A network connection that allows a computer or user to connect to an enterprise network. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), wireless communications, and Remote Access Service (RAS) dial-up connections are examples of access points. See also end point, wireless access point (wireless AP).
NAME=Active Directory
A Microsoft Windows directory service that maintains information about objects connected a network on a server called the Microsoft Windows 2000 Active Directory server. Active Directory makes it so network users can log on once to use resources (for which they have been granted access) anywhere on the network. See also directory server, LDAP.
NAME=Active Response
The ability to automatically block the IP address of a known intruder for a specific amount of time. The amount of time that the Sygate Personal Firewall blocks the IP address can be modified to any interval from 1 to 65,000 seconds.
See network adapter.
NAME=Advanced Rule
A rule that can be added on Sygate Personal Firewall to enforce a security policy. Advanced Rules can exhibit complex relationships between applications, IP addresses, and services. See also firewall rule, Simple Rule.
A computer running Sygate Security Agent software is also called an Agent computer. An Agent can be client controlled or server controlled. See also client, Client Control, Server Control, Sygate Security Agent, Sygate Personal Firewall.
NAME=Anti-IP Spoofing
An advanced setting that prevents an intruder from taking advantage of the ability to forge (or spoof) an individual's IP address. See also IP Spoofing.
NAME=Anti-MAC Spoofing
An advanced setting that prevents an intruder from taking advantage of the ability to forge (or spoof) the MAC address of an individual's computer. Anti-MAC Spoofing allows incoming and outgoing ARP traffic only if an ARP request was made to that specific host. It blocks all other unexpected ARP traffic and logs it in the security log. See also Smart ARP, MAC address, MAC Spoofing.
Software and technology that is used to detect malicious computer applications, prevent them from infecting a system, and clean files or applications that are infected with computer viruses. Sygate software works together with, but does not include, antivirus software. See also virus.
NAME=application authentication
Authenticating an application that is running on the network by taking the entire binary of the application and doing an MD5 hash and comparing it with the application fingerprint stored on Sygate Personal Firewall. If the application was changed, it may not be authenticated depending on the rules the Firewall is using. See also application control, application fingerprint, DLL authentication, MD5 hash.
NAME=application control
Applications and what versions of the particular application can either be allowed or disallowed via security policies.
NAME=application fingerprint
A 128-bit number that is generated by performing an MD5 hash of an entire application packet. It is unique for each application. If the application is changed in any way, the application fingerprint changes.
The process of granting or denying access to a specific network resource or domain based on the user's identity.
A way of using ICMP to determine all the hops between your computer and an intruder on another computer. See also Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).
Sending a packet to everybody on the network. See also multicast, unicast.
NAME=buffer overflow
Applications set aside areas of memory, or buffers, for use as storage, frequently setting aside a finite amount of memory for a buffer. A buffer overflow exists when an application attempts to store more data than can fit in a fixed-size buffer. Buffer overflow attacks occur when an intruder is able to send data in excess of a fixed-size application buffer and the application does not check to ensure this doesn't happen. By overflowing a buffer with executable code, an intruder can cause an application to perform unexpected and often malicious actions using the same privileges the application has been granted.
A computer or program that uses shared resources from another computer, called a server.
A personal computer, laptop, or workstation where users perform their work. In an enterprise environment, computers are connected together over a network.
NAME=Data Encryption Standard (DES)
An algorithm for protecting data using private encryption keys. DES-CBC is the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode of DES, a stronger form of encryption, which applies an exclusive OR to each block of data with the previous block and then encrypts the data using the DES encryption key. 3DES or Triple DES is the strongest form of encryption where each data block is encrypted three times with different keys. See also encryption.
NAME=demilitarized zone (DMZ)
A security measure used by a company that can host Internet services and has devices accessible to the Internet; the DMZ is an area between the Internet and the internal network that prevents unauthorized access to the internal corporate network using a firewall or gateway.
NAME=Denial of Service (DoS)
A network-based attack that is characterized by an explicit attempt by an intruder to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that service. See also Denial of Service Checking.
