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Text File | 2003-11-03 | 27.2 KB | 1,052 lines |
- What's New in 3D Canvas 6.5
- ---------------------------
- o) Enhanced Boolean Operations (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Boolean operations now produce fewer faces and points.
- o) Renderer Improvements
- The 3D Canvas renderer now displays multi-layered translucency and
- transparency.
- o) Improved Divide Operation
- The Divide operation has a new option to allow for horizontal
- and vertical divisions.
- o) Enhanced Crease Operation
- The Crease operation now creases faces that have collinear edges.
- o) New Repair Geometry Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
- The new Repair Geometry operation corrects problems with model
- geometry such as collinear edges and concave facets.
- o) Auto-Creasing
- 3D Canvas now automatically re-creases after many operations in
- order to correct creasing problems introduced by geometry changes.
- o) Enhanced MD2 Export (3D Canvas Plus/Pro only)
- The MD2 export can now export hierarchies as well as individual
- objects.
- o) New Consolidate Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
- The new Consolidate operation automatically merges faces where the
- resulting merged faces are planar and convex.
- o) Microsoft Train Simulator Wizard Enhanced (3D Canvas Plus/Pro only)
- The Train Simulator Wizard now supports the export of custom levels
- of detail. It also supports the export of unconsolidated sub-objects
- for the creation of signals.
- o) New Merge Triangles Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Automatically merges triangles where the resulting faces are planar
- and convex.
- o) New Create Unique Names Plug-in (3D Canvas Pro only)
- This new plug-in creates unique names for each group and object in the
- hierarchy selected.
- o) Enhanced Extrude Operation
- The Extrude operation can now extrude based on the average face
- direction.
- o) New De-triangulate Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Automatically converts triangle faces to quadrilateral (four-sided)
- faces.
- o) Improved Solidify Operation (3D Canvas Plus/Pro only)
- The Solidify operation now uses a more sophisticated approach to
- solidifying objects.
- o) Operation Material Improvements
- All operations now retain material information.
- o) Improved Face Highlighting
- Faces selected while in wireframe mode are now more visible.
- o) Automatic Point Handle Resizing
- The handles for selected points are now resized based on the viewing
- position.
- o) Automatic Recovery of Selection after Undo
- Object, Face, Edge and Point selections are now recovered after
- an undo.
- o) Reduced Memory Usage
- Memory usage is reduced for scenes with large numbers of layers.
- o) Plug-ins Enhanced (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Plug-ins can now be applied to selected groups and hierarchies.
- o) New Scripting methods (3D Canvas Pro only)
- The CanvasApplication class now includes six new methods: GetSnapToMode,
- GetSnapToObjectInterval, GetSnapToPointInterval, GetCanvasMode,
- GetCanvasModeTime and GetTrainSimulatorUtilsPath.
- The CanvasGroup's ExportToTrainSimulator method now supports
- non-consolidated sub-objects.
- The CanvasObject class now includes three new methods: Reduce, Optimize
- and DeleteFace.
- The CanvasScene class now includes three new methods: GetSelectionType,
- GetCameraGroup, GetActiveFaceObjectIndex. It also supports multiple
- active groups and objects.
- o) Scene Script Now Supported (3D Canvas Pro)
- Each scene can now have its own script. This can be used as a controlling
- script for all scene components rather than having a script for each
- individual group and/or object.
- o) Third Party Operations (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Third party developers and users can now create operations for 3D Canvas Pro.
- o) Chamfer Operation Enhanced (3D Canvas Plus/Pro only)
- The Chamfer operation has a new parameter so that you can easily change
- the chamfer amount.
- o) New Ctrl-Key and Function Key Shortcuts
- All Tools, Rendering Modes and Highlight Modes can now be selected via
- Ctrl-Key combinations or Function keys.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- This release corrects a problem where animated objects and skeletons were not
- being exported properly to Shockwave 3D.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- o) Weld To Range Plug-in (3D Canvas Plus/Pro only)
- The Weld To Range plug-in is now included in the install for
- 3D Canvas Plus/Pro. It is used to weld together points that
- are within a specified range.
- o) Sampling of Plug-Ins from Paul Gausden's Plug-in Pack (3D Canvas Plus/Pro only)
- The Pipe Builder, Reset Animation Positions and Shift Center plug-ins from
- Paul Gausden's Plug-in Pack are available to 3D Canvas Plus and 3D Canvas Pro
- users.
- Thanks to Paul Gauden for providing these plug-ins for 3D Canvas Plus
- and 3D Canvas Pro users.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- This is a maintenance release. There are no new functions.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- This is a maintenance release. There are no new functions.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- o) Support for Multi-user Systems.
