5008 System resource levels are low. You may wish to exit some application(s) or retstart Windows.
5010 Error allocating Windows device context. There may not be enough available GDI resource space.
5011 Error allocating Windows bitmap. There may not be enough available GDI resource space, or memory may be low.
5012 Error creating metafile. There may not be enough available GDI resource space, or memory may be low.
5013 Common dialog error: %ld.
5014 Memory heap corruption: %s.
5015 Database error: %s.
5016 Internal error: Attempt to free an image structure already on free list
5017 An exception %08x occurred attempting to identify %s as type %s.
5018 An exception %08x occurred attempting to load %s as type %s.
5019 The background task failed with exception %08x. Details have been written to the exception log.
5020 Available image memory restricted total open images to %d.
5021 Unable to create palette for gamma test.
5022 Cannot execute command '%s'.
5023 Error accessing clipboard.
5024 Unable to copy %s to the clipboard (no metafile or bitmap contents).
5025 The clipboard does not contain a palette to paste.
5026 Unable to register +T+ shell extensions.
5027 Unable to find and edit linear filter: %s.
5028 Only linear filters may be edited.
5029 %s: Unable to allocate enough memory to filter image.
5030 This image is too wide to be filtered. The maximum width is approximately 9000 pixels (for grayscale images), or 3000 pixels (for color images).
5031 The mask defined for '%s' is all zeros.
5032 +T+ could not find any duplicate or similar images matching your criteria.
5033 Unable to find any files in your selection to process for %s.
5034 No files could be loaded for the slide show, or all loadable files were too small.
5035 No files selected, or unable to extract color information from selected files.
5036 %s: Invalid batch set file.
5037 The set name field is empty. \nPlease specify a name for the set.
5038 The set name entered is invalid. \nPlease enter a different set name.
5039 The scheme name field is empty. \nPlease enter a name for this scheme.
5040 %s: File not cropped - nothing would be left.
5041 The thumbnails in the import file are larger than the current database -- they will be cropped to fit.
5042 %s: Cannot process file (must be raster or vector).
5043 +T+ cannot delete the Windows or System folder.
5044 Cannot detect a DigimarcĀ« watermark in the image.
5045 %s: Cannot watermark file with insufficient color information (needs to be 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit color).
5046 %s: Image already contains a watermark.
5047 %s: Cannot watermark using invalid DigimarcĀ« ID.
5048 %s: Cannot watermark using invalid image or transaction ID. Please specify a number between 0 and 16,777,215.
5049 %s: Cannot watermark with invalid copyright year(s). The years must be between 1922 and the present year. If you enter both years, the second year must be later than the first.
5050 %s: Unable to retrieve watermark after embedding. The image may be too small to watermark.
5052 Cannot tile that many windows on your screen(s).
5053 A background task is already making thumbnails for '%s'.
5054 Unable to create process to read version 3 database.
5055 Unable to create communication pipe for version 3 database conversion process.
5056 Unable to open communication pipe to version 3 database conversion process.
5057 Conversion process read pipe error: %s.
5058 +T+ could not replace the original database (%s) with the temporary compacted copy.
5059 +T+ cannot watch the folder '%s'. This may be because:\n- The folder does not exist\n- The folder is on an unsupported volume (network, CDROM, or floppy)\n- The folder is on a read-only volume.
5060 ODBC tracing could not be disabled. Please ensure you have the proper administrative privileges and disable using the ODBC32 Control Panel.
5061 The credit card number is invalid. Please enter a valid Visa or Mastercard number before printing.
5062 The credit card expiration date is invalid. Please enter the date in the form MMYY; for example, 0797.
5063 No product license specified on order. Please select a license before printing.
5064 In the evaluation version of +T+, you may only save %d schemes for each function. Please reuse another scheme name.
5065 In the evaluation version of +T+, you may save only %d batch sets. Please reuse another batch set name.
5066 In the evaluation version of +T+, you may only create %d galleries. Please remove or reuse an existing gallery.
5067 In the evaluation version of +T+, you may only create %d found file lists. Please remove or reuse an existing found file list.
5068 This BETA version of +T+ will expire on %s.
5069 This BETA release of +T+ has expired. Please obtain the released version from Cerious Software (http://www.cerious.com).
5070 +T+ cannot be run from a network after the trial period has expired.
5071 Warning: the +T+ trial period has expired. After a fifteen day grace period, you will not be able to run from a network.
