home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /* $Id: russian-koi8.inc.php,v 1.95 2001/12/16 23:52:44 lem9 Exp $ */
- $charset = 'koi8-r';
- $text_dir = 'ltr';
- $left_font_family = 'sans-serif';
- $right_font_family = 'sans-serif';
- $number_thousands_separator = ',';
- $number_decimal_separator = '.';
- $byteUnits = array('Γ┴╩╘', '╦Γ', 'φΓ', 'τΓ');
- $day_of_week = array('≈╙', '≡╬', '≈╘', '≤╥', '■╘', '≡╘', '≤┬');
- $month = array('±╬╫', 'µ┼╫', 'φ┴╥', 'ß╨╥', 'φ┴╩', 'Θ└╬', 'Θ└╠', 'ß╫╟', '≤┼╬', '∩╦╘', 'ε╧╤', 'Σ┼╦');
- // See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php to define the
- // variable below
- $datefmt = '%B %d %Y ╟., %H:%M';
- $strAccessDenied = '≈ ─╧╙╘╒╨┼ ╧╘╦┴┌┴╬╧';
- $strAction = 'Σ┼╩╙╘╫╔┼';
- $strAddDeleteColumn = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╔╘╪/╒─┴╠╔╘╪ ╙╘╧╠┬┼├ ╦╥╔╘┼╥╔╤';
- $strAddDeleteRow = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╔╘╪/╒─┴╠╔╘╪ ╥╤─ ╦╥╔╘┼╥╔╤';
- $strAddNewField = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╔╘╪ ╬╧╫╧┼ ╨╧╠┼';
- $strAddPriv = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╔╘╪ ╬╧╫┘┼ ╨╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╔';
- $strAddPrivMessage = 'Γ┘╠┴ ─╧┬┴╫╠┼╬┴ ╬╧╫┴╤ ╨╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╤';
- $strAddSearchConditions = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╔╘╪ ╒╙╠╧╫╔╤ ╨╧╔╙╦┴ (╘┼╠╧ ─╠╤ ╒╙╠╧╫╔╤ "where"):';
- $strAddToIndex = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╔╘╪ ╦ ╔╬─┼╦╙╒ %s ╦╧╠╧╬╧╦╒(╔)';
- $strAddUser = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╔╘╪ ╬╧╫╧╟╧ ╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╤';
- $strAddUserMessage = 'Γ┘╠┴ ─╧┬┴╫╠┼╬ ╬╧╫┘╩ ╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╪.';
- $strAffectedRows = '·┴╘╥╧╬╒╘┘┼ ╥╤─┘:';
- $strAfter = '≡╧╙╠┼';
- $strAfterInsertBack = '≈╧┌╫╥┴╘';
- $strAfterInsertNewInsert = '≈╙╘┴╫╔╘╪ ╬╧╫╒└ ┌┴╨╔╙╪';
- $strAll = '≈╙┼';
- $strAlterOrderBy = 'Θ┌═┼╬╔╘╪ ╨╧╥╤─╧╦ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strAnalyzeTable = 'ß╬┴╠╔┌ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strAnd = 'Θ';
- $strAnIndex = 'Γ┘╠ ─╧┬┴╫╠┼╬ ╔╬─┼╦╙ ─╠╤ %s';
