PC World 2004 October
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OLE Automation in AK-Mail
1. Overview
With the new release of AK-Mail, AK-Mail can be controlled by OLE
automation. That means that a subset of the AK-Mail functionality
is available to external software. This feature is only available
in the registered version.
Please make sure that you are familiar with the OLE automation
technology. This reference cannot and will not explain any
OLE automation terms.
The functions AK-Mail offers are divided into 3 groups as follows:
1.) Functions to create a new outgoing mail
Functions in this group allow you to place a new outgoing mail
in the outbox of any account. This is especially useful for sending
customized mail that goes to many people. Applications include
sending of on demand data or registration keys for software.
The functions can also be used to send highly customized mass mails.
2.) Functions to examine folders
Functions to move/copy/delete messages
Gives your own programs reading access to any folder. You can get a
list of messages in a folder and you can retrieve header and body
information of messages. There is no access to attachments.
There is no access to outgoing messages.
The functions are useful if you wish to automatically respond
to incoming mail in a way too specific for AK-Mail filters.
Because logic is in your external program there is nearly no
limit on how to use the information that the incoming messages
3.) Functions to examine entries in address books
Functions to create/delete entries
Gives you access to entries in address books.
Lets you create new address book entries in any address book.
2. Basic Operation
The object name of AK-Mail is 'akmail.application' (without ').
If an object of this type already exists, you have to use that
object. Please check in your application. Creation of another
object will fail.
The type library is stored in the akmail.exe file.
Whenever a method returns a value it is an error code.
A value of zero means success, any other value means that
the method failed. For a list of error codes see Appendix A.
Please note: The interface described in this file is subject to
change without notice.
OLE automation with AK-Mail is easy to use. Have fun!
3. Reference
This reference part documents all methods and properties available
in AK-Mail. Syntax used is pseudo C++ / pseudo VB style.
1. Group: Functions to create a new outgoing mail
long StoreNewMail(BSTR account)
account = String that contains an account name. The new mail
will be stored in the outbox of that account.
What it does:
StoreNewMail creates a new mail in the outbox of the
given account. The following properties are used to
generate the mail:
ToField, CcField, BccField, Subject, Body
Load the properties shown above with the values you
wish to use for the new mail. Then call StoreNewMail.
long StoreNewMailOptions(BSTR account,long options)
account = String that contains an account name. The new mail
will be stored in the outbox of that account.
options = Bitfield value, specifies additional options
Bit 0 ..... Set stop mark
Bit 1 ..... Encrypt using PGP
Bit 2 ..... Sign using PGP
Bit 3 ..... Return receipt
Bit 4-31 ..... currently not used
What it does:
StoreNewMailOptions is the same as StoreNewMail with
the additional options parameter.
long StoreNewMailAtt(BSTR account,BSTR attachment)
long StoreNewMailAttOptions(BSTR account,BSTR attachment,long options)
account = String that contains an account name. The new mail
will be stored in the outbox of that account.
attachment = One or more attachments to attach to the new mail.
Specify the full filename (for example
"c:\dir1\dir2\file.ext"). Separate multiple attachments
through semicolons (for example "c:\file1;c:\file2").
options = Bitfield value, specifies additional options.
See above for details.
What it does:
StoreNewMailAtt and StoreNewMailAttOptions are extensions of
StoreNewMail and StoreNewMailOptions. They allow you to attach files to
the new mail.
BSTR ToField
Stores the string that is to be placed in the To: field
of a new outgoing mail. Separate multiple recipients by
a comma or a new line character. Alias names are allowed.
In general everything that is allowed in the composer
window of AK-Mail is allowed here too.
BSTR CcField
Same as ToField but for Cc: field.
BSTR BccField
Same as ToField but for Bcc: field.
BSTR Subject
Stores the subject that is to be placed in the Subject:
field of a new outgoing mail. This property is used by
group 2 functions also.
Stores the body that is to be used for the creation of
the new mail. To use multiple lines of text you can
use the new line character. The following two character
sequences are recognized as new line indicator:
a) 0x0A
b) 0x0D 0x0A
This property is used by group 2 functions also.
akmobj.Subject="Just a test"
akmobj.Body="This is the body of the mail"
akmobj.StoreNewMail "MyAccount"
2. Group: Functions to examine folders
long ScanFolder(BSTR folderpath)
folderpath = String that contains a full path to a folder.
A full path starts with an account name
or '/' for the special folder. Examples are:
See the example for details.
What it does:
ScanFolder locates the folder using the folderpath
parameter. If found, it scans the whole folder.
Scanning means that it creates an internal list of
messages that are in the folder. Only incoming messages
are scanned and processed.