- 3D Canvas now supports installation on multi-user systems. Note that due
- to this change textures and libraries are now stored in a folder called
- "3D Canvas" which is located in your "My Documents" folder.
- See the Readme file for more information on installation on multi-user systems.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- This is a maintenance release. There are no new functions.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- o) Point Gliding
- Points can now be moved along an edge or across a specific plane using the new
- point gliding function.
- o) New Taper Operation
- A new simpler Taper operation is now available. It now includes simple volume based
- controls to easily select the region of the object to taper.
- The old Taper operation is still available and is now called the Taper+ operation.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- o) New Twist Operation (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- A new simpler Twist operation is now available. It now includes simple volume based
- controls to easily select the region of the object to twist.
- The old Twist operation is still available and is now called the Twist+ operation.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- o) New Bend Operation
- A new simpler Bend operation is now available. It now includes simple volume based
- controls to easily select the region of the object to bend.
- The old Bend operation is still available and is now called the Warp operation.
- What's new in 3D Canvas
- -------------------------------
- o) User-Configurable Function Sets
- Options are now available to define which sets of operations, plug-ins
- and scripts are available. This allows users to remove clutter by
- hiding functions that they do not use on a regular basis.
- o) Non-Linear Navigation and Editing
- The Navigation and Edit Controls now work in a non-linear fashion.
- This allows easier modelling of large objects.
- o) Operation Defaults Available via Right-Click
- Operation defaults can now be set using the older right-click method
- as well as the new "Remember These Setting" function.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 6.0
- ---------------------------
- o) Subdivision Surfaces
- Objects can now behave as subdivision surfaces where the object is
- automatically smoothed in real time as changes are being made.
- o) Real Time Mirroring (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Objects can now be automatically mirrored in real time.
- o) In-place Operations
- Many operations can now have their parameters adjusted without
- opening pop-up windows.
- o) Additional Keyboard Shortcuts
- New keyboard shortcuts allow for temporary overrides of the
- current modeling constraints and the current modeling coordinates mode.
- o) Custom Operation Defaults
- Operations now support User defined parameters defaults.
- o) Enhanced Primitives Parameters
- The parameters for primitives can now be adjusted without the need
- to open a pop-up window
- o) Custom Primitive Defaults
- Primitives now support user-defined parameter defaults.
- o) Custom Material Defaults
- The material palette now supports user-defined defaults.
- o) Enhanced Smooth Operation
- The Smooth operation has new options to permit multiple smoothing
- levels and tension.
- The smooth operation also now retains material information and is
- up to thirty times faster than in previous releases.
- o) Enhanced Divide Operation
- The Divide operation now retains material information when applied
- to whole objects and is up to thirty times faster than in previous
- releases.
- o) User-Defined Default Creasing
- A default creasing factor can now be specified for objects. This
- creasing factor is used by operations to re-crease the object
- whenever the operation can not retain creasing.
- o) New Scripting methods (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- The Object class now includes two new methods: GetCreaseFactor and
- SetCreaseFactor. These methods are used to support default creasing.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.7a
- ----------------------------
- o) New Crease All Plug-In (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- Creases all objects in a scene.
- o) Extrude Operation Enhanced
- The Extrude operation is now more accurate on heavily deformed faces.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.7
- ---------------------------
- o) Enhanced Object Building Tools
- The Lathe, Extrude, Text and Terrain tools now provide in-place views
- to simplify model creation.
- o) Skeletal Auto-Weighting System
- An enhanced auto-weighting system for bones is now available that
- improves the skin's appearance around joints.
- o) Bone Range of Effect Improvements
- Bones now have more flexible facilities for setting bone effect ranges,
- including the ability to encompass irregular shapes.
- o) Outline Rendering Mode
- A new rendering mode has been added where the faces that make up an
- object are rendered outlined.
- o) Microsoft Flight Simulator Export
- Exporting to Microsoft Flight Simulator format is now supported.
- o) Microsoft Train Simulator Export Enhanced
- The Microsoft Train Simulator export now supports specular highlighting.
- o) Optimize Function
- Removes inactive object layers to reduce file size.
- o) Clone Function Enhanced
- The Clone function now operates on object hierarchies.
- o) New Scripting method (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- New Bone object method:
- GetAffectedPointWeight
- Note that plug-in developers must now implement the "GetName"
- and "GetAuthor" methods. Examples are provided in the "Plug-in/Samples"
- folder.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.6
- ---------------------------
- o) Shockwave 3D Export
- Export to the Shockwave 3D (w3d) format is now supported.
- Export of animation and skeletal information requires
- 3D Canvas Pro.
