PC World 2003 July & August
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/* Copyright Abandoned 1997 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind */
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ⌠∩⌡ ≡▀φßΩß '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ⌠τ≥ Γ▄≤τ≥ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ '%-.64s'. (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ⌠τ≥ Γ▄≤τ≥ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ '%-.64s'. ╟ Γ▄≤τ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ▐Στ",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ⌠τ≥ Γ▄≤τ≥ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ '%-.64s'. ╟ Γ▄≤τ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ Σσφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ",
"╨ß±∩⌡≤Θ▄≤⌠τΩσ ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ⌠τ≥ Γ▄≤τ≥ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ (ßΣ²φß⌠τ τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ '%-.64s', Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╨ß±∩⌡≤Θ▄≤⌠τΩσ ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ⌠τ≥ Γ▄≤τ≥ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ (ßΣ²φß⌠τ τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ⌠∩⌡ ÷ßΩ▌δδ∩⌡ '%-.64s', Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╨ß±∩⌡≤Θ▄≤⌠τΩσ ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ßφ▄πφ∙≤τ σππ±ß÷▐≥ ß≡ⁿ ≡▀φßΩß ⌠∩⌡ ≤⌡≤⌠▐∞ß⌠∩≥",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ δ▐°τ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ πΘß ⌠τφ Ωß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ ⌠∩⌡ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╧ ÷▄Ωσδδ∩≥ σ±πß≤▀ß≥ Σσφ Γ±▌ΦτΩσ (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╘∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ Σσφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ΩδσΘΣ∙Φσ▀ (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠ⁿ φß ßφ∩Θ≈⌠σ▀ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩: '%-.64s'. (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"─σφ Γ±▌ΦτΩσ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩: '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠ⁿ φß ΣΘßΓß≤⌠σ▀ ∩ ÷▄Ωσδδ∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ßδδßπ▐ ⌠∩⌡ ⌠±▌≈∩φ⌠∩≥ Ωß⌠ßδⁿπ∩⌡ ≤σ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╟ σππ±ß÷▐ ▌≈σΘ ßδδ▄εσΘ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τφ ⌠σδσ⌡⌠ß▀ß ÷∩±▄ ≡∩⌡ ßφß≤²±ΦτΩσ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß '%-.64s'",
"─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ≈■±∩≥ ≤⌠∩ Σ▀≤Ω∩ (%s). ╨ß±ßΩßδ■, ≡σ±Θ∞▌φσ⌠σ φß σδσ⌡Φσ±∙Φσ▀ ≈■±∩≥....",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ Ωß⌠ß≈■±τ≤τ, τ ⌠Θ∞▐ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ▐Στ ≤⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß '%-.64s'",
"╨ß±∩⌡≤Θ▄≤⌠τΩσ ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωδσ▀φ∩φ⌠ß≥ ⌠∩ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╨±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ßφ▄πφ∙≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╨±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ∞σ⌠∩φ∩∞ß≤▀ß ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ '%-.64s' to '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╨±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"'%-.64s' Σσφ σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡∩φ⌠ßΘ ßδδßπ▌≥",