5072 No network license installed. Please run +T+ from a local disk.
5073 Please enter a number between %d and %d.
5074 Invalid path entered.
5075 You must enter a value in this field.
5076 The file extension entered is already defined.
5077 %s: Cannot convert type '%s' to format suitable for wallpapering.
5078 %s: Unable to obtain image from file for wallpaper bitmap.
5079 The Width and Height must be a value less than %d, or a percentage less than %d%%.
5080 Invalid color depth (%d) requested.
5081 ThumbsCD cannot locate the CD-ROM Registration file (THUMBSCD.REG). If you have installed ThumbsCD on a local disk, please be sure that you copied the registration file as well.
5082 Due to licensing restrictions by Unisys, this version of ThumbsCD cannot support GIF or LZW TIFF files.
5083 The CD-ROM Registration File contains an invalid code.
5084 ThumbsCD could not locate a CD-ROM drive containing a ThumbsCD Database. Please insert the CD-ROM titled '%s'.
5085 You cannot run +T+ directly from a CD-ROM. For information on the ThumbsCD Developer's Kit, please contact Cerious Software, Inc.
5086 Please insert the disk containing %s in drive %c:.
5087 The label %s is already in use on drive %s. Please enter a unique label.
5088 Unable to write disk label to drive %c:.
5089 Cannot access disk %c:.
5090 Volume '%s' is not accessible; orphans cannot be checked or thumbnails made.
5091 No audio files could be located for the slide show.
5233 %s: Unable to copy font file to '%s' for installation.
5234 %s: Unable to match font name.
5235 %s: Unable to load ATM font.
5236 %s: Unable to locate associated font metrics (PFM).
5240 %s was unable to open one or more files selected.
5241 %s could not create temporary files for the attachments; the disk could be full or the attachment folder protected.
5242 %s reported a failure attempting to send the files.
5243 There was not enough memory available for %s to process the message.
5244 +T+ could not locate any Windows compliant e-mail programs on your computer. If you have e-mail installed, you can probably drag files onto a message to send them.
5245 You selected more files than %s can attach to a message.
5250 +T+ cannot access the printer '%s'. Check your printer connections and settings.
5251 The page size selected is not large enough to contain the catalog.\nPlease select a large page size and try again.
5252 Invalid margin(s) specified.
5253 %s: Don't know how to print %s files.
5254 Error printing (%s).
5255 %s: No print routine defined for type %s (%s).
5256 Unable to print catalog.
5257 Error initializing print job on printer '%s'.
5259 TWAIN: Unable to locate data source: %s, %s
5260 TWAIN: Unable to open data source manager: %s
5261 TWAIN: Unable to open data source: %s
5262 TWAIN: Unable to start data source user interface: %s
5263 TWAIN: Unable to read image from source: %s
5264 TWAIN: Unsupported bits-per-pixel from data source. \nScanner Info: %s
5265 TWAIN: Unable to load palette from data source: %s
5266 TWAIN: Unsupported color mode. Please select bi-level, grayscale, RGB, or RGB palette.
5267 TWAIN: Error attempting to coordinate memory transfer: %s
5268 TWAIN: Please close current acquisition dialog before selecting a source.
5269 TWAIN: Unable to select a data source.
5270 Choosing the same folder for thumbnails and images will overwrite the copied original files when No Prefix is set.\n\nEither disable No Prefix, or choose unique folders.
5271 Unable to obtain Shopping Cart ID from %s.
5272 Unable to log in to %s. Make sure you have entered your account name and password correctly. Please visit the site if you need help with your account.
5273 Unable to write file to %s.%s
5274 Unable to connect to %s. If your system is not configured to connect to the Internet automatically, then you need to connect before trying to upload files.%s
5275 No files selected for %s upload were accessible on the local system. Be sure to insert the proper media.
5276 Unable to access the Internet. You may need to reinstall Windows Internet DLLs, which are included with Internet Explorer 3.0 and later.
5277 Unable to connect to the Internet. Check your network or dial-up settings and try again.
5278 %s reported an error receiving %s: %s
5279 Unable to read response from server (%s)
5280 Unable to create gallery '%s'. This gallery already exists in your database.\n\nYou may either remove the gallery and try again or choose a different gallery name.
5281 Unable to rename gallery '%s' to '%s'. This gallery already exists in your database.\n\nYou may either remove the gallery and try again or choose a different name.
