;# 139:Set the first picture (use Only if you have already import it!!)
;# 140:Import
;# 141:Import Pictures
;# 142:Picture Manager
;# 143:Field:
;# 144:Back
;# 145:Forward
;# 146:Print
;# 147:Open in Explorer
;# 148:Refresh Moviecard's List
;# 149:Add a new Movie
;# 150:Save Changes
;# 151:Edit Selected Movie
;# 152:Delete Selected Movie
;# 153:Open a Database
;# 154:Reload Current Database
;# 155:Loan Movie
;# 156:Multiple Changes Manager
;# 157:Import Information from Internet with MagicScript
;# 158:Friends Manager
;# 159:Statistics Window
;# 160:About eXtreme Movie Manager
;# 161:Exit eXtreme Movie Manager
;# 162:Add a new Actor
;# 163:Delete Selected Actor
;# 164:Reload Actor Tree
;# 165:Double Click To Enlarge
;# 166:Select the name and switch to actors
;# 167:Set Custom Tree View
;# 168:More Sorting options
;# 169:This Search Will Be applied to the field you specify; you can select which operator use (AND or OR)
;# 170:This Movie has a file that can be played
;# 171:Total Covers for this Movie
;# 172:Setting The Custom Tree View
;# 173:Select the field you want in the tree
;# 174:4 levels allowed; the Title field can't be the first.
;# 175:Add Selected Field
;# 176:Remove Selected Field
;# 177:Please Write Actor's Name First
;# 178:The PHOTOS Subdirectory doesn't exist. Bad eXtreme Movie Manager Installation!
;# 179:The Engine is working on Movies; can't download information from Actors concurrently
;# 180:Movie info has changed do want you save it?
;# 181:Warning
;# 182:This Feature is not ready yet
;# 183:The Engine is working on Actors; can't download information for Movies concurrently
;# 184:No movie files Selected
;# 185:NO Players on database; you must first add one
;# 186:The EXE File of the Player doesn't exist :
;# 187:Can't continue
;# 188:There is no DEFAULT Player; you must first set it.
;# 189:The Name and the ID of an Actor cannot be blank
;# 190:You Can't have two Actors with the same ActorID!
;# 191:Is Returned?
;# 192:Confirm Return
;# 193:Delete This Movie:
;# 194:Delete?
;# 195:Delete This Actor:
;# 196:Actor Info has changed; do want you save it?
;# 197:New
;# 198:Load
;# 199:Default
;# 200:Delete
;# 201:Import
;# 202:Convert
;# 203:Rebuild
;# 204:Icon
;# 205:Help
;# 206:Exit
;# 207:Databases Found:
;# 208:Default Database:
;# 209:Database
;# 210:Total Movies:
;# 211:File Size:
;# 212:Owner:
;# 213:E-mail:
;# 214:ICQ:
;# 215:Web Site:
;# 216:Update Info
;# 217:Close DB
;# 218:Update Information in the database
;# 219:Close this database
;# 220:Load Selected database
;# 221:Copy Selected movies
;# 222:This is probably the FIRST time you have launched eXtreme Movie Manager: your DEFAULT database is wrong or doesn't exist - please select an existing one or create a new one
;# 223:I am sorry but your DEFAULT database is of a release not compatible (probably 0.9 or successive); you must convert it first. Select it on the database manager and press the 'CONVERT' button.
;# 224:I am sorry but your DEFAULT database is not a valid movie databases or is a database of some other software that is not eXtreme Movie Manager! It cannot be used or will require conversion.
;# 225:I am sorry but your DEFAULT database is a release not compatible (<= 0.8) so you must convert it. Select it on the database manager and press the 'CONVERT' button.
;# 226:You must select a valid database first!
;# 227:You haven't chosen your DEFAULT Database.
;# 228:Select it from the 'Compatible databases' or create a new one then press the 'DEFAULT' Button
;# 229:eXtreme Movie Manager will shut down now; you must launch it again.
;# 230:Default Database Set.
;# 231:Load this database in eXtreme Movie Manager NOW?
;# 232:Load it now?
;# 233:Remember: You can import OLD Databases from release 0.7 - 0.8 and 0.9. For the oldest 0.1 through 0.6 you must e-Mail me for help!
;# 234:This Database is not a release 0.7 - 0.8 or 0.9. For the oldest 0.1 through 0.6 you must e-mail me for help!
