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- phpMyAdmin 2.2.3 Documentation
- * Official phpMyAdmin project homepage [
- http://www.phpwizard.net/projects/phpMyAdmin/ ]
- * Sourceforge phpMyAdmin download page [
- http://phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net/ ]
- * Local documents:
- + Version history: ChangeLog
- + General notes: README
- + License: LICENSE
- * Documentation version: $Id: Documentation.html,v 1.122 2002/01/06
- 19:04:25 lem9 Exp $
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Top - Requirements - Introduction - Installation -
- Configuration - FAQ - Developers - Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Requirements
- * PHP3 or PHP4: phpMyAdmin widely uses the 'str_replace()' php
- function that was added in PHP 3.0.6, but was buggy up until
- PHP 3.0.8. Then you should not run this script with PHP3 < 3.0.8.
- PHP also needs to be compiled with MySQL support;
- * MySQL (tested with 3.21.x, 3.22.x and 3.23.x);
- * a web-browser (doh!).
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Top - Requirements - Introduction - Installation -
- Configuration - FAQ - Developers - Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Introduction
- phpMyAdmin can manage a whole MySQL-server (needs a super-user) but
- also a single database. To accomplish the latter you'll need a
- properly set up MySQL-user who can read/write only the desired
- database. It's up to you to look up the appropriate part in the MySQL
- manual. Currently phpMyAdmin can:
- * create and drop databases
- * create, copy, drop and alter tables
- * delete, edit and add fields
- * execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
- * manage keys on fields
- * load text files into tables
- * create (*) and read dumps of tables
- * export (*) and import data to CSV values
- * administer multiple servers and single databases
- * communicate in more than 20 different languages
- (*) phpMyAdmin can compress (Zip, GZip -RFC 1952- or Bzip2 formats)
- dumps and CSV exports if you use PHP4 >= 4.0.4 with Zlib support
- (--with-zlib) and/or Bzip2 support (--with-bz2).
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Top - Requirements - Introduction - Installation -
- Configuration - FAQ - Developers - Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Installation
- NOTE: phpMyAdmin does not apply any special security methods to the
- MySQL database server. It is still the sysadmin's job to grant
- permissions on the MySQL databases properly.
- Warning for Mac users: php seems not to like Mac end of lines
- character ("\r") and Stuffit unstuffs with Mac formats, of course.
- So you'll have to resave as in Bbedit to unix style ALL phpMyAdmin
- scripts before uploading them to your server.
- Quick Install:
- 1. Untar or unzip the distribution (be sure to unzip the
- subdirectories): tar xzvf phpMyAdmin_x.x.x.tar.gz
- 2. Open the file config.inc.php3 in your favourite editor and change
- the values for host, user and password to fit your environment.
- Have a look at Configuration section for an explanation of all
- values.
- 3. It is recommended that you protect the directory in which you
- installed phpMyAdmin (unless it's on a closed intranet, or you
- wish to use http or cookie authentication), for example with
- HTTP-AUTH (in a .htaccess file). See the FAQ section for
- additional information.
- 4. Open the file <www.your-host.com>/<your-install-dir>/index.php3 in
- your browser. phpMyAdmin should now display a welcome screen and
- your databases, or a login dialog if using http or cookie
- authentication mode.
- Upgrading from an older version:
- * Please do not copy your older config.inc.php3 over the new one: it
- may offer new configuration variables, and the new version may
- depend on these for normal behavior. It is suggested instead to
- insert your site values in the new one.
- Using authentication modes:
- * Http and cookie authentication modes are recommended in a
- multi-user environment where you want to give users access to
- their own database and don't want them to play around with others.
- * Http and cookie authentication modes are secure: the MySQL
- password does not need to be set in the phpMyAdmin configuration
- file. (except for the "standard user" -see the Configuration
- section-).
- In cookie mode, we send the password in a temporary cookie, so
- most browsers should not store the password in their cookie file.
