504 A new version of %s is avalaible for download. Your current version is %s, the new version is %s.
505 This version of %s is %s. It is up to date.
506 Error during version check!
520 Close
521 Your 30-day trial period for %s is expired! To continue using this application, please visit www.annotis.com to purchase it.
522 Your %d-day trial period for %s is expired! To continue using this application, please visit www.annotis.com to purchase it.
523 Your %d-day trial period has expired. To continue using your FREE sponsored version of %s, simply click on 'Get registration key'. You will receive a serial number for using it on a permanent basis as per the conditions specified on our web site.
530 %s Information
531 Application
532 Version
533 Unavailable
534 Copy to clipboard
540 More stamps...
541 More stamps...
542 Select
560 Colors
561 New
562 Current
563 Colors:
565 Customize...
566 Background...
600 Not implemented
601 Don't show this warning again
602 Welcome to this trial version. You have been granted a license to use this application during 30 days for evaluation purposes. To purchase this product at any time, select the 'Buy' button and you will be guided through the process.
603 Congratulations! You have successfully registered your copy of Annotis"!.
604 The %s theme is from an older version, and cannot be used. It will be deleted and the default theme will be used instead. You can download more themes from www.annotis.com.
605 Some themes are from an older version. They cannot be used, and will be deleted.
606 Language %s is from an older version, and cannot be used. It will be deleted and the default language will be used instead. You can download more languages from www.annotis.com.
607 Some languages are from an older version. They cannot be used, and will be deleted.
608 The custom user name cannot be empty.
609 Highlighter overlapping not supported.
610 Welcome to this trial version. You have been granted a license to use this application during %d days for evaluation purposes. To purchase this product at any time, select the 'Buy' button and you will be guided through the process.
611 Thank you for downloading this free %d-day trial version of %s, sponsoring the educational sector. If you wish to keep using it afterwards, simply click on 'Get registration key' to convert the product into a full-working version to keep for FREE as per the conditions specified on our web site.
700 This older version of Microsoft« Windows« is not supported. %s will be disabled.
701 %s has not been tested for this version of Microsoft« Windows«. Do you want to enable %s?
702 This older version of Microsoft« Internet Explorer is not supported. %s will be disabled.
703 %s has not been tested for this version of Microsoft« Internet Explorer. Do you want to enable %s?
800 Can't find the file:
801 You cannot delete the default theme!
802 You cannot delete the default language!
803 You cannot delete the default stamp!
804 Error in 'Name' or in 'Serial Number'
805 You cannot add an annotation on a hidden layer!
806 Internal program error
807 An error occurs during the Annotis"! printing process.
808 You must have administrator privileges to register this product.
900 5
901 Arial
902 Courier New
903 Verdana
904 Tahoma
905 Times New Roman
10100 &Media Center...
10101 Select...
10102 Record...
10103 Load...
10104 More Colors...
10105 Background
10106 Get more...
10107 Cancel Template
10108 Undo delete Annotation
10109 &Letters && e-cards
10115 Iconic (on/off)
10116 Add background to My Media
10117 Add to My Media
10118 Customize
10119 Color
10120 Hide annotations for this user
10121 Delete
10122 Cut
10123 Copy
10124 Paste
10200 Annotis"! Mail 2.0
10201 Annotis(TM) Mail 2.0
10202 Annotis"! Mail Multimedia
10203 Annotis(TM) Mail Multimedia
10204 Annotis"! Mail 2.0 Special Edition
10205 Annotis(TM) Mail 2.0 Special Edition
10206 Annotis(TM) Mail - Free Version
10207 Annotis(TM) Mail - Trial Version
10208 Annotis(TM) Mail - Special Edition
10210 New Folder
10211 Media Center
10212 Create Folder
10213 Rename
10214 Move to Folder
10215 Delete
10216 Attach to the mail
10217 Get from disk
10218 Create
10219 Download...
10220 Create new Stamp
10221 Create new Sound
10222 Create new Video
10223 Cancel current template
10224 Select
10225 Manage
10226 Preview
10227 To create a new folder, click the Create Folder button. To rename or delete an item, select the item and click Rename or Delete.
