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- <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onmousedown" ONEVENT="fnDown()" />
- function fnDown()
- {
- var o = window.document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
- // sometimes IE returns BODY object if element is disabled
- if (o.disabled == false && o.tagName != "BODY")
- {
- if (event.srcElement != element)
- {
- element.fireEvent("onmousedown");
- return;
- }
- event.srcElement.ondragstart = fnCancel;
- // Get ItemID
- jsDD_MovingItem = jsDD_ActiveItem = element.ItemID;
- // Create line
- if (window.document.dragLine2 == null)
- {
- window.document.dragLine2 = window.document.createElement("HR");
- window.document.dragLine2.style.position = "absolute";
- window.document.dragLine2.style.color = "#333333";
- window.document.dragLine2.style.height = 1;
- window.document.dragLine2.style.display = "none";
- window.document.body.insertAdjacentElement("afterBegin", window.document.dragLine2);
- }
- // Create window
- if (window.document.dragWindow == null)
- {
- window.document.dragWindow = window.document.createElement("SPAN");
- window.document.dragWindow.className = "DragWindow";
- window.document.body.insertAdjacentElement("afterBegin", window.document.dragWindow);
- }
- window.document.dragWindow.style.height = element.offsetHeight;
- window.document.dragWindow.style.width = element.offsetWidth + 10;
- window.document.dragWindow.move = false;
- element.cY = event.clientY;
- element.cX = event.clientX;
- element.oY = event.offsetY;
- if (element.tagName == "TR") element.oY -= element.cells(0).offsetTop;
- element.oX = event.offsetX + 5;
- // Attach events
- if (element.ItemID > 0)
- {
- window.document.attachEvent("onmousemove", fnMove);
- window.document.attachEvent("onscroll", fnMove);
- }
- window.document.attachEvent("onmouseup", fnUp);
- window.document.attachEvent("onselectstart", fnCancel);
- }
- }
- function fnMove()
- {
- if (!window.document.dragWindow.move && Math.abs(element.cY - event.clientY) < 10 && Math.abs(element.cX - event.clientX) < 10) return;
- window.document.dragWindow.move = true;
- // Move window
- window.document.dragWindow.style.top = event.clientY - element.oY + window.document.body.scrollTop;
- window.document.dragWindow.style.left = event.clientX - element.oX + window.document.body.scrollLeft;
- // Scroll page if needed
- if (event.clientY > window.document.body.clientHeight - 40 && window.document.body.scrollTop + event.clientY < window.document.body.scrollHeight - 60)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, 20);
- }
- else if (event.clientY < 40)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, -20);
- }
- // Get table or cell with ItemID attribute
- window.document.dragWindow.style.display = "none";
- var o = window.document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
- window.document.dragWindow.style.display = "block";
- try
- {
- while (o.ItemID == null) o = o.parentElement;
- jsDD_ActiveItem = o.ItemID;
- if (jsDD_MovingItem != jsDD_ActiveItem)
- {
- var margin = 0;
- window.document.dragLine2.style.width = o.offsetWidth;
- if (element.tagName == "TR")
- {
- margin = -1;
- o = o.cells(0);
- }
- window.document.dragLine2.style.top = jsMarginTop() + jsOffsetTop(o) + margin;
- window.document.dragLine2.style.left = jsMarginLeft() + jsOffsetLeft(o);
- window.document.dragLine2.style.display = "";
- }
- else window.document.dragLine2.style.display = "none";
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- if (element.tagName == "TR") // Set reference to the last item in the table
- {
- o = element.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (event.clientY > jsMarginTop() + jsOffsetTop(o, true))
- {
- jsDD_ActiveItem = o.rows(o.rows.length - 1).ItemID + 1;
- window.document.dragLine2.style.width = o.offsetWidth;
- window.document.dragLine2.style.top = jsMarginTop() + jsOffsetTop(o, true);
- window.document.dragLine2.style.left = jsMarginLeft() + jsOffsetLeft(o);
- window.document.dragLine2.style.display = "";
- }
- else jsDD_ActiveItem = 0;
- }
- else jsDD_ActiveItem = 0; // Item is a table, unknown element...
- }
- }
- function fnUp()
- {
- // Hide line and window
- window.document.dragLine2.style.display = window.document.dragWindow.style.display = "none";
- // Detach events
- if (element.ItemID > 0)
- {
- window.document.detachEvent("onmousemove" , fnMove);
- window.document.detachEvent("onscroll" , fnMove);
- }
- window.document.detachEvent("onmouseup" , fnUp);
- window.document.detachEvent("onselectstart", fnCancel);
- // Execute
- if (jsDD_MovingItem == jsDD_ActiveItem)
- {
- if (!window.document.dragWindow.move) jsDD_Click(element); // OnClick
- }
- else if (jsDD_ActiveItem != 0)
- {
- jsExecuteDrag(element.Command);
- }
- }
- function fnCancel()
- {
- return false;
- }