- * For 'http' and 'cookie' modes, phpMyAdmin needs a stduser that has
- only the SELECT privilege on the mysql.user (all columns except
- "Password"), mysql.db (all columns) & mysql.tables_priv (all
- columns except "Grantor" & "Timestamp") tables.
- You must specify the details for the stduser in the
- config.inc.php3 file under the $cfgServers[n]['stduser'] &
- $cfgServers[n]['stdpass'] settings.
- To create the control account (<stduser> and <stdpass> have to be
- replaced by your own values, of course):
- GRANT USAGE ON mysql.* TO '<stduser>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
- '<stdpass>';
- GRANT SELECT (Host, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv,
- Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv,
- Process_priv, File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv,
- Alter_priv) ON mysql.user TO '<stduser>'@'localhost';
- GRANT SELECT ON mysql.db TO '<stduser>'@'localhost';
- GRANT SELECT (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Table_priv, Column_priv) ON
- mysql.tables_priv TO '<stduser>'@'localhost';
- ... and if you want to use the bookmark feature:
- GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE ON <bookmark_db>.<bookmark_table> TO
- '<stduser>'@'localhost';
- * Then each of the true users should be granted of a set of
- privileges on a set of perticular databases but shouldn't have any
- global privileges. For example, to grant the user real_user with
- all privileges on the database user_base:
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON user_base.* TO 'real_user'@localhost
- IDENTIFIED BY 'real_password';
- What the user may now do is controlled entirely by the MySQL user
- management system.
- With http or cookie auth mode, you don't need to fill the
- user/password fields inside the $cfgServers array.
- 'http' authentication mode:
- * Was called 'advanced' in versions before 2.2.3.
- * Introduced in 1.3.0, it uses Basic HTTP authentication method and
- allows you to login as any valid MySQL user.
- * Is only supported with PHP running as an Apache module, not with
- cgi.
- 'cookie' authentication mode:
- * You can use this method as a replacement for the http
- authentication (for example, if you're running IIS).
- * Obviously, the user must enable cookies in the browser.
- * With this mode, the use can truly logout of phpMyAdmin and login
- back with the same username.
- 'config' authentication mode:
- * This mode is the less secure one because it requires you to fill
- the $cfgServers[n]['user'] and $cfgServers[n]['password'] fields.
- But usually you don't need to setup a "standard user" here: using
- the $cfgServers[n]['only_db'] might be enough.
- In the ISP FAQ section, there is an entry explaining how to
- protect your configuration file.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Top - Requirements - Introduction - Installation -
- Configuration - FAQ - Developers - Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Configuration
- Warning for Mac users: php seems not to like Mac end of lines
- character ("\r"). So ensure you choose the option that allows to use
- the *nix end of line character ("\n") in your text editor before
- registering a script you have modified.
- All configurable data is placed in config.inc.php3.
- $cfgPmaAbsoluteUri string
- Sets here the complete url (with full path) to your phpMyAdmin
- version. E.g.
- http://www.your_web.net/path_to_your_phpMyAdmin_directory/.
- Don't forget the slash at the end of your url.
- $cfgServers array
- Since version 1.4.2, phpMyAdmin supports the administration of
- multiple MySQL servers. Therefore, a $cfgServers-array has been
- added which contains the login information for the different
- servers. $cfgServers[1]['host'] contains the hostname of the
- first server, $cfgServers[2]['host'] the hostname of the second
- server, etc. If you have only one server to administer, simply
- leave free the hostname of the other $cfgServer-entries.
- $cfgServers[n]['host'] string
- The hostname of your n-th MySQL-server. E.g. localhost.
- $cfgServers[n]['port'] string
- The port-number of your n-th MySQL-server. Default is 3306
- (leave blank).
- $cfgServers[n]['socket'] string
- The path to the socket to use. Leave blank for default.
- To use the socket feature you must run php 3.0.10 or more.