- $strAny = '∞└┬╧╩';
- $strAnyColumn = '∞└┬┴╤ ╦╧╠╧╬╦┴';
- $strAnyDatabase = '∞└┬┴╤ ┬┴┌┴ ─┴╬╬┘╚';
- $strAnyHost = '∞└┬╧╩ ╚╧╙╘';
- $strAnyTable = '∞└┬┴╤ ╘┴┬╠╔├┴';
- $strAnyUser = '∞└┬╧╩ ╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╪';
- $strAPrimaryKey = 'Γ┘╠ ─╧┬┴╫╠┼╬ ╨┼╥╫╔▐╬┘╩ ╦╠└▐ ╦ %s';
- $strAscending = '≈╧╙╚╧─╤▌╔╩';
- $strAtBeginningOfTable = '≈ ╬┴▐┴╠╧ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strAtEndOfTable = '≈ ╦╧╬┼├ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strAttr = 'ß╘╥╔┬╒╘┘';
- $strBack = 'ε┴┌┴─';
- $strBinary = ' Σ╫╧╔▐╬┘╩ ';
- $strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' Σ╫╧╔▐╬┘┼ ─┴╬╬┘┼ - ╬┼ ╥┼─┴╦╘╔╥╒└╘╙╤ ';
- $strBookmarkDeleted = '·┴╦╠┴─╦┴ ┬┘╠┴ ╒─┴╠┼╬┴.';
- $strBookmarkLabel = 'φ┼╘╦┴';
- $strBookmarkQuery = '·┴╦╠┴─╦┴ ╬┴ SQL-┌┴╨╥╧╙';
- $strBookmarkThis = '·┴╦╠┴─╦┴ ╬┴ ─┴╬╬┘╩ SQL-┌┴╨╥╧╙';
- $strBookmarkView = '⌠╧╠╪╦╧ ╨╥╧╙═╧╘╥';
- $strBrowse = '∩┬┌╧╥';
- $strBzip = '╨┴╦╧╫┴╘╪ ╫ "bzip"';
- $strCantLoadMySQL = '╥┴╙█╔╥┼╬╔┼ MySQL ╬┼ ┌┴╟╥╒╓┼╬╬╧,<br />╨╥╧╫┼╥╪╘┼ ╦╧╬╞╔╟╒╥┴├╔└ PHP.';
- $strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'ε┼╫╧┌═╧┌═╧╓╬╧ ╨┼╥┼╔═┼╬╧╫┴╘╪ ╔╬─┼╦╙ ╫ PRIMARY!';
- $strCarriage = '≈╧┌╫╥┴╘ ╦┴╥┼╘╦╔: \\r';
- $strCardinality = 'δ╧╠╔▐┼╙╘╫╧ ▄╠┼═┼╬╘╧╫';
- $strChange = 'Θ┌═┼╬╔╘╪';
- $strCheckAll = '∩╘═┼╘╔╘╪ ╫╙┼';
- $strCheckDbPriv = '≡╥╧╫┼╥╔╘╪ ≡╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╔ Γ┴┌┘ Σ┴╬╬┘╚';
- $strCheckTable = '≡╥╧╫┼╥╔╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒';
- $strColumn = 'δ╧╠╧╬╦┴';
- $strColumnNames = 'ε┴┌╫┴╬╔╤ ╦╧╠╧╬╧╦';
- $strCompleteInserts = '≡╧╠╬┴╤ ╫╙╘┴╫╦┴';
- $strConfirm = '≈┘ ─┼╩╙╘╫╔╘┼╠╪╬╧ ╚╧╘╔╘┼ ╙─┼╠┴╘╪ ▄╘╧?';
- $strCopyTable = '≤╦╧╨╔╥╧╫┴╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒ ╫ (┬┴┌┴ ─┴╬╬┘╚<b>.</b>╘┴┬╠╔├┴):';
- $strCopyTableOK = '⌠┴┬╠╔├┴ %s ┬┘╠┴ ╙╦╧╨╔╥╧╫┴╬┴ ╫ %s.';
- $strCreate = '≤╧┌─┴╘╪';
- $strCreateNewDatabase = '≤╧┌─┴╘╪ ╬╧╫╒└ ΓΣ';
- $strCreateNewTable = '≤╧┌─┴╘╪ ╬╧╫╒└ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒ ╫ ΓΣ ';
- $strCreateIndex = '≤╧┌─┴╘╪ ╔╬─┼╦╙ ╬┴ %s ╦╧╠╧╬╦┴╚';
- $strCreateIndexTopic = '≤╧┌─┴╘╪ ╬╧╫┘╩ ╔╬─┼╦╙';
- $strCriteria = 'δ╥╔╘┼╥╔╩';