5282 Unable to rename gallery '%s' to '%s'. This gallery name entered is invalid.\n\nPlease choose a different name without slashes.
5283 +T+ requires that ODBC 3.5 (MDAC 1.5) or later be installed on the system with MS Access database drivers. Please re-install +T+ and install ODBC, or visit Microsoft's web site to obtain the latest MDAC release for your language.
5291 Unable to connect to %s. You may need to check your account ID and password.
5292 %s: +T+ cannot rotate or flip multi-page files.
5293 %s: This image requires too much memory to load on this system (%s).
5294 %s: Error loading plugin '%s'.
5295 %s: Cannot identify '%s' as a Photoshop plugin.
5296 %s: File not recognized by plugin '%s'.
5297 %s: Plugin '%s' encountered error %d.
5298 %s: Plugin '%s' encountered exception %08x.
5299 Unable to create shortcut '%s'.
5300 %s: Cannot save bi-level images as JPEG 2000.
5301 %s: Filter does not recognize file
5302 %s: Picture too big for filter
5303 %s: Invalid bitmap in file
5304 %s: Invalid character in data
5305 %s: Invalid token in data stream
5306 %s: Failed to verify imported story
5307 %s: Unknown file type
5308 %s: Not a WP file
5309 %s: Invalid file data
5310 %s: Filter aborted
5311 %s: Insufficient memory
5312 %s: Could not render missing system font
5313 %s: Resultant metafile too large
5314 %s: Invalid Lotus .PIC file
5315 %s: Unable to lock memory handle
5341 %s: Unsupported compression mode
5342 %s: Unsupported file version
5343 %s: Unsupported color type
5400 [dos error base]
5401 Invalid system function
5402 File not found
5403 Path not found
5404 Open file limit exceeded
5405 Access denied
5406 Invalid file handle
5407 Internal system error (arena trashed)
5408 Insufficent memory
5409 Invalid block
5410 Bad environment
5411 Bad format
5412 Invalid access
5413 Invalid data
5415 Invalid drive
5416 Current folder invalid
5417 Diskette has been changed in drive
5418 No more files
5419 Disk is write protected
5420 Invalid unit
5421 Drive is not ready
5422 Bad command
5423 Disk or folder CRC error
5424 Bad length
5425 Seek error on drive
5426 Invalid disk software format (not a DOS disk)
5427 Invalid disk sector reference
5428 Out of paper
5429 Disk write error
5430 Disk read error
5431 There is no disk in the drive, or the drive is not accessible.
5432 The file is in use by other software. Exit or save the file from that application and try again.
5433 The file is in use by other software. Exit or save the file from that application and try again.
5434 Wrong disk
5435 File control block unavailable
5436 The system has exceed the maximum amount of file sharing. Please exit other application(s) and try again.
5450 Not supported
5451 Remote not listed
5452 Duplicate file name
5453 Bad network path defined
5454 The network is too busy
5455 The selected disk drive does not exist.
5456 Too many commands
5457 Hardware adapter error
5458 Bad network response
5459 Unexpected network error
5460 Bad remote adapter
5461 Print queue full
5462 No more spool space available
5463 Print canceled
5464 Disconnected from network
5465 Network access denied
5466 Bad device type
5467 Bad network name
5468 Too many names
5469 The maximum number of network sesssions are already connected.
5470 Sharing paused
5471 Request not accepted
5472 Network redirection paused
5480 File already exists
5481 Duplicate file control block
5482 Cannot make
5483 Interrupt 24 failure
5484 Out of structures
5485 Already assigned
5486 Invalid password
5487 Invalid parameter
5488 Network write error
5601 %s: unable to locate resource
5602 %s: initialization failure (may be low on memory)
5603 %s: unable to load resource
5604 %s: unable to lock resource
5605 %s: unable to load string
5606 %s: insufficient memory
5607 %s: memory lock failure
5608 %s: no instance handle provided
5609 %s: no hook provided
5610 %s: no template provided
5611 %s: cannot register window message
5612 %s: invalid structure size provided
5613 %s: no fonts loaded in system
5614 %s: invalid minimum and maximum font sizes provided
5615 %s: file name buffer too small
5616 %s: invalid file name provided
5617 %s: unable to subclass listbox (probably due to insufficient memory)
5618 %s: zero buffer length specified
5619 %s: error creating printer information context
5620 %s: default printer has changed unexpectedly
5621 %s: different printers specified
5622 %s: co uld not initialize DEVMODE
5623 %s: failure during printer dialog initialization
5624 %s: unable to load printer device driver
5625 There is no default printer; use Control Panel or Print Manager to select one
5626 No printers are configured; use Control Panel or Print Manager to configure one
5627 %s: Windows printer configuration is invalid (WIN.INI)
5628 %s: printer does not exist
5629 %s: invalid default printer request
5630 %s: unable to load printer setup resources (memory may be low)
5631 %s: cannot create dialog box (resources or memory may be low)