- o) Improved DirectX Export (Available with 3D Canvas LP/Pro)
- The DirectX export has been updated to conform to DirectX 8.
- This allows for the export of skeletal objects (skinned meshes).
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.5c Revision 4
- ---------------------------------------
- o) Enhanced Extrude Operation
- The Extrude Operation now extrudes edges as well as faces.
- o) Improved Wavefront (OBJ) Export
- Wavefront (OBJ) files are no longer triangulated on export.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.5c
- ----------------------------
- o) Extrude Tool Enhanced
- Th Extrude Tool is now capable of creating 2-d extrudes.
- o) Train Simulator Wizard Enhanced
- - Now supports all available compression formats.
- - Supports water and coal intakes for tenders.
- - Now permits animation information to optionally be updated so that pre-animated
- models retain their animation information.
- - Automatically orients the part identification view towards model.
- o) Triangulate Operation Improved
- The Triangulate operation now preserves materials and is considerably faster.
- o) Lathe Tool Enhanced
- The Lathe Tool now supports the creation of solid lathe segments.
- o) Boolean Operations Improved
- Boolean operations are now more accurate and no longer require pre-triangulation.
- o) UV Map/UV Re-Map/UnWrap Operations
- These operations now support mapping rotation.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.5b
- ----------------------------
- This is a maintenance release. No new functions are included.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.5a
- ----------------------------
- Minor revisions were made to face and point movement to make them
- consistent with object movement.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.5
- ---------------------------
- o) Right-Click Access to Common Operations
- Many of the most common operations are now available via
- the right-click popup menu.
- o) Right-Click Selection Features
- Many new object, face, edge and point selection features have
- been added to the right-click popup menus. New features include
- Select Group, Grow Selection, Edge Loop, By Direction, By Material etc.
- o) Center Mouse Button Navigation
- The center mouse button is now used as a navigation button.
- Center-dragging while the mouse pointer is over an object examines
- the object. Center-dragging while not over an object results in
- zooming in/out. Holding down the ctrl, shift, or ctrl-shift keys
- provide additional navigation options.
- o) Chamfer Operation (3D Canvas LP/Pro only)
- Chamfers points and edges.
- o) Chamfer Scaling
- Chamfer scaling is available by shift-dragging on the scale planes
- of the Edit Control.
- o) Point Position Operation
- Permits direct entry of the position of the selected point.
- o) Inset Operation
- Creates a new faces inset within the selected face or faces.
- o) Smooth Operation
- Uses a new smoothing algorithm. This result is better adherence to
- the general shape of the original object.
- o) Soften Operation
- Softens the edges of an object. Similar to the Smooth operation
- though it does not increase the number of faces or points. It also
- can be used on a selection of faces, edges or points.
- o) Equalize Operation
- Equalizes a selection of points along either the X, Y or Z axes.
- o) Bridge Operation (3D Canvas LP/Pro only)
- Creates a bridge between two faces.
- o) Weld-Nearest Operation (3D Canvas LP/Pro only)
- Welds the nearest neighbouring point to the selected point.
- o) Weld-To-First Operation (3D Canvas LP/Pro only)
- Welds all selected points to the first selected point.
- o) Weld-To-Nearest Operation (3D Canvas LP/Pro only)
- Welds the selected point to its nearest neighbouring point.
- o) Divide Operation
- The Divide operation can now divide edges into a user-selectable
- number of edges.
- o) Mirror/Flip Operations (3D Canvas LP/Pro only)
- The Mirror operation has been renamed the Flip operation. A new
- Mirror operation takes its place which automates the entire
- mirroring process including the removal of interior faces.
- Also, both operations now support mirroring on the X, Y and Z axes.
- o) Extrude Operation
- The Extrude operation now has the option of extruding a group of
- faces as a region or individually. If faces are extruded as a region
- they remain linked after the extrusion.
- o) Trim Operation
- The Trim operation is now available in the freeware version of 3D Canvas.
- o) Scale Operation
- The Scale operation is now available in the freeware version of 3D Canvas.
- o) Improved Grouping
- 3D Canvas now uses a familiar grouping concept. Groups, and group
- hierarchies can be selected and manipulated as a whole.
- o) Automatic Face Re-Selection
- The faces most likely to be used for the next operation are
- automatically re-selected.
- o) New Scripting method (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- New Face object method:
- GetFaceNormal
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.0.8
- -----------------------------
- o) Importing and Exporting of the MD2 Format (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- o) Adjust Points Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Used to animate points. A typical use for this operation is the
- animation of facial expressions.
