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- ; Microsoft Internet Explorer Trad Chinese IME installation inf
- ; Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
- ; Authors: Kevin B. Gjerstad, Benjamin Westbrook
- [Version]
- Signature="$Chicago$"
- AdvancedINF=2.5
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 55="Global IME for Chinese (Traditional)","",0
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- mstcaime.dll=55
- 1028aim2.inf=55
- dimm.dll=55
- internat.exe=55
- indicdll.dll=55
- kbdus.dll=55
- kbdus.kbd=55
- phon.tbl=55
- phoncode.tbl=55
- lcphrase.tbl=55
- phonptr.tbl=55
- lcptr.tbl=55
- mstcaime.chm=55
- aimminst.exe=55
- [DefaultInstall]
- RequiredEngine=setupapi
- CustomDestination=CustomDestinationDirs
- CopyFiles=Langpack.inf.Install, Copy95, CopyIME, CopyHelp
- RegisterOCXs=RegisterOCXSection
- AddReg=IEIntl.Add.Reg,AddRunOnce
- ;UpdateINIs=IMEInis
- [DefaultInstall.NT]
- RequiredEngine=setupapi
- CustomDestination=CustomDestinationDirs
- CopyFiles=Langpack.inf.Install, CopyNT, CopyIME, CopyHelp
- RegisterOCXs=RegisterOCXSection
- AddReg=IEIntl.Add.Reg,AddRunOnce
- ;UpdateINIs=IMEInis.NT
- [AddRunOnce]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","Register TCDIMM",0,"regsvr32.exe /s %11%\dimm.dll"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","Register TCAIME",0,"regsvr32.exe /s %49600%\tcime\mstcaime.dll"
- [Uninstall]
- BeginPrompt=UNINST.BeginPrompt
- CustomDestination=CustomDestinationDirs
- UnRegisterOCXs=UnRegisterOCXSection
- DelFiles=CopyIME, CopyHelp
- Deldirs=RemoveFolder
- DelReg=IEIntl.Del.Reg
- AddReg=AIMMInstUninstallValue
- ;UpdateINIs=DelOldIMEInis
- RunPostSetupCommands=SetupExe
- [Uninstall.NT]
- BeginPrompt=UNINST.BeginPrompt
- CustomDestination=CustomDestinationDirs
- UnRegisterOCXs=UnRegisterOCXSection
- DelFiles=CopyIME, CopyHelp
- Deldirs=RemoveFolder
- DelReg=IEIntl.Del.Reg
- AddReg=AIMMInstUninstallValue
- ;UpdateINIs=DelOldIMEInis.NT
- RunPostSetupCommands=SetupExe
- [QuietUninstall]
- CustomDestination=CustomDestinationDirs
- UnRegisterOCXs=UnRegisterOCXSection
- DelFiles=CopyIME, CopyDic, CopyHelp
- Deldirs=RemoveFolder
- DelReg=IEIntl.Del.Reg
- AddReg=AIMMInstUninstallValue
- RunPostSetupCommands=UninstExe
- [UninstExe]
- %11%\aimminst.exe /Q /R:N /U
- [SetupExe]
- %11%\aimminst.exe
- [AIMMInstUninstallValue]
- HKCR,"CLSID\{A69BA908-7E51-11d1-A364-00A0C90630FC}", "InstallValue",,"TC"
- [IMEInis]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,, "groupime="%MSAIME%""
- setup.ini, groupime,, """%MSTCIME%"", """"""%18%\%IMEHELP%"""""""
- ;setup.ini, progman.groups,, "groupime="%MSAIME%""
- ;setup.ini, groupime,, """%MSTCIME%"", ""%18%\%IMEHELP%"""
- [IMEInis.NT]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,, "groupime="%MSAIME%""
- setup.ini, groupime,, """%MSTCIME%"", """"""%18%\%IMEHELP%"""""""
- [DelOldIMEInis]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,, "groupime=""%MSAIME%"""
- setup.ini, groupime,, """%MSTCIME%"""
- [DelOldIMEInis.NT]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,, "groupime=""%MSAIME%"""
- setup.ini, groupime,, """%MSTCIME%"""
- [RegisterOCXSection]
- %11%\dimm.dll
- %49700%\mstcaime.dll
- [UnRegisterOCXSection]
- %49700%\mstcaime.dll
- [RemoveFolder]
- %49700%
- [CustomDestinationDirs]
- 49600=ProgramFilesDir,5
- 49700=TCIMEDir,5
- [ProgramFilesDir]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion","ProgramFilesDir",,"%24%\%PROGRAMFILES%"
- [TCIMEDir]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\TCIME","InstallRoot",,"%49600%\TCIME"
- [CopyIME]
- mstcaime.dll
- phon.tbl
- phoncode.tbl
- lcphrase.tbl
- phonptr.tbl
- lcptr.tbl
- [Copy95]
- internat.exe,,,32
- indicdll.dll,,,32
- dimm.dll,,,32
- kbdus.kbd
- aimminst.exe
- [CopyNT]
- internat.exe,,,32
- indicdll.dll,,,32
- dimm.dll,,,32
- kbdus.dll,,,32
- aimminst.exe
- [CopyHelp]
- mstcaime.chm
- [Langpack.inf.Install]
- 1028aim2.inf
- [DestinationDirs]
- CopyIME= 49700
- Langpack.inf.Install=17
- Copy95=11
- CopyNT=11
- CopyHelp=18
- [IEIntl.Del.Reg]
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{545EFE02-5C78-11d1-8400-00C04FD25153}"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TCAIME"
- [UNINST.BeginPrompt]
- ButtonType=YESNO
- [Strings]
- MSTCIME = "Chinese (Traditional) IME Help"
- BEGIN_UNINSTALL_PROMPT="Do you want to uninstall the Global IME for Chinese (Traditional)?"
- BEGIN_UNINSTALL_TITLE="Microsoft Global IME for Chinese (Traditional) Uninstall"
- INTLKEY = "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International"
- PROGRAMFILES="Program Files"
- MSOLDTCIME = "Microsoft Global IME"
- MSAIME = "Microsoft Global IME"
- PGMGRP_IESUITE = "Internet Explorer"
- IMEHELP = "mstcaime.chm"