5700 IPTC support is not currently supported in type '%s' (%s).
5701 %s: File skipped because edges would be lost during lossless rotation
5702 %s: File skipped because resolution (>24bpp color, >8bpp gray) would be lost
5703 %s: Cannot retrieve %s image from DCR file: %s
5704 %s: Cannot open DCR file: %s
5705 %s is not a raster image (bitmap)
5706 Unable to start your web browser; your operating system may not be configured to handle HTML files.
5707 +T+ cannot create the browser preview window.
5708 Unable to create web browser preview (error = %08x)
5709 %s: the file type '%s' does not support comments
5710 %s: Invalid or incomplete JPEG file, cannot modify
5711 %s: The LEAD library generated an exception attempting to load the file
5712 %s: +T+ cannot create a file in the folder '%s'. This may be due to permissions, file attributes, a read-only device, or a full disk
5713 %s: J2K Library Error: %s
5714 %s: J2K Library Warning: %s
5715 %s: the file type '%s' does not support color profiles
5716 %s: Unsupported image mode (%s) from plugin '%s'
5717 %s: Unsupported pixel format (mode=%s, planes=%d, depth=%d, colbytes=%d) from plugin '%s'
5718 Unable to create gallery '%s'
5719 %s: Unable to convert image data from '%s' to '%s'
6001 Sorry, but +T+ requires at least a 256-color display to run. We highly recommend highcolor (15-16 bit) or truecolor (24 or 32 bit) displays.
6002 This operation will cause the image to be promoted to 24 bit, so that proper color information can be interpolated.
6003 This operation will cause the image to be promoted to 8-bit grayscale, so that proper grayscale levels can be interpolated.
6004 JPEG-compressed TIFF files are not widely supported. For compatibility with other applications, you may wish to choose a different compression method.
6005 ZIP-compressed TIFF files are experimental and not widely supported. For compatibility with other applications, you may wish to choose a different compression method.
6006 Progressive JPEG files are not supported by many other applications.
6007 This command really, REALLY deletes the file or files from your hard disk or digital media! To remove only the thumbnail, use Shift+Delete, or Thumbnail | Remove.
6008 You have choosen to perform a database operation while background tasks are still active!\nIf you continue, the background tasks will be terminated.\n\nDo you wish to terminate the background tasks?
6009 Because of use well past the expiration date, the following functions have been disabled:\n- Storing new thumbnails in the database\n- Building web pages\n- Batch processing, contacts, and catalogs of more than 100 files\n- Several batch operations\n\nTo register this evaluation version, click Help | Ordering on the main menu.
6010 Your current display is limited to 256 colors. For accurate viewing of images, we recommend you run +T+ in Highcolor (15-16 bit) or Truecolor (24 or 32 bit) mode.
6011 Do you wish to remove this file type (%s) from\nthe list of +T+ configured file types?
6012 This command really, REALLY deletes the selected file(s) from your zip file!. To remove only the thumbnail, use Shift+Delete, or Thumbnail | Remove | Selected.
6013 There are background tasks running. Are you sure you want to cancel these tasks and exit?
6014 Folder operations (delete, rename, move and copy) are disabled. To enable them, select the General tab in the Preferences dialog and check "Allow folder operations."
6015 The current database has reached the maximum allowable size.\nIf you wish, +T+ will close any active background tasks\nand attempt to compact the database at this time.\n\nClick OK to perform the database compaction now?
6016 The image %s may be too small to embed a persistent watermark. The minimum recommended size is 256 x 256 pixels. Do you want to try it anyway?
6017 This image has too many colors to save as a GIF file. It is being reduced to 256 colors using an optimized palette (6 bit median cut) and Stucki dithering.
