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/ PC World 2004 September / PCWorld_2004-09_cd.bin / software / temacd / cam2pc / cam2pc-free.exe / English / cam2pc.chm / images / rename.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2004-05-14  |  53KB  |  778x374  |  16-bit (11,840 colors)
Labels: crt screen | dialog box | monitor | sky | window
OCR: Rename Files Rename Files Instantly rename a batch Of pictures exactly how VOU Renaming Options Change Custom Files: Mask {naeu} %{ext} Filename %F original name without extension al Numbering %{NAME} origina aweu without extension (uppercase) Start Date and Time {aweu}% original naee without extension (lowercase Sample dscf0001 .jpg Image Intc %F orignal aweu with extension Preview changes... Prompts %e original I filename extension %{EXT} original extension (uppercase %{ext} original extension (lowercase Cancel Ajdex want Info Bweu