home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
2001 Type 2002 Rule type 2003 Description 2004 Comments 2005 Author 2006 Create date 2007 Start date 2008 Expiry date 2009 Fail warning text 2010 Users 2011 Hosts 2012 Programs 2013 Days active 2014 Start time 2015 End time 2016 Is Active 2017 Fail action 2018 Message on fail 2019 Log on fail 2020 Can override 2021 Protocols banned 2022 Protocols banned flags 2023 Newsgroups banned 2024 Newsgroups allowed 2025 Tags not allowed 2026 Time 2027 Name 2028 Product name 2029 Product version 2030 File name 2031 Data 2032 Suspension date 2033 Expiration date 2034 User Id 2035 Rule Id 2036 Approved by userid 2037 Hours per day 2038 Application Id 2039 Username 2040 Windows machine name 2041 Host name 2042 Program path 2043 Alert type 2044 Site 2045 Resolution 2046 Kb per day 2047 Object Id 2048 Checksum 2049 Bytes transferred 2050 Time online 2051 Time browsing 2052 Mode 2053 Set member 2054 Version 2055 Applications allowed 2056 Applications disallowed 2057 Full name 2058 Special type 2059 Members 2060 Violation dialog shown 2061 Show violation dialog 2062 User privileges 2063 Icon checksum 2064 Internet rights 2065 Text 2066 Rich text 2067 Can edit 2068 Can delete 2069 Can modify 2070 Status 2071 Internet lock 2072 HObject 2073 Icon data 2074 Size 2075 Lock strength 2076 Lock timer 2077 AutoLock enabled 2078 Server activity lock 2079 Lock with screen saver 2080 Lock timeout period 2081 Lock rule 2082 AutoLock strength 2083 IP address count 2084 IP address type 2085 IP address 2086 Source 2087 Manage type 2088 Gateway type 2089 Gateway data 2090 Gateway data size 2091 Gateway data version 2092 IP address list 2093 File size 2095 Extended Checksum 2096 Codesigned 2097 Firewall options 2098 Security info 2099 Internet rights2 2100 Apps allowed (WAN) 2101 Apps disallowed (WAN) 2102 Apps allowed (LAN) 2103 Apps disallowed (LAN) 2104 Apps listen allowed (WAN) 2105 Apps listen allowed (LAN) 2106 Mask 2107 Start IP 2108 End IP 2109 Firewall group 2110 IP set stream 2111 IP set list 2112 Adapter list 2113 Apps listen disallowed (WAN) 2114 Apps listen disallowed (LAN) 2115 VPN gateway address 2116 VPN gateway port 2117 VPN auth address 2118 VPN auth port 2119 VPN proto 2120 VPN auth proto 2121 Firewall alert suppression 2122 Application protocol permissions 2123 Application protocol permission flags 2124 Application protocol permission port count 2125 Application protocol permission port list 2126 Application changes frequently 2127 Attachment file extension flags 2128 Global application permission flags 2129 Custom security flags 2130 Custom security info 2131 Custom security info size 2132 Default security info 2133 Default security info size 2134 Current security info 2135 Current security info size 2136 Custom security port count 2137 Custom security port list 2138 Current security settings 2139 Custom security ports 2140 Password 2141 Gateway list 2142 NAT gateway address 2143 Default firewall alert suppression 2144 Default Internet rights2 2145 Default lock strength 2146 Default application changes frequently 2147 Deny access without UI 2148 Attachment file extension data 2149 Don't check for restricted ports 2150 Alert suppression item count 2151 Alert suppression items 2152 Alert suppression info 2153 Default alert suppression info 2154 Custom security text - local/medium 2155 Custom security text - local/high 2156 Custom security text - internet/medium 2157 Custom security text - internet/high 2158 Temporary app permission requires password 2159 Adapter Mode 2160 Default Adapter Mode 2161 Add Policy 2162 Modify Policy 2163 Manager Lock 2164 Network List 2165 Previous Lock Level 2166 Copyright 2167 Company name 2168 Internal name 2169 Language 2170 Trademarks 2171 Original name 2172 Latch VPN 2173 Auth Mode 2174 Physical Address 2175 Title 2176 Policy ID 2177 Lock Source 2178 Default Network Status 2179 Network List Changed 2180 Product Name 2 2181 Connection Name 2182 CRC32 2183 Temporary Internet rights2 2184 Autoconfigure Policy 2185 Autoconfigure