10228 Stamp
10229 Sound/Voice
10230 Video
10231 Image
10232 Letters & e-cards
10233 Note background
10234 Media Center
10250 Organize backgrounds
10251 Add...
10252 Delete
10253 Note without background image
10254 Positioning with layout
10255 Stretch
10256 Tile
10257 Position
10258 Horizontal alignment
10259 Vertical alignment
10260 Left
10261 Center
10262 Right
10263 Top
10264 Center
10265 Bottom
10266 Can't delete background file.
10267 Can't copy image to background folder.
10280 Browse for folder
10281 Click the folder where you want to move the selected item to.
10282 Stamps
10300 Video Recorder
10301 Name
10302 New Video
10303 Position
10304 00:00:0 sec
10305 00:00:0 sec
10306 Length:
10307 OK
10308 Cancel
10330 Sound Recorder
10331 Name
10332 New Sound
10333 Position
10334 00:00:0 sec
10335 00:00:0 sec
10336 Length:
10337 KB
10338 OK
10339 Cancel
10340 Recording level
10341 Auto record level
10342 Size:
10343 Recording
10344 Playing
10350 Add to My Media
10351 Click the folder where you want to save the selected item to.
10352 New Folder
10360 New mail template
10361 Template Name:
10362 Message font
10363 Set default font for message
10364 Change font...
10365 Email background
10366 Template can have either background picture or background color. Select the background for this template:
10367 Picture:
10368 Color:
10369 None
10370 pt.
10450 To Purchase Annotis Mail click here
10451 To enter Annotis Mail serial number click here
10452 To view the multimedia functionality demo click here
10453 Demo
10454 Use Free Version
10455 This functionality is not available in this free version of Annotis Mail.
10456 See the online demo of Annotis Mail multimedia functionalities.
10457 Buy Annotis Mail now.
10458 Buy Annotis Mail now.
10459 Use Special Edition
10460 This functionality is not available in this Special Edition of Annotis Mail.
10500 Your mail will be converted to HTML format.
10501 Annotis"! Mail will work only with HTML e-mail. Convert to HTML?
10502 This older version of Microsoft« Outlook« Express is not supported. Annotis"! Mail will be disabled.
10503 Annotis"! Mail has not been tested for this version of Microsoft« Outlook« Express. Do you want to enable Annotis"! Mail?
10504 This older version of Microsoft« Outlook« Express is not supported. Annotis"! Mail will be disabled.
10505 Annotis"! Mail has not been tested for this version of Microsoft« Outlook« Express. Do you want to enable Annotis"! Mail?
10506 You cannot add an annotation in this editor mode. Please switch to the 'Edit' mode by using the bottom tabs.
10507 You are using Microsoft« Word to edit your e-mail messages. Annotis"! Mail cannot be used in this context.
10508 You must select some text before inserting this annotation.
10509 Annotis"! Mail will work only with HTML e-mail. Select HTML mail format in the 'Tools/Options/Mail Format' menu.
10510 Error while converting to HTML format. Select this option from the 'Format/HTML' menu.
10511 This message contains an attachment annotated with Annotis<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1>TM</FONT></SUP> Mail: 'Annotis letter.mht'. Open it to read the content.
10512 ...
10513 <table border=0><tr><td><HR>Powered by <A HREF='http://www.annotis.com/home.html'>Annotis Mail </A>.</td></tr></table>
10514 By turning off the Powered by Annotis"! message in the e-mail body, your recipient may not know that your message contains HTML notes and comments. Continue?
10515 Annotis"! Mail will only work with HTML e-mail and without using Microsoft« Word as e-mail editor. Set HTML format as default and disable Microsoft« Word as e-mail editor?
10516 Changes have been successfully completed. Restart Microsoft« Outlook« to enable them.
10517 You must select an annotation.
10518 Send the annotations as an attachment as well. Use this option to properly show the annotations in Web-based e-mail applications.
10520 This action is only intended for annotated e-mails.
10521 To allow your e-mail application to work properly with Annotis Mail, select the Tools menu and the Options item, then the Security tab and select Internet zone as Security Zone.
10522 <table border=0><tr><td><HR>Powered by <A HREF='http://www.annotis.com/home.html'>Annotis Mail </A> Sponsoring the educational sector.</td></tr></table>
10523 Are you sure you want to remove %s : %s?
10524 Are you sure you want to remove directory : %s and all subfolders?
10525 Background attribute is supported only for <BODY> tag. So your Letters won't be displayed correctly.
10526 Sorry, Letters && e-cards are supported only under Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. You should upgrade your current version of Internet Explorer.
