17 Warning: Turning program control off will disable your outbound protection and is not advised. Are you sure you want to turn it off?
18 When you use any programs listed below, ^p will automatically configure it for safe internet access. A program will not be automatically configured unless its "fingerprint" or MD5 signature matches that of a program on this list.
19 Let the experts at Zone Labs configure safe internet access for some of the programs you use most frequently.
20 The first time you use a program, we'll check it against our list of frequently used safe programs. If the program is listed, we'll configure it for internet access.
21 Secure Programs Automatically
22 Please stand by while ^p configures your program permissions.
24 Returning users: if you've already set permissions for the programs listed on the programs list, answering "Yes" will overwite those permissions.
25 Do you want ^p to automatically configure your programs for safe internet access?
27 Help us make Zone Labs security better
28 Yes, I want to help make Zone Labs security better by anonymously sharing my security settings.
29 You can help Zone Labs create better security products that are easier to use. How? By periodically sending us your security settings. The information will NOT tell us who you are, but will be used to create better security settings.
30 Do you want to help us make Zone Labs security better?
32 Click here for more information about Zone Labs' privacy policy.
33 To continue configuring ^p, make a selection. To learn more about your privacy rights and the
37 You have given %s permission to connect to the Internet.
38 You have revoked permission for %s to connect to the Internet.
39 %s now must ask permission to connect to the Internet.
40 %s now may not pass the lock.
41 %s now can pass the lock.
184 Allow server
185 Local
186 Internet
187 The program can act as a local network server.
188 The program can act as an Internet server.
189 The program now may not act as a local network server.
190 The program now may not act as an Internet server.
191 You have given %s permission to connect to the local network.
192 You have revoked permission for %s to connect to the local network.
193 %s now must ask permission to connect to the local network.
194 Help\
196 ::/program_intro.html
197 Do you want to remove the following apps from %z:\n%s
198 ::/program_programs.html
199 ::/program_components.html
284 The program must ask to act as a local network server.
285 The program must ask to act as an Internet server.
467 &Remove %s
468 Proper&ties...
469 Proper&ties for %s...
500 Pass Lock
501 Choose Medium program control for the first few days you use ^p. This lets ^p learn and secure your programs.\n\nChoose High program control after you have used your browser, e-mail, chat and other Internet programs at least once.\n\nOption: Enable the Automatic Lock if you leave your computer online and unattended for long periods.
502 These are programs that have tried to access the Internet or local network.\n\nAccess and Server columns show the permissions the program has for each Zone.\n\nChange a program s permissions by left-clicking the icons in the Access or Server column.
547 Mail servers SMTP ( 25 ) [TCP]|Mail servers POP ( 110 ) [TCP]|Mail servers IMAP ( 143 ) [TCP]|
548 News servers ( 119 ) [TCP]|
549 Please enter a port value between 1 and 65535
550 Port value error
551 You must check either TCP or UDP ports or both.
552 Port type error
553 Port description error
554 Please enter a description.
555 Description error
556 Port selection warning
557 You have not selected a port or protocol. Continuing will disallow all ports and protocols. Press OK to continue.
558 You have not selected a port or protocol. Continuing will allow all ports and protocols. Press OK to continue.
559 Use these settings to set port access permissions for %s. Use the Add and Remove buttons to designate specific ports or port ranges.
560 Choose this option to allow %s to send and receive data through any port, using any protocol.
561 Choose this option to restrict %s to send and receive data through the checked ports and protocols ONLY.
562 Choose this option to allow %s to send and receive data through all ports and protocols EXCEPT for the checked ports.
563 This checkbox enables or disables all communication using the IGMP protocol.
564 This checkbox enables or disables Ping and other all communication using the ICMP protocol.
565 Use these settings to set permissions for %s.
566 Use this dialog to set the default behavior for all programs added to ^p in the future.
567 Check this box to generate an alert every time ^p blocks a program from accessing the Internet. Uncheck this box to suppress the alert.
568 Check this box to deny Internet access to any program with the "ask" permission setting, if the ^p interface isn't running, but the TrueVector security service is running.\nFor example, when no user logged onto your computer but TrueVector is running as a service, your computer will still be protected against unknown programs.
569 Check this box to require administrative privileges before allowing a program temporary access to the Internet.
570 Program and associated components are authenticated by name and checksum.
571 Program is authenticated by name and checksum.
572 Program is authenticated based only on file name and path and is easily spoofed by hackers. Use this setting for advanced diagnostics only.
573 Program control is off.
574 Programs must ask for Internet access and server rights.
575 Programs must ask for Internet access and server rights.
576 Off
577 Medium
578 High
579 Automatic Internet lock is enabled.
580 Automatic Internet lock is disabled.
581 On
582 ^p - Getting Started
583 Program Wizard
584 Step %d of %d
585 ZoneAlarm Pro
586 ZoneAlarm
588 The programs and Windows components listed below need Internet access for you to be able to do things like surf the Web and collect e-mail. ^p can set them up now for safe Internet access, saving you time and effort later.
589 Any programs you did not configure here will prompt you for Internet access permission the first time you use them. For questions on how to configure these future programs, click the Alert Advisor button directly from the program alert prompt. Or, visit the Help files or product tutorial.
591 Click the checkmark and block symbols to customize permissions for a program. Use the Add and Remove buttons to edit the list of programs.
592 Click Add to choose programs to secure, then click in the Access and Server columns to set permissions.
593 Use the Add button to preconfigure programs for Internet access.
594 Note: This step is optional. ^p will ask you to configure programs later as you use your computer.
595 Components
596 These are components used by your programs.\n\nComponents with green checkmarks have been secured by ^p.\n\nChange a component s permission by clicking in the Access column.