Enabled 2186 Autoconfigure Source 2187 Autoconfigure Frequency 2188 Autoconfigure Timestamp 2189 Install Password 2190 Installed 2191 Network Monitor Status 2192 TrueVector Functionality 2193 Mail attachment rule extra info 2194 Clear temp app inet rights 2195 Auth Exempt 2196 Firewall Debug Flags 2197 Reserved7 2198 Reserved8 2199 Reserved9 2200 Reserved10 2201 Reserved11 2202 Reserved12 2203 Reserved13 2204 Reserved14 2205 Reserved15 2206 Reserved16 2207 Reserved17 2208 Reserved18 2209 Reserved19 2210 Reserved20 2211 Policy Log Flags 2247 Policy record number 2252 Inistring text 2253 Inistring text size 2271 Application security level 2272 Skip module permission check 2273 Module Id 2276 Cookie Permissions 2277 Tracking permissions 2278 Advertisement Permissions 2279 Mobile code permissions 2280 The name of a web site. 2281 Site Permissions 2282 The length of the site's name. 2285 Advertisement Keywords 2286 Length of keywords string 2287 List of mime types to block. 2288 Length of mime types string. 2289 General Privacy settings 2290 List of equivalent sites. 2291 Length of equivalent sites string. 2292 Wether or not the privacy bubble is on. 2298 The text that banner ads will be replaced with, or the alt tag will contain 2299 The length of the banner replaement text 2300 Shutdown Message 2301 VPN Gateways 2302 Delay Time 2303 Lockup Redirect Enabled 2304 Lockup Redirect Server 2305 Lockup Redirect Info 2306 Reserved5 2307 Reserved6 2308 Reserved7 2309 Reserved8 2310 Reserved9 2311 IP Port (Range) 2312 IP Protocol 2313 Ref Count 2314 Firewall Rules 2315 Firewall Rules Size 2316 Firewall XML Rules Size 2317 Skip Imports Checksum 2318 Dirty 2319 Permission Id 2320 Default App Ask Target 2321 Install Firewall Rules 2322 Firewall Policy 2323 Expert Master Switch 2324 Startup Security Level 2325 Add XML Policy 2326 Modify XML Policy 2328 Firewall Groups 2329 Firewall Groups Size 2330 Firewall XML Groups Size 2331 Install Firewall Groups 2332 Support URL 2333 Auth Config Key 2334 Disable Process Protection 2336 Disable Keyboard/Mouse Protection 2337 Ask for server permissions at time of listen 2339 Number of user aware network accesses 2342 Lockup Redirect Base Port 34465 Deny internet access 34466 Internet access has been disabled. 34467 Regulate which Internet protocols are allowed 34468 Internet access through the %protocol has been disabled 34469 Specify the kinds of active content allowed in web pages 34470 This kind of active content has been removed from Web pages 34471 Don't allow certain programs access to certain files 34472 This program has been denied access to your local disk drive 34473 Track or disallow downloading files 34474 Downloading this file is not allowed 34475 Deny connecting to certain remote computers 34476 Connecting to internet host %hostname has been disabled 34477 Disallow running server applications 34478 Running server applications has been disabled on this workstation. 34479 Limit bandwidth usage 34480 You've exceeded the amount of bandwidth allocated to your computer today 34481 Limit time spent online 34482 You've exceeded the allowed time allocated to your computer today 34483 Specify which newsgroups are not allowed 34484 The internet access policy has been set up to disallow access to this newsgroup 34485 Everyone 34486 Limit the amount of time a user spends browsing the Internet. 34487 You've exceeded your quota of time for Web browsing. 34490 Cancel 34491 Continue 34492 Check application permission 34493 Lets the user determine if each application can access the Internet or not. 34496 Internet Access Monitor 34497 All hosts 34498 All hosts except: 34499 These hosts: 34500 No hosts 34501 All users 34502 None recorded 34508 Time browsing: 34509 Time online: 34510 Last on Internet: 34511 Last program to access Internet: 34512 Site 34513 Received 34514 Sent 34515 Last 34516 Times 34517 Program 34518 Top 10 sites 34519 Top 10 programs 34520 Can't save... format not implemented. 