- $strData = 'Σ┴╬╬┘┼';
- $strDatabase = 'ΓΣ ';
- $strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Γ┴┌┴ ─┴╬╬┘╚ %s ┬┘╠┴ ╒─┴╠┼╬┴.';
- $strDatabases = 'Γ┴┌┘ Σ┴╬╬┘╚';
- $strDatabasesStats = '≤╘┴╘╔╙╘╔╦┴ ┬┴┌ ─┴╬╬┘╚';
- $strDataOnly = '⌠╧╠╪╦╧ ─┴╬╬┘┼';
- $strDefault = '≡╧ ╒═╧╠▐┴╬╔└';
- $strDelete = '⌡─┴╠╔╘╪';
- $strDeleted = '≥╤─ ┬┘╠ ╒─┴╠┼╬';
- $strDeletedRows = '≤╠┼─╒└▌╔┼ ╥╤─┘ ┬┘╠╔ ╒─┴╠┼╬┘:';
- $strDeleteFailed = 'ε┼╒─┴▐╬╧┼ ╒─┴╠┼╬╔┼!';
- $strDeleteUserMessage = 'Γ┘╠ ╒─┴╠┼╬ ╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╪ %s.';
- $strDescending = 'ε╔╙╚╧─╤▌╔╩';
- $strDisplay = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪';
- $strDisplayOrder = '≡╧╥╤─╧╦ ╨╥╧╙═╧╘╥┴:';
- $strDoAQuery = '≈┘╨╧╠╬╔╘╪ "┌┴╨╥╧╙ ╨╧ ╨╥╔═┼╥╒" (╙╔═╫╧╠ ╨╧─╙╘┴╫╬╧╫╦╔: "%")';
- $strDocu = 'Σ╧╦╒═┼╬╘┴├╔╤';
- $strDoYouReally = '≈┘ ─┼╩╙╘╫╔╘┼╠╪╬╧ ╓┼╠┴┼╘┼ ';
- $strDrop = '⌡╬╔▐╘╧╓╔╘╪';
- $strDropDB = '⌡╬╔▐╘╧╓╔╘╪ ΓΣ ';
- $strDropTable = '⌡─┴╠╔╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒';
- $strDumpingData = 'Σ┴═╨ ─┴╬╬┘╚ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strDynamic = '─╔╬┴═╔▐┼╙╦╔╩';
- $strEdit = '≡╥┴╫╦┴';
- $strEditPrivileges = '≥┼─┴╦╘╔╥╧╫┴╬╔┼ ╨╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╩';
- $strEffective = 'ⁿ╞╞┼╦╘╔╫╬╧╙╘╪';
- $strEmpty = '∩▐╔╙╘╔╘╪';
- $strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL ╫┼╥╬╒╠┴ ╨╒╙╘╧╩ ╥┼┌╒╠╪╘┴╘ (╘.┼. ╬╧╠╪ ╥╤─╧╫).';
- $strEnd = 'δ╧╬┼├';
- $strEnglishPrivileges = ' ≡╥╔═┼▐┴╬╔┼: ╨╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╔ MySQL ┌┴─┴└╘╙╤ ╨╧ ┴╬╟╠╔╩╙╦╔ ';
- $strError = '∩█╔┬╦┴';
- $strExtendedInserts = '≥┴╙█╔╥┼╬╬┘┼ ╫╙╘┴╫╦╔';
- $strExtra = 'Σ╧╨╧╠╬╔╘┼╠╪╬╧';
- $strField = '≡╧╠┼';
- $strFieldHasBeenDropped = '≡╧╠┼ %s ┬┘╠╧ ╒─┴╠┼╬╧';
- $strFields = '≡╧╠╤';
- $strFieldsEmpty = ' ≡╒╙╘╧╩ ╙▐┼╘▐╔╦ ╨╧╠┼╩! ';
- $strFieldsEnclosedBy = '≡╧╠╤ ┌┴╦╠└▐┼╬┘ ╫';
- $strFieldsEscapedBy = '≡╧╠╤ ▄╦╥┴╬╔╥╒└╘╙╤';
- $strFieldsTerminatedBy = '≡╧╠╤ ╥┴┌─┼╠┼╬┘';
- $strFixed = '╞╔╦╙╔╥╧╫┴╬╬┘╩';
- $strFlushTable = '≤┬╥╧╙╔╘╪ ╦▄█ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘ ("FLUSH")';
- $strFormat = 'µ╧╥═┴╘';
- $strFormEmpty = '⌠╥┼┬╒┼╘╙╤ ┌╬┴▐┼╬╔┼ ─╠╤ ╞╧╥═┘!';