NAME=Denial of Service Checking
An advanced setting that instructs the Sygate Personal Firewall to check for incoming traffic using known Denial of Service (DoS) techniques.
See Data Encryption Standard (DES).
NAME=destination IP address
The IP address of the computer that is receiving packets of information.
NAME=destination port
The port of the computer that is receiving packets of information.
See Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
NAME=directory server
Software that manages users' accounts and network permissions. Active Directory is an example of a directory server accessed using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). See also Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
Dynamic link library, a list of functions or data used by Windows applications. Most DLLs have a file extension of .dll, .ocx, .exe, .drv, or .fon.
NAME=DLL authentication
The ability to validate shared or application-specific dynamic link libraries (DLLs) and ensure the integrity of applications. The Sygate Personal Firewall can be instructed to allow or block known DLLs. An added level of protection can also be enabled to block DLLs from being dynamically allowed when an application is executed. See also application authentication, application fingerprint, DLL, DLL fingerprint.
NAME=DLL fingerprint
A 128-bit number that is generated by performing an MD5 hash of an entire DLL packet. It is unique for each DLL. The MD5 hash or fingerprint of each DLL is stored on the Sygate Personal Firewall. If the DLL is changed in any way, the DLL fingerprint changes. See also DLL, DLL authentication, MD5 hash.
A group of computers that are part of a network and share a common directory database. Each domain has a unique name and is organized in levels that are administered as a unit using common rules.
NAME=domain name
The name by which a group of computers is known to the network. Most organizations have a unique name on the Internet that allows individuals, groups, and other organizations to communicate with them. See also domain.
NAME=DoS attack
See Denial of Service (DoS).
NAME=driver-level protection
A Sygate software feature that blocks protocol drivers from gaining access to the network unless a user gives permission. If a protocol driver attempts to gain access to the network through a client running the Sygate Personal Firewall, depending on the rule set, the protocol driver is allowed, blocked, or a pop-up message displays. See also protocol driver blocking.
NAME=Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
A TCP/IP protocol that provides dynamic configuration of host IP addresses and enables individual computers on an IP network to extract configuration parameters from a DHCP server. DHCP lets a system administrator supervise and distribute IP addresses from a central point in the network.
The use of an algorithm to convert typically sensitive data into a form that is unreadable except by authorized users. See also Communications Channel Encryption.
Any network device that connects to the enterprise network and runs network-based applications. Network devices can include laptops, desktop computers, servers, and PDAs. See also access point.
NAME=filtering logs
Viewing selected information from logged information. For example, a filter can be set up so that you can view only blocked traffic, critical information, or logged events occurring during the past day. See also logs.
Hardware, software, or a combination of both that is used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing a private network. All information entering or leaving the network must pass through the firewall, which examines the information packets and blocks those which do not meet the security criteria. The Sygate Personal Firewall Allows, Blocks, or Asks whether incoming traffic is allowed to access an organization's network or resources. By using firewall rules, the Firewall can systematically allow, block, and ask incoming traffic from specific IP addresses and ports. See also firewall rule.
NAME=firewall rule
A stipulation that helps to determine whether or not a computer can gain access to a network. For example, a firewall rule may state "Port 80 is allowed."
NAME=Fragmented Packets
A packet that is broken into smaller pieces to send the packet more efficiently through an organization's network or Internet. When Allow Fragmented Packets is enabled, the Firewall automatically allows the fragmented packets. See also packet.
A type of attack where an intruder takes control of an existing communication session between a server and a legitimate user who has connected and authenticated with the server. The intruder can monitor the session passively recording the transfer of sensitive information such as passwords and code. Another type of hijacking involves an active attack done by forcing the user offline (with a Denial of Service attack) and taking over the session. The intruder begins acting like the user, executing commands, and sending information to the server.
NAME=Host Integrity
The ability to define, enforce, and restore the security of clients in order to secure enterprise networks and data. Host Integrity rules can be set up to verify that clients attempting network access are running antivirus software, patches, and hot fixes and other application criteria. This is a feature of Sygate Secure Enterprise. See also Sygate Enforcer.
