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## ## The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public ## License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file ## except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of ## the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ ## ## Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS ## IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or ## implied. See the License for the specific language governing ## rights and limitations under the License. ## ## The Original Code is Mozilla MathML Project. ## ## The Initial Developer of the Original Code is The University Of ## Queensland. Portions created by The University Of Queensland are ## Copyright (C) 2001 The University Of Queensland. All Rights Reserved. ## ## Contributor(s): ## Roger B. Sidje <rbs@maths.uq.edu.au> ## ##LOCALIZATION NOTE: # These are used to display an alert box to warn users when MathML fonts # are not installed on their system. The list of missing fonts will be # substituted in argument %1$S (see a screenshot in bug 128139). mathfont_missing_dialog_title = Missing MathML Fonts mathfont_missing_dialog_message = To properly display the MathML on this page you need to install the following fonts:\n%1$S.\n\n\n For further information see:\nhttp://www.mozilla.org/projects/mathml/fonts ##LOCALIZATION NOTE: # Do not translate anything else in this file # Ordered list of fonts with which to attempt to stretch MathML characters. # See the documentation at the end of this file for details on the setup of # the property file associated to each font. This order can be overriden by # setting the pref("font.mathfont-family", "CMSY10, CMEX10, ...") or by # setting the font-family list in :-moz-math-font-style-stretchy in mathml.css. mathfont-family = CMSY10, CMEX10, Math1, Math2, Math4, MT Extra, Symbol # Style invariant chars (these chars have their own intrinsic predefined styles) # XXX complete these... #mathvariant.normal = #mathvariant.bold = #mathvariant.italic = #mathvariant.bold-italic = #mathvariant.sans-serif = #mathvariant.bold-sans-serif = #mathvariant.sans-serif-italic = #mathvariant.sans-serif-bold-italic = #mathvariant.monospace = #mathvariant.script = #mathvariant.bold-script = #mathvariant.fraktur = #mathvariant.bold-fraktur = mathvariant.double-struck = \u2102\u210D\u2115\u2119\u211A\u211D\u2124 # Stretchy characters that have their preferred extension fonts. # - The ".variants" represents the ordered list of fonts where to look for glyph # of larger sizes. Note that if one of the fonts specified for a given character is # installed on the user' system, no other alternate font will be used to attempt # to stretch that particular character. The declaration is ignored if none of the # fonts is installed. # - The ".parts" represents the ordered list of fonts that should be used to look # for the partial glyphs to be used to build up the character. Note that if one of # the specified fonts is installed on the user' system, no other alternate font # will be used to attempt to stretch that particular character. The declaration is # ignored if none of the fonts is installed. # Each entry is specified using the Unicode format of the character, and # the comma-separated list of fonts like in the font-family property of CSS. # A character can request different fonts for its variants and for its parts. # CMEX10 or Math2 are preferred for Sqrt mathfont-family.\u221A.variants = CMEX10, Math2 mathfont-family.\u221A.parts = CMEX10, Math2 # CMEX10 is preferred for OverBrace and UnderBrace mathfont-family.\uFE37.parts = CMEX10 mathfont-family.\uFE38.parts = CMEX10 # Operator Dictionary indexed on the "form" (i.e., infix, prefix, or suffix). # Each entry lists the attributes of the operator, using its Unicode format. operator.\u0028.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ( operator.\u0029.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ) operator.\u005B.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # [ operator.\u005D.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ] operator.\u007B.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # { operator.\u007D.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # } operator.\u201D.postfix = fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ” operator.\u2019.postfix = fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ’ operator.\u2329.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⟨ # UNRESOLVED operator.&LeftBracketingBar;.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &LeftBracketingBar; operator.\u2308.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⌈ operator.\u301A.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⟦ # UNRESOLVED operator.&LeftDoubleBracketingBar;.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &LeftDoubleBracketingBar; operator.\u230A.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⌊ operator.\u201C.prefix = fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # “ operator.\u2018.prefix = fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ‘ operator.\u232A.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⟩ # UNRESOLVED operator.&RightBracketingBar;.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &RightBracketingBar; operator.\u2309.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⌉ operator.\u301B.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⟧ # UNRESOLVED operator.&RightDoubleBracketingBar;.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &RightDoubleBracketingBar; operator.\u230B.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⌋ # UNRESOLVED operator.&LeftSkeleton;.prefix = fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &LeftSkeleton; # UNRESOLVED operator.&RightSkeleton;.postfix = fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &RightSkeleton; operator.\u200B.infix = separator:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⁣ operator.\u002C.infix = separator:true lspace:0em rspace:verythickmathspace # , operator.\u2500.infix = stretchy:horizontal minsize:0 lspace:0em rspace:0em # ─ operator.\u007C.infix = stretchy:vertical minsize:0 lspace:0em rspace:0em # | | operator.\u003B.infix = separator:true lspace:0em rspace:thickmathspace # ; operator.\u003B.postfix = separator:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ; operator.\u003A\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # := operator.\u2254.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≔ operator.\u2235.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∵ operator.\u2234.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∴ operator.