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- English
- [111]
- 1164=Process whole image
- 1162=Reset
- 1163=Help
- [115]
- 0=Codecs
- 1283=Supported codecs
- 1011=XVID
- 1017=Use XviD
- 1012=DivX 3
- 1013=DivX 4
- 1016=Use XviD
- 1014=DivX 5
- 1018=Use XviD
- 1050=BLZ0
- 1019=Use XviD
- 1024=MP43
- 1023=MP42
- 1025=MP41
- 1026=WMV1
- 1048=H.263+
- 1049=MPEG1
- 1053=Use Libmpeg2
- 1052=MPEG2
- 1054=Use Libmpeg2
- 1055=MJPEG
- 1056=DV
- 1015=Raw video
- 1284=Supported output colorspaces
- 1020=YV12
- 1021=YUY2
- 1022=YVYU
- 1027=UYVY
- 1051=RGB32
- 1028=RGB24
- 1029=RGB16
- 1030=RGB15
- 1031=Use overlay mixer
- 1166=Don't register unchecked codecs
- 1032=I420
- [116]
- 0=Info
- 1284=Info
- 1050=Now playing:
- 1055=Codec:
- 1264=Output colorspace:
- 1054=Dimensions:
- 1265=FPS:
- 1059=Current frame:
- 1266=Decoder FPS:
- 1060=Bitrate:
- 1191=MMX
- 1192=MMXEXT
- 1193=SSE
- 1194=SSE2
- 1195=3DNOW
- 1196=3DNOWEXT
- [132]
- 0=Font
- 1259=Font
- 1110=Size:
- 1116=Spacing:
- 1114=Charset
- 1108=Weight
- 1124=Color
- 1118=Shadow strength:
- 1130=Shadow radius:
- [141]
- 0=OSD
- 1182=OSD display and font
- 1110=Size:
- 1116=Spacing:
- 1114=Charset
- 1108=Weight
- 1124=Color
- 1118=Shadow strength:
- 1130=Shadow radius:
- [136]
- 0=Tray & dialog settings
- 1257=Tray icon
- 1070=Show tray icon
- 1258=Configuration dialog
- 1071=Restore position
- 1072=Show hints
- 1293=Language:
- [143]
- 0=Keyboard control
- 1202=Enabled
- [119]
- 0=Image settings
- 1278=Presets
- 1016=New
- 1017=v
- 1156=Read from file...
- 1155=Save to file...
- 1045=Rename
- 1018=v
- 1044=Remove
- 1051=Automatic preset loading
- 1080=Try to load preset from file first
- 1157=Preset autoload conditions...
- [120]
- 0=Postprocessing
- 1073=Postprocessing
- 1027=Presets
- 1008=Automatic quality control
- 1028=Custom
- 1270=Luminance
- 1271=Chroma
- 1272=Deblock (H)
- 1273=Deblock (V)
- 1274=Dering
- 1158=Processing strength:
- 1160=Processing method:
- 1238=mplayer
- 1239=Nic's
- 1037=Temporal noise filter
- 1275=Level fix
- 1035=Luminance
- 1038=Full luma range
- 1036=Chroma (not implemented yet)
- 1242=X threshold:
- 1243=Y threshold:
- [125]
- 0=Picture properties
- 1072=Picture properties
- 1017=Luminance gain:
- 1018=Luminance offset:
- 1037=Gamma correction:
- 1025=Hue:
- 1026=Saturation:
- [142]
- 0=Levels
- 1170=Levels
- 1179=Modify only luminance
- 1184=Show histogram
- 1185=Full range
- 1291=Input
- 1267=Output
- 1181=Gamma correction:
- [126]
- 0=Noise
- 1038=Noise
- 1067=Old noise algorithm
- 1068=New noise algorithm (avih)
- 1069=mplayer noise
- 1232=Averaged
- 1039=Uniform noise
- 1231=Pattern
- 1041=Luminance noise strength:
- 1049=Chroma noise strength:
- [176]
- 0=DScaler filter
- 1308=DScaler filter
- 1309=Filter
- [177]
- 0=Perspective corr.
