home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="AutoPilotRun" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
- Public SourceDir as String
- Public TargetDir as String
- Public TargetStemDir as String
- Public SourceFile as String
- Public TargetFile as String
- Public Source as String
- Public SubstFile as String
- Public SubstDir as String
- Public NoArgs()
- Public FilterList(6) as String
- Public GoOn as Boolean
- Public DoUnprotect as Integer
- Public Password as String
- Public DocIndex as Integer
- Public oPathSettings as Object
- Public oDocInfo as Object
- Public oUcb as Object
- Public TotDocCount as Integer
- Public sTotDocCount as String
- Public OpenProperties(1) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
- Sub StartAutoPilot()
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim oFactoryKey as Object
- BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools")
- BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("ImportWizard")
- If InitResources("Euro Converter", "eur") Then
- oDocInfo = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.document.DocumentProperties")
- oUcb = createUnoService("com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess")
- oLocale = GetStarOfficeLocale()
- InitializeConverter(oLocale, 2)
- ToggleGoOnButton()
- oFactoryKey = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/Office/Factories")
- DialogModel.chkTextDocuments.Enabled = oFactoryKey.hasbyName("com.sun.star.text.TextDocument")
- DialogModel.cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
- DialogModel.lstCurrencies.TabIndex = 12
- DialogConvert.GetControl("optWholeDir").SetFocus()
- DialogConvert.Execute()
- DialogConvert.Dispose()
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub ConvertDocuments()
- Dim FilesList()
- Dim bDisposable as Boolean
- If Source <> "" And TargetDir <> "" Then
- If DialogModel.optSingleFile.State = 1 Then
- SourceFile = Source
- TotDocCount = 1
- Else
- SourceDir = Source
- TargetStemDir = TargetDir
- FilterList(0) = "application/x-starcalc"
- FilterList(1) = "application/vnd.stardivision.calc"
- FilterList(2) = "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc"
- If DialogModel.chkTextDocuments.State = 1 Then
- ReDim Preserve FilterList(6) as String
- FilterList(3) = "application/x-starwriter"
- FilterList(4) = "application/vnd.stardivision.writer"
- FilterList(5) = "application/vnd.stardivision.writer/web"
- FilterList(6) = "application/vnd.sun.xml.writer"
- End If
- FilesList() = ReadDirectories(SourceDir, bRecursive, True, False, FilterList())
- TotDocCount = Ubound(FilesList(),1) + 1
- End If
- InitializeProgressPage(DialogModel)
- ' ChangeToNextProgressStep()
- sTotDocCount = CStr(TotDocCount)
- OpenProperties(0).Name = "Hidden"
- OpenProperties(0).Value = True
- OpenProperties(1).Name = "AsTemplate"
- OpenProperties(1).Value = False
- For DocIndex = 0 To TotDocCount - 1
- If InitializeDocument(FilesList(), bDisposable) Then
- If StoreDocument() Then
- ConvertDocument()
- oDocument.Store
- End If
- If bDisposable Then
- oDocument.Dispose()
- End If
- End If
- Next DocIndex
- DialogModel.cmdBack.Enabled = True
- DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
- DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Label = sReady
- DialogModel.cmdCancel.Label = sEnd
- End If
- End Sub
- Function InitializeDocument(FilesList(), bDisposable as Boolean) as Boolean
- ' The Autopilot is started from step No. 2
- Dim sViewPath as String
- Dim bIsReadOnly as Boolean
- Dim sExtension as String
- On Local Error Goto NEXTFILE
- If Not bCancelTask Then
- If DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1 Then
- SourceFile = FilesList(DocIndex,0)
- TargetFile = ReplaceString(SourceFile,TargetStemDir,SourceDir)
- TargetDir = DirectorynameoutofPath(TargetFile, "/")
- Else
- SourceFile = Source
- TargetFile = TargetDir & "/" & FileNameoutofPath(SourceFile, "/")
- End If
- If CreateFolder(TargetDir) Then
- sExtension = GetFileNameExtension(SourceFile, "/")
- oDocument = OpenDocument(SourceFile, OpenProperties(), bDisposable)
- If (oDocument.IsReadOnly) AND (UCase(SourceFile) = UCase(TargetFile)) Then
- bIsReadOnly = True
- Msgbox(sMsgDOCISREADONLY, 16, GetProductName())
- Else
- bIsReadOnly = False
- RetrieveDocumentObjects()
- sViewPath = CutPathView(SourceFile, 60)
