The reset feature will not work with older versions
of SoftDVD. You are also required to set the Windows
region code prior to playing the disc.
Read for information on setting
the windows region code.
If the reset button below is not enabled, then your
version of SoftDVD may not be supported, or a region
has not been set yet.
Support for the Jammin' Decoder is
experimental at best, use at your own risk.
Note, the Xing DVD Player under Windows 98
requires that you change the Windows 98
region code (see information).
A wise man would read
before messing with the internal Windows region code.
Note, the WinDVD region code is not automatically identified.
If WinDVD is installed, just pick any region and press apply.
Use the reset button to reset the region counter on any version.
The 4-Channel tweaking features may not with all
drivers and sound cards.
For regional controls you need a program called
Zone Selector (or the Eugene player).
This setting will only work on the newer VaroDVD
versions and will not function on v1.20.
VaroDVD support is still experimental, treat it as such.
Since the ATI & G400 DVD Players use the Cinemaster engine,
you can use the Cinemaster tab to set their region.
The windows region set controls only works for Windows 98
Second Edition and Windows Millennium Editions. Other
windows versions require alternative methods which are
fully documented at:
The DevDB registry key was found. When it exists, the CineMaster engine
may use detected setting rather than the manually selected settings.
In order to remove it, press the "Erase DevDB" button on the "More Options" Panel.
This message will not appear again!
The "EDLOG.DAT" file was found in your windows directory,
Region changes may not have an effect until this file is removed.
A reminder:
You are using a version of CineMaster that relies on both this region
setting, and the Windows internal region setting. Setting this region
alone is insufficient, see for information
about the Internal Windows region controls.
Press ignore to stop this message from appearing.
Before sending an eMail, I strongly suggest reading
A lot of the frequently asked questions are answered on this page and it may save you some time.
Please restrict your eMails to ENGLISH as it''s the only I can reply in.
If sending attachments, please make sure they are in a compressed form (ZIP, ARJ or RAR).
If you get a blurred image, try disabling the "Ignore Downscale caps" setting
by pressing More Options and unchecking it.
If you get a yellow stripes on the playback window, try setting the
"Surface Flip Mode" setting to the default setting.
Make sure you select a window and specify a window size to zoom to.
You are about to erase the internal Windows region key.
It is highly advisable to export this key for backup
purposes prior to proceeding.
Press OK to erase, Cancel to abort.
You must specify the EXE location of the program/player
within the correct field on the AutoRegion tab.
If this is the first time you running DVD Genie,
then i strongly suggest heading over to
Under no circumstances should you try to change a Software Region
if your drive itself is region locked (see
DVD Genie was not designed to work with any hardware decoders, and while
it can tweak a few sound options on the Hollywood-Plus card, it will not
support regional controls on any hardware decoder, period.
This message will only appear once, have a good day.
Uninstalling DVD Genie will remove all files and
registry entries created by DVD Genie.
The files will not be erased until after the next reboot.
Uninstall Complete,
DVD Genie will be completly removed after the next reboot.
CineMaster keeps the DEVDB registry section for automatic setting adjustment
according to detected hardware. However, when your hardware is found, adjusting
certain features will simply not work. Deleting the DEVDB registry section may
be required for manual setting configuration. Please note however that erasing it
may have an unforseen effet. To restore the DEVDB registry section, you will need to
reinstall the player.
Are you sure you want to erase the DEVDB registry section?
Please note, by pressing the OK button you will be recreating the
"Windows 98 Second Edition / Millennium" region key. The region code will be
reset to Region-1 and you will have one change remaining every time you reset.
This should not be attempted on other versions of Windows.
Most of the new drives today are region locked in hardware, meaning that DVD Genie will not be able to change region for them while they are in this state.
By pressing the RPC Check button, you can check if your drive is indeed locked in hardware (RPC2). If it is, I suggest pressing the RPC Information button in order to see what can be done about it.
It's possible that WinDVD is set to use the windows region code
instead of the Internal WinDVD code. This may prevent DVD Genie
from resetting the WinDVD region counter.
To enable the Internal WinDVD code, make sure the
Force Internal Region Code" checkbox is enabled.
When using this function, the Reset Region button will perform
in the same way it did in versions prior to v4.02b.
This may be required with certain versions of WinDVD, but it
should not be used with the upgraded trial version as it may
revert it back to it's original trial state (which would