;# 235:Delete This Database:
;# 236:Delete?
;# 237:You can't delete this database because it is in use by eXtreme Movie Manager now.
;# 238:Conversion Complete! Now you can use the new database with your old Data
;# 239:Databases Found on the Directory
;# 240:Compatible Databases
;# 241:OLD Databases
;# 242:Not Recognized DB
;# 243:Create a new empty Database
;# 244:Load it on eXtreme Movie Manager
;# 245:Set selected database as DEFAULT
;# 246:Delete Selected Database
;# 247:Import Information from CSV File (Excel)
;# 248:Convert an OLD eXtreme Movie Manager's database
;# 249:Clean and Rebuild Selected Database
;# 250:Icon Legend
;# 251:Help about Database Manager
;# 252:First time launching eXtreme Movie Manager : Instructions
;# 253:You must choose your DEFAULT database - You can:
;# 254:1) Click on the EXAMPLE Database (Compatible databases) and then press the Default Button
;# 255:2) OR: Create a new EMPTY database (if you are a new user and you don't have an OLD eXtreme Movie Manager's Database) In that case you must press the 'NEW' Button
;# 256:3) OR : Convert an OLD Database (you can do this only for old releases 0.7 - 0.8 and 0.9; for older DBs like 0.1 - 0.6 you must write to me). In this case just browse and find your OLD DB - select it and press the 'CONVERT' button - eXtreme Movie Manager will convert it and put in the right directory for you
;# 257:Database Manager
;# 258:Copy the original title in the TITLE
;# 259:New
;# 260:Save/Exit
;# 261:Read Files
;# 262:Covers
;# 263:Quick
;# 264:Chain
;# 265:Save Changes && Exit
;# 266:Read Information from AVI-MPEG-OGG-RM-IFO Files
;# 267:Import Covers Manually
;# 268:Import Information From Internet With Scripts
;# 269:Quick Import with DEFAULT Script
;# 270:Quick Import With Default Chain
;# 271:Mass Title Add
;# 272:Mass Files Add
;# 273:Mass CD Add
;# 274:Add Multiple Movies at once ----->
;# 275:Add All Movies && Exit
;# 276:Add Multiple Movie Files at once ----->
;# 277:Scans For Movie Files
;# 278:Files Found:
;# 279:Begin Scan
;# 280:Ready for Scan...
;# 281:Save Movies
;# 282:Add One Movie for every selected file
;# 283:Add all selected files to only ONE MOVIE
;# 284:Add Multiple CD-Movies at once ----->
;# 285:Added Movies
;# 286:START! (please read Help the first time)
;# 287:The MovieID Must Be Unique. Please insert a valid value.
;# 288:The Title and the ID of a movie can't be blank
;# 289:You Can't have two movies with the same MovieID!
;# 290:The COVERS Subdirectory doesn't exist! Bad eXtreme Movie Manager Installation!
;# 291:Mass Add Completed
;# 292:Please Write MOVIE TITLE first.
;# 293:Add/Edit Movie Information...
;# 294:Normal Mode
;# 295:Chain Mode
;# 296:Import Configuration
;# 297:Engine Configuration
;# 298:Import Result
;# 299:Professional Import Information from Web with MagicScript Technology
;# 300:MagicScript Import Engine
;# 301:Select movies to import
;# 302:Import movies with Selected Script
;# 303:Import movies with Default Script
;# 304:Normal Import Configuration
;# 305:Default Script:
;# 306:Import Information from internet with only ONE Script for selected movies
;# 307:Open Script's Editor
;# 308:Open the web page of the web site for check
;# 309:Show Script Information
;# 310:Refresh List
;# 311:Open the Manager
;# 312:Set selected as default
;# 313:Edit
;# 314:Check
;# 315:Info
;# 316:Refresh
;# 317:Manager
;# 318:Default
;# 319:Help
;# 320:Import Information from internet with a "Script Chain" -> for professional information importation
;# 321:Chain-Mode Import
;# 322:Build a New Chain
;# 323:Edit selected Chain
;# 324:Delete Selected Chain
;# 325:Import Movies with Selected Chain
;# 326:Import Movies with Default Chain
;# 327:Default Chain:
;# 328:Script Engine Common Configuration
;# 329:Select Information you want Imported
;# 330:Apply Changes
;# 331:Cancel
;# 332:Advanced Release [1.0]
;# 333:Put Cast -> Actor's DB
;# 334:Poster:
;# 335:Box Covers:
;# 336:Engine Options for both Normal and Chain Import
;# 337:When Importing a Movie open an EXPLORER Window
;# 338:When Importing Plot-User Comments Etc... Add it without deleting the first text
;# 339:Don't Care About Page Not Found And Continue
;# 340:Use the original Title of the movie for Import Information.
