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- 100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
- 102 Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
- 128 SpeedProject's SpeedEdit
- 129 \nUntitled\nSpeedEdit\n\n\nSpeedEdit.Document\nSpeedEdit Document
- 16001 You should select an image!
- 16002 You should enter a text!
- 16003 Can't create a new image!
- 16004 Can't paste bitmap image from the clipboard!
- 16005 You can paste bitmap with the size (%d x %d) only!
- 16006 Menu Bar
- 16007 Can't customize menus!
- 16008 Internal application error.
- 16009 [Unassigned]
- 16010 Can't copy bitmap image into the clipboard!
- 16011 Hide docked window
- 16012 Expand docked window
- 16013 Contract docked window
- 16014 New Menu
- 16015 File
- 16016 Folder
- 16017 New
- 16018 Existing
- 16019 Recent
- 16020 Delete
- 16021 Move Item Up
- 16022 Move Item Down
- 16023 Executable (*.exe)|*.exe|Command (*.com)|*.com|Information (*.pdf)|*.pdf|Batch (*.bat)|*.bat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 16024 You may define up to %d tools.
- 16025 Expand (%s)
- 16026 More Buttons
- 16027 New
- 16103 Customize
- 16104 <Untitled>
- 16105 Close
- 16106 Default Menu
- 16107 Default application menu. Appears when no documents are open.
- 16108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16109 Do you really want to delete the toolbar '%s'?
- 16110 All Commands
- 16111 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the toolbar '%s'?
- 16112 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset all toolbars and menus?
- 16113 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the menu '%s'?
- 16114 Default
- 16115 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the keyboard assignments?
- 16243 You can't create more than %d user-defined toolbars!
- 16244 Die Standard-Einstellung aller Befehle, Menⁿs und Symbolleisten wird wiederhergestellt!\nSind Sie sicher, da▀ Sie alles zurⁿcksetzen wollen?
- 16901 Fill Tool\nFill
- 16902 Pencil Tool\nPencil
- 16903 Select Color Tool\nSelect Color
- 16904 Line Tool\nLine
- 16905 Rectangle Tool\nRectangle
- 16906 Ellipse Tools\nEllipse
- 16907 Copy Tool\nCopy
- 16908 Paste Tool\nPaste
- 16909 Clear Tool\nClear
- 19700 An unexpected error occured during the last file operation.
- 19701 &Copy Here
- 19702 &Move Here
- 19703 Create &Shortcut(s) Here
- 19704 Cancel
- 19705 New %s%s
- 19706 New %s (%ld)%s
- 19707 Unable to create the file '%1'.
- 19708 Unable to create the file '%1'.\n\nThe document template could not be found.
- 19709 New Folder
- 19710 New Folder (%ld)
- 19711 Unable to create the folder '%1'.
- 19712 %s (Counting...)
- 19713 File
- 19714 File Folder
- 19715 File
- 19716 Version
- 19717 Language
- 19718 Path
- 19727 Properties for %s
- 19728 &Search
- 19729 &Next
- 19730 &Print
- 19731 Pr&int Setup
- 19732 &View Options
- 19733 Print &Options
- 19734 &Clipboard Options
- 19735 You reached the end of the text.
- 19736 There is no viewer for this kind of file.
- 19737 DLL <%s> can not be loaded.
- 19738 Function <IsFileOk> can not be found.
- 19739 This format is not a valid file format.
- 19740 Function <CreateViewWindow>can not be found.
- 19741 Error in opening file.
- 19742 Quick View is not installed.\n\nPlease open the Control Panel and run the applet "Add/Remove Programs".
- 19743 This file or folder does not allow Quick View Mode.
- 19744 Did you know...
- 19745 noclose
- 19746 Select Folder
- 19747 Select File
- 19748 (nofiles)|NOFILES.$$$||
- 19749 All files (*.*)|*.*||
- 19750 New (Ins)
- 19751 Delete (Del)
- 19752 Move up (Alt+Cursor move up)
- 19753 Move down (Alt+Cursor move down)
- 19754 Automatic
- 19755 More Colors...
- 19756 Black|Brown|Olive Green|Dark Green|Dark Teal|Dark Blue|Indigo|Gray-80%|Dark Red|Orange|Dark Yellow|Green|Teal|Blue|Blue-Gray|Gray-50%|Red|Light Orange|Lime|Sea Green|Aqua|Light Blue|Violet|Gray-40%|Pink|Gold|Yellow|Bright Green|Turquoise|Sky Blue|Plum|Gray-25%|Rose|Tan|Light Yellow|Light Green|Light Turquoise|Pale Blue|Lavender|White
- 19800 Can not find the key [CommonFilesDir] in the windows registry!