- o) Unlink Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Used to unlink faces so that they no longer share points. When applied
- following a Burst or Swirl operation it permits their animation to be
- exported to MD2 and Neutral Object Format.
- o) Support for the PCX Textures
- o) Enhanced Neutral Object Format Import and Export (3D Canvas LP/Pro only)
- o) Skeleton Enabling and Disabling
- All bones associated with a skin can now be enabled or disabled en-masse.
- o) Combined Skeletal and Operation Animation
- Operation animation and skeletal animation can now be combined on a single object.
- As an example, this permits facial animation using the Adjust Points operation
- to be combined with skeletal animation of limbs.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.0.7
- -----------------------------
- o) Train Simulator Wizard 1.1
- Adds support for the engineer "head out" view, fuel and freight intakes,
- and passenger view positions.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.0.5
- -----------------------------
- o) Flat-Wireframe Rendering Mode
- A new rendering mode where the faces that make up an object
- are rendered outlined.
- o) Train SimWizard Plug-In (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- A wizard that assists in configuring and exporting models
- to Microsoft Train Simulator format.
- o) Translucent Grid Mode
- o) Normalize Fames Plug-In (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- Sets all of the scene's frames to the default orientation
- while retaining the appearance of the scene.
- o) Fill Untextured Plug-In (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- Fills all untextured faces with the current material from
- the material palette.
- o) Count Untextured Plug-In (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- Counts the number of untextured faces.
- o) Importing and Exporting of Neutral Object Format (NOF) (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- o) New Scripting methods (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- New CanvasApplication object methods:
- GetTexturePath
- FormatExport
- FormatExportMeters
- New Scene object methods:
- GetLightCount
- GetLight
- New Frame object methods:
- GetLightCount
- GetLight
- SetParent
- New Light object method:
- GetType
- What's New in 3D Canvas 5.0
- ---------------------------
- o) Direct raytracing (3D Canvas Pro only)
- A single click on the "Raytrace" button on the main toolbar
- raytraces your scene. The image is displayed directly in
- 3D Canvas. This requires that either POVRay or Blue Moon Rendering
- Tools is installed. Both are available for free. Clicking the
- Raytrace button on the main toolbar provides more information on
- where to download these products.
- o) Improved Importing and Exporting (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Importing and exporting are now faster and texture coordinates are
- preserved for most formats. New formats include Renderware (RWX)
- and limited support for Lightwave (LWO).
- o) Animated Light Properties
- Light properties such as light color/intenstity can now be animated.
- o) Animated Camera Properties
- Camera properties such as depth of field can now be animated.
- o) Bumpmapping (3D Canvas Pro only - Raytracing only)
- o) Support for RenderMan/Blue Moon Rendering Tools
- o) Object Nudge
- Objects can be nudged tiny increments using the arrow keys
- on the keyboard.
- o) Expanded Raytracing Material attributes (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Many additional POVRay material attributes are supported including
- predefined materials and color patterns.
- o) Terrain Building Tool (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Terrain can now be created using the new Terrain Building Tool.
- Terrain can be random, based on Height Maps, or created using
- Fractals.
- o) Oriented tools and operations
- All relavent tools and operations can now be applied using
- an orientation. The possible orientations are:
- Standard, Screen, World, Object and Face
- o) Integrated Timeline (3D Canvas Pro only)
- The timeline can now be displayed when animating. This allows for
- direct selection of animation times and easy manipulation of
- key-frames.
- o) Animation Sequences (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Animation sequences can now be saved with an object so that they
- can be used as needed when the object is used in multiple scenes.
- For example a walk-sequence, run-sequence etc. could be defined for
- a model of a human. This model could then be stored in an object
- library and used in multiple scenes including only those sequences
- necessary for a particular scene.
- o) Orientation Previews
- The orientation of an operation can now be previewed. An orientation
- map is applied to the active selection so that the exact orientation
- of the operation is visible
- o) Material Wrapping Previews
- The orientation and wrapping appearance of texture wraps can now
- be previewed.
- o) Operations can now be applied to groups
- Operations can now be applied to Object hierarchies that
- have been Alt-Selected.
- o) Enhanced Shift Tool
- Now permits the use of the edit control. This allows the center
- of rotation to be rotated as well as moved.
- o) Enhanced Rotation Axis Tool
- Now permits the use of the edit control. This allows more precise
- orientation.
- o) ActiveX Plugins (3D Canvas Pro/LP only)
- Developers can now create ActiveX plugins as well scripts for
- 3D Canvas Pro. The 3D Canvas API described in the online help
- is used in the same way for ActiveX plugins as it is for scripts.