6018 The current gallery order has changed.\n\n Do you wish to save changes?
6019 No files were found that matched your selection criteria.
6020 +T+ is currently updating your open database with folder changes that\noccurred in Windows Explorer while +T+ was not running. If you exit this process\nbefore it completes, some folder paths in the +T+ database may not be\naccurate. Any folders not updated will appear as off-line "grayed out" folder paths.\n\nDo you wish to save the remaining unprocessed folder updates for processing\nthe next time you start +T+?
6021 This file will require at least %s of memory to load, which may not be available on your system. Do you want to try to load it anyway?
6022 To prevent multiple instances of +T+, you should associate or open files using TPView.exe or +T+ Displayable Picture instead of Thumbs.exe!
6031 Are you sure you want to discard the changes you have made to '%s'?
7000 The %s contains %ld colors
7001 %d filter%s located.
7002 %d.%03d seconds were required to load %s
7003 %d.%03d seconds to filter %s with the '%s' filter
7004 %s: Successfully decoded to '%s'
7005 Import statistics:\n%8d total records read from %s\n%8d new records added\n%8d dup records replaced\n%8d dup records skipped\n%8d orphans skipped\n%8d records failed
7006 Export statistics:\n%d thumbnails exported, %d bytes used in %s
7007 Found %d duplicates (%d files); %d files were deleted.
7008 Remember that the "Tip of the Day" help function \nis located under Help | Tip of the Day, should you need\nto reenable or view the tips again.
7009 The message has been sent using %s.
7010 This %s contains %d colors.\n%d pixel(s) of RGB(%d,%d,%d), and %d of RGB(%d,%d,%d).
7011 You are currently running the most recent version of +T+.\n\nThank you for your patronage and enjoy your software.
7014 There was no associated application registered for the given file type: %s.
7200 Do you wish to save changes to '%s'?
7201 The file you are %s has the same name as an existing file.\nWhat do you want to do?
7202 The destination zip folder %s already exists.\n\nDo you really want to %s this folder?
7203 Folder '%s' does not exist; do you wish to create it?
7204 The file '%s' already exists; do you want to overwrite it?
7205 Do you really want to move the selected files to '%s'?
7206 Do you really want to copy the selected files to '%s'?
7207 Do you really want to delete the file:\n'%s'?
7208 The file '%s' is currently locked. Do you want to retry?
7209 The file:\n'%s'\nis a program, system, read-only or hidden file.\n\nDo you really wish to delete this file?\n
7210 This will remove the folder and all files within it from your hard disk!\n\nThe folder '%s' is not empty. Do you really wish to delete this folder and all its files and sub-folders?\n
7211 The folder:\n'%s'\nis a system, read-only or hidden folder.\n\nDo you really wish to delete this folder?\n
7212 Do you really want to delete the selected file(s) from the zip file '%s'?
7213 This operation will delete the selected gallery '%s' and its subgralleries from the database.\n\nAre you sure you want to remove this gallery?
7214 Are you sure you want to remove filter '%s'?
7215 The following technical support log has been created, and +T+ will now attempt to use your e-mail program to send it. Please e-mail it manually if you encounter a problem.\n\n%s
7225 Do you want to remove the thumbnail for '%s' (including its associated keywords, annotations and user fields) from the database?
7226 This will remove the thumbnails (including any associated keywords, \nannotations and user fields) in the selected folder from the database.\n\nAre you sure you wish to remove these thumbnails?\n
7227 This operation will remove the thumbnails (including any associated keywords, \nannotations and user fields) in the selected folder (and its sub-folders) from the database.\n\nAre you sure you wish to remove these thumbnails?\n
7228 This operation will remove the thumbnails (including any associated keywords, \nannotations and user fields) on the selected disk from the database.\n\nAre you sure you wish to remove these thumbnails?\n
7229 This operation will remove the selected thumbnails (including any associated keywords, \nannotations and user fields) from the database.\n\nAre you sure you wish to remove these thumbnails?\n
7230 This operation will remove any orphan thumbnails in the selected folder from the database.\n\nAre you sure you wish to remove these thumbnails?\n
7235 Microsoft Windows ODBC tracing is ON. This will slow down considerably any ODBC program, including +T+.\n\nDo you wish to turn ODBC tracing OFF?
7236 +T+ could not open or connect to the database:\n\n%s\n\nWhat do you want to do?
7237 There may not be enough available disk space to compact the database -- %.0f bytes may be needed. Do you want to try to compact anyway, using the %.0f bytes available on drive %c:?
7240 The 8-bit median cut quantization is slow and may require as much as %d.%.1dMb of memory for the current image.\n\nDo you want to continue?