34521 Can't save...there was an error in querying the data. 34522 Bytes transferred: 34523 Internet usage summary for 34524 All programs 34525 No programs 34526 All programs except: 34527 These programs: 34528 Access to the Internet from this computer has been locked 34529 Locks Internet access 34530 &Next 34531 OK 34532 Nobody 34533 All 34534 All network objects 34535 Yes 34536 No 34537 Ask permission 34538 Unknown 34539 Firewall Action 34540 Firewall Action 34541 Enforce security level 34542 The requested network access is not allowed by the current security level 34543 Detect VPN connection 34544 Unable to detect VPN connection 34545 Programs required for VPN connection 34546 Your VPN connection configuration requires that you run certain programs in order to remain connected. 34547 Application protocol/port permissions 34548 The application is not allowed to connect to the given protocol/port. 34549 The mail attachment has been quarantined. 34550 Mail Attachment Quarantine 34551 All 34552 All except 34553 None 34554 ICMP 34555 IGMP 34556 (UDP/TCP) 34557 (UDP) 34558 TCP 34559 Weakest 34560 Normal 34561 Permitted 34562 Highest 34563 Internal 34564 UDP 34565 TCP 34566 IGMP 34567 The program 34568 %1 was %3!r! to %2!r! port %4!hu!. 34569 %1 was prevented from using %2!r!. 34570 %1 was not allowed to use %2!r!. 34571 prevented from connecting 34572 not allowed to connect 34573 ICMP 34574 [Frag;TCP Flags: %s] 34575 [TCP Flags: %s] 34576 [Frag] 34577 %lu alerts suppressed between %s and %s. 34578 The firewall has %s loopback traffic from %s%s to %s (%s)%s.%s 34579 The firewall has %s routed traffic from %s%s to %s (%s)%s.%s 34580 The %1firewall has %7!r! %2!r! access to %3 (%4) from your computer%5.%6 34581 local network 34582 Internet 34583 The %1firewall has %8!r! %2!r! access to your computer (%3) from %4%5%6.%7 34584 The %1firewall has %8!r! %2!r! %9!r! to your computer (%3) from %4%5%6.%7 34585 a local network 34586 an Internet 34587 broadcast 34588 multicast 34589 The firewall has blocked traffic between your computer and the internet. 34590 %s tried to connect to %r (%s), but was denied access by %r. 34591 %s tried to initialize Internet access, but the Internet is locked. 34592 %s tried to receive data from %r (%s), but was denied access by %r. 34593 %s tried to send data to %r (%s), but was denied access by %r. 34594 %s tried to communicate with %r (%s), but was denied access by %r. 34595 %s tried to act as a server, but the Internet is locked. 34596 %s tried to accept a connection from %r (%s), but was denied access by %r. 34597 %s tried to communicate with the Internet, but the Internet is locked. 34598 the screen saver Internet lock 34599 the Internet Lock 34600 the local network 34601 the Internet 34602 An unknown program 34603 an unknown site 34604 To gain access to the corporate LAN, you need to run: %s 34605 Renamed email attachment of type .%s to .%s. 34606 Exception in Rules Engine: code = %x, address=%08x\n 34607 %s address %08x\n 34608 reading 34609 writing 34610 Event = (msg=%08x, processId=%08x, id=%08x, anchor=%08x, \n pData=%08x, dwDataLen=%08x, hostip=%08x, \n program=%08x %08x, user=%08x %08x, time=%08x %08x)\n 34611 rule = (%s)\n 34612 no rule\n 34613 Site 34614 Received 34615 Sent 34616 Last 34617 Times 34618 Program 34619 Received 34620 Sent 34621 Last 34622 Times 34623 unknown 34624 - 34625 Allow 34626 Block 34627 \n 34628 broadcast/multicast 34629 incoming ping 34630 other incoming ICMP 34631 outgoing ping 34632 other outgoing ICMP 34633 incoming IGMP 34634 outgoing IGMP 34635 incoming UDP 34636 outgoing UDP 34637 incoming TCP 34638 outgoing TCP 34639 incoming NetBIOS 34640 outgoing NetBIOS 34641 outgoing DNS 34642 outgoing DHCP 34643 Local/High 34644 Local/Medium 34645 Internet/High 34646 Internet/Medium 34647 (UDP port 53) 34648 (UDP port 67) 34649 (ICMP Echo) 34650 Your computer was prevented from sending an 34651 message to a restricted site (%1). 34652 Your computer was prevented from 34653 connecting to 34654 exchanging data with 34655 sending data to 34656 receiving data from 34657 a restricted site (%1). 34658 Your computer was prevented from 34659 connecting to %1.