"╟ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß ⌠ßεΘφⁿ∞Θ≤τ≥ ßΩ⌡±■ΦτΩσ",
"╘∩ View '%-.64s' Σσφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ πΘß '%-.64s'",
"┼δ▐÷Φτ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß δ▄Φ∩⌡≥ %d ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≈σΘ±Θ≤⌠▐ ≡▀φßΩß (table handler)",
"╧ ≈σΘ±Θ≤⌠▐≥ ≡▀φßΩß (table handler) πΘß '%-.64s' Σσφ ΣΘßΦ▌⌠σΘ ß⌡⌠▐ ⌠τφ σ≡Θδ∩π▐",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ßφσ²±σ≤τ σππ±ß÷▐≥ ≤⌠∩ '%-.64s'",
"╦▄Φ∩≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ ≤⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩: '%-.64s'",
"╦▄Φ∩≥ ß±≈σ▀∩ ⌠ßεΘφⁿ∞Θ≤τ≥ (key file) πΘß ⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß: '%-.64s'. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■, ΣΘ∩±Φ■≤⌠σ ⌠∩!",
"╨ßδßΘⁿ ß±≈σ▀∩ ⌠ßεΘφⁿ∞Θ≤τ≥ (key file) πΘß ⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß '%-.64s'; ╨ß±ßΩßδ■, ΣΘ∩±Φ■≤⌠σ ⌠∩!",
"'%-.64s' σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡σ⌠ßΘ ∞ⁿφ∩ τ ßφ▄πφ∙≤τ",
"─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ΣΘßΦ▌≤Θ∞τ ∞φ▐∞τ. ╨±∩≤≡ßΦ▐≤⌠σ ≡▄δΘ, σ≡ßφσΩΘφ■φ⌠ß≥ ⌠τ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß (demon) (≈±σΘ▄µ∩φ⌠ßΘ %d bytes)",
"─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ΣΘßΦ▌≤Θ∞τ ∞φ▐∞τ πΘß ⌠ßεΘφⁿ∞Θ≤τ. ┴⌡ε▐≤⌠σ ⌠∩ sort buffer size πΘß ⌠τ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß (demon)",
"╩ß⌠▄ ⌠τ ΣΘ▄±ΩσΘß ⌠τ≥ ßφ▄πφ∙≤τ≥, Γ±▌ΦτΩσ ß≡±∩≤ΣⁿΩτ⌠ß ⌠∩ ⌠▌δ∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d)",
"╒≡▄±≈∩⌡φ ≡∩δδ▌≥ ≤⌡φΣ▌≤σΘ≥...",
"╨±ⁿΓδτ∞ß ∞σ ⌠τ ΣΘßΦ▌≤Θ∞τ ∞φ▐∞τ (Out of thread space/memory)",
"─σφ ▌πΘφσ πφ∙≤⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ hostname πΘß ⌠τφ address ≤ß≥",
"╟ ßφßπφ■±Θ≤τ (handshake) Σσφ ▌πΘφσ ≤∙≤⌠▄",
"─σφ σ≡Θ⌠▌±σ⌠ßΘ τ ≡±ⁿ≤Γß≤τ ≤⌠∩ ≈±▐≤⌠τ: '%-.32s@%-.64s' ≤⌠τ Γ▄≤τ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ '%-.64s'",
"─σφ σ≡Θ⌠▌±σ⌠ßΘ τ ≡±ⁿ≤Γß≤τ ≤⌠∩ ≈±▐≤⌠τ: '%-.32s@%-.64s' (≈±▐≤τ password: %s)",
"─σφ σ≡Θδ▌≈ΦτΩσ Γ▄≤τ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ",
"┴πφ∙≤⌠τ σφ⌠∩δ▐",
"╘∩ ≡σΣ▀∩ '%-.64s' Σσφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß σ▀φßΘ Ωσφⁿ (null)",
"┴πφ∙≤⌠τ Γ▄≤τ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ '%-.64s'",
"╧ ≡▀φßΩß≥ '%-.64s' ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ▐Στ",
"┴πφ∙≤⌠∩≥ ≡▀φßΩß≥ '%-.64s'",
"╘∩ ≡σΣ▀∩: '%-.64s' ≤σ %-.64s Σσφ ▌≈σΘ ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤⌠σ▀",
"┼φß±ετ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß≥ ß≡∩≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ σε⌡≡τ±σ⌠τ⌠▐ (server shutdown)",
"┴πφ∙≤⌠∩ ≡σΣ▀∩ '%-.64s' ≤σ '%-.64s'",
"╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐ΦτΩσ '%-.64s' ≡∩⌡ Σσφ ⌡≡▐±≈σ ≤⌠∩ group by",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ∩∞ßΣ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ (group on) '%-.64s'",
"╟ ΣΘß⌠²≡∙≤τ ≡σ±Θ▌≈σΘ sum functions ΩßΘ columns ≤⌠τφ ▀ΣΘß ΣΘß⌠²≡∙≤τ",
"╘∩ Column count Σσφ ⌠ßΘ±Θ▄µσΘ ∞σ ⌠∩ value count",
"╘∩ identifier name '%-.100s' σ▀φßΘ ≡∩δ² ∞σπ▄δ∩",
"┼≡ßφ▄δτ°τ column name '%-.64s'",
"┼≡ßφ▄δτ°τ key name '%-.64s'",
"─Θ≡δ▐ σππ±ß÷▐ '%-.64s' πΘß ⌠∩ ΩδσΘΣ▀ %d",
"┼≤÷ßδ∞▌φ∩ column specifier πΘß ⌠∩ ≡σΣ▀∩ '%-.64s'",
"%s ≡δτ≤▀∩φ '%-.80s' ≤⌠τ π±ß∞∞▐ %d",
"╘∩ σ±■⌠τ∞ß (query) ≡∩⌡ Φ▌≤ß⌠σ ▐⌠ßφ Ωσφⁿ",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ßφσ²±σ≤τ unique table/alias: '%-.64s'",