;# 341:QUICK IMPORT : Takes the first movie found and go on
;# 342:UPDATE MODE 1: use the last SCRIPT used and the WEB-LINK to update the movie's information
;# 343:UPDATE MODE 2: use selected (compatible!) SCRIPT and the WEB-LINK for UPDATE
;# 344:UPDATE MODE 3: use the Web ID for importing information-> not Title (requires 2nd generation scripts!)
;# 345:Use WEB ID to query the web-site
;# 346:Use MOVIE ID to query the web-site
;# 347:Import the Movie's Title
;# 348:Don't replace the information in the fields that already have it
;# 349:When returning from importing select from list the movies NOT Imported
;# 350:Import Result
;# 351:Movies Imported
;# 352:Movies Not Imported
;# 353:New Actors Found
;# 354:Import From Web Now!
;# 355:Professional Actors Import From Web with MagicScript:
;# 356:Select Actors to Import
;# 357:Import Actors with Selected Script
;# 358:Import Actors with Default Script
;# 359:Actors Imported
;# 360:Actors Not Imported
;# 361:Read CD Label
;# 362:Read Label!
;# 363:Select a CD-Rom :
;# 364:eXtreme Movie Manager Download Monitor
;# 365:KByte:
;# 366:Speed:
;# 367:Type:
;# 368:Total:
;# 369:Active Scripts
;# 370:Obsolete Scripts
;# 371:Move Selected to Obsolete folder
;# 372:Move Selected to Active folder
;# 373:Script Information
;# 374:eXtreme Movie Manager Script Information
;# 375:Script File:
;# 376:Generation:
;# 377:Made By:
;# 378:Date:
;# 379:Web Site:
;# 380:Quality:
;# 381:Note:
;# 382:New Database
;# 383:Create A New Empty Movie Database
;# 384:DB File Name:
;# 385:Without Extension!
;# 386:Set as DEFAULT Database
;# 387:Create New Database
;# 388:Multiple Changes
;# 389:Just Check and Right-click
;# 390:Select Movies To Change
;# 391:Players Manager
;# 392:Players
;# 393:System Analyser
;# 394:Player Name:
;# 395:Player EXEcutable:
;# 396:Apex (Like BS Player):
;# 397:Command Line Passed:
;# 398:Command Line Position:
;# 399:0 = Before Movie Name | 1 = After
;# 400:Default Player
;# 401:Command Line Available :
;# 402:Loan History
;# 403:Clear History
;# 404:Close
;# 405:Loan Window
;# 406:Select a Friend:
;# 407:Loan This Movie
;# 408:Browser
;# 409:Read ALL Selected Files
;# 410:Set the Title of the movie like the Filename
;# 411:Double Click To Select ...
;# 412:Image Preview
;# 413:Take Selected File(s)
;# 414:Click To Select ...
;# 415:Value
;# 416:eXtreme Movie Manager Professional Script's Chain Editor
;# 417:Script Chain Editor
;# 418:STEP 1 : write header of the chain
;# 419:STEP 2 : select a script from this list (the Script subfolder of eXtreme Movie Manager)
;# 420:STEP 3 : Select Info that selected Script must import
;# 421:STEP 4 : ADD this Script to the Chain; go again to STEP 1 until you have FINISHED
;# 423:Add this Script to the others
;# 424:Finish! (save chain)
;# 425:Chain Filename:
;# 426:Covers Manager
;# 427:Manage Your Covers!
;# 428:Shift SX
;# 429:Shift DX
;# 430:Delete This Cover
;# 431:Cover Sequence
;# 432:Cover Selected
;# 433:Print Labels
;# 434:Click To Add This
;# 435:<-- From File
;# 436:Create Page
;# 437:Field Editor
;# 438:Clear All
;# 439:Find...
;# 440:Rating Min:
;# 441:Rating Max:
;# 442:Choose Filed In Quick :
;# 443:Quick Operator
;# 444:Search!