- $cfgServers[n]['connect_type'] string
- What type connection to use with the MySQL server. Your options
- are 'socket' & 'tcp'. It defaults to 'tcp' as that is nearly
- guarenteed to be available on all MySQL servers, while sockets
- are not supported on some platforms.
- $cfgServers[n]['stduser'] string
- $cfgServers[n]['stdpass'] string
- When using http or cookie authentication modes (or 'config'
- authentication mode since phpMyAdmin 2.2.1), you need to supply
- the details of a MySQL account that has SELECT privilege on the
- mysql.user (all columns except "Password"), mysql.db (all
- columns) & mysql.tables_priv (all columns except "Grantor" &
- "Timestamp") tables. This account is used to check what
- databases the user will see at login.
- Please see the install section on "Using http authentication"
- for more information.
- Note that if you try login to phpMyAdmin with this "stduser",
- you could get some errors, depending the exact privileges you
- gave to the "stduser". phpMyAdmin does not support a direct
- login with the "stduser".
- $cfgServers[n]['auth_type'] string ['http'|'cookie'|'config']
- Whether config or cookie or http authentication should be used
- for this server.
- + 'config' authentication ($auth_type = 'config') is the plain
- old way: username and password are stored in config.inc.php3.
- + 'cookie' authentication mode ($auth_type = 'cookie') as
- introduced in 2.2.3 allows you to log in as any valid MySQL
- user with the help of... cookies. Log name and password are
- stored in cookies during the session and password is deleted
- when it ends.
- + 'http' authentication (was called 'advanced' in older
- versions) ($auth_type = 'http') as introduced in 1.3.0 allows
- you to log in as any valid MySQL user via HTTP-Auth.
- Please see the install section on "Using authentication modes"
- for more information.
- $cfgServers[n]['user'] string
- $cfgServers[n]['password'] string
- The user/password-pair which phpMyAdmin will use to connect to
- this MySQL-server. The password is not needed when http or
- cookie authentication is used, and should be empty.
- $cfgServers[n]['only_db'] string or array
- If set to a(an array of) database name(s), only this(these)
- database(s) will be shown to the user. Since phpMyAdmin 2.2.1,
- this/these database(s) name(s) may contain MySQL wilcards
- characters ("_" and "%"): if you want to use literal instances
- of these characters, escape them (ie use 'my\_db' and not
- 'my_db').
- This setting is an efficient way to lower the server charge
- since the latter does not need to send MySQL requests to build
- the available database list. But it does not replace the
- privileges rules of the MySQL database server. If set, it just
- means only these databases will be displayed but not at all
- other databases can't be used.
- $cfgServers[n]['verbose'] string
- Only useful when using phpMyAdmin with multiple server entries.
- If set, this string will be displayed instead of the hostname
- in the pulldown menu on the main page. This can be useful if
- you want to show only certain databases on your system, for
- example.
- $cfgServers[n]['bookmarkdb'] string
- $cfgServers[n]['bookmarktable'] string
- Since release 2.2.0 phpMyAdmin allows to bookmark queries. This
- can be useful for queries you often run.
- To use this functionality you have to:
- + create a table following this scheme:
- CREATE TABLE bookmark (
- id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
- dbase varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- user varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- label varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- query text NOT NULL,
- );
- + then complete the two variables $cfgServers[n]['bookmarkdb']
- and $cfgServers[n]['bookmarktable'] with the database and
- table names you've choosen so phpMyAdmin will be able to find
- the bookmarks.
- Note that stduser must have SELECT, INSERT and DELETE
- privileges on the bookmark table. Here is a query to set up
- those privileges:
- GRANT SELECT,INSERT,DELETE ON <bookmarkdb>.<bookmarktable> to
- 'stduser'@localhost;
- $cfgServerDefault integer
- If you have more than one server configured, you can set
- $cfgServerDefault to any one of them to autoconnect to that
- server when phpMyAdmin is started, or set it to 0 to be given a
- list of servers without logging in.
