home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <!--
- The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
- either of the following licenses
- - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
- GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- =============================================
- Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- MA 02111-1307 USA
- Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- =================================================
- The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
- Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
- except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
- License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
- Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
- See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
- obligations concerning the Software.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Copyright © 2002 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s): _______________________________________
- -->
- <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
- xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
- xmlns:office="http://openoffice.org/2000/office"
- xmlns:style="http://openoffice.org/2000/style"
- xmlns:text="http://openoffice.org/2000/text"
- xmlns:table="http://openoffice.org/2000/table"
- xmlns:draw="http://openoffice.org/2000/drawing"
- xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"
- xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- xmlns:number="http://openoffice.org/2000/datastyle"
- xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- xmlns:chart="http://openoffice.org/2000/chart"
- xmlns:dr3d="http://openoffice.org/2000/dr3d"
- xmlns:math="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
- xmlns:form="http://openoffice.org/2000/form"
- xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script"
- office:class="text"
- office:version="1.0"
- xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
- xmlns:meta="http://openoffice.org/2000/meta"
- xmlns:config="http://openoffice.org/2001/config"
- xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"
- xmlns:xt="http://www.jclark.com/xt"
- xmlns:system="http://www.jclark.com/xt/java/java.lang.System"
- xmlns:xalan="http://xml.apache.org/xalan"
- xmlns:java="http://xml.apache.org/xslt/java"
- exclude-result-prefixes="java">
- <!-- *********************************** -->
- <!-- *** write repeating table cells *** -->
- <!-- *********************************** -->
- <!-- matching cells to give out -> covered table cells are not written out -->
- <xsl:template match="table:table-cell">
- <xsl:param name="collectedGlobalData"/>
- <!-- position of the current input cell to get the correct colum style (hidden are also counted)-->
- <xsl:param name="allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:param name="maxRowLength"/>
- <xsl:if test="$isDebugMode">
- <xsl:message>
- --------------> table:table-cell has been entered with node value: <xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:message>
- <xsl:message>table:number-columns-repeated: -<xsl:value-of select="@table:number-columns-repeated"/>-</xsl:message>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:call-template name="create-column-position-variable">
- <!-- position of the current input cell to get the correct colum style (hidden are also counted)-->
- <xsl:with-param name="allColumnStyleEntries" select="$allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="maxRowLength" select="$maxRowLength"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template name="create-column-position-variable">
- <!-- position of the current input cell to get the correct colum style (hidden are also counted)-->
- <xsl:param name="allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:param name="collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:param name="maxRowLength"/>
- <!-- column position needed for styles, esp. for column-hidden-flag -->
- <xsl:variable name="preceding-columns">
- <xsl:for-each select="preceding-sibling::*">
- <xsl:element name="quantity">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="string-length(@table:number-columns-repeated) = 0">1</xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="@table:number-columns-repeated"/></xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:for-each>
- </xsl:variable>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="function-available('xt:node-set')">
- <xsl:call-template name="create-table-cell">
- <!-- position of the current input cell to get the correct colum style (hidden are also counted)-->
- <xsl:with-param name="allColumnStyleEntries" select="$allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="maxRowLength" select="$maxRowLength"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="column-position" select="sum(xt:node-set($preceding-columns)/quantity) + 1"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test="function-available('xalan:nodeset')">
- <xsl:call-template name="create-table-cell">
- <!-- position of the current input cell to get the correct colum style (hidden are also counted)-->
- <xsl:with-param name="allColumnStyleEntries" select="$allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="maxRowLength" select="$maxRowLength"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="column-position" select="sum(xalan:nodeset($preceding-columns)/quantity) + 1"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:element name="NodeSetFunctionNotAvailable"/>
- <xsl:call-template name="create-table-cell"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template name="create-table-cell">
- <!-- position of the current input cell to get the correct colum style (hidden are also counted)-->
- <xsl:param name="allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:param name="collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:param name="maxRowLength"/>
- <xsl:param name="column-position"/>
- <xsl:if test="$isDebugMode">
- <xsl:message>NEW VALUE: column-position: -<xsl:value-of select="$column-position"/>-</xsl:message>
- </xsl:if>
- <!-- a hidden column will give out nothing -->
- <xsl:if test="not($allColumnStyleEntries/column-style-entry[position() = $column-position]/@column-hidden-flag)">