"┼≤÷ßδ∞▌φτ ≡±∩ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φτ ⌠Θ∞▐ (default value) πΘß '%-.64s'",
"╨σ±Θ≤≤ⁿ⌠σ±ß ß≡ⁿ ▌φß primary key ∩±▀≤⌠τΩßφ",
"╨▄±ß ≡∩δδ▄ key ∩±▀≤ΦτΩßφ. ╘∩ ≡∩δ² %d σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡∩φ⌠ßΘ",
"╨▄±ß ≡∩δδ▄ key parts ∩±▀≤ΦτΩßφ. ╘∩ ≡∩δ² %d σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡∩φ⌠ßΘ",
"╘∩ ΩδσΘΣ▀ ≡∩⌡ ∩±▀≤ΦτΩσ σ▀φßΘ ≡∩δ² ∞σπ▄δ∩. ╘∩ ∞▌πΘ≤⌠∩ ∞▐Ω∩≥ σ▀φßΘ %d",
"╘∩ ≡σΣ▀∩ ΩδσΘΣ▀ '%-.64s' Σσφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ≤⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß",
"╨σΣ▀∩ ⌠²≡∩⌡ Blob '%-.64s' Σσφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀ ≤⌠∩φ ∩±Θ≤∞ⁿ σφⁿ≥ ΩδσΘΣΘ∩² (key specification)",
"╨∩δ² ∞σπ▄δ∩ ∞▐Ω∩≥ πΘß ⌠∩ ≡σΣ▀∩ '%-.64s' (max = %d). ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀≤⌠σ ⌠∩φ ⌠²≡∩ BLOB",
"╠≡∩±σ▀ φß ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ∞ⁿφ∩ ▌φß auto field ΩßΘ ≡±▌≡σΘ φß ▌≈σΘ ∩±Θ≤Φσ▀ ≤ßφ key",
"%s: ≤σ ßφß∞∩φ▐ ≤⌡φΣ▌≤σ∙φ\n",
"%s: ╓⌡≤Θ∩δ∩πΘΩ▐ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß shutdown\n",
"%s: ┼δ▐÷Φτ ⌠∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß %d. ╟ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß σπΩß⌠ßδσ▀≡σ⌠ßΘ!\n",
"%s: ╟ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß Shutdown ∩δ∩Ωδτ±■ΦτΩσ\n",
"%s: ╘∩ thread Φß Ωδσ▀≤σΘ %ld user: '%-.64s'\n",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß IP socket",
"╧ ≡▀φßΩß≥ '%-.64s' Σσφ ▌≈σΘ σ⌡±σ⌠▐±Θ∩ (index) ≤ßφ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ≡∩⌡ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀⌠σ ≤⌠τφ CREATE INDEX. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■, εßφßΣτ∞Θ∩⌡±π▐≤⌠σ ⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß",
"╧ ΣΘß≈∙±Θ≤⌠▐≥ ≡σΣ▀∙φ Σσφ σ▀φßΘ ß⌡⌠ⁿ≥ ≡∩⌡ ßφß∞σφⁿ⌠ßφ. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ßφß⌠±▌ε⌠σ ≤⌠∩ manual",
"─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀⌠σ φß ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ⌠σ fixed rowlength ≤σ BLOBs. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀≤⌠σ 'fields terminated by'.",
"╘∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ '%-.64s' ≡±▌≡σΘ φß ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ≤⌠∩ database directory ▐ φß ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ΣΘßΓß≤⌠σ▀ ß≡ⁿ ⁿδ∩⌡≥",
"╘∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ '%-.64s' ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ▐Στ",
"┼ππ±ß÷▌≥: %ld ─Θßπ±ß÷▌≥: %ld ╨ß±σΩ▄∞÷Φτ≤ßφ: %ld ╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σΘ≥: %ld",
"┼ππ±ß÷▌≥: %ld ┼≡ßφßδ▐°σΘ≥: %ld",
"┼≤÷ßδ∞▌φ∩ sub part key. ╘∩ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ∩²∞σφ∩ key part Σσφ σ▀φßΘ string ▐ ⌠∩ ∞▐Ω∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ σ▀φßΘ ∞σπßδ²⌠σ±∩",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ≡σΣ▀∙φ ∞σ ALTER TABLE. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀≤⌠σ DROP TABLE",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ (DROP) '%-.64s'. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ σδ▌πε⌠σ ßφ ⌠∩ ≡σΣ▀∩/ΩδσΘΣ▀ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ",
"┼ππ±ß÷▌≥: %ld ┼≡ßφßδ▐°σΘ≥: %ld ╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σΘ≥: %ld",
"INSERT TABLE '%-.64s' Σσφ σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡σ⌠ßΘ ≤⌠∩ FROM table list",
"┴πφ∙≤⌠∩ thread id: %lu",