- There are several plugin samples written in Visual Basic in the
- Plugins\Samples folder. Of particular note is the NameIt sample
- which uses a 3D Canvas viewport to view the scene, allow
- navigation and selection of objects from within the plugin.
- (Note that this viewport is not currently available due to
- an installation issue)
- o) New Orthographic Views
- In addition to the current Front, Top and Side (Left) views there
- are now Rear, Bottom and Right Side views.
- o) UV Re-Map Operation
- Permits adjustment of texture coordinates on texture mapped objects
- without affecting any other aspect of their material.
- o) Material Update Plug-in
- Updates the selected object, or object faces with the current material
- in the Material Palette.
- o) Enhanced Unwrap Operation
- Now permits adjustment of texture coordinates prior to creation of the
- texture map. Also permits an entire object to be unwrapped onto a single
- texture.
- o) Selectable Units
- Units of Meters, Centimeters and Feet can be selected. Units are
- displayed appropriately on status bars and with object properties.
- o) Automatic conversion of models created in Feet to Meters when
- exporting to Microsoft Train Simulator's "S" format
- o) Enhanced toolbars
- Toolbars can now be customized based on your usage of 3D Canvas.
- o) Objects can now be displayed using points
- o) Frame Orientation Reset Operation
- Resets the frame of the selected object to the default orientation.
- o) The 3D Canvas grid can now be displayed in wireframe or using
- points.
- o) Improved Flatten Operation (3D canvas Pro/LP only)
- Now permits flattening of object sub-sections and non-uniform flattening.
- o) Improved Crease Operation
- Now permits creasing of individual faces, edges and points.
- o) Area Lights (Raytracing only)
- When used with raytracing, Area lights produce soft shadows.
- o) New Scripting methods
- New Scene object methods:
- GetAnimationKeyFrameCount
- SetAnimationKeyFrameCount
- GetAnimationKeyFPS
- SetAnimationKeyFPS
- New Frame object methods:
- ExportToDirectX
- ExportToTrainSimulator
- o) Support for TIF textures
- What's New in 3D Canvas 4.24
- ----------------------------
- o) Added support for POVRay 3.5
- Support for MegaPOV has been removed since MegaPOV was simply
- an early beta of the features of POVRay 3.5. The Light "Glow"
- function was removed since it is not support by POVRay 3.5.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 4.23
- ----------------------------
- o) Scene Details script (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Provides details about the scene such as number of points,
- number of faces, number of objects, object positions,
- materials used by objects etc.
- o) Support for Targa (tga) textures
- o) Custom Grids
- The standard 3D Canvas grid can now be replaced by custom
- front, side and top views.
- The Lathe and Extrude tools now permit a side view of the
- desired object to replace the standard grid.
- o) Microsoft Train Simulator export improvements (3D Canvas Pro only)
- -Full support for translucency.
- -Automatic generatation of distance-based levels of detail.
- -Improved Mipmap levels.
- -Exported file is now automatically converted to unicode.
- -Support for the numbering systems of non-english speaking
- regions.
- o) Scripting Enhancements (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Three new methods have been added to the Scene object that can
- be used to determine the number of faces in the scene, the
- number of points in the scene and the size of scene.
- o) UV Map operation enhancement
- The UV Map operation now supports zooming to permit more accurate
- mapping.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 4.22
- ----------------------------
- Version 4.22 is a maintenance release. There are no
- functional changes.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 4.21
- ----------------------------
- o) Enhanced Shift Tool
- An object's point of rotation can now be moved without
- affecting the position of the object.
- o) Glowing Lights (3D Canvas Pro - Raytracing only)
- Lights rendered with POVRay/MegaPOV .7 can now have a
- glow effect.
- o) Atmosphere Enhancements (3D Canvas Pro - Raytracing only)
- When rendering with POVRay visible light effects can
- be enabled without enabling fog.
- What's New in 3D Canvas 4.2
- ---------------------------
- o) Weld Operation (3D Canvs Pro only)
- Welds object points together.
- o) Edge Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Creates an edge between two selected points.
- o) Trim Operation Enhanced (3D Canvas Pro only)
- The Trim operation can now trim edges.
- o) Scale Operation Enhanced (3D Canvas Pro only)
- The Scale operation can now scale an object to specified
- dimensions.
- o) Microsoft Train Simulator Export (3D Canvas Pro only)
- Exporting to Microsoft Train Simulator format (.s) is now
- supported.
- o) Scripting Enhancement (3D Canvas Pro only)
- An object can be added to another object using the new
- AddObject method.
- For the latest information on 3D Canvas(tm) see www.amabilis.com.
- Copyright (c) 2003 Amabilis