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- when the columns are not repeated the next column-positions raises up to 1, otherwise up to the amount of repeated columns -->
- <xsl:when test="@table:number-columns-repeated">
- <!-- writes multiple entries of a cell -->
- <xsl:call-template name="repeat-write-cell">
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="allColumnStyleEntries" select="$allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="column-position" select="$column-position"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="maxRowLength" select="$maxRowLength"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="number-columns-repeated" select="@table:number-columns-repeated"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <!-- writes an entry of a cell -->
- <xsl:call-template name="write-cell">
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="allColumnStyleEntries" select="$allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="column-position" select="$column-position"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="maxRowLength" select="$maxRowLength"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template name="repeat-write-cell">
- <xsl:param name="collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:param name="allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:param name="column-position"/>
- <xsl:param name="maxRowLength"/>
- <xsl:param name="number-columns-repeated"/>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- 2DO: This is the current workaround against the background simulation by an 'endless' repeating cell -->
- <xsl:when test="$number-columns-repeated > 1 and $maxRowLength > $column-position">
- <xsl:if test="$isDebugMode">
- <xsl:message>+++++++++ starting cell writing +++++++++</xsl:message>
- <xsl:message>number-columns-repeated: -<xsl:value-of select="$number-columns-repeated"/>-</xsl:message>
- <xsl:message>maxRowLength: -<xsl:value-of select="$maxRowLength"/>-</xsl:message>
- <xsl:message>column-position: -<xsl:value-of select="$column-position"/>-</xsl:message>
- </xsl:if>
- <!-- writes an entry of a cell -->
- <xsl:call-template name="write-cell">
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="allColumnStyleEntries" select="$allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="column-position" select="$column-position"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="maxRowLength" select="$maxRowLength"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- <!-- repeat calling this method until all elements written out -->
- <xsl:if test="$isDebugMode">
- <xsl:message>+++++++++ cell repetition +++++++++</xsl:message>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:call-template name="repeat-write-cell">
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="allColumnStyleEntries" select="$allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="column-position" select="$column-position + 1"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="maxRowLength" select="$maxRowLength"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="number-columns-repeated" select="$number-columns-repeated - 1"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <!-- 2DO: This is the current workaround against the background simulation by an 'endless' repeating cell -->
- <!-- When the maxRowLength is reached a last entry of a cell is written -->
- <xsl:call-template name="write-cell">
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="allColumnStyleEntries" select="$allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="column-position" select="$column-position"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="maxRowLength" select="$maxRowLength"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template name="write-cell">
- <xsl:param name="collectedGlobalData"/>
- <xsl:param name="allColumnStyleEntries"/>
- <xsl:param name="column-position"/>
- <xsl:param name="maxRowLength"/>
- <xsl:if test="$isDebugMode">
- <xsl:message>WriteTest -> If nothing between '-' write cell -<xsl:value-of select="$allColumnStyleEntries/column-style-entry[position() = $column-position]/@column-hidden-flag"/>-</xsl:message>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:if test="$allColumnStyleEntries/column-style-entry[position() = $column-position]/@column-hidden-flag">
- <xsl:if test="$isDebugMode">
- <xsl:message>TABLE COLUMN is hidden!</xsl:message>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- a hidden column will give out nothing -->
- <xsl:when test="$allColumnStyleEntries/column-style-entry[position() = $column-position]/@column-hidden-flag">
- <xsl:if test="$isDebugMode">
- <xsl:message>TABLE COLUMN is hidden!</xsl:message>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:when>
- <!-- NOT a hidden column -->
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <!-- a table is a table header, when it has a "table:table-header-rows" ancestor -->
- <xsl:variable name="tableDataType">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="ancestor::table:table-header-rows">
- <xsl:text>th</xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>td</xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:variable>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="$outputType = 'CSS_HEADER'">
- <xsl:element name="{$tableDataType}">
- <xsl:if test="$isDebugMode">
- <xsl:message>
- *****************************************'<xsl:value-of select="$tableDataType"/>' element has been added!</xsl:message>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:if test="@table:number-columns-spanned">
- <xsl:attribute name="colspan">
- <xsl:value-of select="@table:number-columns-spanned"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:if test="@table:number-rows-spanned">
- <xsl:attribute name="rowspan">
- <xsl:value-of select="@table:number-rows-spanned"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- <!-- *** the cell-style *** -->
- <!-- The cell style has no conclusion with the column style, so we switch the order/priorities due to browser issues
- The cell-style depends on two attributes:
- 1) table:style-name - the style properties of cell. When they exist, a default alignement (cp. below) will be added for the
- case of no alignment in the style exist.
- 2) table:value-type - the value type of the table-cell giving the default alignments.
- By default a string value is left aligned, all other are aligned:right.