7241 You need to determine your monitor's gamma before adjusting image gamma. Do you wish to determine your monitor gamma now?
7242 There is not enough memory to count all of the 24-bit colors in this image. Would you like a count of the number of 15-bit colors instead?
7243 +T+ requires unique, non-blank volume labels on disks to differentiate drives. Unpredictable results may occur if you don't label your disks. Do you want to try to run anyway?
7244 You have not entered a valid Digimarc ID. Would you like to do so now?
7245 This image has too many colors to save as a GIF file. Do you want +T+ to reduce it automatically?
7246 %s is a multi-page file containing %d images; saving with the same name will save only the current image -- other images will be lost.\n\nDo you want to select a new name to save the image?
7247 Do you want to discard changes to set "%s"?
7248 You have attempted to assign user fields without first creating the user fields in the +T+ database (File | Database | User Fields...).\n\n Do you want to create the user fields now, and then continue with the user fields assignment?
7249 %s has additional pixel information that T+ could not load; saving with the same name will save only 24 bits per pixel -- some pixel information will be lost.\n\nDo you want to select a new name to save the image?
7250 Really Exit +T+?
7251 Of the files you selected, %d were not accessible. Do you want to send the other %d file(s) anyway?
7252 One of the files you selected, '%s', was not accessible. Do you want to send the other %d file(s) anyway?
7254 This will remove the zip file folder '%s' and any files within it from your hard disk!\n\nDo you really wish to delete this zip file folder?\n
7255 Do you want to save the changes to set '%s'?
7256 A service pack (%s) is available for +T+.\n\nWould you like to download and install it now? Click YES to close +T+ and begin the download.
7257 An upgrade to version %s is available for +T+.\n\nWould you like to visit the Cerious Software web site to learn more about it?
7258 A background thread is currently loading a file using a Photoshop plug-in. Do you want to wait for it to complete?
7259 %s has additional pixel information that T+ could not load; saving with the same name will save only 8 bits per pixel -- some pixel information will be lost.\n\nDo you want to select a new name to save the image?
7260 The images are not the same size or color depth. Do you wish to resize the other image to make the comparison?
7261 Are you sure you want to change or remove the wallpaper?
7262 %s was loaded at smaller resolution than contained in the original file.\n\nDo you want to select a new name to save this image?
7263 A background thread is currently loading a DCS file using Kodak's library. Do you want to wait for it to complete?
7264 Do you wish to remove the equivalent file types of (%s)\nfrom the list of +T+ configured file types?\n\nNOTE: If you select [No], equivalent file types will\nbe promoted and retained under the selected category.
7500 %s: Unzip completed successfully
7502 %s: Unexpected end of ZIP file
7503 %s: ZIP file structure invalid
7504 %s: ZIP library out of memory
7505 %s: ZIP library out of memory
7509 %s: File '%s' not found in ZIP archive
7511 %s: ZIP Nothing to do
7525 %s: ZIP Index out of bounds
7526 %s: Multi-disk ZIP archive not supported
7528 %s: ZIP Error creating output file for file '%s' (%s)
7529 %s: Error opening ZIP archive
7539 %s: Bad ZIP CRC for '%s'
7541 %s: ZIP File '%s' is encrypted - skipped
7542 %s: ZIP File '%s' has unknown compression method
7546 %s: Cannot extract ZIP volume entry
7547 %s: Invalid ZIP command structure
7548 %s: ZIP operation cancelled
7549 %s: ZIP operation skipped
7550 %s: Disk full extracting '%s' from ZIP to '%s'
8002 Error adding record for path '%s' on volume #%d
8003 Unable to update thumbnail record
8004 Unable to add thumbnail
8005 Unable to retrieve volume information for drive %s
8006 Unable to initialize database
8007 Unable to open database table (%s)
8008 Unable to allocate memory
8009 Invalid paramter in database function call
8010 Unable to create file
8011 Output of table file number entries
8012 Unable to initialize resources in thumbnail database
8013 Invalid dbinfo paramter in call
8014 Unable to open file "%s"
8015 Unable to create database table (%s)
8016 Invalid database handle
8017 Unable to update thumbnail record
8018 Unable to add thumbnail record
8019 Internal error: Invalid parameter passed to routine '%s'
8020 Unable to read thumbnail record
8021 Unable to initialize %s for rebuilding (must be able to open the database exclusively)
8022 Unable to rebuild table '%s'
8023 Unable to add record for keyword '%s'
8024 Unable to add keyword reference (%d, %d)
8025 Unable to delete keyword reference (%d,%d)
8026 Unable to delete keyword (%d,%d)
8027 Unable to convert volume table from old format to new
8028 Database is opened read-only
8029 Database version is incompatible
8030 Timeout occurred while waiting for database update access
8031 SQL Error (BindParameter)
8032 SQL Error (BindCol)
8033 SQL Error
8034 SQL Error (Commit)
8035 SQL Error (Rollback)
8036 SQL Connect Error
8037 Error setting database info
8038 The selected database is not a +T+ database. If you are connecting to a client/server +T+ database, check with the database administrator to ensure your login has appropriate priveleges.