;# 445:Friend Manager
;# 446:Manage Your Friends!
;# 447:No DEFAULT script defined; you must first select it
;# 448:The DEFAULT script you have selected didn't exist under the subfolder '\scripts\' of eXtreme Movie Manager.
;# 449:No DEFAULT chain defined; you must first select it
;# 450:The DEFAULT chain you have selected doesn't exist under the subfolder '\chains\' of eXtreme Movie Manager!
;# 451:The subfolder '\Chains\' doesn't exist! You have not correctly installed eXtreme Movie Manager!
;# 452:No movies on Database -> you can't import anything!
;# 453:The subfolder '\scripts\' doesn't exist! You have not correctly installed eXtreme Movie Manager.
;# 454:You must Select a Script Before Continuing.
;# 455:You must select at least one Movie to Import.
;# 456:This copy of eXtreme Movie Manager HAS EXPIRED! You can't import information from the Internet.
;# 457:Go to the official web page to download a new release.
;# 458:You must select a chain Before continuing.
;# 459:This chain has an INVALID STRUCTURE; I can't go on
;# 460:One Script inside the Chain is not available -> the import process can't continue!
;# 461:You must write a valid fileName for this Chain
;# 462:You must write the name of the web sites imported by this chain
;# 463:You must add at least ONE SCRIPT in the Chain!
;# 464:Chain saved! :
;# 465:The chain you have selected didn't exist under the subfolder '\Chains\' of eXtreme Movie Manager!
;# 466:The Title field can't be the first of the list!
;# 467:Only 4 levels are allowed!
;# 468:The DEFAULT script you have selected didn't exist under the subfolder '\scriptsactors\' of eXtreme Movie Manager!
;# 469:No Actors on Database; you can't import anything!
;# 470:Please first write the name of the actor!
;# 471:No Movies on Database -> you can't change anything!
;# 472:Select one MovieCard first
;# 473:Please select at least ONE field to export!
;# 474:Error occured; please make sure you have correctly installed all files!
;# 475:File Reading Completed!
;# 476:Error occured when loading from config database; please make sure you have correctly installed all files!
;# 477:Error occured when loading Language INI -> please make sure you have correctly installed all files! (2)
;# 478:File is not an AVI
;# 479:Can't perform this operation because the left image didn't exist
;# 480:The subfolder '\ScriptsActors\' doesn't exist! You have not correctly installed eXtreme Movie Manager!
;# 481:You must check at least one actor to Import!
;# 482:Professional Export Utility
;# 483:Export Utility
;# 484:Select Movies to Export
;# 485:Single File Export
;# 486:Multiple File Export
;# 487:Delimiter:
;# 488:Target File:
;# 489:Target Directory:
;# 490:Put all information in one line (take care about plot; comments etc...)
;# 491:Note : The name of files will be composed with the first two fields
;# 492:Choose Fields (In Alphabetic Order!)
;# 493:Write The Field's Name
;# 494:Multiple MovieCards Export
;# 495:MovieCard:
;# 496:NOTE: This utility will copy the FIRST cover of every movie in the subfolder "Images". If a MovieCard have some own images you must copy it manually
;# 497:Exclusive Technology
;# 498:Build Single HTML
;# 499:Build Multiple HTMLs
;# 500:Select ALL
;# 501:Add Field
;# 502:Remove Field
;# 503:Shift Up
;# 504:Shift Down
;# 505:Add all Fields
;# 506:Remove all Fields
;# 507:Double Click to insert
;# 508:Double Click to Delete Item
;# 509:Build Single HTML with some Movie Info
;# 510:Build Single HTML with some Movie Info + Link
;# 511:Single HTML with only Title and Link to WebSite
;# 512:Build the single TXT
;# 513:Build multiple TXT
;# 514:Build single CSV
;# 515:Build multiple CSV
;# 516:Build MovieCards
;# 517:ScriptEngine - Importing Movies
;# 518:Please Wait... Importing Information...
;# 519:Search AGAIN
;# 520:Save Information!
;# 521:Skip!
;# 522:Open an Explorer window of the selected movie to see a preview
;# 523:File download progress / status
;# 524:Time:
;# 525:ScriptEngine - Importing Actors
;# 526:eXtreme Movie Manager Configuration
;# 527:Preferences...