- 1317=Perspective correction
- 1321=Source rectangle
- 1319=Interpolation
- [127]
- 0=Sharpen
- 1065=Sharpen
- 1063=xsharpen
- 1064=unsharp mask
- 1066=msharpen
- 1216=high quality
- 1215=only mask
- 1067=warpsharp
- 1019=Strength:
- 1021=Threshold:
- [128]
- 0=Blur & NR
- 1134=Blur && noise reduction
- 1136=Soften:
- 1137=Temporal smooth:
- 1232=Process color
- 1138=Luma smoother:
- 1139=Chrominance smoother:
- 1140=Gradual denoise:
- [137]
- 0=Offset
- 1148=Offset
- 1149=Luma offset X:
- 1151=Luma offset Y:
- 1153=Chroma offset X:
- 1120=Chroma offset Y:
- [139]
- 0=Visualizations
- 1074=Show motion vectors
- [172]
- 0=Grab
- 1216=Grab
- 1223=Every frame
- 1224=Single frame
- 1226=Range
- 1228=Grab now
- 1183=Path
- 1218=...
- 1261=Name prefix
- 1263=Frame number digits
- 1262=Image format
- 1230=Quality:
- [113]
- 0=Subtitles
- 1105=Subtitles
- 1133=Search
- 1279=Search in
- 1183=File
- 1244=Reload
- 1122=Horizontal position:
- 1126=Vertical position:
- 1280=Delay:
- 1281=Speed:
- [133]
- 0=Resize & aspect
- 1083=Resize
- 1185=Specify size
- 1285=New size
- 1196=v
- 1186=Specify aspect ratio
- 1286=Aspect
- 1195=v
- 1187=Expand to next multiply of 16
- 1189=Resize if ...
- 1287=x
- 1193=>
- 1190=and
- 1288=y
- 1194=>
- 1191=Resize if number of pixels is ...
- 1192=greater than
- 1197=v
- 1188=Resize always
- 1289=Aspect ratio
- 1100=No aspect ratio correction
- 1101=Keep original aspect ratio
- 1102=Set aspect ratio manually:
- 1290=Black borders
- 1201=Horizontal
- 1200=Vertical
- 1199=Lock
- 1234=Overlay aspect ratio:
- [138]
- 0=Settings
- 1282=Resize settings
- 1285=Method
- 1098=Luma gaussian blur:
- 1099=Chroma gaussian blur:
- 1021=Parameter:
- 1019=Luma sharpen:
- 1020=Chroma sharpen:
- [134]
- 0=Crop
- 1137=Crop && zoom
- 1138=Zoom
- 1139=Crop
- 1105=Horizontal magnification:
- 1107=Vertical magnification:
- 1140=Lock
- 1252=Top
- 1254=Left
- 1255=Right
- 1256=Bottom
- 1141=Pan && scan
- 1109=Zoom
- 1111=Horizontal position
- 1113=Vertical position
- [140]
- 0=Deinterlacing
- 1167=Deinterlacing
- 1169=Linear interpolation
- 1170=Linear blending
- 1171=Cubic interpolation
- 1173=Cubic blending
- 1172=Median
- 1177=ffmpeg deinterlacer
- 1174=TomsMoComp
- 1207=Search effort:
- 1209=Swap fields
- 1175=Bob (?)
- 1176=Framerate doubler
- [173]
- 0=Overlay
- 1235=Overlay control
- 1236=Brightness:
- 1137=Contrast:
- 1138=Hue:
- 1139=Saturation:
- 1140=Sharpness:
- 1141=Gamma:
- [118]
- 0=Miscellaneous
- 1283=Libavcodec options
- 1016=Flip video
- 1314=Greyscale decoding
- 1045=IDCT
- 1268=Video delay:
- 1269=ms
- 1294=Decimate by ratio
- 1047=Workaround encoder bugs:
- 1307=Autodetect
- 1308=Old lavc msmpeg4 files
- 1309=Old XviD interlacing bug
- 1310=UMP4
- 1311=Padding bug
- 1312=Illegal VLC
- 1313=XviD and DivX qpel bug
- [102]
- 0=About
- 1251=ffdshow MPEG-4 VIDEO DECODER
- 1072=DirectShow filter build date:
- 1071=libavcodec version
- 1073=xvid version