- $strFullText = '≡╧╠╬┘┼ ╘┼╦╙╘┘';
- $strFunction = 'µ╒╬╦├╔╤';
- $strGenTime = '≈╥┼═╤ ╙╧┌─┴╬╔╤';
- $strGo = '≡╧█┼╠';
- $strGrants = '≡╥┴╫┴';
- $strGzip = '╨┴╦╧╫┴╘╪ ╫ "gzip"';
- $strHasBeenAltered = '┬┘╠┴ ╔┌═┼╬┼╬┴.';
- $strHasBeenCreated = '┬┘╠┴ ╙╧┌─┴╬┴.';
- $strHome = 'δ ╬┴▐┴╠╒';
- $strHomepageOfficial = '∩╞╔├╔┴╠╪╬┴╤ ╙╘╥┴╬╔├┴ phpMyAdmin';
- $strHomepageSourceforge = '·┴╟╥╒┌╦┴ phpMyAdmin ╬┴ Sourceforge';
- $strHost = 'Φ╧╙╘';
- $strHostEmpty = '≡╒╙╘╧┼ ╔═╤ ╚╧╙╘┴!';
- $strIdxFulltext = '≡╧╠╬⌠┼╦╙╘';
- $strIfYouWish = 'σ╙╠╔ ≈┘ ╓┼╠┴┼╘┼ ┌┴╟╥╒┌╔╘╪ ╘╧╠╪╦╧ ╬┼╦╧╘╧╥┘┼ ╙╘╧╠┬├┘ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘, ╒╦┴╓╔╘┼ ╥┴┌─┼╠┼╬╬┘╩ ┌┴╨╤╘┘═╔ ╙╨╔╙╧╦ ╨╧╠┼╩.';
- $strIgnore = 'Θ╟╬╧╥╔╥╧╫┴╘╪';
- $strIndex = 'Θ╬─┼╦╙';
- $strIndexes = 'Θ╬─┼╦╙┘';
- $strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Θ╬─┼╦╙ %s ┬┘╠ ╒─┴╠┼╬';
- $strIndexName = 'Θ═╤ ╔╬─┼╦╙┴ :';
- $strIndexType = '⌠╔╨ ╔╬─┼╦╙┴ :';
- $strInsert = '≈╙╘┴╫╔╘╪';
- $strInsertAsNewRow = '≈╙╘┴╫╔╘╪ ╬╧╫┘╩ ╥╤─';
- $strInsertedRows = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╠┼╬╬┘ ╥╤─┘:';
- $strInsertNewRow = '≈╙╘┴╫╔╘╪ ╬╧╫┘╩ ╥╤─';
- $strInsertTextfiles = '≈╙╘┴╫╔╘╪ ╘┼╦╙╘╧╫┘┼ ╞┴╩╠┘ ╫ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒';
- $strInstructions = 'Θ╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╔';
- $strInUse = '╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╒┼╘╙╤';
- $strInvalidName = '"%s" - ╤╫╠╤┼╘╙╤ ┌┴╥┼┌┼╥╫╔╥╧╫┴╬╬┘═ ╙╠╧╫╧═, ╫┘ ╬┼ ═╧╓┼╘┼ ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘╪ ┼╟╧ ╫ ╦┴▐┼╙╘╫╔ ╔═┼╬╔ ┬┴┌┘ ─┴╬╬┘╚/╘┴┬╠╔├┘/╨╧╠╤.';
- $strKeepPass = 'ε┼ ═┼╬╤╘╪ ╨┴╥╧╠╪';
- $strKeyname = 'Θ═╤ ╦╠└▐┴';
- $strKill = '⌡┬╔╘╪';
- $strLength = 'Σ╠╔╬╬┴';
- $strLengthSet = 'Σ╠╔╬┘/·╬┴▐┼╬╔╤*';
- $strLimitNumRows = '┌┴╨╔╙┼╩ ╬┴ ╙╘╥┴╬╔├╒';
- $strLineFeed = '≤╔═╫╧╠ ╧╦╧╬▐┴╬╔╤ ╠╔╬╔╔: \\n';
- $strLines = '∞╔╬╔╔';
- $strLinesTerminatedBy = '≤╘╥╧╦╔ ╥┴┌─┼╠┼╬┘';
- $strLocationTextfile = 'φ┼╙╘╧╥┴╙╨╧╠╧╓┼╬╔┼ ╘┼╦╙╘╧╫╧╟╧ ╞┴╩╠┴';
- $strLogin = '≈╚╧─ ╫ ╙╔╙╘┼═╒';
- $strLogout = '≈┘╩╘╔ ╔┌ ╙╔╙╘┼═┘';
- $strModifications = 'φ╧─╔╞╔╦┴├╔╔ ┬┘╠╔ ╙╧╚╥┴╬┼╬┘';
- $strModify = 'Θ┌═┼╬╔╘╪';
- $strModifyIndexTopic = 'Θ┌═┼╬╔╘╪ ╔╬─┼╦╙';