"─σφ σ▀≤Φσ owner ⌠∩⌡ thread %lu",
"─σφ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐ΦτΩßφ ≡▀φßΩσ≥",
"╨▄±ß ≡∩δδ▄ strings πΘß ⌠∩ ≡σΣ▀∩ %-.64s ΩßΘ SET",
"┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß unique log-filename %-.64s.(1-999)\n",
"╧ ≡▀φßΩß≥ '%-.64s' ▌≈σΘ ΩδσΘΣ∙Φσ▀ ∞σ READ lock ΩßΘ Σσφ σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡∩φ⌠ßΘ ßδδßπ▌≥",
"╧ ≡▀φßΩß≥ '%-.64s' Σσφ ▌≈σΘ ΩδσΘΣ∙Φσ▀ ∞σ LOCK TABLES",
"╘ß Blob ≡σΣ▀ß '%-.64s' Σσφ ∞≡∩±∩²φ φß ▌≈∩⌡φ ≡±∩ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φσ≥ ⌠Θ∞▌≥ (default value)",
"╦▄Φ∩≥ ⁿφ∩∞ß Γ▄≤τ≥ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ '%-.100s'",
"╦▄Φ∩≥ ⁿφ∩∞ß ≡▀φßΩß '%-.100s'",
"╘∩ SELECT Φß σεσ⌠▄≤σΘ ∞σπ▄δ∩ ß±ΘΦ∞ⁿ σππ±ß÷■φ ΩßΘ ≡ΘΦßφ■≥ Φß ΩßΦ⌡≤⌠σ±▐≤σΘ. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ σεσ⌠▄≤⌠σ ⌠Θ≥ ≡ß±ß∞▌⌠±∩⌡≥ ⌠∩⌡ WHERE ΩßΘ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀≤⌠σ SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 ßφ ⌠∩ SELECT σ▀φßΘ ≤∙≤⌠ⁿ",
"╨±∩▌Ω⌡°σ ▄πφ∙≤⌠∩ δ▄Φ∩≥",
"┴πφ∙≤⌠τ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß '%-.64s'",
"╦▄Φ∩≥ ß±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ≡ß±ß∞▌⌠±∙φ ≤⌠τ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß '%-.64s'",
"╦▄Φ∩≥ ≡ß±▄∞σ⌠±∩Θ ≤⌠τφ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß '%-.64s'",
"┴πφ∙≤⌠∩≥ ≡▀φßΩß≥ '%-.64s' ≤σ %s",
"╘∩ ≡σΣ▀∩ '%-.64s' ▌≈σΘ ∩±Θ≤Φσ▀ Σ²∩ ÷∩±▌≥",
"┼≤÷ßδ∞▌φτ ≈±▐≤τ ⌠τ≥ group function",
"╧ ≡▀φßΩ≥ '%-.64s' ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀ Ω▄≡∩Θ∩ extension ≡∩⌡ Σσφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ≤⌠τφ ▌ΩΣ∩≤τ ß⌡⌠▐ ⌠τ≥ MySQL",
"┼φß≥ ≡▀φßΩß≥ ≡±▌≡σΘ φß ▌≈σΘ ⌠∩⌡δ▄≈Θ≤⌠∩φ ▌φß ≡σΣ▀∩",
"╧ ≡▀φßΩß≥ '%-.64s' σ▀φßΘ πσ∞▄⌠∩≥",
"┴πφ∙≤⌠∩ character set: '%-.64s'",
"╨∩δ² ∞σπ▄δ∩≥ ß±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ≡Θφ▄Ω∙φ. ╟ MySQL ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤σΘ %d ≡▀φßΩσ≥ ≤σ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß join",
"╨∩δ² ∞σπ▄δ∩≥ ß±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ≡σΣ▀∙φ",
"╨∩δ² ∞σπ▄δ∩ ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ σππ±ß÷▐≥. ╘∩ ∞▌πΘ≤⌠∩ ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ σππ±ß÷▐≥, ≈∙±▀≥ φß ⌡≡∩δ∩π▀µ∩φ⌠ßΘ ⌠ß blobs, σ▀φßΘ %d. ╨±▌≡σΘ φß ∩±▀≤σ⌠σ Ω▄≡∩Θß ≡σΣ▀ß ≤ßφ blobs",
"Stack overrun ≤⌠∩ thread: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀≤⌠σ 'mysqld -O thread_stack=#' πΘß φß ∩±▀≤σ⌠σ ▌φß ∞σπßδ²⌠σ±∩ stack ßφ ≈±σΘ▄µσ⌠ßΘ",
"Cross dependency Γ±▌ΦτΩσ ≤σ OUTER JOIN. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ σεσ⌠▄≤⌠σ ⌠Θ≥ ≤⌡φΦ▐Ωσ≥ ≡∩⌡ Φ▌≤ß⌠σ ≤⌠∩ ON",
"╘∩ ≡σΣ▀∩ '%-.64s' ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀⌠ßΘ ≤ßφ UNIQUE ▐ INDEX ßδδ▄ Σσφ ▌≈σΘ ∩±Θ≤Φσ▀ ≤ßφ NOT NULL",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß load πΘß ⌠τ ≤⌡φ▄±⌠τ≤τ '%-.64s'",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ ▌φß±ετ ⌠τ≥ ≤⌡φ▄±⌠τ≤τ≥ '%-.64s'; %-.80s",
"─σφ Γ±▌ΦτΩßφ paths πΘß ⌠τφ shared library",
"╟ ≤⌡φ▄±⌠τ≤τ '%-.64s' ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ▐Στ",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ ßφ▄πφ∙≤τ ⌠τ≥ shared library '%-.64s' (Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ δ▄Φ∩⌡≥: %d %s)",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ ßφσ²±σ≤τ ⌠τ≥ ≤⌡φ▄±⌠τ≤τ≥ '%-.64s' ≤⌠τφ ΓΘΓδΘ∩Φ▐Ωτ'",
"╟ ≤⌡φ▄±⌠τ≤τ '%-.64s' Σσφ ▌≈σΘ ∩±Θ≤Φσ▀",
