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- <?php
- /* $Id: japanese.inc.php,v 1.79 2001/12/16 23:52:44 lem9 Exp $ */
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- $day_of_week = array('╞ⁿ', '╖ε', '▓╨', '┐σ', '╠┌', '╢Γ', '┼┌');
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- // See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php to define the
- // variable below
- $datefmt = '%Y╟»%B%e╞ⁿ %H:%M';
- $strAccessDenied = 'ÑóÑ»Ñ╗Ñ╣ñ╧╡±╚▌ñ╡ñ∞ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
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- $strAddDeleteRow = '╛≥╖∩╣╘ñ╬í╓─╔▓├í┐║∩╜ⁿí╫';
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- $strAddPriv = '┐╖ñ╖ññ╞├╕óñ╬─╔▓├';
- $strAddPrivMessage = '┐╖ñ╖ññ╞├╕óñ≥─╔▓├ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strAddSearchConditions = '╕í║≈╛≥╖∩╩╕ñ≥─╔▓├ñ╖ñ╞ñ»ñ└ñ╡ññíú("where"ñ╬└ß╩╕):';
- $strAddToIndex = ' %s ñ╬╬≤ñ≥ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ╦─╔▓├ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐';
- $strAddUser = 'ѵí╝Ñ╢í╝ñ╬─╔▓├';
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- $strAffectedRows = '▒╞╢┴ñ╡ñ∞ñ┐╣╘┐⌠:';
- $strAfter = '╕σñ╦-->';
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- $strAfterInsertNewInsert = '┐╖Ñ∞Ñ│í╝Ñ╔ñ╬─╔▓├';
- $strAll = '┴┤╔⌠';
- $strAlterOrderBy = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ╜τ╚╓ñ╬╛≥╖∩';
- $strAnalyzeTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ≥╩¼└╧ñ╖ñ▐ñ╣íú';
- $strAnd = '╡┌ñ╙';
- $strAnIndex = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ¼%sñ╦─╔▓├╡εñ∞ñ╞ñññ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strAny = '┴┤ñ╞';
- $strAnyColumn = '┴┤Ñ│ÑΘÑα';
- $strAnyDatabase = '┴┤Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐Ñ┘í╝Ñ╣';
- $strAnyHost = '┴┤ñ╞ñ╬Ñ█Ñ╣Ñ╚';
- $strAnyTable = '┴┤ñ╞ñ╬Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ';
- $strAnyUser = '┴┤ñ╞ñ╬ѵí╝Ñ╢í╝';
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- $strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬║╟╜Θ';
- $strAtEndOfTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬║╟╕σ';
- $strAttr = '╔╜╝¿';
- $strBack = '╠ßñδ';
- $strBinary = ' Ñ╨ÑñÑ╩ÑΩ ';
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- $strBookmarkQuery = 'Ñ╓Ñ├Ñ»Ñ▐í╝Ñ»ñ╡ñ∞ñ╞ñññδSQLѻѿñΩí╝';
- $strBookmarkThis = 'SQLѻѿñΩí╝ñ≥Ñ╓Ñ├Ñ»Ñ▐í╝Ñ»ñ╣ñδ';
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- $strBrowse = '╔╜╝¿';
