ComponentsBaseDescription=This component installs GTK+ 2 runtime environment and all required libraries.
ComponentsTranslationsDescription=Install various translations for GTK+ 2.
ComponentsWimpDescription=Native Windows look for GTK+ 2 applications.
WimpWin9x=GTK-Wimp requires that only TrueType fonts are used for Windows display. If you get warnings from GTK applications about font fallbacks, please ensure that only TrueType fonts are selected in the Appearance tab of Display properties applet in Windows Control Panel.
ProblemSubcaption1=There may be problems with your current configuration
ProblemSubcaption2=The Setup encountered an error and cannot continue
ProblemNewer=Newer version of GTK+ 2 runtimes is already installed.
ProblemPentium=This version of GTK+ 2 was compiled for a Pentium or better CPU and will not run on your current computer.
ProblemWin9xME=GTK 2 is no longer actively supported on Windows 9x/ME by the developers. It may run without problems, but don't expect fixes for bugs that only occur on these platforms.
ProblemPrevAdmin=It was detected that the Administrator previously installed GTK+ 2 on this computer. Since you don't have administrator rights you cannot upgrade GTK+.
ProblemAdmin=It is highly recommended that the GTK+ runtime environment is installed by an Administrator. If you encounter any problems, please uninstall GTK and install it again as Administrator.
ProblemGTKCantUninstall=Previous installation of GTK+ 2 runtime environmet was detected, however the Setup could not find the uninstaller required to uninstall it automatically. Please uninstall it manually before running the Setup again.
ProblemCantContinue=The setup cannot continue.
UninstallingOldGTK=Uninstalling previous version of GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment...
UninstallGTKManually=Older GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment installation was detected. It has to be removed before the Setup can continue with installation. The Setup will now run uninstaller for that runtime environment. Please follow it's uninstallation steps.%n%nThe Setup will continue when the previous installation is removed.
ErrorUninstallingOldGTK=There was a problem uninstalling previous version of GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment. Please uninstall it manually, and run Setup again.%n%nSetup will now exit.
DLLPageCaption=Possible DLL conflicts encountered
DLLPageSubcaption=Please read the following important information before continuing.
;in DLLPageMessage:
;{p} new paragraph (%n is treated as space here)
;{dlllist} is the list of DLL files
;{b} bold start
;{/b} bold end
;{i} bold start
;{/i} bold end
DLLPageMessage=Setup has found some DLL files, which may conflict with programs that rely on GTK+ 2. To prevent such conflicts, Setup can automatically rename these files.{p}{b}Note:{/b} Renaming these files may cause other programs to stop working. If you encounter such program, please read the FAQ at <> for possible solutions.{p}{p}Following is the list of files, which would be renamed:{p}{dlllist}If you choose to rename these files, their extension will be changed to {i}{/i}.
DLLPageOptionRename=&Rename files
DLLPageOptionSkip=Do ¬ rename files
RenamingFiles=Renaming files...
CouldNotRenameDLL=The file {dll} could not be renamed. If you get any GIMP problems related to this file, try renaming the file manually.