"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f2\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "svrchovaná hlava státu",
"Anglicky": "sovereign head",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f2\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "zářivě červený, zrzavý",
"Anglicky": "vibrant red",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f2\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "actinium",
"Anglicky": "Ac aktinium",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 89\r\n\\par Bod varu 3197 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 1050 C\r\n\\par Hustota 10,07 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 227\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 3\r\n\\par PRVKY VZ\\'c1CN\\'ddCH ZEMIN\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "baryum",
"Anglicky": "Ba baryum",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 56\r\n\\par Bod varu 1640 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 714 C\r\n\\par Hustota 3,5 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 137,34 \r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 2\r\n\\par KOVY ALKALICK\\'ddCH ZEMIN\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "beryllium",
"Anglicky": "Be berylium",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 4\r\n\\par Bod varu 2770 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 1277 C\r\n\\par Hustota 1,85 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 9,0122\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 2\r\n\\par KOVY ALKALICK\\'ddCH ZEMIN\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "calcium",
"Anglicky": "Ca vápník",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 20\r\n\\par Bod varu 1440 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 838 C\r\n\\par Hustota 1,55 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 40,06\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 2\r\n\\par KOVY ALKALICK\\'ddCH ZEMIN\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "caesium",
"Anglicky": "Cs cesium",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 55\r\n\\par Bod varu 690 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 28,7 C\r\n\\par Hustota 1,90 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 132,905\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 1\r\n\\par ALKALICK\\'c9 KOVY\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "francium",
"Anglicky": "Fr francium",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 87\r\n\\par Bod varu 677 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 27 C\r\n\\par Hustota neud\\'e1na\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 223\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 1\r\n\\par ALKALICK\\'c9 KOVY\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "hydrogenium",
"Anglicky": "H vodík",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 1\r\n\\par Bod varu -252,7 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed -259,2 C\r\n\\par Hustota 0,071 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 1,00797\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 1\r\n\\par NEKOV\r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "kalium",
"Anglicky": "K draslík",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 19\r\n\\par Bod varu 760 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 63,7\r\n\\par Hustota 0,86 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 39,102\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 1\r\n\\par ALKALICK\\'c9 KOVY\r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "lanthanum",
"Anglicky": "La lanthan",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 57\r\n\\par Bod varu 3470 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 920 C\r\n\\par Hustota 6,17 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 138,91\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 2\r\n\\par PRVKY VZ\\'c1CN\\'ddCH ZEMIN\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "lithium",
"Anglicky": "Li lithium",
"Ident": "Demo - chemie periodická tabulka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2{\\*\\fname Symbol;}MT Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Atomov\\'e9 \\'e8\\'edslo 3\r\n\\par Bod varu 1330 C\r\n\\par Bod t\\'e1n\\'ed 180,5 C\r\n\\par Hustota 0,53 g/cm3\r\n\\par Atomov\\'e1 hmotnost 6,939\r\n\\par Oxid.stavy 1\r\n\\par ALKALICK\\'c9 KOVY\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "zlatá bula sicilská",
"Anglicky": "1212",
"Ident": "Demo - d─¢j─¢pis 1",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "měnová reforma Václava II. (začátek ražby tzv. pražských grošů)",
"Anglicky": "1300",
"Ident": "Demo - d─¢j─¢pis 1",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "vymření Přemyslovců po meči",
"Anglicky": "1306",
"Ident": "Demo - d─¢j─¢pis 1",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "Jindřich Krutanský českým králem",
