PC World 2004 December
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<title>SilentDrive 2.0</title>
<meta name="author" content="R. Tchorz">
<h3>SilentDrive 2.1</h3>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Automatic acoustics-management (AAM)</span><br>
Contemporary modern hard disks with IDE-interface have a so-called
automatic acoustics-management.<br>
As the name already says, it is a question at that of the troublesome
noise topic.<br>
With this procedure the hard disk heads are quickened in a smaller way
and slowed down in a smaller way. Result: The hard disk heads do less
noise clearly in the case of hard disk grips. This noise is to be heard
as a rattle. The noise of the spindle motor which drives the hard disk
remains prospective on the other hand.<br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Advantage</span><br>
Less noise at hard disk grips. It is also to be said, however, in this
case that modern hard disks do not do a lot of noise anymore anyhow.<br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Disadvantage</span><br>
The access time goes up through that. This means, the drive needs
something more time in order to position the hard disk heads over the
necessary track. The time that is needed in order to transfer the data
of the hard disk into the computer remains in this case unchanged.<br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Setup and remove</span><br>
There is not a setup program for this program - is not also at all
necessary. Simply copy the file SilentDrive.exe into an arbitrary
folder of your choice. Since otherwise SilentDrive does not leave
behind any insertions in the registration database of Windows, a simple
deletion of the program file suffices for the deinstallation.<br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">System requirements</span><br>
SilientDrive runs only on <span style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);">Windows
2000</span> and<span style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);"> Windows XP</span>.<br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Short operating manual</span><br>
During the start of the program SilentDrive analyzes the available IDE
hard disks (or also ATA hard disk) and matches found hard disks in the
list. You can select the wanted hard disk from this list. It is
indicated in this case whether the hard disk supports
acoustics-management. Also whether the drive just on <span
class="trans">quiet</span> or on aloud
is prepared.<br>
According to stopped mode you can prepare now the drive <span
class="trans">quiet</span> or loud
The ATA- standard only dictates that the two modes <span class="trans">quiet</span>ly
and aloud
must be supported. It is therefore normal if a hard disk does not show
an effect possibly at all <span class="trans">adjustments</span>.<br>
So that you can hear the difference, you press the button <span
style="font-style: italic;">Seek-Test</span>. In
this case the hard disk heads are moved randomly over the hard disk. In
the case of the stopped mode <span class="trans"
style="font-style: italic;">quiet</span><span
style="font-style: italic;">ly and
slowly</span> you might hardly hear
The hard disk stores the <span class="trans">adjustments</span> that
you carry out in an intern way
and are maintained therefore also, when you switch off the computer.<br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Options</span><br>
BIOS of some computers seems to put back the settings by the next start
In this case SilentDrive can be called with options. Simply puts a link
in the autostart-folder.<br>
SilentDrive -d<drive> -m<mode><br>
Drive: 0. 3, the first drive is 0. Without information the first drive
is used.<br>
Mode: o - off, m - medium, q - quiet<br>
SlilentDrive -d1 -mq puts the second drive
on the mode quietly.<br>
SlilentDrive -mo turned
off the AAM of the first drive.<br>
This program is freeware. It may be passed on in a free of charge way.
A sale or a modification are not, however, permissible.<br>
Homepage: <a href="http://www.rt-sw.de/freeware/en-freeware.html">http://www.rt-sw.de/freeware/en-freeware.html</a><br>
eMail: mail@rt-sw.de<br>