NAME=Host Integrity Remediation
A feature that allows an automatic system update, if needed. Working together with the Sygate Enforcer, Host Integrity rules can be set up to verify that clients attempting access are running antivirus software, patches, and hot fixes, as well as checking specified registry key values, then update the client's system and files automatically if they are out of date. Formerly called Host Integrity Restoration. This is a feature of Sygate Secure Enterprise.
NAME=Host Integrity Restoration
See Host Integrity Remediation.
See Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).
A small visual image displayed on a computer screen to represent an application, a command, an object, or to indicate status. Icons shown on screens in Sygate software are also used to display status. For example, in the Sygate Personal Firewall interface, blinking blue lights indicate incoming and outgoing traffic.
See Intrusion Detection System (IDS).
NAME=inbound traffic
Traffic that was initiated from a remote computer. See also outbound traffic.
NAME=Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
An Internet protocol (defined in RFC 792) that is primarily for reporting errors in TCP/IP messages and exchanging limited status and control information.
NAME=Internet Information Services (IIS)
Web services software from Microsoft that is the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) server for the Microsoft Windows platform.
NAME=Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
A device or software that detects and notifies a user or enterprise of unauthorized or anomalous access to a network or computer system. Sygate's IDS operates on every machine in an enterprise on which the Sygate Personal Firewall is installed by analyzing network packets targeted at the network node and comparing them with signature database entries. An IDS helps identify attacks and probes by monitoring traffic for attack signatures that represent hostile activity. See also Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).
NAME=Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
A device or software used to prevent intruders from accessing systems from malicious or suspicious activity. This is contrast to an Intrusion Detection System (IDS), which merely detects and notifies. Sygate Personal Firewall is both an IDS and an IPS product since the Firewall includes both an IDS and firewall functionality making it capable of not only detecting but also blocking an attack. See also Intrusion Detection System (IDS).
NAME=IP address
A 32-bit address used to identify a node on a network. Each node on the network must be assigned a unique address in dotted decimal notation, such as See also local IP address, remote IP address.
NAME=IP fragmentation
A packet that has been split into two or more packets. The Sygate Personal Firewall supports IP fragmentation, the ability to receive or send incomplete packets over the network. See also packets, Fragmented Packets.
NAME=IP spoofing
IP spoofing is a process where an intruder uses an IP address of another computer to acquire information or gain access. Because the intruder appears to be someone else, if a reply is sent, it goes to the spoofed address, not the intruder's address. See also Anti-IP Spoofing.
See Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).
See Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
See signature library, System Library, custom library.
NAME=Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
A standard directory access protocol for searching and updating information directories containing, for example, email addresses, phone numbers, and computer names and addresses. LDAP is the primary protocol used to access directory servers such as Active Directory. See also Active Directory, directory server.
NAME=local IP address
From the perspective of the Firewall, the IP address of the computer the user is working on. See also IP address.
NAME=local port
From the perspective of the Sygate Personal Firewall, the port on the computer being used for this connection. See also port.
NAME=Log Dampener
An option that causes the Sygate Personal Firewall to log only one event if multiple similar events happen in a relatively short time frame. This protects the Firewall from being inundated by hundreds or thousands of events happening at the same time in a DoS attack. For example, if a thousand packets are received in one second, the Firewall logs that the event happened a thousand times. See also logs.
Files that store information generated by an application, service, or operating system. The information is used to track the operations performed.
A Local Security Authority Service Executable and Server DLL on the Windows operating system. It is a Windows security mechanism used to verify user logins.
NAME=MAC address
A vendor hardware address that identifies computers, servers, routers, or other network devices. See also Anti-MAC Spoofing.
NAME=MAC Spoofing
Intruders use a technique called MAC (media access control) spoofing to hack into a victim's computer by using the MAC address of another computer to send an ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) response packet to the victim even though the victim did not send an ARP request. The victim host renews the internal ARP table using the malicious ARP response packet. See also Anti-MAC Spoofing.