"Anglicky": "1307 - 1310",
"Ident": "Demo - d─¢j─¢pis 1",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "stoletá válka",
"Anglicky": "1337 - 1453",
"Ident": "Demo - d─¢j─¢pis 1",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "vláda Karla IV.",
"Anglicky": "1346 - 1378",
"Ident": "Demo - d─¢j─¢pis 1",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "založení pražské univerzity",
"Anglicky": "1348",
"Ident": "Demo - d─¢j─¢pis 1",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "první pražská defenestrace",
"Anglicky": "30. 7. 1419",
"Ident": "Demo - d─¢j─¢pis 1",
"S1": "30. ─ìervence 1419",
"S2": "30. 07. 1419",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "upálení mistra Jana Husa (přesně i den)",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "Václav Karas",
"Anglicky": "Cirkus Humberto",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "in┼╛en├╜r Prokop",
"Anglicky": "Krakatit",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "František Buzek",
"Anglicky": "M─¢ste─ìko na dlani",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "pan Schlegl",
"Anglicky": "Povídky malostranské",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": "Malostranské povídky",
"S2": "Pan Ryšánek a pan Schlegl",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "Barbora Terebová",
"Anglicky": "Saturnin",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "burmistr Hochfelder",
"Anglicky": "Slezské písně",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": "Mary─ìka Magdonova",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "hostinsk├╜ Palivec",
"Anglicky": "Švejk",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "mamsel Sára",
"Anglicky": "V zámku a v podzámčí",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset238 System;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f4\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f3\\fs20 Napi\\'9ate n\\'e1zev d\\'edla ve kter\\'e9m se uveden\\'e1 postava vyskytuje.\r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "Barunka",
"Anglicky": "Babi─ìka",
"Ident": "Demo - postavy z české literatury",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "0",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"X": 5000,
"Y": 4500,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "Poslechni si nahrávku a napiš větu: \"On je pravděpodobně nejlepší člověk pro tuto práci.\"",
"Anglicky": "He is probably the best man for this job.",
"Ident": "Demo - Zvuk - Angli─ìtina konverzace",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "3",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Anonymous",
"Poznamka": ".\\Testy\\hi is the best.wav",
"X": 5370,
"Y": 2280,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "Poslechni si nahrávku a napiš větu: \"Prsten byl celý ze zlata.\"",
"Anglicky": "The ring was wholly made of gold.",
"Ident": "Demo - Zvuk - Angli─ìtina konverzace",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "3",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Anonymous",
"Poznamka": ".\\Testy\\the ring.wav",
"X": 5370,
"Y": 2280,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "Poslechni si nahrávku a napiš větu: \"Od té doby žili šťastně.\"",
"Anglicky": "They lived happily ever after.",
"Ident": "Demo - Zvuk - Angli─ìtina konverzace",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "3",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Anonymous",
"Poznamka": ".\\Testy\\They lived.wav",
"X": 5370,
"Y": 2280,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "[02.01 / 05] My parents .......... in a very small flat.",
"Anglicky": "My parents live in a very small flat.",
"Ident": "AG Gramatika Přítomný prostý",
"S1": "live",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Present perfect by soske\\01T.HTM",
"X": 6825,
"Y": 7710,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/06/02 15:43:32"
"Cesky": "[02.01 / 06] The Olympic Games ......... every four years.",
"Anglicky": "The Olympic Games take place every four years.",
"Ident": "AG Gramatika Přítomný prostý",
"S1": "take place",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Present perfect by soske\\01T.HTM",
"X": 6825,
"Y": 7710,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/06/02 15:44:35"
"Cesky": "[02.01 / 01] Ann .......... Germany very well.",
"Anglicky": "Ann speaks Germany very well.",
"Ident": "AG Gramatika Přítomný prostý",
"S1": "speaks",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Present perfect by soske\\01T.HTM",
"X": 6825,
"Y": 7710,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/06/02 15:37:42"
"Cesky": "vyšetřování",
"Anglicky": "investigation",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:33:17"
"Cesky": "vláda, státní správa",
"Anglicky": "government",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:33:27"
"Cesky": "počáteční písmeno, iniciála",
