad)
parameters: pfad (string, a file's path)
returns: void
global vars: Ws
purpose: opens an explorer windows and selects the given file
function gotoexplore(pfad) {
Ws.Run("explorer.exe /select,\""+pfad+"\"");
function name: delkeyLNK(pfad, intval)
parameters: pfad (string, path of an LNK file whose hotkey is deleted), intval (integer, a reference to it┤s HTML table entry)
returns: void
global vars: Ws
purpose: if the "Hotkey l÷schen" button is clicked, this functions removes the hotkey from the LNK file. The displayed key-combination is striked through in the HTML table
parameters: pfad (string, path of an URL file whose hotkey is deleted), intval (integer, a reference to it┤s HTML table entry)
returns: void
global vars: Fs
purpose: if the "Hotkey l÷schen" button is clicked, this functions removes the hotkey from the URL file. The displayed key-combination is striked through in the HTML table