- $strMoveTable = '≡┼╥┼═┼╙╘╔╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘ ╫ (┬┴┌┴ ─┴╬╬┘╚<b>.</b>╘┴┬╠╔├┴):';
- $strMoveTableOK = '⌠┴┬╠╔├┴ %s ┬┘╠┴ ╨┼╥┼═┼▌┼╬┴ ╫ %s.';
- $strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL ╨┼╥┼┌┴╟╥╒╓┼╬┴.';
- $strMySQLSaid = '∩╘╫┼╘ MySQL: ';
- $strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% ╬┴ %pma_s2% ╦┴╦ %pma_s3%';
- $strMySQLShowProcess = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╨╥╧├┼╙╙┘';
- $strMySQLShowStatus = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╙╧╙╘╧╤╬╔┼ MySQL';
- $strMySQLShowVars = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╙╔╙╘┼═╬┘┼ ╨┼╥┼═┼╬╬┘┼ MySQL';
- $strName = 'Θ═╤';
- $strNbRecords = '▐╔╙╠╧ ┌┴╨╔╙┼╩';
- $strNext = 'Σ┴╠┼┼';
- $strNo = 'ε┼╘';
- $strNoDatabases = 'ΓΣ ╧╘╙╒╘╙╘╫╒└╘';
- $strNoDropDatabases = '∩╨┼╥┴╘╧╥┘ "DROP DATABASE" ╧╘╦╠└▐┼╬┘.';
- $strNoFrames = 'Σ╠╤ ╥┴┬╧╘┘ phpMyAdmin ╬╒╓┼╬ ┬╥┴╒┌┼╥ ╙ ╨╧──┼╥╓╦╧╩ <b>╞╥┼╩═╧╫</b>.';
- $strNoIndexPartsDefined = '■┴╙╘┼╩ ╔╬─┼╦╙┴ ╬┼ ╧╨╥┼─┼╠┼╬╧!';
- $strNoIndex = 'Θ╬─┼╦╙ ╬┼ ╧╨╥┼─┼╠┼╬!';
- $strNoModification = 'ε┼╘ ╔┌═┼╬┼╬╔╩';
- $strNone = 'ε┼╘';
- $strNoPassword = 'Γ┼┌ ╨┴╥╧╠╤';
- $strNoPrivileges = 'Γ┼┌ ╨╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╩';
- $strNoQuery = 'ε┼╘ SQL-┌┴╨╥╧╙┴!';
- $strNoRights = '≈┘ ╬┼ ╔═┼┼╘┼ ─╧╙╘┴╘╧▐╬╧ ╨╥┴╫ ─╠╤ ▄╘╧╟╧!';
- $strNoTablesFound = '≈ ΓΣ ╬┼ ╧┬╬┴╥╒╓┼╬╧ ╘┴┬╠╔├.';
- $strNotNumber = 'ⁿ╘╧ ╬┼ ▐╔╙╠╧!';
- $strNotValidNumber = ' ╬┼─╧╨╒╙╘╔═╧┼ ╦╧╠╔▐┼╙╘╫╧ ╥╤─╧╫!';
- $strNoUsersFound = 'ε┼ ╬┴╩─┼╬ ╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╪.';
- $strNull = 'ε╧╠╪';
- $strNumberIndexes = ' δ╧╠╔▐┼╙╘╫╧ ╥┴╙█╔╥┼╬╬┘╚ ╔╬─┼╦╙╧╫ ';
- $strOftenQuotation = '∩┬┘▐╬╧ ╦┴╫┘▐╦╔. ≡∩ ≈∙Γ∩≥⌡ ╧┌╬┴▐┴┼╘, ▐╘╧ ╘╧╠╪╦╧ ╨╧╠╤ char ╔ varchar ┌┴╦╠└▐┴└╘╙╤ ╫ ╦┴╫┘▐╦╔.';
- $strOptimizeTable = '∩╨╘╔═╔┌╔╥╧╫┴╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒';
- $strOptionalControls = '≡╧ ╫┘┬╧╥╒. δ╧╬╘╥╧╠╔╥╒┼╘ ╦┴╦ ▐╔╘┴╘╪ ╔╠╔ ╨╔╙┴╘╪ ╙╨┼├╔┴╠╪╬┘┼ ╙╔═╫╧╠┘.';
- $strOptionally = '≡∩ ≈∙Γ∩≥⌡';
- $strOr = 'Θ╠╔';
- $strOverhead = 'ε┴╦╠┴─╬┘┼ ╥┴╙╚╧─┘';
- $strPartialText = '■┴╙╘╔▐╬┘┼ ╘┼╦╙╘┘';
- $strPassword = '≡┴╥╧╠╪';
- $strPasswordEmpty = '≡╒╙╘╧╩ ╨┴╥╧╠╪!';