;# 528:General
;# 529:Internet Connection
;# 530:MagicScript
;# 531:Custom Fields
;# 532:AutoSave
;# 533:When reading an AVI set the title of the movie to it
;# 534:Check for Updates
;# 535:Select Your Language:
;# 536:Show Download Monitor
;# 537:Reset Total KB Downloaded
;# 538:Engine Error Detection
;# 539:Ignore Script's normal errors and continue
;# 540:Ignore Script's critical errors and continue
;# 541:Ignore "off-line" warning
;# 542:This release is only a DEMO -> if you purchase eXtreme Movie Manager you will receive a different EXE file
;# 543:Probably you have installed a 'light' version. Can't find the Help file. Download it from Web
;# 544:Sorry; but this is only a SHAREWARE version. The number of movies is limited to 50.
;# 545:You need to restart eXtreme Movie Manager!
;# 546:Hide / show the Quick Search
;# 547:Delete old values of the codec (if you want to re-read your files)
;# 548:NOTE: The first two fields (MovieID and TITLE) must be always checked !!!
;# 549:&Database
;# 550:New Database
;# 551:Open Database
;# 552:Reload Database
;# 553:Database Manager...
;# 554:Export...
;# 555:Import...
;# 556:Print
;# 557:Clone Movie
;# 558:Loan / Return
;# 559:Open official movie's Web site
;# 560:Play Movie
;# 561:Play Trailer
;# 562:Mark / Unmark
;# 563:Expand All
;# 564:Collapse All
;# 565:Internet
;# 566:Import Movie's Information
;# 567:Import Actor's Information
;# 568:Tools
;# 569:MagicScript Editor (Generation 2)
;# 570:Movies Script Manager
;# 571:Actors Script Manager
;# 572:Chain Manager
;# 573:Configuration...
;# 574:Frequently Asked Questions
;# 575:Check Updates
;# 576:Official Web Page
;# 577:Discussion Forum
;# 578:How To Order
;# 579:Registration
;# 580:Contact Us
;# 581:Information
;# 582:Bug Report
;# 583:Suggestions
;# 584:Script/Chain Request
;# 585:About
;# 586:Take This Image
;# 587:Don't Take
;# 588:Quick Import With Default Script
;# 589:Select None
;# 590:Invert Selection
;# 591:Autosave Active
;# 592:AutoSkip Active
;# 593:Movie ID
;# 594:Opening CD Drive...
;# 595:Waiting for a Valid CD...
;# 596:Ready...
;# 597:Step 1 : Select the file extension that engine must read
;# 598:Step 2 : Final Settings
;# 599:Status :
;# 600:Starting CD Box ID :
;# 601:Drive:
;# 602:Put a valid CD into drive: -->
;# 603:<-- and Press a button
;# 604:Insert New Movie CD
;# 605:This next CD has a NEW Movie?
;# 606:You need to close the EDITOR if you want Mass-Add again
;# 607:Closing the CD Drive...
;# 608:Reading Files on CD...
;# 609:Reading:
;# 610:HTML Thumbnails View
;# 611:Native Thumbnails View
;# 612:Series Name
;# 613:Save As...
;# 614:Do you really want to renumber all the MovieID?
;# 615:MovieID Renumbering
;# 616:Do you really want to put the (Year) in the title? The operation is not reversible!
;# 617:Title (Year)?
;# 618:This utility will be ready soon
;# 619:Are you sure you want to reset the Total of KB downloaded?
;# 620:Do you really want to delete ALL actors on the database?
;# 621:Delete all actors?
;# 622:The database you select isn't compatible. You must convert it with the 'Database Manager!
;# 623:You want to open it NOW?
;# 624:Open Database Manager?
;# 625:Delete this cover?
;# 626:Delete ALL covers but not the first one?
;# 627:Delete Selected?
;# 628:Delete SELECTED covers?
;# 629:Delete selected friends?
;# 630:Error reading from Web. Are you connected? Proxy problems? (configuration)
;# 631:Delete Selected Movies?
;# 632:HTML files generation complete.
;# 633:Information...
;# 634:File generation complete.
;# 635:NFO file generation complete.
;# 636:File generation Completed. Stored on:
;# 637:At least one player must be set as default!
;# 638:Or you cannot play the movie with the default player
;# 639:An error occured:
;# 640:Error...
;# 641:Delete this player?