Microsoft Windows Messaging Subsystem Spooler, allows mail applications to use a standard Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI) to access messages, addresses, and transport services.
NAME=MD5 hash
A one-way function that produces a unique 128-bit value. MD5 hashing transforms information and produces a value that it cannot be changed back into its original form. This method is used for encrypted authentication (for example, verifying passwords or authenticating applications).
The Task Scheduler engine used by the Windows operating system.
Sending a message simultaneously to more than one destination on a network. See also broadcast, unicast.
NAME=NetBIOS protection
A feature on the Sygate Personal Firewall that blocks all communication from computers located outside the client's local subnet range. NetBIOS traffic is blocked on UDP ports 88, 137, and 138 and TCP ports 135, 139, 445, and 1026. See also subnet.
NAME=network adapter
A device that connects a computer to a network.
NAME=network interface card (NIC)
A device that is installed in a computer that provides the ability to communicate with other connected devices on the network.
NT Kernel & System, a standard Windows service that initializes the kernel and drivers needed during a session.
NAME=OS Fingerprint Masquerading
A feature that keeps programs from detecting the operating system of a computer running the Sygate Personal Firewall software. When OS Fingerprint Masquerading is enabled, the Firewall modifies TCP/IP packets so it is not possible to determine its operating system.
NAME=outbound traffic
Traffic that was initiated from the local computer. See also inbound traffic.
A unit of data sent over a network. It is accompanied by a packet header that includes information, such as the message length, priority, checksum, and the source and destination address. When packets are sent over a network protected by Sygate Personal Firewall, each packet is evaluated for specific patterns that indicate known attacks. If a match occurs, the attack is blocked. See also Fragmented Packets.
See security policy.
A connection on a computer where devices that pass data to and from the computer are physically connected. Ports are numbered from 0 to 65535. Ports 0 to 1024 are reserved for use by certain privileged services. See also Authentication port, local port, remote port, source port.
NAME=port scan
A method that hackers use to determine which of your computer's ports are open to communication. It is done by sending messages to computer ports to locate points of vulnerability. Although it can be a precursor to an intrusion attempt, port scanning does not in itself provide access to a remote system. See also Portscan Checking.
NAME=Portscan Checking
An option on the Sygate Personal Firewall that monitors all incoming packets that are blocked by any security rule. If several different packets were blocked on different ports in a short period of time, a security log entry is generated. Portscan Checking does not block any packets. A security policy needs to be created to block traffic in the event that a port scan occurs.
The order in which rules take effect. Rules with a higher priority (0 being highest, 15 being lowest) take effect before rules with lower priority. Advanced Rules, by default, have a priority of 5.
NAME=protocol driver blocking
A security measure that blocks malicious applications from using their own protocol driver to exit the network surreptitiously.
NAME=registration code
An alphanumeric value that must be specified during the installation of the Sygate Personal Firewall Pro.
NAME=remote IP address
The IP address of the computer to which information is being transmitted.
NAME=remote port
A port on another computer attempting to transmit information over a network connection.
See Host Integrity remediation.
See Advanced Rule, firewall rule, Simple Rule.
NAME=Running Applications list
Located below the traffic flow graphs; a list of all applications and services that are currently accessing (or attempting to access) a Firewall's network connection. The status of the applications is also displayed.
An Advanced Rule that allows for triggering an event at certain times of the day.
NAME=security alerts
A sound or notification indicating that the Sygate Personal Firewall has detected an attack against the client computer.
A computer on a network that manages network resources for one or more clients.
A network port, a UDP port, an IP protocol type, or an ICMP type.
Services and Controller application, a standard controller that manages many Windows services.
A mechanism for Sygate Personal Firewall logging system that indicates how critical an event is. Severity ranges from 0 to 15, where 0 is the most critical and 15 is least critical.
A rule that defines how to identify an intrusion. Sygate's Intrusion Detection System identifies known attacks by pattern-matching against rules or æsignatures' stored in the System Library or a custom library. See also signature library, System Library.