- $strPasswordNotSame = '≡┴╥╧╠╔ ╬┼ ╧─╔╬┴╦╧╫┘!';
- $strPHPVersion = '≈┼╥╙╔╤ PHP';
- $strPmaDocumentation = 'Σ╧╦╒═┼╬╘┴├╔╤ ╨╧ phpMyAdmin';
- $strPos1 = 'ε┴▐┴╠╧';
- $strPrevious = 'ε┴┌┴─';
- $strPrimary = '≡┼╥╫╔▐╬┘╩';
- $strPrimaryKey = '≡┼╥╫╔▐╬┘╩ ╦╠└▐';
- $strPrimaryKeyName = 'Θ═╤ ╨┼╥╫╔▐╬╧╟╧ ╦╠└▐┴ ─╧╠╓╬╧ ┬┘╘╪ PRIMARY!';
- $strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>─╧╠╓╬╧</b> ┬┘╘╪ ╔═┼╬┼═ <b>╘╧╠╪╦╧</b> ╨┼╥╫╔▐╬╧╟╧ ╦╠└▐┴!)';
- $strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = '≡┼╥╫╔▐╬┘╩ ╦╠└▐ ┬┘╠ ╒─┴╠┼╬';
- $strPrintView = '≈┼╥╙╔╤ ─╠╤ ╨┼▐┴╘╔';
- $strPrivileges = '≡╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╔';
- $strProperties = '≤╫╧╩╙╘╫┴';
- $strQBE = '·┴╨╥╧╙ ╨╧ ╨╥╔═┼╥╒';
- $strQBEDel = '⌡─┴╠╔╘╪';
- $strQBEIns = '≈╙╘┴╫╔╘╪';
- $strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-┌┴╨╥╧╙ ΓΣ <b>%s</b>:';
- $strRecords = '·┴╨╔╙╔';
- $strReloadFailed = 'ε┼ ╒─┴╠╧╙╪ ╨┼╥┼┌┴╟╥╒┌╔╘╪ MySQL.';
- $strReloadMySQL = '≡┼╥┼┌┴╟╥╒┌╔╘╪ MySQL';
- $strRememberReload = 'ε┼ ┌┴┬╒─╪╘┼ ╨┼╥┼┌┴╟╥╒┌╔╘╪ ╙┼╥╫┼╥.';
- $strRenameTable = '≡┼╥┼╔═┼╬╧╫┴╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒ ╫';
- $strRenameTableOK = '⌠┴┬╠╔├┴ %s ┬┘╠┴ ╨┼╥┼╔═┼╬╧╫┴╬┴ ╫ %s';
- $strRepairTable = '≡╧▐╔╬╔╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒';
- $strReplace = '·┴═┼╙╘╔╘╪';
- $strReplaceTable = '·┴═┼╙╘╔╘╪ ─┴╬╬┘┼ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘ ─┴╬╬┘═╔ ╔┌ ╞┴╩╠┴';
- $strReset = '≡┼╥┼╒╙╘┴╬╧╫╔╘╪';
- $strReType = '≡╧─╘╫┼╥╓─┼╬╔┼';
- $strRevoke = '∩╘═┼╬╔╘╪';
- $strRevokeGrant = '∩╘═┼╬╔╘╪ ╨╥┼─╧╙╘┴╫╠┼╬╔┼ ╨╥┴╫';
- $strRevokeGrantMessage = 'Γ┘╠╧ ╧╘═┼╬┼╬╧ ╨╥┼─╧╙╘┴╫╠┼╬╔┼ ╨╥┴╫ ─╠╤ %s';
- $strRevokeMessage = '≈┘ ╔┌═┼╬╔╠╔ ╨╥╔╫┼╠┼╟╔╔ ─╠╤ %s';
- $strRevokePriv = '∩╘═┼╬╔╘╪ ╨╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╔';
- $strRowLength = 'Σ╠╔╬┴ ╥╤─┴';
- $strRows = '≥╤─┘';
- $strRowsFrom = '╥╤─╧╫ ╧╘';
- $strRowSize = ' ≥┴┌═┼╥ ╥╤─┴ ';
- $strRowsStatistic = '≤╘┴╘╔╙╘╔╦┴ ╥╤─┴';
- $strRunning = '╬┴ %s';
- $strRunQuery = '≈┘╨╧╠╬╔╘╪ ·┴╨╥╧╙';
- $strRunSQLQuery = '≈┘╨╧╠╬╔╘╪ SQL ┌┴╨╥╧╙(┘) ╬┴ ΓΣ %┘';
- $strSave = '≤╧╚╥┴╬╔╘╪';
- $strSelect = '≈┘┬╥┴╘╪';
- $strSelectFields = '≈┘┬╥┴╘╪ ╨╧╠╤ (═╔╬╔═╒═ ╧─╬╧):';