"╧ ⌡≡∩δ∩πΘ≤⌠▐≥ ▌≈σΘ ß≡∩ΩδσΘ≤Φσ▀ δⁿπ∙ ≡∩δδß≡δ■φ δßΦ■φ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥. ╨±∩≤≡ßΦ▐≤⌠σ φß ΣΘ∩±■≤σ⌠σ ∞σ 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'",
"╧ ⌡≡∩δ∩πΘ≤⌠▐≥ Σσφ ▌≈σΘ ΣΘΩß▀∙∞ß ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ ∞σ ⌠∩φ MySQL server",
"╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀⌠σ ⌠τφ MySQL ≤ßφ anonymous user ΩßΘ ▌⌠≤Θ Σσφ ∞≡∩±σ▀⌠σ φß ßδδ▄εσ⌠σ ⌠ß passwords ▄δδ∙φ ≈±τ≤⌠■φ",
"╨±▌≡σΘ φß ▌≈σ⌠σ ΣΘΩß▀∙∞ß ΣΘⁿ±Φ∙≤τ≥ ≡Θφ▄Ω∙φ (update) ≤⌠τ Γ▄≤τ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ mysql πΘß φß ∞≡∩±σ▀⌠σ φß ßδδ▄εσ⌠σ ⌠ß passwords ▄δδ∙φ ≈±τ≤⌠■φ",
"─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ ßφσ²±σ≤τ ⌠τ≥ ßφ⌠▀≤⌠∩Θ≈τ≥ σππ±ß÷▐≥ ≤⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß ⌠∙φ ≈±τ≤⌠■φ",
"Rows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ld",
"Can't create a new thread (errno %d). If you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug",
"Column count doesn't match value count at row %ld",
"Can't reopen table: '%-.64s'",
"Invalid use of NULL value",
"Got error '%-.64s' from regexp",
"Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause",
"There is no such grant defined for user '%-.32s' on host '%-.64s'",
"%-.16s command denied to user: '%-.32s@%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'",
"%-.16s command denied to user: '%-.32s@%-.64s' for column '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'",
"Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command. Please consult the manual which privileges can be used.",
"The host or user argument to GRANT is too long",
"Table '%-.64s.%-.64s' doesn't exist",
"There is no such grant defined for user '%-.32s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.64s'",
"The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version",
"You have an error in your SQL syntax",
"Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.64s",
"Too many delayed threads in use",
"Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.64s' user: '%-32s' (%-.64s)",
"Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet'",
"Got a read error from the connection pipe",
"Got an error from fcntl()",
"Got packets out of order",
"Couldn't uncompress communication packet",
"Got an error reading communication packets",
"Got timeout reading communication packets",
"Got an error writing communication packets",
"Got timeout writing communication packets",
"Result string is longer than max_allowed_packet",
"The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns",
"The used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columns",
"INSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.64s', because it is locked with LOCK TABLES",
"Incorrect column name '%-.100s'",
"The used table handler can't index column '%-.64s'",
"All tables in the MERGE table are not identically defined",
"Can't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.64s'",
"BLOB column '%-.64s' used in key specification without a key length",
"All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead",
"Result consisted of more than one row",
"This table type requires a primary key",
"This version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID support",
"You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column",
"Key '%-.64s' doesn't exist in table '%-.64s'",
"Can't open table",
"The handler for the table doesn't support %s",