- $strBzip = '"bzipñ╡ñ∞ñδ"';
- $strCantLoadMySQL = 'MySQLñ≥╝┬╣╘ñ╟ñ¡ñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú<br />PHPñ╬└▀─Ωñ≥│╬╟ºñ╖ñ╞▓╝ñ╡ññíú';
- $strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ╬╠╛┴░ñ≥PRIMARYñ╦╩╤╣╣ñ╟ñ¡ñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
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- $strCarriage = 'Ñ¡ÑπÑΩÑ├Ñ╕ÑΩÑ┐í╝Ñ≤: \\r';
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- $strCheckAll = '┴┤╔⌠ñ╦Ñ▐í╝Ñ»ñ≥╔╒ñ»';
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- $strColumnNames = '╬≤(Ñ│ÑΘÑα)╠╛';
- $strCompleteInserts = '┤░┴┤ñ╩INSERT╩╕ñ╬║ε└«';
- $strConfirm = '╦▄┼÷ñ╦ñΣñΩñ┐ñññ╟ñ╣ñ½?';
- $strCopyTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ≥(database<b>.</b>table)ñ╦Ñ│Ñ╘í╝ñ╣ñδ:';
- $strCopyTableOK = '%sÑ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ≥%sñ╦Ñ│Ñ╘í╝ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strCreate = '║ε└«';
- $strCreateIndex = ' %s ñ╬╬≤ñ╬ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ╬║ε└«';
- $strCreateIndexTopic = '┐╖ñ╖ññÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ╬║ε└«';
- $strCreateNewDatabase = '┐╖ñ╖ññDBñ≥║ε└«ñ╖ñ▐ñ╣íú';
- $strCreateNewTable = '╕╜║▀ñ╬DBñ╦┐╖ñ╖ññÑ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ≥║ε└«ñ╖ñ▐ñ╣íú --> ';
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- $strData = 'Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐';
- $strDatabase = 'Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐Ñ┘í╝Ñ╣';
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- $strDocu = 'Ñ╪ÑδÑ╫';
- $strDoYouReally = '╦▄┼÷ñ╦╝íñ≥╝┬╣╘ñ╖ñ▐ñ½íú --> ';
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- $strDropDB = 'DBñ╬║∩╜ⁿ -->';
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- $strDynamic = 'Ñ└ÑñÑ╩Ñ▀Ñ├Ñ»';
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- $strEffective = '╗÷╝┬╛σ';
- $strEmpty = '╢⌡ñ╦ñ╣ñδ';
- $strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQLñ¼╢⌡ñ╬├═ñ≥ÑΩÑ┐í╝Ñ≤ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú(i.e. zero rows).';
- $strEnd = '║╟╕σ';
- $strEnglishPrivileges = ' ├φ░╒: MySQLñ╬╞├╕óñ╬╠╛┴░ñ╧▒╤╕∞ñ╟╚»╔╜ñ╖ñ╞ñññδíú';
- $strError = 'Ñ¿ÑΘí╝';
- $strExtendedInserts = '─╣ññINSERT╩╕ñ╬║ε└«';
- $strExtra = '─╔▓├';
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- $strFieldsEmpty = ' Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔┐⌠ñ╧╢⌡ñ╟ñ╣íú ';