\u2758.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ❘ operator.\u002F\u002F.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # // operator.\u2237.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∷ ∷ operator.\u0026.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:thickmathspace # & operator.\u0026.postfix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:0em # & operator.\u002A\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # *= operator.\u002D\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # -= operator.\u002B\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # += operator.\u002F\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # /= operator.\u002D\u003E.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # -> operator.\u003A.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # : operator.\u002E\u002E.postfix = lspace:mediummathspace rspace:0em # .. operator.\u002E\u002E\u002E.postfix = lspace:mediummathspace rspace:0em # ... operator.\u220B.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∋ ∋ operator.\u2AE4.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⫤ operator.\u22A8.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊨ operator.\u22A4.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊤ operator.\u22A3.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊣ operator.\u22A2.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊢ operator.\u21D2.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇒ ⇒ operator.\u2970.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥰ operator.\u007C\u007C.infix = lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # || operator.\u2A54.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ⩔ operator.\u0026\u0026.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # && operator.\u2A53.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ⩓ operator.\u0026.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # & operator.\u0021.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:thickmathspace # ! operator.\u2AEC.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:thickmathspace # ⫬ operator.\u2203.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:thickmathspace # ∃ operator.\u2200.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:thickmathspace # ∀ operator.\u2204.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:thickmathspace # ∄ operator.\u2208.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∈ operator.\u2209.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∉ operator.\u220C.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∌ operator.\uEF1C.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊏̸ operator.\u22E2.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋢ operator.\uEF1D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊐̸ operator.\u22E3.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋣ operator.\u2284.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊂⃒ operator.\u2288.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊈ operator.\u2285.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊃⃒ operator.\u2289.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊉ operator.\u228F.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊏ operator.\u2291.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊑ operator.\u2290.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊐ operator.\u2292.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊒ operator.\u22D0.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋐ operator.\u2286.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊆ operator.\u2283.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊃ operator.\u2287.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊇ operator.\u21D0.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇐ operator.\u21D4.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇔ operator.\u2950.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥐ operator.\u295E.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥞ operator.\u21BD.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↽ operator.\u2956.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥖ operator.\u295F.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥟ operator.\u21C1.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇁ operator.\u2957.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥗ operator.\u2190.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ← operator.\u21E4.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇤ operator.\u21C6.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇆ operator.\u2194.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↔ operator.\u294E.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥎ operator.\u21A4.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↤ operator.\u295A.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥚ operator.\u21BC.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↼ operator.\u2952.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥒ operator.\u2199.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↙ operator.\u2198.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↘ operator.\u2192.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # → operator.\u21E5.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇥ operator.\u21C4.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇄ operator.\u21A6.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↦ operator.\u295B.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥛ operator.\u21C0.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇀ operator.\u2953.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⥓ operator.\uEEF7.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ← operator.\uEEF8.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # → operator.\u2196.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↖ operator.\u2197.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↗ operator.\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # = operator.\u003C.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # < operator.\u003E.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # > operator.\u0021\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # != operator.\u003D\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # == operator.\u003C\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # <= operator.\u003E\u003D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # >= operator.\u2261.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≡ operator.\u224D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≍ operator.