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- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # $Id: create-release.sh,v 1.10 2002/01/05 17:21:45 loic1 Exp $
- #
- # 2001-08-08, swix@users.sourceforge.net:
- # - created script
- # - added release todo list
- #
- if [ $# != 1 ]
- then
- echo "Usage: create-release.sh version"
- echo " (no spaces allowed!)"
- echo ""
- echo "Example: create-release.sh 2.2.2-rc1"
- exit
- fi
- cat <<END
- Please ensure you have:
- 1. incremented rc count or version in CVS :
- - in libraries/defines.lib.php3 the line
- " define('PHPMYADMIN_VERSION', '$1'); "
- - in Documentation.html the line
- " <h1>phpMyAdmin $1 Documentation</h1> "
- 2. built the new "Documentation.txt" version using the Lynx "print" command
- on the "Documentation.html" file.
- Continue (y/n)?
- printf "\a"
- read do_release
- if [ $do_release != 'y' ]
- then
- exit
- fi
- (mv cvs cvs-`date +%s`)
- mkdir cvs
- cd cvs
- echo "Press [ENTER]!"
- cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/phpmyadmin login
- cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/phpmyadmin co phpMyAdmin
- date > phpMyAdmin/RELEASE-DATE-$1
- mv phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin-$1
- zip -9 -r phpMyAdmin-$1-php3.zip phpMyAdmin-$1
- tar cvzf phpMyAdmin-$1-php3.tar.gz phpMyAdmin-$1
- tar cvIf phpMyAdmin-$1-php3.tar.bz2 phpMyAdmin-$1
- cd phpMyAdmin-$1
- ./scripts/extchg.sh php3 php
- cd ..
- zip -9 -r phpMyAdmin-$1-php.zip phpMyAdmin-$1
- tar cvzf phpMyAdmin-$1-php.tar.gz phpMyAdmin-$1
- tar cvIf phpMyAdmin-$1-php.tar.bz2 phpMyAdmin-$1
- echo ""
- echo ""
- echo ""
- echo "Files:"
- echo "------"
- ls -la *.gz *.zip *.bz2
- cd ..
- chmod -R 775 cvs
- cat <<END
- Todo now:
- ---------
- 1. tag the cvs tree with the new revision number for a plain release or a
- release candidate
- 2. upload the files to SF:
- ftp upload.sourceforge.net
- cd incoming
- mput cvs/*.gz *.zip *.bz2
- 3. add files to SF files page (cut and paste changelog since last release)
- 4. add SF news item to phpMyAdmin project
- 5. update the download page: /home/groups/p/ph/phpmyadmin/htdocs
- 6. announce release on freshmeat (http://freshmeat.net/projects/phpmyadmin/)
- 7. announce release on http://phpwizard.net/phorum/list.php?f=1
- 8. send a short mail (with list of major changes) to
- phpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
- phpmyadmin-news@lists.sourceforge.net
- phpmyadmin-users@lists.sourceforge.net
- 9. increment rc count or version in CVS :
- - in libraries/defines.lib.php3 the line
- " define('PHPMYADMIN_VERSION', '2.2.2-rc1'); "
- - in Documentation.html the line
- " <h1>phpMyAdmin 2.2.2-rc1 Documentation</h1> "
- 10. the end :-)