\nThe current %3 security level does not allow %2 connections. 34660 exchanging data with 34661 sending data to 34662 receiving data from 34663 %1.\nThe current %3 security level does not allow you to send or receive %2 data. 34664 local 34665 Internet 34666 FTP 34667 MISC 34668 DNS 34669 HTTP 34670 SMTP 34671 POP3 34672 NNTP 34673 FTP 34674 any other protocol 34675 DNS 34676 HTTP 34677 SMTP 34678 POP3 34679 NNTP 34680 Your customized %1!r! security settings for the %2!r! Zone.\n\nAllows programs and servers with permission to access the %3!r!\n\n%4!r! all other traffic except:\n 34681 Medium 34682 High 34683 Local 34684 Internet 34685 Allows 34686 Blocks 34687 ports: 34688 (ports 135,137-9,445) 34689 (ports 135,137-9) 34690 (ports 137-9) 34691 remote 34692 Your customized %1!r! security settings for the %2!r! Zone.\n\nAllows programs and servers with permission to access the %3!r!\n\n%4!r! all other traffic.\n 34693 No files 34694 Blocked NetBIOS broadcasts 34695 Blocked outgoing NetBIOS name requests 34696 Blocked packets for recent connections 34697 Blocked non-SYN TCP packets 34698 Blocked routed packets 34699 Blocked loopback packets 34700 Blocked fragmented IP packets 34701 Blocked non-IP packets 34702 Other blocked IP packets 34703 Blocked applications 34704 Lock violations 34705 MailSafe violations 34706 %4 could not accept a(n) %2 connection from %1 because %3 servers are blocked. 34707 Auth 34708 Auth 34709 %1 was blocked from %2 a restricted site%3. 34710 %1 was blocked from %2 the Internet%3. 34711 %1 was temporarily blocked from %2 the Internet%3. 34712 %1 was unable to obtain permission for %2 the Internet%3; access was %4. 34713 %1 was blocked from %2 the local zone%3. 34714 %1 was temporarily blocked from %2 the local zone%3. 34715 %1 was unable to obtain permission for %2 the local zone%3; access was %4. 34716 connecting to 34717 exchanging data with 34718 sending data to 34719 receiving data from 34720 listening for connections from 34721 accepting a connection from 34722 An unknown program 34723 A virus has been detected in the mail attachment. 34724 Mail Attachment Virus 34725 New Network 34726 denied 34727 allowed 34728 TVFunctionality 34729 TVFunctionality 34730 blocked 34731 allowed 34732 %1 was denied Internet access because of a module. 34733 PRIVACY 34734 PRIVACY 34735 Alert Events Shown 34736 Alert Events Logged 34737 Program Events Logged 34738 Alert Show Suppression 34739 Alert Log Suppression 34740 Key to identify Log Constraints 34741 Time back to which log should be preserved 34742 Minimum number of entries to preserve in log 34743 Renamed email attachment %s to %s. 34745 Maximum number of entries to preserve in log 34747 Minimum time span of log 34748 Maximum time span of log 34749 Max size of log 34750 Key used to identify archive request 34751 Flags used to control archive request 34752 Path/Name of file to archive to 34753 Delimiter for archive files 34754 Rollover period for archive files 34755 URL to which archive should be uploaded 34756 Time archive was last rolled over 34757 Date of last archived object 34758 Format of generated archive 34759 TRUE if the request is enabled 34760 Time archive file was created 34761 PROPID_NETWORK_FLAG 34762 PROPID_ADAPTER_FLAG 34763 The date that the site was last accessed. 34764 The type of cookie that this site last issued 34765 The expiration date of the cookie that was last issued by the web site. 34766 Whether or not the privacy is on. 34767 Program Event Log Suppression Flags 34768 Default Alert Log Suppression Flags 34770 explorer.exe,iexplore.exe,mozilla.exe,msn6.exe,netscape.exe,netscp6.exe,opera.exe,waol.exe,netscp.exe 34771 ID of last archived object 34772 Report virus types 34773 Disable module tracking 34774 LZone 34775 RZone 34776 Trusted Zone 34777 Blocked Zone 34778 FWUser 34779 FWUser 34780 The firewall rules for %1 blocked an outgoing %2!r! connection to %3. 