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- $strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔ñ╬Ñ¿Ñ╣Ñ▒í╝Ñ╫╩╕╗·';
- $strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔ñ╬╜¬╬╗╩╕╗·';
- $strFixed = '╕╟─Ω';
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- $strFullText = '┴┤╩╕';
- $strFunction = '┤╪┐⌠';
- $strGenTime = '║ε└«ñ╬╗■┤╓';
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- $strGzip = '"gzipñ╡ñ∞ñδ"';
- $strHasBeenAltered = 'ñ≥╩╤╣╣ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strHasBeenCreated = 'ñ≥║ε└«ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strHome = 'Ñßí╝Ñ≤Ñ┌í╝Ñ╕ñ╪';
- $strHomepageOfficial = 'phpMyAdminÑ█í╝Ñα';
- $strHomepageSourceforge = 'Sourceforgeñ╟ñ╬phpMyAdminñ╬Ñ└Ѫñ╬Ñφí╝Ñ╔Ñ┌í╝Ñ╕';
- $strHost = 'Ñ█Ñ╣Ñ╚';
- $strHostEmpty = 'Ñ█Ñ╣Ñ╚╠╛ñ╧╢⌡ñ╟ñ╣!';
- $strIdxFulltext = '┴┤╩╕';
- $strIfYouWish = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬Ñ│ÑΘÑα(╬≤)ñ╦Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐ñ≥─╔▓├ñ╣ñδ╛∞╣τñ╧íóÑ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔ÑΩÑ╣Ñ╚ñ≥ѽÑ≤Ñ▐ñ╟╢Φ╩¼ñ╖ñ╞ñ»ñ└ñ╡ññíú';
- $strIgnore = '╠╡╗δ';
- $strIndex = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣';
- $strIndexes = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣┐⌠';
- $strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣%sñ¼║∩╜ⁿñ╡ñ∞ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐';
- $strIndexName = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣╠╛ :';
- $strIndexType = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ╬Ñ┐ÑñÑ╫ :';
- $strInsert = '─╔▓├';
- $strInsertAsNewRow = '┐╖ñ╖ññ╣╘ñ╚ñ╖ñ╞ñ╬─╔▓├';
- $strInsertedRows = '─╔▓├ñ╡ñ∞ñ┐╣╘┐⌠:';
- $strInsertNewRow = '┐╖ñ╖ññ╣╘ñ╬─╔▓├';
- $strInsertTextfiles = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╦Ñ╞Ñ¡Ñ╣Ñ╚Ñ╒ÑíÑñÑδñ╬─╔▓├';
- $strInstructions = '╢╡╝¿';
- $strInUse = '╗╚═╤├µ';
- $strInvalidName = '"%s"ñ╧┼╨╧┐ñ╡ñ∞ñ┐╕└═╒ñ╟ñ╣ñ½ñΘí╓Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐Ñ┘í╝Ñ╣í┐Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδí┐Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔í╫╠╛ñ╟ñ╧╗╚ñ¿ñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
- $strKeepPass = 'Ñ╤Ñ╣Ñ∩í╝Ñ╔ñ≥╩╤╣╣ñ╖ñ╩ññ';
- $strKeyname = 'Ñ¡í╝╠╛';
- $strKill = '─Σ╗▀';
- $strLength = '─╣ñ╡';
- $strLengthSet = '─╣ñ╡/Ñ╗Ñ├Ñ╚*';
- $strLimitNumRows = 'Ñ┌í╝Ñ╕ñ╬Ñ∞Ñ│í╝Ñ╔┐⌠';
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- $strLines = '╣╘';