"Anglicky": "initial",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:33:43"
"Cesky": "znamenat, symbolizovat, zastávat",
"Anglicky": "stand for",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:51:29"
"Cesky": "spousta, nesčetné množství",
"Anglicky": "myriad of",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:51:40"
"Cesky": "vševědoucí",
"Anglicky": "omniscient",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:52:03"
"Cesky": "brodit se, prokousat se",
"Anglicky": "wade through",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:52:18"
"Cesky": "sklad, skladiště",
"Anglicky": "warehouse",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:53:00"
"Cesky": "tajná špionážní agentura",
"Anglicky": "secret spy agency",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:27:17"
"Cesky": "nenápadný, nepatrný",
"Anglicky": "inconspicuous",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:29:47"
"Cesky": "vojenský objekt, základna",
"Anglicky": "military installation",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:30:25"
"Cesky": "přesto, ale, avšak, nicméně",
"Anglicky": "yet",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:30:47"
"Cesky": "obsahovat",
"Anglicky": "contain",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:30:57"
"Cesky": "množství, spousta, hromada",
"Anglicky": "mass",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:31:08"
"Cesky": "viditelný, očividný, zřejmý",
"Anglicky": "visible",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:31:22"
"Cesky": "mocn├╜, vlivn├╜, siln├╜",
"Anglicky": "powerful",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:31:29"
"Cesky": "závěs",
"Anglicky": "curtain",
"Ident": "Demo - Zvuk - Angličtina slovíčka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "3",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Anonymous",
"Poznamka": ".\\Testy\\cu.wav",
"X": 5370,
"Y": 2280,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "sprcha",
"Anglicky": "shower",
"Ident": "Demo - Zvuk - Angličtina slovíčka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "3",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Anonymous",
"Poznamka": ".\\Testy\\sh.wav",
"X": 5370,
"Y": 2280,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "jídelna",
"Anglicky": "dining room",
"Ident": "Demo - Zvuk - Angličtina slovíčka",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "3",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Anonymous",
"Poznamka": ".\\Testy\\di.wav",
"X": 5370,
"Y": 2280,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:35"
"Cesky": "reklamní kampaň",
"Anglicky": "advertising campaign",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f2\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "bankovka",
"Anglicky": "bank note",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f3\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "bankrotář který se stal",
"Anglicky": "bankrupt turned",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f3\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "obviňovat",
"Anglicky": "blame on",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f3\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "nést podobu",
"Anglicky": "carry an image",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f3\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "natočit, střílet",
"Anglicky": "shoot",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:35:59"
"Cesky": "přísahat, klít",
"Anglicky": "swear",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:37:09"
"Cesky": "obchodní dům, nákupní středisko",
"Anglicky": "mall",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"S1": "department store",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:37:54"
"Cesky": "letadlo bez posádky",
"Anglicky": "unmanned plane",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:39:19"
"Cesky": "jednotka (vojenská), oddíl",
"Anglicky": "troop",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:39:36"
"Cesky": "přepis, záznam, protokol",
"Anglicky": "transcript",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:39:51"
"Cesky": "arzenál, zbrojnice",
"Anglicky": "armoury",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:31:49"
"Cesky": "ohromný, obrovský, nesmírný",
"Anglicky": "enormous",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:32:06"
"Cesky": "pitva, analýza, přezkum",
"Anglicky": "post-mortem",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:32:33"
"Cesky": "pryč s její hlavou",
"Anglicky": "off with her head",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f3\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "odmítnout drtivou většinou",
"Anglicky": "overwhelmingly rejected",
"Ident": "Demo - article - Off with Her Head",
"S1": " ",
"S2": " ",
"S3": " ",