- DialogModel.lblCurDocument.Label = Str(DocIndex+1) & "/" & sTotDocCount & " (" & sViewPath & ")"
- End If
- InitializeDocument() = Not bIsReadOnly
- Else
- InitializeDocument() = False
- End If
- Else
- InitializeDocument() = False
- End If
- If Err <> 0 Then
- InitializeDocument() = False
- Resume LETSGO
- End If
- End Function
- Sub ChangeToNextProgressStep()
- DialogModel.lblCurProgress.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
- DialogConvert.GetControl("lblCurProgress").Visible = True
- End Sub
- Function StoreDocument() as Boolean
- Dim sCurFileExists as String
- Dim iOverWrite as Integer
- If (TargetFile <> "") And (Not bCancelTask) Then
- On Local Error Goto NOSAVING
- If oUcb.Exists(TargetFile) Then
- sCurFileExists = ReplaceString(sMsgFileExists, ConvertFromUrl(TargetFile), "<1>")
- sCurFileExists = ReplaceString(sCurFileExists, chr(13), "<CR>")
- iOverWrite = Msgbox (sCurFileExists, 32 + 3, sMsgDLGTITLE)
- Select Case iOverWrite
- Case 1 ' OK
- Case 2 ' Abort
- bCancelTask = True
- StoreDocument() = False
- Exit Function
- Case 7 ' No
- StoreDocument() = False
- Exit Function
- End Select
- End If
- If TargetFile <> SourceFile Then
- oDocument.StoreAsUrl(TargetFile,NoArgs)
- Else
- oDocument.Store
- End If
- StoreDocument() = True
- If Err <> 0 Then
- StoreDocument() = False
- Resume CLERROR
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Sub SwapExtent()
- DialogModel.chkRecursive.Enabled = DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1
- If DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1 Then
- DialogModel.lblSource.Label = sSOURCEDIR
- If Not IsNull(SubstFile) Then
- SubstFile = DialogModel.txtSource.Text
- DialogModel.txtSource.Text = SubstDir
- End If
- Else
- DialogModel.LblSource.Label = sSOURCEFILE
- If Not IsNull(SubstDir) Then
- SubstDir = DialogModel.txtSource.Text
- DialogModel.txtSource.Text = SubstFile
- End If
- End If
- ToggleGoOnButton()
- End Sub
- Function InitializeThirdStep() as Boolean
- Dim TextBoxText as String
- Source = AssignFileName(DialogModel.txtSource.Text, DialogModel.lblSource.Label, True)
- If CheckTextBoxPath(DialogModel.txtTarget, True, True, sMsgDLGTITLE, True) Then
- TargetDir = AssignFileName(DialogModel.txtTarget.Text, DialogModel.lblTarget.Label, False)
- Else
- TargetDir = ""
- End If
- If Source <> "" And TargetDir <> "" Then
- bRecursive = DialogModel.chkRecursive.State = 1
- bDoUnprotect = DialogModel.chkProtect.State = 1
- DialogModel.lblRetrieval.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
- DialogModel.lblRetrieval.Label = sPrgsRETRIEVAL
- DialogModel.lblCurProgress.Label = sPrgsCONVERTING
- If DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1 Then
- TextBoxText = sSOURCEDIR & " " & ConvertFromUrl(Source) & chr(13)
- If DialogModel.chkRecursive.State = 1 Then
- TextBoxText = TextBoxText & DeleteStr(sInclusiveSubDir,"~") & chr(13)
- End If
- Else
- TextBoxText = sSOURCEFILE & " " & ConvertFromUrl(Source) & chr(13)
- End If
- TextBoxText = TextBoxText & sTARGETDIR & " " & ConvertFromUrl(TargetDir) & chr(13)
- If DialogModel.chkProtect.State = 1 Then
- TextBoxText = TextboxText & sPrgsUNPROTECT
- End If
- DialogModel.txtConfig.Text = TextBoxText
- ToggleProgressStep()
- DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
- InitializeThirdStep() = True
- Else
- InitializeThirdStep() = False
- End If
- End Function
- Sub ToggleProgressStep(Optional aEvent as Object)
- Dim bMakeVisible as Boolean
- Dim LocStep as Integer
- ' If the Sub is call by the 'cmdBack' Button then set the 'bMakeVisible' variable accordingly
- bMakeVisible = IsMissing(aEvent)
- If bMakeVisible Then
- DialogModel.Step = 3
- Else
- DialogModel.Step = 2
- End If
- DialogConvert.GetControl("lblCurrencies").Visible = Not bMakeVisible
- DialogConvert.GetControl("lstCurrencies").Visible = Not bMakeVisible
- DialogConvert.GetControl("cmdBack").Visible = bMakeVisible
- DialogConvert.GetControl("cmdGoOn").Visible = bMakeVisible
- DialogModel.imgPreview.ImageUrl = BitmapDir & "euro_" & DialogModel.Step & ".bmp"
- End Sub
- Sub EnableStep2DialogControls(OnValue as Boolean)
- With DialogModel
- .hlnExtent.Enabled = OnValue
- .optWholeDir.Enabled = OnValue
- .optSingleFile.Enabled = OnValue
- .chkProtect.Enabled = OnValue
- .cmdCallSourceDialog.Enabled = OnValue
- .cmdCallTargetDialog.Enabled = OnValue
- .lblSource.Enabled = OnValue
- .lblTarget.Enabled = OnValue
- .txtSource.Enabled = OnValue