\u2250.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≐ operator.\u2225.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∥ operator.\u2A75.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⩵ operator.\u2242.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≂ operator.\u21CC.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇌ operator.\u2265.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≥ operator.\u22DB.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋛ operator.\u2267.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≧ operator.\u2AA2.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⪢ operator.\u2277.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≷ operator.\u2A7E.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⩾ operator.\u2273.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≳ operator.\u224E.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≎ operator.\u224F.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≏ operator.\u22B2.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊲ operator.\u29CF.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⧏ operator.\u22B4.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊴ operator.\u2264.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≤ operator.\u22DA.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋚ operator.\u2266.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≦ operator.\u2276.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≶ operator.\u2AA1.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⪡ operator.\u2A7D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⩽ operator.\u2272.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≲ operator.\u226B.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≫ operator.\u226A.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≪ operator.\u2262.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≢ operator.\u226D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≭ operator.\u2226.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∦ operator.\u2260.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≠ operator.\uEF08.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≂̸ operator.\u226F.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≯ operator.\uEF17.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≱ operator.\u2270.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≧̸ ⩽̸ operator.\uEF15.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≫̸ operator.\u2279.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≹ operator.\u2271.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⩾̸ operator.\u2275.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≵ operator.\uEF0C.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≎̸ operator.\uEF0D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≏̸ operator.\u22EA.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋪ operator.\uEF2D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⧏̸ operator.\u22EC.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋬ operator.\u226E.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≮ operator.\uEF16.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≰ # UNRESOLVED operator.&NotLessFullEqual;.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # &NotLessFullEqual; operator.\u2278.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≸ operator.\uEF13.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≪̸ operator.\u2274.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≴ operator.\uEF2A.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⪢̸ operator.\uEF29.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⪡̸ operator.\u2280.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊀ operator.\uEF33.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⪯̸ operator.\u22E0.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋠ # UNRESOLVED operator.&NotPrecedesTilde;.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # &NotPrecedesTilde; operator.\u22EB.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋫ operator.\uEF2E.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⧐̸ operator.\u22ED.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋭ operator.\u2281.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊁ operator.\uEF34.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⪰̸ operator.\u22E1.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⋡ operator.\uEF18.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≿̸ operator.\u2241.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≁ operator.\u2244.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≄ operator.\u2247.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≇ operator.\u2249.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≉ operator.\u2224.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∤ operator.\u227A.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≺ operator.\u2AAF.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⪯ operator.\u227C.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≼ operator.\u227E.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≾ operator.\u221D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∝ operator.\u21CB.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⇋ operator.\u22B3.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊳ operator.\u29D0.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⧐ operator.\u22B5.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊵ operator.\u227B.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≻ operator.\u227D.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⪰ ≽ operator.\u227F.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≿ operator.\u223C.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∼ operator.\u2243.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≃ operator.\u2245.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≅ operator.\u2248.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ≈ operator.\u22A5.infix = lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ⊥ operator.\u2223.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ∣ operator.\u2294.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ⊔ operator.\u22C3.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ⋃ operator.\u228E.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ⊎ operator.\u002D.infix = lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # - operator.\u002B.infix = lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # + operator.\u22C2.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ⋂ operator.