NAME=signature library
A set of IDS signatures. Sygate provides a library of known signatures in the System Library, which can be kept up-to-date by downloading the latest version from the Sygate Technologies web site to your Sygate Personal Firewall Pro. See also System Library.
An advanced security setting for Sygate Personal Firewall that allows Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests only if the machine that sent the incoming packet is recognized within the enterprise's network address space. If the incoming network request is not recognized from being with the enterprise's network address space, the request is blocked.
Allows a DHCP client to receive an IP address from a DHCP server while protecting against DHCP attacks from the network. Sygate Personal Firewall software allows an incoming DHCP response for five seconds if that system is awaiting a response from a DHCP request. If no DHCP request was made by the Firewall system, Smart DHCP does not allow the packet. Note that Smart DHCP does not block any packets; blocking is done by the normal security rule set. See also Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
Allows a Domain Name Server (DNS) client to resolve a domain name from a DNS server while providing protection against DNS attacks from the network. This option blocks all Domain Name Server (DNS) traffic, except outgoing DNS requests and the corresponding reply. If the client computer sends out a DNS request and another computer responds within five seconds, the communication is allowed. All other DNS packets are dropped. Smart DNS does not block any packets; blocking is done by the normal security rule set.
Allows Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) requests only if they were solicited. If the traffic was not requested, the WINS reply is blocked.
The process of actively capturing datagram and packet information from a selected network. Sniffing acquires all network traffic regardless of where the packets are addressed.
NAME=source IP address
The IP address from which the traffic originated. See also IP address.
NAME=source port
The port number on which the traffic originated. See also port.
A technique used by an intruder to gain unauthorized network access to a computer system or network by forging known network credentials. IP spoofing is a common method for intruders to gain unauthorized network access to a computer systems or network.
NAME=Stealth Mode Browsing
An option that detects all HTTP traffic on port 80 from a web browser and removes information such as the browser name and version, the operating system, and the reference web page. It will stop web sites from knowing which operating system and browser you are using. Stealth Mode Browsing may cause some web sites not to function properly, because it removes the browser signature, called the HTTP_USER_AGENT, from the HTTP request header and replaces it with a generic signature.
Portions of a TCP/IP network used to increase the bandwidth on the network by subdividing the network into portions or segments. All IP addresses within a subnet use the same first three sets of numbers (such as 192.168.1 in and indicating they are on the same network. A subnet is See also subnet mask.
NAME=subnet mask
A value that allows a network to be subdivided and provides for more complex address assignments. The subnet mask format is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (such as
Generic Host Process for Win32 Services, a generic host process for services that are run from dynamic link libraries (DLLs). It checks the services portion of the registry to create a list of services it needs to load. Multiple instances of Svchost.exe may be running at the same time.
NAME=Sygate Endpoint Enforcement
The ability of the Sygate Security Agent to execute Host Integrity rules independent of the Sygate Enforcer. The Agent can take an action if the Host Integrity rules fail, block access to the enterprise network by switching to a quarantine location, and then initiate the appropriate restorative action.
NAME=Sygate Enforcer
A software component that allows only remote and wireless clients running the Sygate Security Agent and complying with Host Integrity rules to gain access to the enterprise network. Sygate Enforcers can secure various places on the network to protect entry through a VPN server, wireless LAN, and to safeguard servers. When a client attempts to access the enterprise network, the Enforcer requests the unique ID assigned to the Agent to verify that it is a legitimate client. The policy of the particular client is verified and Host Integrity rules are checked before allowing access to the network. If a client does not satisfy the Enforcer's qualifications and a rule fails, the Enforcer can monitor and log certain events, block certain users if the Host Integrity rules fail, display a popup message, or quarantine the computer in a restricted area until the software is updated.
NAME=Sygate Management Server
A centralized point of control over all Sygate Security Agents that enables network administrators to define and distribute security policies, collect logs, and maintain the integrity of the corporate network. Also referred to as the Management Server in Sygate documentation. See also Sygate Security Agent.