- .txtTarget.Enabled = OnValue
- .imgPreview.Enabled = OnValue
- .lstCurrencies.Enabled = OnValue
- .lblCurrencies.Enabled = OnValue
- If OnValue Then
- ToggleGoOnButton()
- .chkRecursive.Enabled = .optWholeDir.State = 1
- Else
- .cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
- .chkRecursive.Enabled = False
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Sub InitializeProgressPage()
- DialogConvert.GetControl("lblRetrieval").Visible = False
- DialogConvert.GetControl("lblCurProgress").Visible = False
- DialogModel.lblRetrieval.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
- DialogModel.lblCurProgress.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
- DialogConvert.GetControl("lblRetrieval").Visible = True
- DialogConvert.GetControl("lblCurProgress").Visible = True
- End Sub
- Function AssignFileName(sPath as String, ByVal HeaderString, bCheckFileType as Boolean) as String
- Dim bIsValid as Boolean
- Dim sLocMimeType as String
- Dim sNoDirMessage as String
- HeaderString = DeleteStr(HeaderString, ":")
- sPath = ConvertToUrl(Trim(sPath))
- bIsValid = oUcb.Exists(sPath)
- If bIsValid Then
- If DialogModel.optSingleFile.State = 1 Then
- If bCheckFileType Then
- sLocMimeType = GetRealFileContent(oDocInfo, sPath)
- If DialogModel.chkTextDocuments.State = 1 Then
- If (Instr(1, sLocMimeType, "writer") = 0) And (Instr(1, sLocMimeType, "calc") = 0) Then
- Msgbox(sMsgFileInvalid, 48, sMsgDLGTITLE)
- bIsValid = False
- End If
- Else
- If Instr(1, sLocMimeType, "calc") = 0 Then
- Msgbox(sMsgFileInvalid, 48, sMsgDLGTITLE)
- bIsValid = False
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Else
- If Not oUcb.IsFolder(sPath) Then
- sNoDirMessage = ReplaceString(sMsgNODIRECTORY,sPath,"<1>")
- Msgbox(sNoDirMessage,48, sMsgDLGTITLE)
- bIsValid = False
- Else
- sPath = RTrimStr(sPath,"/")
- sPath = sPath & "/"
- End If
- End if
- Else
- Msgbox(HeaderString & " '" & ConvertFromUrl(sPath) & "' " & sMsgNOTTHERE,48, sMsgDLGTITLE)
- End If
- If bIsValid Then
- AssignFileName() = sPath
- Else
- AssignFilename() = ""
- End If
- End Function
- Sub ToggleGoOnButton()
- Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
- Dim sLocMimeType as String
- Dim sPath as String
- bDoEnable = Ubound(DialogModel.lstCurrencies.SelectedItems()) > -1
- If bDoEnable Then
- ' Check if Source is set correctly
- sPath = ConvertToUrl(Trim(DialogModel.txtSource.Text))
- bDoEnable = oUcb.Exists(sPath)
- End If
- DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = bDoEnable
- End Sub
- Sub CallFolderPicker()
- GetFolderName(DialogModel.txtTarget)
- ToggleGoOnButton()
- End Sub
- Sub CallFilePicker()
- If DialogModel.optSingleFile.State = 1 Then
- Dim oMasterKey as Object
- Dim oTypes() as Object
- Dim oUIKey() as Object
- oMasterKey = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Office.TypeDetection/")
- oTypes() = oMasterKey.Types
- oUIKey = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Office.UI/FilterClassification/LocalFilters")
- If DialogModel.chkTextDocuments.State = 1 Then
- Dim FilterNames(7,1) as String
- FilterNames(4,0) = oTypes.GetByName("writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer").UIName
- FilterNames(4,1) = "*.sxw"
- FilterNames(5,0) = oTypes.GetByName("writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template").UIName
- FilterNames(5,1) = "*.stw"
- FilterNames(6,0) = oUIKey.Classes.GetByName("sw3to5").DisplayName
- FilterNames(6,1) = "*.sdw"
- FilterNames(7,0) = oUIKey.Classes.GetByName("sw3to5templ").DisplayName
- Filternames(7,1) = "*.vor"
- Else
- ReDim FilterNames(3,1) as String
- End If
- FilterNames(0,0) = oTypes.GetByName("calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc").UIName
- Filternames(0,1) = "*.sxc"
- FilterNames(1,0) = oTypes.GetByName("calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template").UIName
- Filternames(1,1) = "*.stc"
- FilterNames(2,0) = oUIKey.Classes.GetByName("sc345").DisplayName
- FilterNames(2,1) = "*.sdc"
- FilterNames(3,0) = oUIKey.Classes.GetByName("sc345templ").DisplayName
- Filternames(3,1) = "*.vor"
- GetFileName(DialogModel.txtSource, Filternames())
- Else
- GetFolderName(DialogModel.txtSource)
- End If
- ToggleGoOnButton()
- End Sub
- Sub PreviousStep()
- DialogModel.Step = 2
- DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Label = sGOON
- DialogModel.cmdCancel.Label = sCANCEL
- End Sub</script:module>