"Acc1": "1",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}{\\f3\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}\r\n{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red128\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\deflang1029\\pard\\plain\\f0\\fs20\\cf1\\b Australia: Off with Her Head\r\n\\par \\plain\\f3\\fs20 Australia is to drop the Queen`s head from its $5 bank note the last Australian note still carrying the image. The move follows a debate last year about the country becoming a republic, a proposal overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum in Nowember. Sydney`s Sunday Telegraph reported that Sir Henry Pakers, a 19th century British immigrant and bankrupt turned politician who helped steer Australia`s states toward federation in 1901, will replace the Queen. No-one was available for comment from the Reserve Bank of Australia, but the paper said there were no plans to remove the monarch from Australian coins. Greg Barnes, of the Australian Republican Movement, said: \"This step demonstrates yet again the vanishing symbol and irrelevance of the British monarchy to Australians.\" \"There is no doubt that despite last year`s republican defeat, the mood of the nation is republican.\" Prime Minister John Howard, who fought to keep the Queen as Australian`s sovereign head, was belived to be unhappy, although a spokeman said he would not interfere. Polls before the referendum last year showed the country was in favour of becoming a republic. The defeat was blamed on division over how to elect an Australian president. The Queen may even be relieved that her image from the $5 note is going. Last year she appeared with vibrant red hair cut in a short bob in an advertising campaign. Her picture - taken from the $5 note -appeared across Australia in a new advert for hair colour by international hair care and cosmetics group Wella. BBC\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n",
"X": 4305,
"Y": 5415,
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 20:56:34"
"Cesky": "období následující před",
"Anglicky": "run-up",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:33:00"
"Cesky": "zachycený, odposlouchávaný",
"Anglicky": "intercepted",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:40:13"
"Cesky": "zaznamenat, zapsat (podle přesných pravidel)",
"Anglicky": "log",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:40:32"
"Cesky": "řízená střela s plochou dráhou letu",
"Anglicky": "cruise missile",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:41:32"
"Cesky": "útok, úder, stávka",
"Anglicky": "strike",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:42:06"
"Cesky": "jen o vlásek uniknout",
"Anglicky": "narrowly escape",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:45:30"
"Cesky": "zbavit se, nechat být, nouzově přistát",
"Anglicky": "ditch",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:45:55"
"Cesky": "pobočník, poradce, spolupracovník",
"Anglicky": "aide",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:46:31"
"Cesky": "neuvěřitelný",
"Anglicky": "incredible",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:46:45"
"Cesky": "obdařit něčím",
"Anglicky": "endow with",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"S1": "endow with st",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:47:00"
"Cesky": "nadpřirozené schopnosti",
"Anglicky": "supernatural capabilities",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:47:22"
"Cesky": "slabina, vada, selhání, chyba",
"Anglicky": "failing",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:48:13"
"Cesky": "ozbrojen├╜",
"Anglicky": "armed",
"Ident": "AR Secret Spy Agency",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Secret spy agency by soske\\NSA.HTM",
"X": 7335,
"Y": 8520,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/07/02 12:48:27"
"Cesky": "[02.01 / 04] Bad driving .......... many accidents.",
"Anglicky": "Bad driving causes many accidents.",
"Ident": "AG Gramatika Přítomný prostý",
"S1": "causes",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Present perfect by soske\\01T.HTM",
"X": 6825,
"Y": 7710,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "10/06/02 15:42:44"
"Cesky": "[02.0 / 01] Jane .......... (not / drink) tea very often.",
"Anglicky": "Jane doesn't drink tea very often.",
"Ident": "AG Gramatika Přítomný prostý",
"S1": "doesn't drink",
"S2": "does not drink",
"S3": "Jane does not drink tea very often.",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Present perfect by soske\\01T.HTM",
"X": 6825,
"Y": 7710,
"Lock": "RXTXP",
"LockA": "gogososke",
"CpgCz": 238,
"CpgUk": 238,
"CpgS1": 238,
"CpgS2": 238,
"CpgS3": 238,
"CpgA": 238,
"DatZal": "11/12/02 21:01:03"
"Cesky": "[02.0 / 02] What time .......... (the banks / close) in Britain?",
"Anglicky": "What time do the banks close in Britain?",
"Ident": "AG Gramatika Přítomný prostý",
"S1": "do the banks close",
"Acc1": "4",
"Acc2": "0",
"Uziv": "Root",
"Poznamka": ".\\Lekce\\Present perfect by soske\\01T.HTM",