NAME=Sygate Personal Firewall
A host-based firewall whereby the users define their own security policies, including many of the capabilities of Sygate Security Agent, but without the enterprise management features. See also Sygate Security Agent.
NAME=Sygate Secure Enterprise
A software suite that includes the Sygate Management Server, one or more Sygate Security Agents, the Sygate Event Logger, and optionally, one or more Sygate Enforcers. It protects wireless, VPN and wireless connected laptops, workstations, and servers with firewall, intrusion detection, and policy enforcement. See also Sygate Security Agent, Sygate Enforcer, Sygate Event Logger, Sygate Management Server.
NAME=Sygate Security Agent
Software component that enforces rule-based security on devices, whether remote or behind a corporate firewall, using security policies defined on the Sygate Management Server. Also referred to as the Agent in Sygate documentation. The Agent must be installed on every device before it can connect to the enterprise network. The Agent can detect, identify, and block known Trojans and Denial of Service attacks, and also protects against new or unknown attacks by blocking applications and traffic that violates a defined set of security policies. Port scans are also detected and logged to alert users and system administrators of potential attacks, while maintaining system security.
Refers to automatically keeping directory servers up to date with the user database including synchronizing between LDAP, Active Directory, and NT Domain. System administrators can specify how often to synchronize the user database with the directory server. See also Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
NAME=System Library
A Sygate library containing preconfigured IDS signatures to help detect and prevent known attacks. See also custom library, signature library.
NAME=system tray
The lower right section of the taskbar on the Windows desktop, which is used to display a clock and icons representing certain programs such as volume control, network connection status, and antivirus software. The Sygate Personal Firewall icon can be displayed here.
NAME=Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Internet protocols that every Internet user and every Internet server uses to communicate and transfer data over networks. TCP packages the data into packets that get sent over the Internet and are reassembled at their destination. IP handles the addressing and routing of each data packet so it is sent to the correct destination.
An event that causes a rule to take effect. When creating rules, you can assign specific triggers, which cause Firewalls to react in a specific way, and actions, which specify what to do when the trigger takes place. For example, you can block all traffic originating from a certain IP address or block traffic during certain hours of the day. Triggers can be linked to specific applications, hosts, schedules, and services.
NAME=Trojan, Trojan horse
An application that carries out an unauthorized function covertly while running an authorized application. It is designed to do something other than what it claims to, and frequently is destructive in its actions. The Sygate Personal Firewall automatically detects and terminates known Trojan horse applications before the Trojan horse attempts to communicate.
NAME=trusted application
An application that is allowed to run on a Sygate Personal Firewall. See also application authentication, Application Learning.
See User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
Sending a message to one specific computer. See also broadcast, multicast.
NAME=User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
A communications protocol for the Internet network layer, transport layer, and session layer that uses the Internet Protocol (IP) when sending a datagram message from one computer to another. UDP does not guarantee reliable communication or provide validated sequencing of the packets.
NAME=virtual private network (VPN)
A secure network connection that interconnects different corporate network sites, allows remote users to connect to the enterprise network, and allows controlled access to different corporate networks. Although a VPN provides a secure tunnel for network traffic, it leaves the connection points open to attack.
A program that is designed to spread from computer to computer on its own, potentially damaging the system software by corrupting or erasing data, using available memory, or by annoying the user by altering data. A virus is designed to replicate. Generally, it is spread by infecting other files.
NAME=vulnerability scan
An attempt to use security attacks to detect security weaknesses in a computer. The Sygate Personal Firewall includes a Test button that assesses an Firewall's vulnerability to attack. It requires a public IP address. See also port scan.
NAME=wireless access point (wireless AP)
A network connection that allows a computer or user to connect to an enterprise network without the use of a hardwired connection to the network. See also access point, end point.
A type of computer virus that can replicate itself over a computer network and perform destructive tasks such as using up computer memory resources. Worms do not infect other files as viruses typically do, but instead worms make copies of themselves over and over depleting system resources (hard drive space) or depleting bandwidth (by spreading over shared network resources). See also virus.