;# 642:General Script failure -> Check Script Line n░:
;# 643:Error on Script Expression:
;# 644:Can't Find The Word:
;# 645:The Web page has ended -> This shouldn't happen ! Take a look at #REPEAT#-#WHILE# function
;# 646:ScriptEngine Information
;# 647:If you are connected it's possible that XMM can't detect it. Please OPEN an Explorer window and set it to not OFF-LINE (Or check proxy settings)
;# 648:If this doesn't work check if you have a firewall that blocks access to the Web.
;# 649:There is a new release of eXtreme Movie Manager. Go to web site! (Help -> Official web site)
;# 650:(you can shut down this function in the config window)
;# 651:New release available!
;# 652:It is not safe to stop importing in Chain Mode. It's recommended that you wait until the end of sequence!
;# 653:Stop anyway?
;# 654:Delete This Chain? :
;# 655:Loading Main Language...
;# 656:Setting Up Filters...
;# 657:Actors Name
;# 658:Country/Name
;# 659:ActorID/Name
;# 660:Loading Types...
;# 661:Loading Custom Labels...
;# 662:Loading Movies...
;# 663:Loading Actors...
;# 664:Refresh Mini Stat...
;# 665:Loading Final Data...
;# 666:Choose Covers for :
;# 667:Take All Selected Covers
;# 668:Select Database to load (MUST BE VALID!)
;# 669:The Movie File :
;# 670: Cannot be found
;# 671:To print your list of movies you have two possibilities:
;# 672:1) Export the list and print it (for example with Excel)
;# 673:2) Use the plug-in 'PrintMovieList'
;# 674:NOTE : You can also set AUTOSAVE = ON in the configuration window
;# 675:Awards of Movie:
;# 676:Comments of Movie:
;# 677:Custom-11 of Movie:
;# 678:Notes of Movie:
;# 679:Plot of Movie:
;# 680:Actors of Movie:
;# 681:Tagline of Movie:
;# 682: Loan This Movie:
;# 683:Building Thumbnails...
;# 684:No Thumbnails Selected! Choose one from the List!
;# 685:Building NATIVE Thumbnails...
;# 686:Building GRID...
;# 687:Filling Cover's File Name...
;# 688:MovieID Renumbering...
;# 689:Inserting (Year) in the Title...
;# 690:Creating file for Origons.com...
;# 691:File generation completed
;# 692:Loading database...1
;# 693:Rebuild database...
;# 694:Choose FIRST cover for :
;# 695:Take this cover (Only one!)
;# 696:Choose movie file for :
;# 697:Saving movies
;# 698:Saving:
;# 699:Scan Terminated! Select the Save procedure and the files...
;# 700:Saving Movie
;# 701:Drive Not Ready.
;# 702:Choose Movie File for:
;# 703:Database : Directors
;# 704:Database : Codecs
;# 705:Database : Region
;# 706:Database : Media
;# 707:Database : Status
;# 708:Database : Years
;# 709:Database : Type
;# 710:Database : Audio
;# 711:Database : Genres
;# 712:Database : Audio
;# 713:Database : Language
;# 714:Database : SubTitles
;# 715:Database : Edition
;# 716:Database : VideoDVD
;# 717:Database : AudioDVD
;# 718:Database : Producer
;# 719:Database : Writer
;# 720:Database : Photographer
;# 721:Database : Studio
;# 722:Database : MPAA
;# 723:Choose ALL SELECTED covers for :
;# 724:Take all selected covers
;# 725:Read Information from Movie files for :
;# 726: Taken!
;# 727:Reading File Information...
;# 728:This cover is already the first!
;# 729:You must select a cover!
;# 730:Choose cover file For Label Up
;# 731:Choose Database for:
;# 732:Downloading...
;# 733:Download Complete
;# 734:Page Found...Gathering Information
;# 735:No direct page found. Select one from list
;# 736: (Can't Update. This movie was never importd with a script)
;# 737: (Can't Update. The script of this movie is no longer available)
;# 738: (Can't Update. The movie has no direct connection to a web page)
;# 739:Detected 1st Generation Script
;# 740:Detected 2nd Generation Script
;# 741:Import Complete.
;# 742:Connecting...
;# 743:Checking Updates...
;# 744:Importing all episodes; please wait!
;# 745:IMPORT COMPLETED; Press STOP button
;# 746:Searching Information...
;# 747:Processing Information...
;# 748:Import Selected Movies With Selected Script