- $strLinesTerminatedBy = '╣╘ñ╬╜¬╬╗╩╕╗·';
- $strLocationTextfile = 'SQLñ╬Ñ└Ñ≤Ñ╫Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐ñ¼╩▌┬╕ñ╡ñ∞ñ╞ñññδÑ╞Ñ¡Ñ╣Ñ╚Ñ╒ÑíÑñÑδ';
- $strLogin = 'ÑφÑ░ÑñÑ≤';
- $strLogout = 'ÑφÑ░ÑóѪÑ╚';
- $strModifications = 'ñ≥└╡ñ╖ñ»╜ñ└╡ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strModify = '╜ñ└╡';
- $strModifyIndexTopic = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ╬╩╤╣╣';
- $strMoveTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ≥(database<b>.</b>table)ñ╦░▄╞░:';
- $strMoveTableOK = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ%sñ¼%s░▄╞░ñ╡ñ∞ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQLñ≥┐╖ñ╖ñ»╞╔ñ▀╣■ñ▀ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strMySQLSaid = 'MySQLñ╬ÑßÑ├Ñ╗í╝Ñ╕ --> ';
- $strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1%ñ╧%pma_s2%╛σ%pma_s3%ñ╚ñ╖ñ╞╝┬╣╘ñ╖ñ╞ñññ▐ñ╣íú';
- $strMySQLShowProcess = 'MySQLÑ╫ÑφÑ╗Ñ╣ñ╬╔╜╝¿';
- $strMySQLShowStatus = 'MySQLñ╬ÑΘÑ≤Ñ┐ÑñÑα╛≡╩≤';
- $strMySQLShowVars = 'MySQLñ╬Ñ╖Ñ╣Ñ╞Ñα╩╤┐⌠';
- $strName = '╠╛┴░';
- $strNbRecords = 'Ñ∞Ñ│í╝Ñ╔┐⌠';
- $strNext = '╝íñ╪';
- $strNo = 'ñññññ¿';
- $strNoDatabases = 'Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐Ñ┘í╝Ñ╣┐⌠';
- $strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE"Ñ╣Ñ╞í╝Ñ╚ÑßÑ≤Ñ╚ñ╧╢╪╗▀ñ╡ñ∞ñδíú';
- $strNoFrames = '<b>Ñ╒Ñ∞í╝Ñα</b>┴Ω└¡ñ╩Ñ╓ÑΘѪÑ╢í╝ñ≥╗╚ñ├ñ┐ñΘphpMyAdminñ╬╩²ñ╧╗╚ñññΣñ╣ñññ╟ñ╣íú';
- $strNoIndex = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ╧└▀─Ωñ╡ñ∞ñ╞ñññ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
- $strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ñ╬╔⌠╩¼ñ╧└▀─Ωñ╡ñ∞ñ╞ñññ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
- $strNoModification = '╩╤╣╣╠╡';
- $strNone = '╠╡';
- $strNoPassword = 'Ñ╤Ñ╣Ñ∩í╝Ñ╔╠╡ñ╖';
- $strNoPrivileges = '╞├╕ó╠╡ñ╖';
- $strNoQuery = 'SQLѻѿñΩí╝╠╡!';
- $strNoRights = '╕╜║▀╞├╕óñ≥╗²ñ├ñ╞ñ╩ñññ╬ñ╟ñ│ñ│ñ╦╞■ñ∞ñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
- $strNoTablesFound = '╕╜║▀ñ╬DBñ╦Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╧ñóñΩñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
- $strNotNumber = 'ñ│ñ∞ñ╧╚╓╣µñ╟ñ╧ñóñΩñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
- $strNotValidNumber = ' ñ╧╣╘ñ╬└╡ñ╖ññ╚╓╣µñ╟ñ╧ñóñΩñ▐ñ╗ñ≤ ';
- $strNoUsersFound = 'ѵí╝Ñ╢í╝ñ╧╕½ñ─ñ½ñΩñ▐ñ╗ñ≤ñ╟ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strNull = '╢⌡ñ╬├═(Null)';
- $strNumberIndexes = ' ╣Γ┼∙ÑñÑ≤Ñ╟Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣┐⌠ ';
