frmProxySettings.lblName.Caption=Q Proxy name or IP Address:
frmProxySettings.lblPort.Caption=Q Port number:
frmProxySettings.lblInfo.Caption=Q If you connet to the Internet using proxy, fill in the following settings. If you are unsure of either of these things, ask your network administrator.
frmProxySettings.chkUseProxy.Caption=Q Use proxy
frmProxySettings.btnAccept.Caption=Q &Accept
frmProxySettings.btnCancel.Caption=Q &Cancel
rsCaptureRectHint=cattura col rettangolo fisso (%s)|cattura un rettangolo preimpostato
rsAutoSaveON=Salvataggio automatico ATTIVATO
rsAutoSaveOFF=Salvataggio automatico DISATTIVATO
rsAutoSaveNamePromptON=Q Prompting for file name is ON
rsAutoSaveNextName=Nome prossimo file salvato
rsFolder=Salvto in
rsPrintPrepare=Preparazione della stampa del file...
rsPrintTplHdr=Le seguenti maschere possono essere usate nell'intestazione:
rsPrintTplDateShort=stampa la data (abbreviata)
rsPrintTplDateLong=stampa la data (completa)
rsPrintTplTimeShort=stampa l'ora (abbreviata)
rsPrintTplTimeLong=stampa l'ora (completa)
rsPrintTplPicWidth=larghezza dell'immagine (in pixels)
rsPrintTplPicHeight=altezza dell'immagine (in pixels)
rsPrintTplFileName=nome del file
rsPrintTplFilePath=posizione del file
rsPrintTplFtr=Ogni altro testo apparirα come introdotto
rsThanksGoTo=I miei ringraziamenti a:
rsHotKeyRegError=Non tutte le combinazioni possono essere registrate,controlla nelle opzioni
rsFileName=Nome del file
rsEnterFileNameNoPath=Digita il nome del file
rsAutoSavedTo=Salvato in
rsSaveAsQuality=qualitα JPG (1..100)
rsSaveAsParameters=Salva i parametri
rsSaveAsColorBits=Profonditα colore (bits per pixel)
rsNoBmpOnClip=Q There is no bitmap on the Clipboard
rsFileRenameTitle=Q Rename the file
rsFileRenamePrompt=Q Enter the new name:
rsFileCantRename=Q File [%s]*|*couldn't be renamed to*|*[%s].
rsFileSureDelete=Q Are you sure you want to delete the file*|*[%s]?
rsFileCantDelete=Q File [%s]*|*couldn't be deleted.
rsDateTime_yyyy=Q Displays the year as a four-digit number (0000-9999)
rsDateTime_yy=Q Displays the year as a two-digit number (00-99)
rsDateTime_mm=Q Displays the month as a number with a leading zero (01-12)
rsDateTime_m=Q Displays the month as a number without a leading zero (1-12)
rsDateTime_dd=Q Displays the day as a number with a leading zero (01-31)
rsDateTime_d=Q Displays the day as a number without a leading zero (1-31)
rsDateTime_hh=Q Displays the hour with a leading zero (00-23)
rsDateTime_h=Q Displays the hour without a leading zero (0-23)
rsDateTime_nn=Q Displays the minute with a leading zero (00-59)
rsDateTime_n=Q Displays the minute without a leading zero (0-59)
rsDateTime_ss=Q Displays the second with a leading zero (00-59)
rsDateTime_s=Q Displays the second without a leading zero (0-59)
rsDateTime_am_pm=Q Uses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh specifier, and displays "am" for any hour before noon, and "pm" for any hour after noon
rsDateTime_Legend=Q The following symbols can appear within the format template:
rsDateTime_Sample=Q Your current template expands to
rsDynStateNormal=Q Ready
rsDynStateCursor=Q Define the cursor image insertion point, <Esc> to cancel...
rsYourProgram=Q Your program
rsToCheckNewProgram=Q In order to check if a new version of %s is available, click on [Check now].
rsWarning=Q WARNING!
rsNeedsInternet=Q This option needs an access to the Internet.
rsUpdateExists=Q There exists an update for your version of the program. Details:
rsYourVersion=Q Your version
rsAvailableUpdate=Q Available update
rsVersion=Q Version
rsDate=Q Date
rsURL=Q Address
rsContactingServer=Q Connecting to server
rsPleaseWait=Q Please wait...
rsError=Q Error
rsErrorReadingUpdates=Q An error occurred while reading the list of available updates. Please try later or use different Proxy settings.
rsFailedReadingUpdatesList=Q I wasn't able to read the list of available updates.
rsNeedsAuthent=Q Authentication required
rsEnterUser=Q Enter a user ID
rsEnterPass=Q Enter a password
rsAuthEntered=Q Authentication information in place, please retry the previous command
rsNoUpdatesExist=Q You have the latest version of the program.
rsPrintPrepare=Q Preparing file to printing...
rsNoDownloadAccel=Q Please note that my site does NOT allow using download accelerators. Download software using your browser.
rsMsgChkClose=Q You've selected the Close button, but, according to the program settings, MWSnap will continue to run minimized.