6 The firewall protects you from dangerous traffic. It has three Zones.\n\nInternet Zone: For protection from unknown computers.\n\nTrusted Zone: For sharing with trusted computers.\n\nBlocked Zone: For shutting out untrusted computers.\n\nThe Internet Zone contains all of the computers on the Web by default. Use the Zones tab to add computers to the Trusted or Blocked Zone.
7 Use this tab to add computers and networks to your Trusted or Blocked Zone.\n\nExample: Put a computer or network you want to share with into the Trusted Zone.\n\nExample: Put a computer that repeatedly 'pings' you into the Blocked Zone.\n\nAll traffic sources not listed here are in the Internet Zone by default. Networks are automatically added to this list.
8 Name
9 IP Address / Site
10 Active
11 Zone
12 Entry Type
13 Active
14 Inactive
15 Use this tab to add computers and networks to your Trusted Zone.\n\nExample: Put a computer or network you want to share with into the Trusted Zone.\n\nAll traffic sources not listed here are in the Internet Zone by default.
16 The firewall protects you from dangerous traffic. It has two Zones.\n\nInternet Zone: For protection from unknown computers.\n\nTrusted Zone: For sharing with trusted computers.\n\nThe Internet Zone contains all of the computers on the Web by default. Use the Zones tab to add computers to the Trusted Zone.\n\nFor more advanced control of Zones, including networking, privacy controls, and creation of a Blocked Zone, choose ZoneAlarm Pro.
17 Trusted
18 Blocked
19 Internet
20 Network
21 IP Address
22 IP Range
23 Subnet
24 Host/Site
25 Custom Securities
26 Edit IP Address
27 Add IP Address
28 Edit IP Range
29 Add IP Range
30 Edit Host/Site
31 Add Host/Site
32 Edit Subnet
33 Add Subnet
34 Edit
35 Add
36 Add a Web host/site to your Trusted or Blocked Zone by completing the fields below. Name the Web host/site for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
37 Edit this host/site by changing any of the fields below.
38 Internet Zone
39 Trusted Zone
40 High security settings for %r zone
41 Medium security settings for %r zone
42 Use this page to set custom security levels for the %r Zone. %r
43 High security blocks all network traffic except authorized program traffic and traffic indicated by a check mark.
44 Medium security allows all network traffic except traffic indicated by a check mark.
45 ports:
46 (none selected)
47 Expert firewalls enable you to block or allow traffic based on the IP address of the packet source or destination, the protocol used, or the ports used. The advantage of expert firewall rules is that they allow exacting control over your security, and they can provide port-level access control regardless of the program sending or receiving the packet. Click Help for details.
48 Error: you can't set Internet Zone security lower than Trusted Zone security.
49 Low:
50 Medium:
51 High:
52 Caution! Firewall is off.
53 Sharing mode: Computers can see your computer and share its resources. This setting is recommended for the Trusted Zone only.
54 Stealth mode. Your computer is hidden and protected from hackers. Sharing is not allowed. This setting is recommended for the Internet Zone.
55 Caution! Firewall is off.
56 Visible but protected mode: Computers can see your computer but cannot share its resources. Incoming NetBIOS is blocked. This setting is recommended for temporary use in the Internet Zone.
57 Stealth mode. Your computer is hidden and protected from hackers. Sharing is not allowed. This setting is recommended for the Internet Zone.
58 You have unsaved changes. Would you like to save them now?\n
59 You cannot delete an active network.
60 Are you sure you want to remove "%s"?
61 Add a Web host/site to your Trusted Zone by completing the fields below. Name the Web host/site for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
62 Edit this host/site by changing any of the fields below.
63 Custom Firewall Settings
64 Advanced Settings
65 Security
185 Help\
187 ::/firewall_security_level.html
188 ::/firewall_zones.html
189 Edit Network
193 Add an IP address to your Trusted or Blocked Zone by completing the fields below. Name the IP address for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
194 Add an IP range to your Trusted or Blocked Zone by completing the fields below. Name the IP range for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
195 Add a subnet to your Trusted or Blocked Zone by completing the fields below. Name the subnet for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
196 Edit this IP address by changing any of the fields below.
197 Edit this IP range by changing any of the fields below.
198 Edit this subnet by changing any of the fields below.
199 Edit this network by changing the description or Zone assignment below. The IP address of the network cannot be edited.
200 Can not manually add networks - can you?
201 This will restore system default settings. Are you sure?
202 ^p
203 ^p
204 %z cannot find %s.
205 Please enter the IP address of the ICS gateway.
206 &Route traffic from clients only if they run ^p
207 This computer is a &client of an ICS/NAT gateway running ^p
208 Add an IP address to your Trusted Zone by completing the fields below. Name the IP address for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
209 Add an IP range to your Trusted Zone by completing the fields below. Name the IP range for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
210 Add a subnet to your Trusted Zone by completing the fields below. Name the subnet for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
211 Block Internet Zone servers
212 Block Trusted Zone servers
213 Allow DNS/DHCP in Internet Zone on High setting
214 Allow DNS/DHCP in Trusted Zone on High setting
215 You cannot delete an active subnet.
218 zaclients.chm
219 iclient.chm
220 You cannot delete an active Adapter Subnet.
221 You cannot edit the name, ip address, or subnet mask of an active Adapter Subnet.
222 Adapter Subnet
223 Address
224 Gateway Address
225 Local Address
235 Entry Detail
236 ::/firewall_expert.html
237 %z could not lock the host file. Your host file is either locked by another program or currently in use.