599 Returning users: If you've already set permissions for the programs listed to the left, answering "Yes" or "Advanced" will overwrite those permissions.
600 Default Web browser: %s
601 Windows Web component: %s
602 Other Windows components
603 Returning Users: If you've already set permissions for any of these programs, this setting will overwrite those permissions.
604 Internet Access: Programs may actively retrieve information you have requested from the Internet.\n\nServer Rights: Programs may passively listen for requests from the Internet to communicate with your computer. Very few programs require server rights.
610 Are you sure you want to quit the program wizard?\n\nIf you quit, the wizard will close and ^p will load.\n\nTo continue, click Resume. To quit, click Exit.
611 Program Wizard
617 Component Type: %s
618 Program control is in learning mode.
619 Low
620 Program control secures your programs for safe Internet access. The default Medium setting is recommended.\n\nThe High setting is available with the advanced protection of ZoneAlarm Pro and includes program component control, a powerful feature that blocks hackers from abusing the rights of your trusted programs.
622 &Resume
623 E&xit
626 The program wizard did not find any programs to pre-configure.\n\n^p will help you configure programs as you use them for safe Internet access.
627 Install
631 Secure Programs
632 Secure Programs
633 Reset To Default
634 Failed to delete applications:\n%s
635 Error! High Mode Could Not Initialize\n^p could not initialize component\nauthentication. Try rebooting or access the Help\nfiles for troubleshooting.\n
636 Are you sure you want to quit the program wizard?\n\nIf you quit, the wizard will close and ^p will continue in its current state.\n\nTo continue, click Resume. To quit, click Exit.
640 Access
641 Server
642 Advanced
649 Advanced Protection Mode
650 ^p failed to initialize component authentication
651 High Program Control enables the advanced protection of Component Control and Advanced Program Control. To minimize the number of alerts you will see, use this setting after you have first accessed the Internet with your most common Internet-accessing programs.
652 This may be due to a conflict with your operating system or computer environment. If you are running Windows NT, you cannot run ^p component authentication. Otherwise, you may try rebooting your computer.
653 OK
654 Add
655 Range of Ports
656 Next
657 Finish
658 Generic Host Process (svchost.exe)
659 Services and Controller App (services.exe)
660 Add Program
661 Entry Detail
662 Component name
663 File name
664 File type
665 Authentication
666 CodeSigned
667 Protected System File
668 Manual
669 Version
670 Version unavailable
671 Created date
672 Last written
673 Last accessed
674 File size
675 Program Control
676 Advisory
677 Program Control Advisory
678 Are you sure that you wish to reset the settings on this page to default?
679 Auto-Lock
680 Custom Lock Settings
681 Access Permissions
682 Alerts & Functionality
683 Advanced Program Settings
684 Ports
685 Security
686 Program Options
687 Product name
688 Program Wizard
689 Access
690 Server
691 Policy
692 Automatically configured
693 Component control is off.
694 Component control is in learning mode.
695 Component control is on.
696 Component control could not be enabled.
697 Error! Component control could not be enabled.
698 Manually configured
699 Privacy
700 On
701 Off
702 Component control is disabled.
703 Zone Labs Integrity Client
704 Do you want ^p to preconfigure access permission?
705 Use this dialog to set the default behavior for all programs added to ^p in the future.
706 Deny access if permission is set to "ask" and the TrueVector Service is running but ^p is not\n
707 Show ^p on top during Internet activity
708 HIGH protects program components for extra protection against the abuse of trusted programs. This protection is available in ZoneAlarm Pro.
709 en
710 Not yet configured
713 zaclients.chm
714 iclient.chm
715 ...<more programs>
725 Winsock Service Provider
726 Browser Helper Object
727 Shell Extension Object
728 Device Driver
729 ActiveX Control
730 AppInit DLL
731 Dynamic Link Library
732 (default browser)
733 (Windows 2000 component)
734 Services and Controller app is the Microsoft Windows component your browser uses to perform DNS lookups.\n
735 Custom Program Control Settings
736 Program Control
737 Some programs access the internet through other programs, which allows them to access the internet even if you have not given them permission to do so. The Parent Process feature makes sure that these programs and the programs they use have internet access permissions. Would you like ^p to set up the following programs now for safe internet access?"
740 Returning users: If you've already set permissions for any of these programs, this setting will overwrite those permissions.
741 Do you want ^p to preconfigure Parent Process Permission?
742 explorer.exe
743 Executable Files
744 All Files
745 This is an advanced security feature designed to prevent malicious programs from hijacking trusted programs. However, some programs that use other programs to access the Internet are legitimate. For your convenience, the most common of these legitimate programs are pre-configured with permission to access the Internet. To view and adjust these pre-configured programs, see the Programs tab of the Program Control panel.
746 Use of ZoneAlarm Pro's Privacy control is not supported with this browser version on Windows 98/ME.
747 Send\n Mail
748 Expert Rules
749 These are advanced security features designed to prevent malicious programs from hijacking trusted programs. However, some programs that use other programs to access the Internet are legitimate. For your convenience, the most common of these legitimate programs are pre-configured with permission to access the Internet. To view and adjust these pre-configured programs, see the Programs tab of the Program Control panel.
750 This program may use other programs to access the Internet
751 Enable Outbound E-mail Protection for this program
752 Enable Web Filtering for this program
753 Enable Privacy for this program
754 Authenticate components
755 Authenticate program by full path name only
756 Allow OpenProcess
757 Advanced Program Control
758 Outbound E-mail Protection
759 Filter Options
760 Authentication
761 Unknown
762 ^p
763 You have set ZoneAlarm Pro such that it cannot regularly check for updates. You may miss important security updates as a result!\n\nTo restore automatic update checks, click restore. Otherwise, click OK.