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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="tools" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
- Option Explicit
- Sub RemoveSheet()
- If oSheets.HasbyName("Link") then
- oSheets.RemovebyName("Link")
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub InitializeStatusLine(StatusText as String, MaxValue as Integer, FirstValue as Integer)
- oStatusline = oDocument.GetCurrentController.GetFrame.CreateStatusIndicator()
- oStatusLine.Start(StatusText, MaxValue)
- oStatusline.SetValue(FirstValue)
- End Sub
- Sub MakeRangeVisible(oSheet as Object, RangeName as String, BIsVisible as Boolean)
- Dim oRangeAddress, oColumns as Object
- Dim i, iStartColumn, iEndColumn as Integer
- oRangeAddress = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(RangeName).RangeAddress
- iStartColumn = oRangeAddress.StartColumn
- iEndColumn = oRangeAddress.EndColumn
- oColumns = oSheet.Columns
- For i = iStartColumn To iEndColumn
- oSheet.Columns(i).IsVisible = bIsVisible
- Next i
- End Sub
- Function GetRowIndex(oSheet as Object, RowName as String)
- Dim oRange as Object
- oRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(RowName)
- GetRowIndex = oRange.RangeAddress.StartRow
- End Function
- Function GetTransactionCount(iStartRow as Integer)
- Dim iEndRow as Integer
- iStartRow = GetRowIndex(oMovementSheet, "ColumnsToHide")
- iEndRow = GetRowIndex(oMovementSheet, "HiddenRow3" )
- GetTransactionCount = iEndRow -iStartRow - 2
- End Function
- Function GetStocksCount(iStartRow as Integer)
- Dim iEndRow as Integer
- iStartRow = GetRowIndex(oFirstSheet, "HiddenRow1")
- iEndRow = GetRowIndex(oFirstSheet, "HiddenRow2")
- GetStocksCount = iEndRow -iStartRow - 1
- End Function
- Function FillListbox(ListboxControl as Object, MsgTitle as String, bShowMessage) as Boolean
- Dim i, StocksCount as Integer
- Dim iStartRow as Integer
- Dim oCell as Object
- ' Add stock names to empty list box
- StocksCount = GetStocksCount(iStartRow)
- If StocksCount > 0 Then
- ListboxControl.Model.StringItemList() = NullList()
- For i = 1 To StocksCount
- oCell = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNNAME1,iStartRow + i)
- ListboxControl.AddItem(oCell.String, i-1)
- Next
- FillListbox() = True
- Else
- If bShowMessage Then
- Msgbox(sInsertStockName, 16, MsgTitle)
- FillListbox() = False
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Sub CellValuetoControl(oSheet, oControl as Object, CellName as String)
- Dim oCell as Object
- Dim StringValue
- oCell = GetCellByName(oSheet, CellName)
- If oControl.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertyByName("EffectiveValue") Then
- oControl.EffectiveValue = oCell.Value
- Else
- oControl.Value = oCell.Value
- End If
- ' If oCell.FormulaResultType = 1 Then
- ' StringValue = oNumberFormatter.GetInputString(oCell.NumberFormat, oCell.Value)
- ' oControl.Text = DeleteStr(StringValue, "%")
- ' Else
- ' oControl.Text = oCell.String
- ' End If
- End Sub
- Sub RemoveStockRows(oSheet as Object, iStartRow, RowCount as Integer)
- If RowCount > 0 Then
- oSheet.Rows.RemoveByIndex(iStartRow, RowCount)
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub AddValueToCellContent(iCellCol, iCellRow as Integer, AddValue)
- Dim oCell as Object
- Dim OldValue
- oCell = oMovementSheet.GetCellByPosition(iCellCol, iCellRow)
- OldValue = oCell.Value
- oCell.Value = OldValue + AddValue
- End Sub
- Sub CheckInputDate(aEvent as Object)
- Dim oRefDialog as Object
- Dim oRefModel as Object
- Dim oDateModel as Object
- oDateModel = aEvent.Source.Model
- oRefModel = DlgReference.GetControl("cmdGoOn").Model
- oRefModel.Enabled = oDateModel.Date <> 0
- End Sub
- ' Updates the cell with the CurrentValue after checking if the
- ' Newdate is later than the one that is refered to in the annotation
- ' of the cell
- Sub InsertCurrentValue(CurValue, iRow as Integer, Newdate as Date)
- Dim oCell as Object
- Dim OldDate as Date
- oCell = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNRATE1, iRow)
- OldDate = CDate(oCell.Annotation.Text.String)
- If NewDate >= OldDate Then
- oCell.SetValue(CurValue)
- oCell.Annotation.Text.SetString(CStr(NewDate))
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub SplitCellValue(oSheet, FirstNumber, SecondNumber, iCol, iRow, NoteText)
- Dim oCell as Object
- Dim OldValue
- oCell = oSheet.GetCellByPosition(iCol, iRow)
- OldValue = oCell.Value
- oCell.Value = OldValue * FirstNumber / SecondNumber
- If NoteText <> "" Then
- oCell.Annotation.SetString(NoteText)
- End If
- End Sub
- Function GetStockRowIndex(ByVal Stockname) as Integer
- Dim i, StocksCount as Integer
- Dim iStartRow as Integer
- Dim oCell as Object
- StocksCount = GetStocksCount(iStartRow)
- For i = 1 To StocksCount
- oCell = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNNAME1,iStartRow + i)
- If oCell.String = Stockname Then
- GetStockRowIndex = iStartRow + i
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- GetStockRowIndex = -1
- End Function
- Function GetStockID(StockName as String, Optional iFirstRow as Integer) as String
- Dim CellStockName as String
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim iCount as Integer
- Dim iLastRow as Integer
- If IsMissing(iFirstRow) Then
- iFirstRow = GetRowIndex(oFirstSheet, "HiddenRow1")
- End If
- iCount = GetStocksCount(iFirstRow)
- iLastRow = iFirstRow + iCount
- For i = iFirstRow To iLastRow
- CellStockName = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNNAME1, i).String
- If CellStockname = StockName Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- If i > iLastRow Then
- GetStockID() = ""
- Else
- If Not IsMissing(iFirstRow) Then
- iFirstRow = i
- End If
- GetStockID() = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNID1, i).String
- End If
- End Function
- Function CheckDocLocale(LocLanguage as String, LocCountry as String)
- Dim bIsDocLanguage as Boolean
- Dim bIsDocCountry as Boolean
- bIsDocLanguage = Instr(1, LocLanguage, sDocLanguage, SBBINARY) <> 0
- bIsDocCountry = Instr(1, LocCountry, sDocCountry, SBBINARY) <> 0 OR SDocCountry = ""
- CheckDocLocale = (bIsDocLanguage And bIsDocCountry)
- End Function
- </script:module>