- $strOftenQuotation = '░·═╤╔Σ╣µñ╟ñ╣íúѬÑ╫Ñ╖ÑτÑ≤ñ╧íócharñ▐ñ┐ñ╧varcharÑ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔ñ╬ñ▀" "ñ╟░╧ñ▐ñ∞ñ╞ñññδñ│ñ╚ñ≥░╒╠úñ╖ñ▐ñ╣íú';
- $strOptimizeTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ≥║╟┼¼▓╜ñ╖ñ▐ñ╣íú';
- $strOptionalControls = '╞├╝∞╩╕╗·ñ╬╞╔ñ▀╣■ñ▀/╜±ñ¡╣■ñ▀ѬÑ╫Ñ╖ÑτÑ≤';
- $strOptionally = 'ѬÑ╫Ñ╖ÑτÑ≤ñ╟ñ╣íú';
- $strOr = '╦⌠ñ╧';
- $strOverhead = 'Ѭí╝Ñ╨í╝Ñ╪Ñ├Ñ╔';
- $strPartialText = '╔⌠╩¼┼¬ñ╩╩╕╜±';
- $strPassword = 'Ñ╤Ñ╣Ñ∩í╝Ñ╔';
- $strPasswordEmpty = 'Ñ╤Ñ╣Ñ∩í╝Ñ╔ñ╧╢⌡ñ╟ñ╣íú';
- $strPasswordNotSame = 'Ñ╤Ñ╣Ñ∩í╝Ñ╔ñ╧╢⌡ñ╟ñ╣íú';
- $strPHPVersion = 'PHP Ñ╨í╝Ñ╕ÑτÑ≤';
- $strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdminñ╬Ñ╔Ñ¡ÑσÑßÑ≤Ñ╚';
- $strPos1 = '║╟╜Θ';
- $strPrevious = '░╩┴░';
- $strPrimary = '╝τ═╫';
- $strPrimaryKey = '╝τ═╫Ñ¡í╝';
- $strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = '╝τ═╫Ñ¡í╝Ñ¡í╝ñ≥║∩╜ⁿñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strPrimaryKeyName = '╝τ═╫Ñ¡í╝ñ╬╠╛┴░ñ╧... PRIMARYñ╟ñ╧ñ╩ñ▒ñ∞ñ╨ñññ▒ñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
- $strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY"ñ╧ñ┴ñτñªñ╔╝τ═╫Ñ¡í╝ñ╬╠╛┴░ñ╟ñ╧ñ╩ñ▒ñ∞ñ╨ñññ▒ñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú';
- $strPrintView = '░⌡║■═╤╔╜╝¿';
- $strPrivileges = '╞├╕ó';
- $strProperties = 'Ñ╫ÑφÑ╤Ñ╞Ñú';
- $strQBE = '╬πñ½ñΘѻѿÑΩí╝╝┬╣╘';
- $strQBEDel = '║∩╜ⁿ';
- $strQBEIns = '╞■';
- $strQueryOnDb = 'Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐Ñ┘í╝Ñ╣ñ╬SQLѻѿñΩí╝ <b>%s</b>:';
- $strRecords = 'Ñ∞Ñ│í╝Ñ╔┐⌠';
- $strReloadFailed = 'MySQLñ╬ÑΩÑφí╝Ñ╔ñ╦╝║╟╘ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strReloadMySQL = 'MySQLñ╬ÑΩÑφí╝Ñ╔';
- $strRememberReload = 'Ñ╡í╝Ñ╨í╝ñ╬ÑΩÑφí╝Ñ╔ñ≥╦║ñ∞ñ╩ñññ╟▓╝ñ╡ññíú';
- $strRenameTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ╠╛ñ╬╩╤╣╣';
- $strRenameTableOK = '%sñ≥%sñ╦╠╛┴░ñ≥╩╤╣╣ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strRepairTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ≥╔ⁿ╡∞ñ╖ñ▐ñ╣íú';
- $strReplace = '├╓ñ¡┤╣ñ¿ñδ';
- $strReplaceTable = 'Ñ╒ÑíÑñÑδñ╟Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ≥├╓ñ¡┤╣ñ¿ñδ';
- $strReset = 'ÑΩÑ╗Ñ├Ñ╚';
- $strReType = '║╞╡¡╞■';
- $strRevoke = '╟╤╗▀';
- $strRevokeGrant = ' ╔╒═┐ñ╬╝Φ╛├';
- $strRevokeGrantMessage = '%sñ╬╔╒═┐╞├╕óñ≥╝Φ╛├ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strRevokeMessage = '%sñ╬╞├╕óñ≥╝Φ╛├ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐';
