ComponentsBaseDescription=This is the main Gimp binary, required libraries and default plugins.%nThis component is required.
ComponentsTranslationsDescription=Install various translations for The Gimp.
;these aren't in the setup yet
ComponentsFreeType=Gimp FreeType plug-in
ComponentsFreeTypeDescription=A plug-in for The GIMP that renders text using the excellent FreeType library.%nFeatures:%n- Kerning%n- Hinting%n- Letter Spacing%n- Rotation, Scaling, Shearing%n- Creation of Bezier Paths
ComponentsHelpDescription=Help files for The Gimp.
;not sure if I actually will distribute GAP in the main setup
ComponentsGAP=Gimp Animation Package
ComponentsGAPDescription=The GIMP-GAP (GIMP Animation Package) is a collection of Plug-Ins to extend the GIMP with capabilities to edit and create Animations as sequences of single frames.
AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:
AdditionalIconsDesktop=Create a &desktop icon
AdditionalIconsQuickLaunch=Create a &Quick Launch icon
SelectAssociationsSubcaption=Which file types should be associated with the GIMP?
SelectAssociationsInfo1=Select the file types you wish to associate with Gimp
SelectAssociationsInfo2=This will make selected files open in The Gimp when you double-click them in Explorer.
SelectAssociationsAdminRights=You must run this setup as administrator to be able to select file associations.
SupportedFilesInfoCaption=Notes on supported file formats
SupportedFilesInfoSubcaption=Please read the following important information before continuing.
SupportedFilesInfoPS=The Gimp requires GhostScript to be able to read PostScript files. You can download it from <>
;in Warnings:
;{gimpver} - Gimp version currently being installed
;{gtkver} - minimum required GTK+ version
WarningsSubcaption=There may be problems with your current configuration
WarningsIncompleteGTK=Incomplete or too old install of GTK+ 2.0 runtimes was detected. Please install at GTK+ {gtkver} or newer from <>.
WarningsPentium=This version of The Gimp was compiled for a Pentium or better CPU and will not run on your current computer.
WarningsWin9xME=On Windows 9x/ME, The GIMP 2 is no longer actively supported by the developers. It may run without problems, but do not expect fixes for bugs that only occur on these platforms.
WarningsOldGTK=GTK+ 2.0 older than GTK+ {gtkver} was found on your computer. The Gimp {gimpver} requires at least GTK+ 2 runtime enviroment version {gtkver} to work.
WarningsGTKAdmin=GTK+ 2.0 was installed by an user with administrative privileges. Because of that, only an user with administrative privileges can install The Gimp.
WarningsNoGTK=GTK+ 2.0 runtime environment was not found on your computer. Since The Gimp depends on it, you must install it before The Gimp can be installed. You can download GTK+ 2.0 runtime environment from <>.
WarningsColorMode=At least 16-bit color mode (High-color) is recommended to run The Gimp.
WarningsResolution=1024x768 or greater resolution is recommended to run The Gimp.
WarningsAdmin=It is highly recommended to run this installation with administrative privileges, otherwise the installer is not be able to set the required registry entries for library paths and file associations. If The Gimp doesn't work after the installation is complete, please uninstall it, and run the Setup again with administrative privileges.
WarningsCantContinue=The setup cannot continue.
DLLPageCaption=Possible DLL conflicts encountered
DLLPageSubcaption=Please read the following important information before continuing.
;in DLLPageMessage:
;{p} is new paragraph
;{dlllist} is the list of DLL files
;{b} bold start
;{/b} bold end
;{i} bold start
;{/i} bold end
DLLPageMessage=Setup has found some DLL files, which may conflict with the GIMP. To prevent such conflicts, Setup can automatically rename these files.{p}{b}Note:{/b} Renaming these files may cause other programs to stop working. If you find such program, please read the FAQ <> for possible solutions.{p}{p}Following is the list of files, which would be renamed:{p}{dlllist}If you choose to rename these files, their extension will be changed to {i}{/i}.
DLLPageMessage4=Removing or renaming these files may cause other programs to stop working. If you find such program, please read the FAQ <> for possible solutions.
DLLPageOptionRename=&Rename files
DLLPageOptionSkip=Do ¬ rename files
RenamingFiles=Renaming files...
CouldNotRenameDLL=The file {dll} could not be renamed. If you get any GIMP problems related to this file, try renaming the file manually.
;displayed on the summary page, just before the Setup starts
ReadyMemoAssociations=File types to associate with The Gimp:
;used for file associations (file type column in Explorer)