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- <!--
- $Id: drawing.mod,v 1.83 2003/03/27 18:19:53 hr Exp $
- The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
- either of the following licenses
- - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
- GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- =============================================
- Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- MA 02111-1307 USA
- Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- =================================================
- The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
- Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
- except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
- License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
- Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
- See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
- obligations concerning the Software.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s): _______________________________________
- -->
- <!ENTITY % points "CDATA" >
- <!ENTITY % pathData "CDATA" >
- <!ENTITY % gradient-style "(linear|axial|radial|ellipsoid|square|rectangular)" >
- <!ENTITY % draw-position "svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % draw-end-position "table:end-cell-address %cell-address; #IMPLIED table:end-x %coordinate; #IMPLIED table:end-y %coordinate; #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % draw-size "svg:width %coordinate; #IMPLIED svg:height %coordinate; #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % draw-transform "draw:transform CDATA #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % draw-viewbox "svg:viewBox CDATA #REQUIRED">
- <!ENTITY % draw-style-name "draw:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED presentation:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED draw:text-style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % draw-shape-id "CDATA #IMPLIED" >
- <!ENTITY % draw-text "(text:p|text:unordered-list|text:ordered-list)*">
- <!ENTITY % zindex "draw:z-index %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % distance "CDATA">
- <!ENTITY % rectanglePoint "(top-left|top|top-right|left|center|right|bottom-left|bottom|bottom-right)">
- <!ENTITY % vector3D "CDATA">
- <!ENTITY % text-anchor "text:anchor-type %anchorType; #IMPLIED text:anchor-page-number %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % layerName "CDATA">
- <!ENTITY % table-background "table:table-background (true | false) #IMPLIED">
- <!-- commont presentation shape attributes -->
- <!ENTITY % presentation-style-name "presentation:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % presentation-classes "(title|outline|subtitle|text|graphic|object|chart|table|orgchart|page|notes)" >
- <!-- ENTITY % presentation-class "presentation:class %presentation-classes; #IMPLIED" -->
- <!ENTITY % presentation-class "presentation:class %presentation-classes; #IMPLIED presentation:placeholder (true|false) #IMPLIED presentation:user-transformed (true|false) #IMPLIED">
- <!ENTITY % presentationEffects "(none|fade|move|stripes|open|close|dissolve|wavyline|random|lines|laser|appear|hide|move-short|checkerboard|rotate|stretch)" >
- <!ENTITY % presentationEffectDirections "(none|from-left|from-top|from-right|from-bottom|from-center|from-upper-left|from-upper-right|from-lower-left|from-lower-right|to-left|to-top|to-right|to-bottom|to-upper-left|to-upper-right|to-lower-right|to-lower-left|path|spiral-inward-left|spiral-inward-right|spiral-outward-left|spiral-outward-right|vertical|horizontal|to-center|clockwise|counter-clockwise)" >
- <!ENTITY % presentationSpeeds "(slow|medium|fast)" >
- <!-- Drawing shapes -->
- <!ELEMENT draw:rect ( office:events?, %draw-text; )>
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect %draw-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect draw:corner-radius %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:rect draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:line ( office:events?, %draw-text; )>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line svg:x1 %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line svg:y1 %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line svg:x2 %length; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line svg:y2 %length; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:line %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:line %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:line %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:line draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:line draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:polyline ( office:events?, %draw-text; )>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %draw-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %draw-viewbox; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline draw:points %points; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polyline draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:polygon ( office:events?, %draw-text; )>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %draw-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %draw-viewbox; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon draw:points %points; #REQUIRED >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:polygon draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:path ( office:events?, %draw-text; )>
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %draw-position;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %draw-viewbox; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:path svg:d %pathData; #REQUIRED >
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:path draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:path %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:path draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:circle ( office:events?, %draw-text; )>
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle %draw-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle draw:kind (full|section|cut|arc) "full">
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle draw:start-angle %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle draw:end-angle %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:circle draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:ellipse ( office:events?, %draw-text; )>
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse %draw-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse draw:kind (full|section|cut|arc) "full">
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse draw:start-angle %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse draw:end-angle %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:ellipse draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:connector ( office:events?, %draw-text;)>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector draw:type (standard|lines|line|curve) "standard">
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector draw:line-skew CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector %draw-style-name;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector svg:x1 %coordinate; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector svg:y1 %coordinate; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector svg:x2 %coordinate; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector svg:y2 %coordinate; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector draw:start-shape %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector draw:start-glue-point %integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector draw:end-shape %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector draw:end-glue-point %integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:connector draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:control EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST draw:control %draw-style-name;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:control %draw-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:control %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:control %control-id; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:control %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:control %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:control %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:control draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:control %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:control draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:g ( office:events?, (%shapes;)* ) >