"You are not allowed to execute this command in a transaction",
"Got error %d during COMMIT",
"Got error %d during ROLLBACK",
"Got error %d during FLUSH_LOGS",
"Got error %d during CHECKPOINT",
"Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.64s' user: '%-.32s' host: `%-.64s' (%-.64s)",
"The handler for the table does not support binary table dump",
"Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER",
"Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.64s'",
"Error from master: '%-.64s'",
"Net error reading from master",
"Net error writing to master",
"Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list",
"Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction",
"Unknown system variable '%-.64s'",
"Table '%-.64s' is marked as crashed and should be repaired",
"Table '%-.64s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed",
"Warning: Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back",
"Multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage. Increase this mysqld variable and try again",
"This operation cannot be performed with a running slave, run SLAVE STOP first",
"This operation requires a running slave, configure slave and do SLAVE START",
"The server is not configured as slave, fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TO",
"Could not initialize master info structure, check permisions on master.info",
"Could not create slave thread, check system resources",
"User %-.64s has already more than 'max_user_connections' active connections",
"You may only use constant expressions with SET",
"Lock wait timeout exceeded",
"The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size",
"Update locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction",
"DROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock",
"CREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock",
"Wrong arguments to %s",
"%-.32s@%-.64s is not allowed to create new users",
"Incorrect table definition; All MERGE tables must be in the same database",
"Deadlock found when trying to get lock; Try restarting transaction",
"The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes",
"Cannot add foreign key constraint",
"Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails",
"Cannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails",
"Error connecting to master: %-.128s",
"Error running query on master: %-.128s",
"Error when executing command %s: %-.128s",
"Wrong usage of %s and %s",
"The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns",
"Can't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lock",
"Mixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabled",
"Option '%s' used twice in statement",
"User '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)",
"Access denied. You need the %-.128s privilege for this operation",
"Variable '%-.64s' is a LOCAL variable and can't be used with SET GLOBAL",
"Variable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL",
"Variable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default value",
"Variable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.64s'",
"Wrong argument type to variable '%-.64s'",
"Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not read",
"Wrong usage/placement of '%s'",
"This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'",
"Got fatal error %d: '%-.128s' from master when reading data from binary log",