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- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "../style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
- <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../style/manual.en.xsl"?>
- <modulesynopsis metafile="beos.xml.meta">
- <name>beos</name>
- <description>This Multi-Processing Module is optimized for BeOS.</description>
- <status>MPM</status>
- <sourcefile>beos.c</sourcefile>
- <identifier>mpm_beos_module</identifier>
- <summary>
- <p>This Multi-Processing Module (MPM) is the default for BeOS. It uses
- a single control process creates threads to handle requests.</p>
- </summary>
- <seealso><a href="../bind.html">Setting which addresses and ports Apache
- uses</a></seealso>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>User</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>Group</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>Listen</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>ListenBacklog</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>SendBufferSize</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>StartThreads</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>MinSpareThreads</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>MaxSpareThreads</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>MaxClients</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>CoreDumpDirectory</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>MaxMemFree</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>PidFile</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis location="mpm_common"><name>ScoreBoardFile</name>
- </directivesynopsis>
- <directivesynopsis>
- <name>MaxRequestsPerThread</name>
- <description>Limit on the number of requests that an individual thread
- will handle during its life</description>
- <syntax>MaxRequestsPerThread <var>number</var></syntax>
- <default>MaxRequestsPerThread 0</default>
- <contextlist><context>server config</context></contextlist>
- <usage>
- <p>The <directive>MaxRequestsPerThread</directive> directive sets
- the limit on the number of requests that an individual server thread
- will handle. After <directive>MaxRequestsPerThread</directive>
- requests, the thread will die. If <directive
- >MaxRequestsPerThread</directive> is <code>0</code>, then the thread
- will never expire.</p>
- <p>Setting <directive>MaxRequestsPerThread</directive> to a
- non-zero limit has two beneficial effects:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>it limits the amount of memory that a thread can consume
- by (accidental) memory leakage;</li>
- <li>by giving threads a finite lifetime, it helps reduce
- the number of threads when the server load reduces.</li>
- </ul>
- <note><title>Note:</title>
- <p>For <directive module="core">KeepAlive</directive> requests, only
- the first request is counted towards this limit. In effect, it
- changes the behavior to limit the number of <em>connections</em>
- per thread.</p>
- </note>
- </usage>
- </directivesynopsis>
- </modulesynopsis>