- -->
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@table:style-name">
- <xsl:attribute name="style">
- <!-- CELL-STYLE: alignment by table:value-type (without existing table:style-name)-->
- <xsl:variable name="cellStyle" select="$collectedGlobalData/allstyles/*[name()=current()/@table:style-name]"/>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="string-length($cellStyle) > 0 and not(contains($cellStyle, 'text-align'))">
- <!-- CELL-STYLE: alignment by table:value-type -->
- <!-- no alignment in the cell style, the alignment based on the table:value-type will be added -->
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@table:value-type and not(@table:value-type = 'string')">
- <xsl:value-of select="concat($collectedGlobalData/allstyles/*[name()=current()/@table:style-name], 'text-align:right; ')"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="concat($collectedGlobalData/allstyles/*[name()=current()/@table:style-name], 'text-align:left; ')"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <!-- CELL-STYLE: alignment by table:value-type -->
- <!-- no CSS style properties exist, only alignment from the table:value-type will be used -->
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@table:value-type and not(@table:value-type = 'string')">text-align:right; </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>text-align:left; </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <!-- column-style (disjunct of cell style -->
- <!-- 2DO: only absolut styles are supported, relative styles (i.e. 'style:rel-column-width' e.g. with value "8933*" are ignored.
- Issue: browsers (not sure if CSS) does not support the '*' relationship, only the '%', where the sum is always '100'!
- For this, it is easier to work on with the absolute values, instead of calculating the values for 100% -->
- <xsl:value-of select="$allColumnStyleEntries/column-style-entry[position()=$column-position]"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- <!-- CELL-STYLE: table:style-name -->
- <xsl:attribute name="class">
- <xsl:value-of select="translate(@table:style-name, '. %()/\', '')"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:attribute name="style">
- <!-- CELL-STYLE: alignment by table:value-type (without existing table:style-name)-->
- <!-- no table:style-name exist, only alignment from the table:value-type will be used -->
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@table:value-type and not(@table:value-type = 'string')">
- text-align:right;
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- text-align:left;
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- In case of no cell content a non-breakable space will be inserted
- to make the browser show the table-cell grid -->
- <xsl:when test="not(child::text()) and not(child::*)">
- <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <!-- *** the column-style *** -->
- <!-- the column style has no conclusion with the cell style, so we switch the order/priorities due to browser issues-->
- <xsl:element name="span">
- <xsl:attribute name="class">
- <xsl:value-of select="$allColumnStyleEntries/column-style-entry[position() = $column-position]/@style-name"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:when>
- <!--+++++ HTML 4.0 INLINED WAY +++++-->
- <xsl:when test="$outputType = 'CSS_INLINED'">
- <xsl:element name="{$tableDataType}">
- <xsl:if test="@table:number-columns-spanned">
- <xsl:attribute name="colspan">
- <xsl:value-of select="@table:number-columns-spanned"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:if test="@table:number-rows-spanned">
- <xsl:attribute name="rowspan">
- <xsl:value-of select="@table:number-rows-spanned"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:attribute name="style">
- <!-- cell-style -->
- <xsl:value-of select="$collectedGlobalData/allstyles/*[name()=current()/@table:style-name]"/>
- <!-- column-style -->
- <xsl:value-of select="$allColumnStyleEntries/column-style-entry[position()=$column-position]"/>
- <!-- TABLE:VALUE-TYPE - the value of a table-cell will be aligned left by default only exlicit non-string is aligned:right-->
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@table:value-type and not(@table:value-type = 'string')">
- <xsl:text>text-align:right;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>text-align:left;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:attribute>
- <!-- is a non-breakable space, necessary to make to the browser show the table-cell grid -->
- <xsl:if test="not(child::text()) and not(child::*)"> </xsl:if>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:when>
- <!--+++++ PALM INLINED WAY +++++-->
- <xsl:when test="$outputType = 'PALM'">
- <xsl:element name="{$tableDataType}">
- <xsl:if test="@table:number-columns-spanned">
- <xsl:attribute name="colspan">
- <xsl:value-of select="@table:number-columns-spanned"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:if test="@table:number-rows-spanned">
- <xsl:attribute name="rowspan">
- <xsl:value-of select="@table:number-rows-spanned"/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:when>
- <!--+++++ WML WAY +++++-->
- <xsl:when test="$outputType = 'WML'">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="not($allColumnStyleEntries/column-style-entry[last() = $column-position])">
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="collectedGlobalData" select="$collectedGlobalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- <xsl:element name="br"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:when>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- </xsl:stylesheet>