34781 The firewall rules for %1 blocked an incoming %2!r! connection from %3 to port %4!hu!. 34782 Stored config file 34783 Stored config file size 34784 Warn user when enterprise only policy is downloaded 34785 Enforce only enterprise policies 34786 Server Warn when enterprise policy is downloaded 34787 If the app has permission to be a parent 34788 ParentProcessProtection Disabled 34789 Application has directly accessed network. 34790 %1 not allowed to use %2 to accept a connection from %3. 34791 %1 not allowed to use %2 to connect to %3. 34792 Content Filtering 34793 Content Filtering 34794 Content Filtering Flags 34795 explorer.exe,iexplore.exe,mozilla.exe,msn6.exe,netscape.exe,netscp6.exe,opera.exe,waol.exe,neo.exe,np.exe,netcaptor.exe,rapidbrowser.exe,netscp.exe,phoenix.exe 34797 Content Filtering category settings 34798 Content Filtering timeout (w/o DRTR) 34799 Content Filtering timeout (w/ DRTR) 34800 Content Filtering category labels 34801 Content Filtering enable CF for this app? 34802 Categories Labels Length 34803 Number of CF categories 34804 firewall debug log max in KB 34805 Enable content filtering for this app 34806 <HTML> <TITLE> Content Filtering Block Page </TITLE> <BODY><HR><B><A HREF=%s>%s</A> blocked as %s.</B><HR></HTML> 34807 Unknown Category 34808 Abortion 34809 Adult: Intimate Apparel / Swimsuit 34810 Adult: Nudity 34811 Adult: Pornography 34812 Adult: Sex Education 34813 Alcohol / Tobacco 34814 Chat Room / Instant Messenger 34815 Criminal Skills / Illegal Skills / Cheating 34816 Cult / Occult 34817 Dating and Personals 34818 Drugs: Illegal Drugs 34819 E-mail 34820 Freeware / Software Downloads 34821 Gambling 34822 Gay and Lesbian 34823 Glamour / Lifestyle 34824 Government: Military 34825 Hacking / Proxy Avoidance Systems 34826 Humor / Jokes 34827 Internet Auctions 34828 MP3 / Streaming 34829 News Groups 34830 News and Media 34831 Online Games 34832 Pay to Surf Sites 34833 Political / Activist / Advocacy Groups 34834 Religion 34835 Search Engines / Portals 34836 Shopping 34837 Sports / Recreation / Hobbies 34838 Violence / Hate / Racism 34839 Weapons 34840 Web Communication / Message Boards 34841 Web Hosting / Personal Web Pages 34842 Reserved 34843 Reserved 34844 Reserved 34845 Reserved 34846 Reserved 34847 Reserved 34848 Reserved 34849 Reserved 34850 Reserved 34851 Reserved 34852 Reserved 34853 Reserved 34854 Reserved 34855 Reserved 34856 Reserved 34857 Reserved 34858 Reserved 34859 Reserved 34860 Reserved 34861 Reserved 34862 Reserved 34863 Reserved 34864 Reserved 34865 Reserved 34866 Reserved 34867 Reserved 34868 Reserved 34869 Reserved 34870 Reserved 34871 <font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Unable to contact web rating servers.<br /><br /> See the Advanced area of the Web Filtering Main panel in ZoneAlarm Pro to change the default behavior.<br /><br /></font><br /> 34872 Firewall logging blob 34873 Personal Policy 34875 <font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">This site has been categorized as:<br> %CAT%.</font><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><br /><br /><a href="http://www.cerberian.com/sitereview.jsp?url=%URL%&referrer=61">Click here</a> to request a reevaluation of this site or to submit a site that should have been blocked.<br /><br /></font><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">To unblock the category %CAT%:</font></br>1.<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> Open ZoneAlarm Pro</br></font>2.<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> Click Web Filtering on the left-hand menu</br></font>3.<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> Click the Categories tab</br></font>4.<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> Clear the check box next to the category %CAT%</font><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> </br>You may need to supply a password to perform this action.</font></br> 34876 <font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">A timeout has occurred.<br /><br /> See the Advanced area of the Web Filtering Main panel in ZoneAlarm Pro to change the timeout settings.