The purpose of the function is to make an index available
to other functions. For example if there are 400 incoming
and 600 outgoing message in the folder, ScanFolder
creates an internal list (index) that contains 400 elements.
Other functions can access the list using an index integer
in the range of 0 to 399 (0<=index<=399).
long GetMail(long index)
index = Zero-based index for the internal list created by
What it does:
GetMail takes the given index and loads the message that
is indexed through the index value into the properties
described below.
long DeleteMail(long index)
index = Zero-based index of mail to be deleted
What it does:
The mail with the given index is deleted. This
operation does NOT modify the index. Attempt
to delete a message twice will fail.
Attempt to access a deleted message will fail.
long DeleteMailUseTrash(long index)
long DeleteMailDoNotUseTrash(long index)
index = Zero-based index of mail to be deleted
What it does:
Same as DeleteMail but overrides the behavior
set in the account settings.
DeleteMailUseTrash behaves as if the option in the
account settings was not checked.
DeleteMailDoNotUseTrash deletes mail immedialety without
moving to the trash.
long MoveMail(long index,BSTR topath)
long CopyMail(long index,BSTR topath)
index = Zero-based index of the mail to be moved/copied
topath = Full path to destination folder. See folderpath
parameter of ScanFolder.
What it does:
The mail with the given index is moved/copied to the
destination folder. This operation does not modify
in index.
BSTR FromEmail
After GetMail this property contains the email address of
the sender (for example 'gs@mynet.com').
The property is read-only. Writing to it will not cause an
exception but has no effect.
BSTR FromRealName
After GetMail this property contains the real name of the
sender (for example 'Gary Sanders'). Read-only.
BSTR Subject
After GetMail this property contains the subject of the mail.
This property is also used by group 1 functions.
After GetMail this property contains the body of the mail.
Multiple lines are separated by 0x0D 0x0A.
NOTE: This property is delayed. That means that GetMail
does not load the value immediately. The first reading
access to Body loads the value. So the speed of execution
is greatly increased because the body and header of a
mail is loaded on demand. If you do not need the body or
header information it is not loaded.
This property is also used by group 1 functions.
BSTR Header
After GetMail this property contains the header of the mail.
Multiple lines are separated by 0x0D 0x0A.
Like Body the property is delayed.
This property is also used by group 1 functions.
long MailCount
After ScanFolder this property contains the number of
elements in the index. That is the number of
incoming messages in the folder.
akmobj.ScanFolder "MyAccount/Inbox/FromMyCustomerA"
' You can access the special folder if the first character is
' a '/'
' akmobj.ScanFolder "/SpecialFolderXYZ"
for i=0 to akmobj.MailCount-1
print akmobj.FromEmail
print akmobj.FromRealName
print akmobj.Subject
print akmobj.Body
print akmobj.Header
next i
3. Group: Functions to examine address books
Functions to create/delete entries
long ScanBook(BSTR bookname)
bookname = String containing a name of a book
What is does:
ScanBook is the same as ScanFolder but for books.
The index used for books is completely independend
of the message index.
long GetEntry(long index)
index = Zero-based index of the entry in the book index
What it does:
GetEntry loads the entry identified by the index into
the properties described below.
long DeleteEntry(long index)
index = Zero-based index of entry to delete
What it does:
Deletes the entry identified by the index. This
operation does not modify the index.
long StoreNewEntry(BSTR bookname)
bookname = String containing a name of a book
What it does:
The function takes the values of the EntryName, EntryEmail,
EntryAlias, EntryComment properties described below
and creates a new entry of them. The new entry is
stored in the given book.
BSTR EntryName
Name of the person stored in the entry
BSTR EntryEmail
Email address of the person stored in the entry
BSTR EntryAlias
Alias of the person stored in the entry
BSTR EntryComment
Comment of the person stored in the entry
long EntryCount
Number of entries in the book index. Read-only.
' This shows how to list all entries in a book
akmobj.ScanBook "MyBook"
for i=0 to akmobj.EntryCount-1
print akmobj.EntryName
print akmobj.EntryEmail
print akmobj.EntryAlias
print akmobj.EntryComment
next i
' This shows how to create a new entry
akmobj.EntryName="Andreas Kinzler"
akmobj.EntryComment="Author of AK-Mail"
akmobj.StoreNewEntry "MyBook"
4. Appendix A - Error Codes
0 = Success
1 = AK-Mail is not registered, OLE Automation not available
2 = General Error
3 = Problem to resolve account name, no account with the given
name exists
4 = Cannot store new mail because the ToField property string is
5 = Cannot store new mail because at least one email address is invalid
6 = Problem to resolve folder path, no such path or folder exists
7 = Problem to resolve book name, no book with the given name
8 = Invalid index value
9 = Invalid entry alias
10 = Invalid entry email address
11 = Invalid entry name