10527 A template with the name '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
10528 The background of the Notes cannot be changed in the trial version of Annotis Mail.
10529 Text in the Highlight area was changed. It is impossible to undelete the annotation.
10530 Working, please wait...
10800 %s : %s already exists!
10801 Error while renaming %s.
10802 Directory : %s already exists!
10803 Error while renaming folder.
10804 Error while deleting %s.
10805 Error while deleting folder.
10806 This %s already exists in that folder.
10807 Error while moving directory! (may be this directory already exists)
10808 You can't customize the first set of 6 colors. Select any color from the second set of 6 colors.
10809 Error while extracting the package.
10810 Please enter a name for the template.
10811 You should select an image file for background.
10812 Image file doesn t exist.
10813 Error while creating the template.html file
10814 Error while creating Template
10815 A file with this name already exists. Please change the name.
10816 You must enter a name for this file.
10817 Error while loading images. Maybe you have an old scheme. Please uninstall and install product again.
10818 Error while attaching media
10819 A resource with the same name already exists.
10820 A sound with the same name already exists.
10821 A video with the same name already exists.
10822 You can't delete this object while it is used in your e-mail.
10823 Error while connecting to your Camera.
10824 Error while loading the file.
10825 Unknown file format.
10826 Cannot play back media annotation: no audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding
20100 HTML file...
20101 HTML file with annotations...
20102 Annotis"! document...
20120 To Annotis"! user...
20121 HTML document with annotations...
20130 Save as...
20131 Delete annotated page...
20150 OK
20151 Open...
20152 Cancel
20153 Play
20154 Stop
20155 Pause
20156 Back
20157 Forward
20158 Record
20159 Total time:
20160 Elapsed time:
20161 sec.
20200 Browse for Sound/Voice files
20201 Record voice comment
20210 Browse for Video files
20211 Record Video annotation
20220 Sound/Voice annotation
20221 Record Sound/Voice annotation
20222 Browse for Sound/Voice files
20223 Audio File (*.wav)|*.wav
20224 Midi File (*.mid)|*.mid
20225 All Sound/Voice files supported|*.wav; *.mid
20230 Video annotation
20231 Record Video annotation
20232 Browse for Video files
20233 Video file (*.avi)|*.avi
20240 Image annotation
20241 Bitmap file (*.bmp)|*.bmp
20242 Graphics Interchange Format file (*.gif)|*.gif
20243 JPEG file (*.jpg; *.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg
20244 All Image files|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpeg;*.jpg
20250 Hyperlink annotation
20300 Annotis"! Web
20301 Annotis(TM) Web
20500 This older version of Microsoft« Windows« is not supported. Annotis"! Web will be disabled.
40100 &File
40101 Copy to My Annotis
40102 Move to My Annotis
40103 Open from My Annotis...
40104 Update annotations
40105 Extract a copy from My Annotis
40106 Initial Word document...
40107 Word document with annotations...
40108 Move from My Annotis
40109 P&rint...
40110 Show &My Annotis
40111 &New Annotation
40112 &Show/Hide annotations
40113 &Annotation List...
40114 &Preferences...
40115 &Contents and Index
40116 Online &Help
40117 Ch&eck for updates
40118 Ann&otis(TM) WEB site
40119 A&bout
40120 Sa&ve with annotations
40121 &Show all annotations
40122 &Hide all annotations
40123 Close document
40200 Annotis"! Word
40201 Annotis(TM) Word
40202 Powered by Annotis Word \nhttp://www.annotis.com
40203 Annotis"! Ennov Word
40204 Annotis(TM) Ennov Word
40500 You must save this file in Word Document format before annotating.
40501 This older version of Microsoft« Word is not supported. Annotis"! Word will be disabled.
40502 Annotis has not been tested for this version of Microsoft« Word.
40503 This document filename already exists. \n Do you want to create a new annotated copy of this document?
40504 Autosave will be switched off for non-Annotis documents.
40505 Please, enter your E-mail address:
40506 This element already exists. \n Do you want to replace it?
40507 Do you want to save changes?
40508 A document with this name is already opened with MS Word or another application. \n Please, modify the document name.
40509 Are you sure you want to delete this user's annotations?
40510 Cannot save the file
40511 A document with this name already exists. Please, modify the document name or location.
40512 Please, enter your e-mail to identity your annotations.
40513 The file size is too big. It may cause some problems while working with the document. Do you want to continue?