<br /><br /></font><br /> 34877 <font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">This page has not yet been rated. <br /><br />See the Advanced area of the Web Filtering Main panel in ZoneAlarm Pro to change the default action for unrated pages.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.cerberian.com/sitereview.jsp?url=%URL%&referrer=61">Click here</a> to request a reevaluation of this site or to submit a site that should have been blocked.</font><br /> 34880 %1 was denied Internet access because of one or more modules%3. 34881 explorer.exe,iexplore.exe,mozilla.exe,msn6.exe,netscape.exe,opera.exe,waol.exe 34882 OMP Enabled 34883 Outbound Mail 34885 send mail ok or not 34886 OUTBOUND_MAIL 34887 OUTBOUND_MAIL 34888 OMP Sender Addresses 34889 OMP senders string length 34890 CACHECLEAN 34891 CACHECLEAN 34892 ACE Description 34893 ACE Message 34894 Operating system restriction 34895 Registry key location 34896 Minimum version value 34897 Maximum version value 34898 Maximum days old 34899 Enforcement action 34900 Application: %s\n 34901 You will not be able to send any e-mail until you delete the blocked message from your Outbox.\n 34903 Violation: more than %d messages in %d seconds.\n 34904 Violation: More than %d recipients.\n 34905 Violation: %s does not match your e-mail address.\n 34906 Destination: %s 34907 Source: %s\n 34909 Value stored in registry 34910 Enforcement type 34911 XMLstring text 34912 XMLstring text size 34913 outlook.exe,msimn.exe,netscp6.exe,netscp.exe,netscape.exe,eudora.exe,winpm-32.exe 34927 This trial of sending a mail failed. 34928 The registry key 34929 does not exist. 34930 exists. 34931 The registry value 34932 does not match. 34933 matches. 34934 The file 34935 is not running. 34936 is running. 34937 is more than 34938 is not more than 34939 days old. 34940 is not the correct version. 34941 is not the correct file. 34942 Rule: 34944 Hide Default Buttons 34948 XMLstring Element 34949 Error Log Upload Path 34950 Unresolved Groups 34951 Groups Translating Error 34952 Auto VPN 34953 The firewall rules for %1 allow an outgoing %2!r! connection to %3. 34954 The firewall rules for %1 allow an incoming %2!r! connection from %3 to port %4!hu!. 34955 XMLstring Element Size 34956 %1 has been blocked from sending e-mail messages. Use the Programs List to allow Send Mail permissions for this program. 34957 Violation: A previously blocked e-mail\n 34958 %1 not allowed to call OpenProcess on %2. 34959 Archive Purge Size 34960 AutoVPN RefreshTime 34961 AutoVPN ZoneRefresh Time 34962 AutoVPN Throttle Message time 34963 Additional Support URL 34964 Support Text 34965 Additional Support Text 34966 Hide Programs Before Usage 34967 Check For Update Server 34968 Check For Update URL 34971 Policy Updates 34972 Policy Updates Size 34973 Converted old port/protocol permissions 34974 Program Display Setting 34975 Violation of Advanced E-Mail Protection settings 34976 Rule name 34977 Rule handle 34978 Default content filtering enable 34979 Default privacy enable 34980 Default OMP enable 34981 Default SendMail permission 34984 Compliance Description 34985 Compliance Message 34992 IDLOCK 34993 IDLOCK 34994 ID Lock General Settings 34995 ID Lock Data 34996 ID Lock Data Size 34997 ID Lock Alert Bubble 34998 Stored config XML file for switching client mode 34999 Stored config XML file size for switching client mode 35005 TRUSTe Alert Bubble 35020 Whether to contribute to Community Based Policy 35021 Feature XML 35022 ID Lock TrustE count 35023 ID Lock internal site 35024 IDLock unused 1 35025 ID Lock TrustE len 35026 ID Lock TrustE List 35027 ID Lock unused 3 35028 Feature GUID 35029 Your [%s] was blocked from being sent to [%s]. 35030 Your [%s] is being sent to [%s] [%d]\n 35031 Default Personal Policy 35032 Destination: %s 35033 Source: %s\n 35034 Application Access Flags 35035 Lock host file 35036 disable dde(wm send message) protection 35037 Disable LPC(DNS) protection 35038 AutoVPN Allow Microsoft Configuration Reader 35039 AutoVPN Allow Cisco Configuration Reader 35041 IMSecure Description 35042 IMSecure Message 35043 AutoVPN Allow Checking for UDP IKE and Cisco Ports