- $strRevokePriv = '╞├╕óñ╬╝Φ╛├';
- $strRowLength = '╣╘ñ╬─╣ñ╡';
- $strRows = '╣╘';
- $strRowsFrom = '│½╗╧╣╘';
- $strRowSize = ' ╣╘ñ╬Ñ╡ÑñÑ║ ';
- $strRowsStatistic = '╣╘ñ╬┼²╖╫';
- $strRunning = 'ñ¼╝┬╣╘├µñ╟ñ╣íú %s';
- $strRunQuery = 'ѻѿñΩí╝ñ╬╝┬╣╘';
- $strRunSQLQuery = 'Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐Ñ┘í╝Ñ╣%sñ╦SQLѻѿñΩí╝╝┬╣╘';
- $strSave = '╩▌┬╕';
- $strSelect = '┴¬┬≥';
- $strSelectFields = 'Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔ñ╬┴¬┬≥(░∞ñ─░╩╛σ):';
- $strSelectNumRows = 'ѻѿÑΩí╝';
- $strSend = '┴≈┐«';
- $strSequence = '╜τ.';
- $strServerChoice = 'Ñ╡í╝Ñ╨í╝ñ╬┴¬┬≥';
- $strServerVersion = 'Ñ╡í╝Ñ╨í╝ñ╬Ñ╨í╝Ñ╕ÑτÑ≤';
- $strSetEnumVal = 'Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔Ñ┐ÑñÑ╫ñ¼"enum"╦⌠ñ╧"set"ñ╬╛∞╣τñ╧├═ñ≥ñ│ñ╬Ñ╒Ñ⌐í╝Ñ▐Ñ├Ñ╚ñ≥╗╚ñ├ñ╞╞■╬╧ñ╖ñ╞▓╝ñ╡ññ: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Ñ╨Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ÑΘÑ├Ñ╖Ñσí╓"\"í╫╦⌠ñ╧ѻѬí╝Ñ╚í╓"\'"í╫ñ≥╞■╬╧ñ╖ñ┐ñññ╚íó╞¼ñ╦Ñ╨Ñ├Ñ»Ñ╣ÑΘÑ├Ñ╖Ñσñ≥╔╒ñ▒ñ╞▓╝ñ╡ññí╓╬π: \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\'í╫íú';
- $strShow = '╔╜╝¿';
- $strShowAll = '┴┤ñ╬╚»╔╜';
- $strShowCols = '╬≤ñ╬╚»╔╜';
- $strShowingRecords = 'Ñ∞Ñ│í╝Ñ╔╔╜╝¿';
- $strShowPHPInfo = 'PHP╛≡╩≤ñ╬╚»╔╜';
- $strShowTables = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬╚»╔╜';
- $strShowThisQuery = ' ñ▐ñ┐ñ│ñ╬ѻѿñΩí╝ñ≥ñ│ñ│ñ╦╚»╔╜ñ╣ñδ ';
- $strSingly = '(░∞▓≤)';
- $strSize = 'Ñ╡ÑñÑ║';
- $strSort = 'Ñ╜í╝Ñ╚';
- $strSpaceUsage = 'Ñ╟ÑúÑ╣Ñ»╗╚═╤╬╠';
- $strSQLQuery = '╝┬╣╘ñ╡ñ∞ñ┐SQLѻѿÑΩí╝';
- $strStartingRecord = '║╟╜Θñ╬ñ∞╣Γ┼┘';
- $strStatement = 'Ñ╣Ñ╞í╝Ñ╚ÑßÑ≤Ñ╚';
- $strStrucCSV = 'CSVÑ╟í╝Ñ┐';
- $strStrucData = '╣╜┬ññ╚Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐';
- $strStrucDrop = '\'drop table\'ñ╬─╔▓├';
- $strStrucExcelCSV = 'Ms Excelñ╪ñ╬CSVÑ╟í╝Ñ┐';
- $strStrucOnly = '╣╜┬ññ╬ñ▀';
- $strSubmit = '╝┬╣╘';
- $strSuccess = 'SQLѻѿÑΩí╝ñ¼└╡╛∩ñ╦╝┬╣╘ñ╡ñ∞ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strSum = '╣τ╖╫';
- $strTable = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ ';
- $strTableComments = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬└Γ╠└';
- $strTableEmpty = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ╠╛ñ╧╢⌡ñ╟ñ╣íú';
- $strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ%sñ≥║∩╜ⁿñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ%sñ≥╢⌡ñ╦ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ%sñ╬Ñ¡ÑπÑ├Ñ╖Ñσñ≥╢⌡ñ╦ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strTableMaintenance = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ┤╔═²';