\u2213.infix = lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ∓ operator.\u00B1.infix = lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ± operator.\u2293.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # ⊓ operator.\u22C1.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⋁ operator.\u2296.prefix = largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⊖ operator.\u2295.prefix = largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⊕ operator.\u2211.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ∑ operator.\u22C3.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⋃ operator.\u228E.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⊎ operator.\u006C\u0069\u006D.prefix = movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # lim operator.\u006D\u0061\u0078.prefix = movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # max operator.\u006D\u0069\u006E.prefix = movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # min operator.\u2212.infix = lspace:mediummathspace rspace:mediummathspace # official Unicode minus sign operator.\u2212.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:veryverythinmathspace # official Unicode minus sign operator.\u2296.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⊖ operator.\u2295.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⊕ operator.\u2232.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ∲ operator.\u222E.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ∮ operator.\u2233.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ∳ operator.\u222F.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ∯ operator.\u222B.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ∫ operator.\u22D3.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⋓ operator.\u22D2.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⋒ operator.\u2240.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ≀ operator.\u22C0.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⋀ operator.\u2297.prefix = largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⊗ operator.\u2210.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ∐ operator.\u220F.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ∏ operator.\u22C2.prefix = stretchy:vertical largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⋂ operator.\u2210.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ∐ operator.\u22C6.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⋆ operator.\u2299.prefix = largeop:true movablelimits:true lspace:0em rspace:thinmathspace # ⊙ operator.\u002A.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # * operator.\u2062.infix = lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⁢ operator.\u00B7.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # · operator.\u2297.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⊗ operator.\u22C1.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⋁ operator.\u22C0.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⋀ operator.\u22C4.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ⋄ operator.\u2216.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ∖ operator.\u002F.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # / operator.\u002D.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:veryverythinmathspace # - operator.\u002B.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:veryverythinmathspace # + operator.\u2213.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:veryverythinmathspace # ∓ operator.\u00B1.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:veryverythinmathspace # ± operator.\u002E.infix = lspace:0em rspace:0em # . operator.\u2A2F.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⨯ operator.\u002A\u002A.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ** operator.\u2299.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⊙ operator.\u2218.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ∘ operator.\u25A1.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:verythinmathspace # □ operator.\u2207.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:verythinmathspace # ∇ operator.\u2202.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:verythinmathspace # ∂ operator.\u2145.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:verythinmathspace # ⅅ operator.\u2146.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:verythinmathspace # ⅆ operator.\u221A.prefix = stretchy:vertical lspace:0em rspace:verythinmathspace # √ operator.\u21D3.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⇓ operator.\uF579.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⟸ operator.\uF57B.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⟺ operator.\uF57A.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⟹ operator.\u21D1.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⇑ operator.\u21D5.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⇕ operator.\u2193.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↓ operator.\u2913.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⤓ operator.\u21F5.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⇵ operator.\u21A7.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↧ operator.\u2961.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥡ operator.\u21C3.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⇃ operator.\u2959.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥙ operator.\u2951.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥑ operator.\u2960.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥠ operator.\u21BF.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↿ operator.\u2958.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥘ operator.\uF576.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⟵ operator.\uF578.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⟷ operator.\uF577.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⟶ operator.\u296F.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥯ operator.\u295D.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥝ operator.\u21C2.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⇂ operator.\u2955.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥕ operator.\u294F.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥏ operator.\u295C.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥜ operator.\u21BE.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↾ operator.\u2954.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥔ operator.\uEF28.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↓ operator.\uEF27.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↑ operator.\u2191.