- <!ATTLIST draw:g svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:g %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:g draw:name %string; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:g %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:g %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:g %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:g %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:g draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:g %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:g draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:page-thumbnail EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail draw:page-number %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail %draw-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail %presentation-class; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:page-thumbnail draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:caption ( office:events?, %draw-text;)>
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption %draw-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption %draw-size; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption draw:caption-point-x %coordinate; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption draw:caption-point-y %coordinate; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:caption draw:corner-radius %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:measure ( office:events?, %draw-text;)>
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure svg:x1 %coordinate; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure svg:y1 %coordinate; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure svg:x2 %coordinate; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure svg:y2 %coordinate; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure %draw-transform; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure %text-anchor;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:measure draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- graphic style elements -->
- <!ELEMENT draw:gradient EMPTY >
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:name %styleName; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:style %gradient-style; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:cx %coordinate; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:cy %coordinate; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:start-color %color; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:end-color %color; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:start-intensity %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:end-intensity %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:angle %integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:gradient draw:border %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:hatch EMPTY >
- <!ATTLIST draw:hatch draw:name %styleName; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:hatch draw:style (single|double|triple) #REQUIRED >
- <!ATTLIST draw:hatch draw:color %color; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:hatch draw:distance %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:hatch draw:rotation %integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:fill-image EMPTY >
- <!ATTLIST draw:fill-image draw:name %styleName; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:fill-image xlink:href %uriReference; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:fill-image xlink:type (simple) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:fill-image xlink:show (embed) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:fill-image xlink:actuate (onLoad) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:fill-image svg:width %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:fill-image svg:height %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:transparency EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST draw:transparency draw:name %styleName; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:transparency draw:style %gradient-style; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:transparency draw:cx %coordinate; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:transparency draw:cy %coordinate; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:transparency draw:start %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:transparency draw:end %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:transparency draw:angle %integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:transparency draw:border %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:marker EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST draw:marker draw:name %styleName; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:marker %draw-viewbox; >
- <!ATTLIST draw:marker svg:d %pathData; #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT draw:stroke-dash EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST draw:stroke-dash draw:name %styleName; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:stroke-dash draw:style (rect|round) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:stroke-dash draw:dots1 %integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:stroke-dash draw:dots1-length %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:stroke-dash draw:dots2 %integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:stroke-dash draw:dots2-length %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:stroke-dash draw:distance %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- stroke attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:stroke (none|dash|solid) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:stroke-dash CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties svg:stroke-width %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties svg:stroke-color %color; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:marker-start %styleName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:marker-end %styleName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:marker-start-width %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:marker-end-width %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:marker-start-center %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:marker-end-center %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties svg:stroke-opacity %floatOrPercentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties svg:stroke-linejoin (miter|round|bevel|middle|none|inherit) #IMPLIED>
- <!-- text attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:auto-grow-width %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:auto-grow-height %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fit-to-size %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fit-to-contour %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:textarea-horizontal-align ( left | center | right | justify ) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:textarea-vertical-align ( top | middle | bottom | justify ) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:writing-mode (lr-tb|tb-rl) "lr-tb">
- <!-- fill attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill (none|solid|bitmap|gradient|hatch) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-color %color; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-gradient-name %styleName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:gradient-step-count CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-hatch-name %styleName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-hatch-solid %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-image-name %styleName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties style:repeat (no-repeat|repeat|stretch) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-image-width %lengthOrPercentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-image-height %lengthOrPercentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-image-ref-point-x %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-image-ref-point-y %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fill-image-ref-point %rectanglePoint; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:tile-repeat-offset CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:transparency %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:transparency-name %styleName; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- graphic attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:color-mode (greyscale|mono|watermark|standard) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:luminance %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:contrast %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:gamma %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:red %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:green %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:blue %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:color-inversion %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:mirror %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- shadow attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:shadow (visible|hidden) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:shadow-offset-x %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:shadow-offset-y %length; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:shadow-color %color; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:shadow-transparency CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- connector attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:start-line-spacing-horizontal %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:start-line-spacing-vertical %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:end-line-spacing-horizontal %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:end-line-spacing-vertical %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- measure attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:line-distance %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:guide-overhang %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:guide-distance %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:start-guide %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:end-guide %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:measure-align (automatic|left-outside|inside|right-outside) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:measure-vertical-align (automatic|above|below|center) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:unit (automatic|mm|cm|m|km|pt|pc|inch|ft|mi) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:show-unit %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:placing (below|above) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:parallel %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:decimal-places %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- frame attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:frame-display-scrollbar %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:frame-display-border %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:frame-margin-horizontal %nonNegativePixelLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:frame-margin-vertical %nonNegativePixelLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:size-protect %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:move-protect %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- ole object attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:visible-area-left %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:visible-area-top %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:visible-area-width %positiveLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:visible-area-height %positiveLength; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- fontwork attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-style (rotate|upright|slant-x|slant-y|none) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-adjust (left|right|autosize|center) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-distance %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-start %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-mirror %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-outline %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-shadow (normal|slant|none) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-shadow-color %color; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-shadow-offset-x %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-shadow-offset-y %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-form (none|top-circle|bottom-circle|left-circle|right-circle|top-arc|bottom-arc|left-arc|right-arc|button1|button2|button3|button4) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-hide-form %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:fontwork-shadow-transparence %percentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- caption attributes -->
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:caption-type (straight-line|angled-line|angled-connector-line) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:caption-angle-type (fixed|free) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:caption-angle %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:caption-gap %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:caption-escape-direction (horizontal|vertical|auto) #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:caption-escape %lengthOrPercentage; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:caption-line-length %distance; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST style:properties draw:caption-fit-line-length %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- Animations -->
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- <!ATTLIST presentation:play draw:shape-id CDATA #REQUIRED>
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- <!ELEMENT presentation:animations (presentation:show-shape|presentation:show-text|presentation:hide-shape|presentation:hide-text|presentation:dim|presentation:play)*>
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- <!-- text boxes -->
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- %sectionText;)>
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- <!ELEMENT svg:desc (#PCDATA)>
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- <!ATTLIST draw:contour-path %draw-viewbox;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:contour-path svg:d %pathData; #REQUIRED>
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- <!-- hyperlink -->
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- <!ATTLIST dr3d:sphere %draw-end-position; >
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- <!ATTLIST dr3d:extrude %zindex;>
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- <!ATTLIST dr3d:extrude %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:extrude %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:extrude %draw-style-name; >
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- <!ATTLIST dr3d:rotate %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:rotate draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:rotate %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:rotate %table-background; >
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:rotate %draw-style-name; >
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:rotate draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT dr3d:scene (dr3d:light*,(%shapes3d;)*)>
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- <!ATTLIST dr3d:scene dr3d:focal-length %length; #IMPLIED>
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- <!ATTLIST dr3d:scene dr3d:lighting-mode %boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:scene %zindex;>
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:scene draw:id %draw-shape-id;>
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:scene %draw-end-position; >
- <!ATTLIST dr3d:scene %table-background; >
- <!-- layer -->
- <!ELEMENT draw:layer-set (draw:layer*)>
- <!ELEMENT draw:layer EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST draw:layer draw:name %layerName; #REQUIRED>
- <!-- events -->
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- <!ATTLIST presentation:event presentation:verb %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- applets -->
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- <!ATTLIST draw:applet %draw-end-position; >
- <!-- plugins -->
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- <!ATTLIST draw:plugin draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:plugin %draw-position;>
- <!ATTLIST draw:plugin %draw-end-position; >
- <!-- Paramaters -->
- <!ELEMENT draw:param EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST draw:param draw:name CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST draw:param draw:value CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- Floating Frames -->
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- <!-- Image Maps -->
- <!ELEMENT draw:image-map
- (draw:area-rectangle|draw:area-circle|draw:area-polygon)*>
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- <!ATTLIST draw:area-polygon svg:viewBox CDATA #REQUIRED>