8039 Error copying database template (.tdd) to new database file (.td4).
8040 The maximum number of licensed users (%d) are already accessing the database.\n\nWould you like to wait for someone to exit?
8041 This computer is not properly registered for license validation. The database may be damaged.
8101 Out of memory
8102 GDI was unable to create region for gradient fill
8105 Load aborted by user
8106 Bitmap compression error
8107 Unsupported bits per pixel in bitmap
8108 Invalid bitmap format
8109 Unsupported record type: %d
8192 Not a GIF file
8194 Insufficient memory to load file
8195 Unable to open file
8196 Unable to create file
8197 Failure in GIF decode (file may be corrupted)
8198 Invalid GIF open method
8199 Parameter validation error
8201 Load aborted
8202 Invalid code size for image
8203 No image found
9001 Out of memory
9002 Cannot open file
9003 Cannot open stream
9004 Not a supported CGM file
9005 Unexpected EOF
9006 Unsupported integer precision: %d
9007 Unsupported real precision %d: <%d,%d>
9008 Unsupported index precision: %d
9009 Unsupported color precision: %d
9010 Unsupported color index precision: %d
9011 Unsupported VDC integer precision %d
9012 Unsupported VDC real precision %d: <%d,%d>
9013 Invalid VDC extent
9014 Aborted by user
9030 Invalid color extents
9031 Defaults replacment unsupported
9032 Unsupported scale mode %d
9033 Unsupported color mode %d
9034 Unsupported line width specification %d
9035 Unsupported marker size specification %d
9036 Unsupported edge width specification %d
9037 Font index out of range: %d
9038 Unrecognized element ID %d in class %d
9039 Invalid clip rectangle (ignored)
9040 Unsupported Cell array (skipped)
9041 Unsupported GDP (skipped)
9042 Unsupported line type: %d (ignored)
9043 No color table - using black
9044 Color index out of range - using color[0]
9045 Unsupported bundles (skipped)
9046 Unsupported character set index ignored
9047 Unsupported pattern ignored
9048 Unsupported marker type %d ignored
9049 Unsupported text precision
9050 Unsupported character expansion factor (ignored)
9051 Unsupported character spacing (ignored)
9052 Unsupported text path (ignored)
9053 Unsupported text alignment <%d,%d> (ignored)
9054 Unsupported interior style %d (ignored)
9055 Unsupported hatch index %d (ignored)
9056 Ignoring fill reference point
9057 Unsupported aspect source flags ignored
9216 Part of the image lies outside the defined GIF screen
9217 Invalid image in file
9218 Invalid (short) Graphic Control Extension in file
9219 Invalid (short) Plain Text Extension in file
9220 More text than fits in defined area
9221 Unable to create font for text rendering
9222 Unable to create palette for image rendering
9223 Image depth doesn't match GIF header depth
9224 Premature EOF - file may not be complete
9225 Invalid GIF tag
9300 Now, drag the unshaded part of the image to position it. You can also drag the corners to resize. You can use the right mouse button to rotate the selection 90 degrees.\n\n Press ENTER to apply, or ESC to cancel.
9301 Now, drag the pasted image to position it. You can also drag the corners or edges to resize.\n\n Press ENTER to apply, or ESC to cancel.
9302 Draw a line to indicate what should be vertical or horizontal in the image.\n\nPress ENTER to accept, or ESC to cancel.
9303 Pressing delete in a view window with a selected area will cause the area to be cropped off. \n\nPress ENTER to delete the selection or ESC to cancel.
9304 Click anywhere in the image to select the position (x,y coordinates) on which to add the graphic note.\n\nPress ENTER to add the notation or ESC to cancel.