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↑ operator.\u2912.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⤒ operator.\u21C5.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⇅ operator.\u2195.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↕ operator.\u296E.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ⥮ operator.\u21A5.infix = stretchy:vertical lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ↥ operator.\u005E.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ^ operator.\u003C\u003E.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # <> operator.\u0027.postfix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:0em # ' operator.\u0021.postfix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:0em # ! operator.\u0021\u0021.postfix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:0em # !! operator.\u007E.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ~ operator.\u0040.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # @ operator.\u002D\u002D.postfix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:0em # -- operator.\u002D\u002D.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:verythinmathspace # -- operator.\u002B\u002B.postfix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:0em # ++ operator.\u002B\u002B.prefix = lspace:0em rspace:verythinmathspace # ++ operator.\u2061.infix = lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⁡ operator.\u003F.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # ? operator.\u005F.infix = lspace:verythinmathspace rspace:verythinmathspace # _ operator.\u02D8.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ˘ operator.\u00B8.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ¸ operator.\u0060.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ` operator.\u02D9.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ˙ operator.\u02DD.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ˝ # UNRESOLVED operator.&DiacriticalLeftArrow;.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &DiacriticalLeftArrow; # UNRESOLVED operator.&DiacriticalLeftRightArrow;.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &DiacriticalLeftRightArrow; # UNRESOLVED operator.&DiacriticalLeftRightVector;.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &DiacriticalLeftRightVector; # UNRESOLVED operator.&DiacriticalLeftVector;.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &DiacriticalLeftVector; operator.\u00B4.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ´ # UNRESOLVED operator.&DiacriticalRightArrow;.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &DiacriticalRightArrow; # UNRESOLVED operator.&DiacriticalRightVector;.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # &DiacriticalRightVector; operator.\u02DC.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ˜ operator.\u00A8.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ¨ operator.\u0311.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ̑ operator.\u02C7.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ˇ operator.\u0302.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ^ operator.\u00AF.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ‾ operator.\uFE37.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⏞ operator.\u23B4.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⎴ operator.\uFE35.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⏜ operator.\u20DB.postfix = accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⃛ operator.\u0332.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # _ operator.\uFE38.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⏟ operator.\u23B5.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⎵ operator.\uFE36.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⏝ operator.\u2225.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:.0em rspace:.0em # ∥ operator.\u2225.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:.0em rspace:.0em # ∥ operator.\u2223.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:.0em rspace:.0em # ∣ operator.\u2223.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:.0em rspace:.0em # ∣ operator.\u007C.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:.0em rspace:.0em # | operator.\u007C.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:.0em rspace:.0em # | operator.\u20D7.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⃗ operator.\u20D6.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⃖ operator.\u20E1.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⃡ operator.\u20D1.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⃑ operator.\u20D0.postfix = stretchy:horizontal accent:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⃐ operator.\u21A9.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↩ ↩ operator.\u21AA.infix = stretchy:horizontal lspace:thickmathspace rspace:thickmathspace # ↪ ↪ operator.\u23B0.prefix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⎰ ⎰ operator.\u23B1.postfix = stretchy:vertical fence:true lspace:0em rspace:0em # ⎱ ⎱ operator.\u22C5.infix = lspace:thinmathspace rspace:thinmathspace # ċ ################################################################################## # DOCUMENTATION ON HOW TO SETUP THE PROPERTY FILE ASSOCIATED TO EACH FONT # More fonts can be supported for stretchy characters by setting up mathfont # property files as described below. # # Each font should have its set of glyph data. For example, the glyph data for # the "Symbol" font and the "MT Extra" font are in "mathfontSymbol.properties" # and "mathfontMTExtra.properties", respectively. The font property file is a # set of all the stretchy MathML characters that can be rendered with that font # using larger and/or partial glyphs. Each stretchy character is associated to # a list in the font property file which gives, in that order, the 4 partial # glyphs: top (or left), middle, bottom (or right), glue; and the variants of # bigger sizes (if any). A position that is not relevant to a particular character # is indicated there with the UNICODE REPLACEMENT CHARACTER 0xFFFD. # # Characters that need to be built from other characters are said to be composite. # For example, characters like over/underbrace in CMEX10 have to be built from two # half stretchy chars and joined in the middle (TeXbook, p.225). Several (i.e., 2 # or more) child characters can be composed in order to render another chararacter. # To specify such characters, their list of glyphs in the property file should be # given as space-separated segments of glyphs. Each segment gives the 4 partial glyphs # with which to build the child character that will be joined with its other siblings.