* Supported Browsers: Mozilla (Gecko), IE 5.0+, Konqueror, Opera 7
* Usage:
* All this is required is to put the function call in the event tag for an
* html element. The status option (for changing the status bar text) is only
* available through all events, but when used with 'onmouseover' you have to
* return true so that the browser does not display the link text in the status
* bar. To do this, wrap the domTT_activate call in the function makeTrue(),
* which will just return true, and then prefix it with a 'return'
* Example: <a href="index.html" onmouseover="return makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event, 'caption', 'Help', 'content', 'This is a link with a tooltip', 'statusText', 'Link', 'trial', true));">click me</a>
* Options:
* Each option is followed by the value for that option. The variable event
* must be the first parameter, as shown above. The options avaiable are:
* predefined (optional, must be first item if used, loads default values)
* caption (optional)
* content (required)
* closeLink (optional, defaults to domTT_closeLink global setting variable)
* statusText (optional, if used with mouseover must wrap call in 'return domTT_true()')
* type (optional, defaults to 'greasy' but can be 'sticky' or 'velcro')
* classPrefix (optional, defaults to 'domTT', for changing style class)
* delay (optional, defaults to global delay value domTT_activateDelay)
* parent (optional, defaults to document.body)
* closeAction (optional, defaults to global domTT_closeAction, either 'hide' or 'remove')
* trail (optional, follow the mouse cursor while tooltip is active)
// }}}
// {{{ Settings (editable)
* Settings (editable)
var domTT_offsetX = 0;
var domTT_offsetY = 10; // Default: 2
var domTT_direction = 'southeast';
var domTT_mouseHeight = 20;
var domTT_closeLink = 'X';
var domTT_screenEdgePadding = 5;
var domTT_activateDelay = 500;
var domTT_maxWidth = 300;
var domTT_useGlobalMousePosition = true;
var domTT_classPrefix = 'domTT';
var domTT_fade = 'neither';
var domTT_lifetime = 0;
var domTT_grid = 0;
var domTT_closeAction = 'hide';
var domTT_dragStickyTips;
if (typeof(domTT_dragStickyTips) == 'undefined')
var domTT_dragStickyTips = false;
// }}}
// {{{ Global constants
* Global constants (DO NOT EDIT)
var domTT_predefined = new Hash();
var domTT_tooltips = new Hash();
// }}}
// {{{ document.onmousemove
if (domLib_useLibrary && domTT_useGlobalMousePosition)