- $strSelectNumRows = '╨╧ ┌┴╨╥╧╙╒';
- $strSend = '╨╧╙╠┴╘╪';
- $strSequence = '≡╧╙╠.';
- $strServerChoice = '≈┘┬╧╥ ╙┼╥╫┼╥┴';
- $strServerVersion = '≈┼╥╙╔╤ ╙┼╥╫┼╥┴';
- $strSetEnumVal = 'Σ╠╤ ╘╔╨╧╫ ╨╧╠╤ "enum" ╔ "set", ╫╫┼─╔╘┼ ┌╬┴▐┼╬╔╤ ╨╧ ▄╘╧═╒ ╞╧╥═┴╘╒: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />σ╙╠╔ ╫┴═ ╨╧╬┴─╧┬╔╘╪╙╤ ╫╫┼╙╘╔ ╧┬╥┴╘╬╒└ ╦╧╙╒└ ▐┼╥╘╒ ("\"") ╔╠╔ ╧─╔╬╧▐╬╒└ ╦┴╫┘▐╦╒ ("\'") ╙╥┼─╔ ▄╘╔╚ ┌╬┴▐┼╬╔╩, ╨╧╙╘┴╫╪╘┼ ╨┼╥┼─ ╬╔═╔ ╧┬╥┴╘╬╒└ ╦╧╙╒└ ▐┼╥╘╒ (╬┴╨╥╔═┼╥, \'\\\\xyz\' ╔╠╔ \'a\\\'b\').';
- $strShow = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪';
- $strShowAll = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╫╙┼';
- $strShowCols = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╦╧╠╧╬╦╔';
- $strShowingRecords = '≡╧╦┴┌┘╫┴┼╘ ┌┴╨╔╙╔ ';
- $strShowPHPInfo = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╔╬╞╧╥═┴├╔└ ╧ PHP';
- $strShowTables = '≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strShowThisQuery = ' ≡╧╦┴┌┴╘╪ ─┴╬╬┘╩ ┌┴╨╥╧╙ ╙╬╧╫┴ ';
- $strSingly = '(╧╘─┼╠╪╬╧)';
- $strSize = '≥┴┌═┼╥';
- $strSort = '∩╘╙╧╥╘╔╥╧╫┴╘╪';
- $strSpaceUsage = 'Θ╙╨╧╠╪┌╒┼═╧┼ ╨╥╧╙╘╥┴╬╙╘╫╧';
- $strSQLQuery = 'SQL-┌┴╨╥╧╙';
- $strStartingRecord = 'ε┴▐╔╬┴╘╪ ╙ ┌┴╨╔╙╔';
- $strStatement = '≡┴╥┴═┼╘╥'; // ???To translate
- $strStrucCSV = 'CSV ─┴╬╬┘┼';
- $strStrucData = '≤╘╥╒╦╘╒╥┴ ╔ ─┴╬╬┘┼';
- $strStrucDrop = 'Σ╧┬┴╫╔╘╪ ╒─┴╠┼╬╔┼ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV ─╠╤ ─┴╬╬┘╚ Ms Excel';
- $strStrucOnly = '⌠╧╠╪╦╧ ╙╘╥╒╦╘╒╥╒';
- $strSubmit = '≈┘╨╧╠╬╔╘╪';
- $strSuccess = '≈┴█ SQL-┌┴╨╥╧╙ ┬┘╠ ╒╙╨┼█╬╧ ╫┘╨╧╠╬┼╬';
- $strSum = '≈╙┼╟╧';
- $strTable = '╘┴┬╠╔├┴ ';
- $strTableComments = 'δ╧══┼╬╘┴╥╔╩ ╦ ╘┴┬╠╔├┼';
- $strTableEmpty = '≡╒╙╘╧┼ ╬┴┌╫┴╬╔┼ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘!';
- $strTableHasBeenDropped = '⌠┴┬╠╔├┴ %s ┬┘╠┴ ╒─┴╠┼╬┴';
- $strTableHasBeenEmptied = '⌠┴┬╠╔├┴ %s ┬┘╠┴ ╧╨╒╙╘╧█┼╬┴';
- $strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Γ┘╠ ╙┬╥╧█┼╬ ╦▄█ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘ %s';
- $strTableMaintenance = '∩┬╙╠╒╓╔╫┴╬╔┼ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strTables = '%s ╘┴┬╠╔├(┘)';