- $strTables = '%sÑ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ';
- $strTableStructure = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬╣╜┬ñ';
- $strTableType = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬Ñ┐ÑñÑ╫';
- $strTextAreaLength = ' ─╣ñ╡ñ╬╜Ω░┘ñ╟ñ│ñ╬Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔ñ≥<br /> ╜ñ└╡╜╨═Φñ╩ññ╢▓ñ∞ñ¼ñóñΩñ▐ñ╣ ';
- $strTheContent = 'Ñ╒ÑíÑñÑδñ╬Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐ñ≥┴▐╞■ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strTheContents = 'Ñ╒ÑíÑñÑδñ╬Ñ╟í╝Ñ┐ñ╟íó┴¬┬≥ñ╖ñ┐Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬╝τ═╫Ñ¡í╝ñ▐ñ┐ñ╧═ú░∞ñ╩Ñ¡í╝ñ╦░∞├╫ñ╣ñδ╬≤ñ≥├╓ñ¡┤╣ñ¿ñ▐ñ╣íú';
- $strTheTerminator = 'Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔ñ╬╜¬╬╗╩╕╗·ñ╟ñ╣íú';
- $strTotal = '╣τ╖╫';
- $strType = 'Ñ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔Ñ┐ÑñÑ╫';
- $strUncheckAll = '┴┤ñ╞ñ╬Ñ▐í╝Ñ»ñ╬║∩╜ⁿ';
- $strUnique = '═ú░∞';
- $strUpdatePrivMessage = '%sñ╬╞├╕óñ≥ÑóÑ├Ñ╫Ñ╟í╝Ñ╚ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strUpdateProfile = 'Ñ╫ÑφÑ╒ÑíÑñÑδñ╬ÑóÑ├Ñ╫Ñ╟í╝Ñ╚:';
- $strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Ñ╫ÑφÑ╒ÑíÑñÑδñ≥ÑóÑ├Ñ╫Ñ╟í╝Ñ╚ñ╖ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strUpdateQuery = 'ѻѿñΩí╝ñ╬ÑóÑ├Ñ╫Ñ╟í╝Ñ╚';
- $strUsage = '╗╚═╤╬╠';
- $strUseBackquotes = '╡╒ѻѬí╝Ñ╚ñ≥Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ╠╛ñΣÑ╒Ñúí╝ÑδÑ╔╠╛ñ╬╝■ñΩñ╦╗╚ñª';
- $strUser = 'ѵí╝Ñ╢í╝';
- $strUserEmpty = 'ѵí╝Ñ╢í╝╠╛ñ╧╢⌡ñ╟ñ╣íú';
- $strUserName = 'ѵí╝Ñ╢í╝╠╛';
- $strUsers = 'ѵí╝Ñ╢í╝';
- $strUseTables = '╗╚ñªÑ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδ';
- $strValue = '├═';
- $strViewDump = 'Ñ╞í╝Ñ╓Ñδñ╬Ñ└Ñ≤Ñ╫(Ñ╣Ñ¡í╝Ñ▐)╔╜╝¿';
- $strViewDumpDB = 'DBñ╬Ñ└Ñ≤Ñ╫(Ñ╣Ñ¡í╝Ñ▐)╔╜╝¿';
- $strWelcome = '%sñ╪ñΦñªñ│ñ╜';
- $strWithChecked = 'Ñ┴ѺÑ├Ñ»ñ╖ñ┐ñΓñ╬ñ≥:';
- $strWrongUser = 'ѵí╝Ñ╢╠╛ñ▐ñ┐ñ╧Ñ╤Ñ╣Ñ∩í╝Ñ╔ñ¼└╡ñ╖ñ»ñóñΩñ▐ñ╗ñ≤íú<br />ÑóÑ»Ñ╗Ñ╣ñ╧╡±╚▌ñ╡ñ∞ñ▐ñ╖ñ┐íú';
- $strYes = 'ñ╧ññ';
- $strZip = '"zipñ╡ñ∞ñδ"';
- // To translate
- $strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
- $strLogPassword = 'Password:';
- $strLogUsername = 'Username:';
- $strRowsModeVertical=" vertical "; //to translate
- $strRowsModeHorizontal=" horizontal "; //to translate
- $strRowsModeOptions=" in %s mode and repeat headers after %s cells "; //to translate
- ?>