Display a float bar when your mouse is over a Flash,Window Media Player, RealPlayer control, Picture.
It can work well with Maxthon ver 1.1 or older.But I recommend that you use ver 1.1 or newer to get multilanguange support and stability.
*copy object url to the clipboard
*open the object in the new tab
*save the object to the file
*add the object to the AdHunter
*zoom pictures using button or mousewheel
*customize the floatbar(RightClick) or force it display(Ctrl+Alt)
ver 1.7
*support "Input type = "image""
*fix some translations bug
ver 1.7 beta 2
*fix the bug that the floatbar will display uncorrectly after you zoom the picture
*keep aspect ratio when using fit image size to the screen
*multi-language support(only be used in the next version of maxthon)
*Add New Button that new user can get tips directly
*The Save button will remember your last 5 directory
*other some small improvement I have forgotten
ver 1.7 beta 1
*Save Selected text to the file(Select then force floatbar appear then click "Save As"
*Add New Button that allow you to fit image size to the screen
*can save object even if the server cannot allow cache
*fix the bug when you check the "Display outside" option, the floatbar cannot be caught
ver 1.61
*restore copy button, you can select it through customize the floatbar(RightClick)
*fix potential bug that cause maxthon crash
ver 1.6
*the copy button has been replaced with block by default
*the url will be added to content filter by default
*if you add the url to AdHunter, it has been removed from pages at once
*some bug fixed
ver 1.56(Fix Release)
*fix the bug that sometimes the floatbar cannot hide itself
ver 1.55(Fix Release)
*fix trigger system bug that MinPictureWidth/Height is invalid
*fix the exception that maxthon exist although it has been caught.
ver 1.54(Fix release)
*fix trigger system bug that if you set hotarea,the floatbar cannot appear
*some interface improvement
ver 1.53(Fix release)
*remove "[X]" after the filename to save
*some trigger system improvement
*some exception handle
ver 1.52
*trigger delay has been reimplemented in other way, now it behaves like IE image toolbar
*the file extension filter has been removed(BC and I think this is not neccessary)
*some GDI leaks fixed
*Add some tips and copyright in configuration window
ver 1.51(Fix release)
*fix the bug that floatbar cannot display after customation
*if you don't click the button,floatbar will not grab the focus
*force to display floatbar if you press Ctrl+Alt and mousemove on the supported object,not Ctrl+Shift because some reason
*the floatbar will appear in the correct location even if the object is so larger that you need scrollbar to view
ver 1.5
*fix the bug that detect graphic file type
*if Combine Key is pressed, the floatbar will not appear
*the popup window can be resized
*Add button that you can save object to the file
*you can determined whether the bar is displayed out of object
*minimal picture height/width have no effect on mousewheel zoom because you can specify a combine key
*force to display floatbar if you press Ctrl+Shift and mousemove on the supported object
*press combine key and middle button of the mouse will restore zoom to 100%
ver 1.4
*fix zoom bug
*fix the conflict with MaxthonHelper so that Maxthon cannot exit properly
*Add toolbar customization
*Add toolbar tooltip support
*Add button that you can open object in new tab
*Add option that specify the file types effected and Combine Key with mousewheel
*Add button that you can restore zoom to 100%
ver 1.3
*you can create link page to download object
*add ZOOM 100% to ZoomIn button
*you can get frame/iframe url and add them to AdHunter
*you can set trigger delay
*you can use Mouse wheel to zoom pictures.
ver 1.2
*Add two button ZoomIn/ZoomOut: you can zoom object or picture
*Add configuration dialog so that you can set some parameters
*Change plugin type to M2Plugin_Other(Special Thanks to ╕▀╔Σ╗·╟╣)
ver 1.1
*fix the bug that cannot display floatbar if you don't switch to another tab and back(should work)
*add Windows Media Player 9 support
ver 1.0
*This plugin is based on FRFloatBar(BHO).
*add frame window support
*add Window Media Player,RealPlayer control support
*the download feature has been removed(I think it's not neccsarry and cause some bugs easily,you can use your favourite download tools when you get URL).
*Currently it is a Maxthon Sidebar Plugin(it's implemented in this form but it's not a sidebar like others at all.).So it is only used in Maxthon, not for IE.
If you have any questions and suggestion, please contact me.
Programming by FERREO-ROCH(FRSoft) using Visual C++ 6(ATL/WTL)