- $strTableStructure = '≤╘╥╒╦╘╒╥┴ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strTableType = '⌠╔╨ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strTextAreaLength = ' Θ┌-┌┴ ┬╧╠╪█╧╩ ─╠╔╬┘,<br /> ▄╘╧ ╨╧╠┼ ╬┼ ═╧╓┼╘ ┬┘╘╪ ╧╘╥┼─┴╦╘╔╥╧╫┴╬╬╧ ';
- $strTheContent = '≤╧─┼╥╓╔═╧┼ ╞┴╩╠┴ ┬┘╠╧ ╔═╨╧╥╘╔╥╧╫┴╬╧.';
- $strTheContents = '≤╧─┼╥╓╔═╧┼ ╞┴╩╠┴ ┌┴═┼▌┴┼╘ ╙╧─┼╥╓╔═╧┼ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘ ─╠╤ ╥╤─╧╫ ╙ ╔─┼╬╘╔▐╬┘═╔ ╨┼╥╫╔▐╬┘═╔ ╔╠╔ ╒╬╔╦┴╠╪╬┘═╔ ╦╠└▐┴═╔.';
- $strTheTerminator = '≤╔═╫╧╠ ╧╦╧╬▐┴╬╔╤ ╨╧╠┼╩.';
- $strTotal = '╫╙┼╟╧';
- $strType = '⌠╔╨';
- $strUncheckAll = '≤╬╤╘╪ ╧╘═┼╘╦╒ ╙╧ ╫╙┼╚';
- $strUnique = '⌡╬╔╦┴╠╪╬╧┼';
- $strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Γ┘╠╔ ╔┌═┼╬┼╬┘ ╨╥╔╫╔╠┼╟╔╔ ─╠╤';
- $strUpdateProfile = '∩┬╬╧╫╔╘╪ ╨╥╧╞╔╠╪:';
- $strUpdateProfileMessage = '≡╥╧╞╔╠╪ ┬┘╠ ╧┬╬╧╫╠┼╬.';
- $strUpdateQuery = 'Σ╧╨╧╠╬╔╘╪ ·┴╨╥╧╙';
- $strUsage = 'Θ╙╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╬╔┼';
- $strUseBackquotes = '∩┬╥┴╘╬┘┼ ╦┴╫┘▐╦╔ ╫ ╬┴┌╫┴╬╔╤╚ ╘┴┬╠╔├ ╔ ╨╧╠┼╩';
- $strUser = '≡╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╪';
- $strUserEmpty = '≡╒╙╘╧┼ ╔═╤ ╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╤!';
- $strUserName = 'Θ═╤ ╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╤';
- $strUsers = '≡╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘┼╠╔';
- $strUseTables = 'Θ╙╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘╪ ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strValue = '·╬┴▐┼╬╔┼';
- $strViewDump = '≡╥╧╙═╧╘╥┼╘╪ ─┴═╨ (╙╚┼═╒) ╘┴┬╠╔├┘';
- $strViewDumpDB = '≡╥╧╙═╧╘╥┼╘╪ ─┴═╨ (╙╚┼═╒) ΓΣ';
- $strWelcome = 'Σ╧┬╥╧ ╨╧╓┴╠╧╫┴╘╪ ╫ %s';
- $strWithChecked = '≤ ╧╘═┼▐┼╬╬┘═╔:';
- $strWrongUser = '∩█╔┬╧▐╬┘╩ ╠╧╟╔╬/╨┴╥╧╠╪. ≈ ─╧╙╘╒╨┼ ╧╘╦┴┌┴╬╧.';
- $strYes = 'Σ┴';
- $strZip = '╒╨┴╦╧╫┴╘╪ ╫ "zip"';
- // To translate
- $strCookiesRequired = 'Cookies must be enabled past this point.';
- $strLogPassword = 'Password:';
- $strLogUsername = 'Username:';
- $strRowsModeVertical=" vertical "; //to translate
- $strRowsModeHorizontal=" horizontal "; //to translate
- $strRowsModeOptions=" in %s mode and repeat headers after %s cells "; //to translate
- ?>