- 32771 Toggles editor to ANSI mode.\nANSI Mode
- 32772 Toggles editor to ASCII mode.\nASCII Mode
- 32773 Turns the automatic word wrap off and on.\nWord Wrap
- 32777 Displays an open window maximized.
- 32778 Exits SpeedEdit with Escape.
- 53320 Add a new item\nAdd
- 53321 Delete this item\nDelete
- 53322 Browse for a file\nBrowse
- 53323 Reserved 1\nReserved
- 53324 Reserved 2\nReserved
- 57344 SpeedEdit
- 57345 For Help, press F1
- 57346 Selects an object on which to get Help.
- 57600 Creates a new document.\nNew
- 57601 Opens an existing document.\nOpen
- 57602 Closes the active document.\nClose
- 57603 Saves the active document.\nSave
- 57604 Saves the active document with a new name.\nSave As
- 57605 Changes the printing options.\nPage Setup
- 57606 Changes the printer and printing options.\nPrint Setup
- 57607 Prints the active document.\nPrint
- 57609 Displays full pages.\nPrint Preview
- 57612 Sends the active document through electronic mail.\nSend Mail
- 57616 Opens this document.
- 57617 Opens this document.
- 57618 Opens this document.
- 57619 Opens this document.
- 57620 Opens this document.
- 57621 Opens this document.
- 57622 Opens this document.
- 57623 Opens this document.
- 57624 Opens this document.
- 57625 Opens this document.
- 57626 Opens this document.
- 57627 Opens this document.
- 57628 Opens this document.
- 57629 Opens this document.
- 57630 Opens this document.
- 57631 Opens this document.
- 57632 Erases the selection.\nErase
- 57633 Erases everything.\nErase All
- 57634 Copies the selection and put it on the Clipboard.\nCopy
- 57635 Cuts the selection and put it on the Clipboard.\nCut
- 57636 Finds the specified text.\nFind
- 57637 Inserts Clipboard contents.\nPaste
- 57638 Inserts Clipboard contents and a link to its source.\nPaste Link
- 57639 Inserts Clipboard contents with options.\nPaste Special
- 57640 Repeats the last action.\nRepeat
- 57641 Replaces specific text with different text.\nReplace
- 57642 Selects the entire document.\nSelect All
- 57643 Undos the last action.\nUndo
- 57644 Redos the previously undone action.\nRedo
- 57648 Opens another window for the active document.\nNew Window
- 57649 Arranges icons at the bottom of the window.\nArrange Icons
- 57650 Arranges windows so they overlap.\nCascade Windows
- 57651 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.\nTile Windows
- 57652 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.\nTile Windows
- 57653 Splits the active window into panes.\nSplit
- 57664 Displays program information, version number and copyright.\nAbout
- 57665 Quits the application; prompts to save documents.\nExit
- 57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
- 57667 Lists Help topics.\nHelp Topics
- 57668 Displays instructions about how to use help.\nHelp
- 57669 Displays help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows.\nHelp
- 57670 Displays help for current task or command.\nHelp
- 57680 Switches to the next window pane.\nNext Pane
- 57681 Switches back to the previous window pane.\nPrevious Pane
- 57696 Selects font for current selection.\nFont
- 57856 Inserts new embedded object.\nNew Object
- 57857 Edits linked objects.\nEdit Links
- 57858 Converts object to different type.\nConvert Object
- 57872 Activates embedded or linked object.
- 57873 Activates embedded or linked object.
- 57874 Activates embedded or linked object.
- 57875 Activates embedded or linked object.
- 59136 1000:1000
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140 OVR
- 59141 REC
- 59392 Shows or hides the toolbar.\nToggle ToolBar
- 59393 Shows or hides the status bar.\nToggle StatusBar
- 61184 Changes the window size.
- 61185 Changes the window position.
- 61186 Reduces the window to an icon.
- 61187 Enlarges the window to full size.
- 61188 Switches to the next document window.
- 61189 Switches to the previous document window.
- 61190 Closes the active window and prompts to save the documents.
- 61202 Restores the window to normal size.
- 61203 Activates Task List.
- 61215 Activates this window.
- 61445 Closes print preview mode.\nCancel Preview