- If you have only one server configured, $cfgServerDefault MUST
- be set to that server.
- $cfgOBGzip boolean
- Defines whether to use gzip output buffering for increased
- speed in HTTP transfers.
- $cfgPersistentConnections boolean
- Whether persistent connections should be used or not
- (mysql_connect or mysql_pconnect).
- $cfgExecTimeLimit integer [number of seconds]
- Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run. If
- seconds is set to zero, no time limit is imposed.
- This setting is used while importing/exporting dump files but
- has no effect when PHP is running in safe mode.
- $cfgSkipLockedTables boolean
- Mark used tables and make it possible to show databases with
- locked tables (since 3.23.30).
- $cfgShowSQL boolean
- Defines whether sql-queries generated by phpMyAdmin should be
- displayed or not.
- $cfgAllowUserDropDatabase boolean
- Defines whether standard users (non administrator) are allowed
- to delete their own database or not. If set as FALSE, the link
- "Drop Database" will not be shown, and even a "DROP DATABASE
- mydatabase" will be rejected. Quite practical for ISP's with
- many customers.
- $cfgConfirm boolean
- Whether a warning ("Are your really sure..") should be
- displayed when you're about to loose data.
- $cfgShowTooltip boolean
- Defines whether to display table comment as tooltip in left
- frame or not.
- $cfgShowMysqlInfo boolean
- $cfgShowMysqlVars boolean
- $cfgShowPhpInfo boolean
- Defines whether to display the "MySQL runtime information",
- "MySQL system variables" and "PHP information" links or not for
- simple users at the starting main (right) frame. This setting
- does not check MySQL commands entered directly.
- Please note that to block the usage of phpinfo() in scripts,
- you have to put this in your php.ini:
- disable_functions = phpinfo()
- $cfgShowStats boolean
- Defines whether to display space usage and statistics about
- databases and tables or not.
- Note that statistics requires at least MySQL 3.23.3 and that,
- at this date, MySQL doesn't return such information for
- Berkeley DB tables.
- $cfgShowBlob boolean
- Defines whether BLOB fields are shown when browsing a table's
- content or not.
- $cfgNavigationBarIconic boolean
- Defines whether navigation bar buttons contain text or symbols
- only.
- $cfgShowAll boolean
- Defines whether an user should be displayed a "show all
- (records)" button in browse mode or not.
- $cfgMaxRows integer
- Number of rows displayed when browsing a resultset. If the
- resultset contains more rows, Previous/Next links will be
- shown.
- $cfgOrder string [DESC|ASC|SMART]
- Defines whether fields are displayed in ascending (ASC) order,
- in descending (DESC) order or in a "smart" (SMART) order -ie
- descending order for fields of type TIME, DATE, DATETIME &
- TIMESTAMP, ascending order else- by default.
- $cfgProtectBinary boolean
- Defines whether BLOB or BINARY fields are protected from
- edition when browsing a table's content or not. Valid values
- are:
- - FALSE to allow edition of all fields;
- - blob to allow edition of all fields except BLOBS;
- - all to disallow edition of all BINARY or BLOB fields.
- $cfgZipDump boolean
- $cfgGZipDump boolean
- $cfgBZipDump boolean
- Defines whether to allow the use of zip/gzip/bzip compression
- when creating a dump file or not.
- $cfgManualBaseShort string
- If set to an URL which points to the MySQL documentation (on
- short pages), appropriate help links are generated.
- $cfgDefaultLang string
- Defines the default language to use, if not browser-defined or
- user-defined.
- See the select_lang.inc.php3 script to know the valid values
- for this setting.
- $cfgLang string
- Force: always use this language (must be defined in the
- select_lang.inc.php3 script).
- $cfgLeftWidth integer
- Left frame width in pixel.
- $cfgLeftBgColor string [HTML color]
- $cfgRightBgColor string [HTML color]
- The background colors (HTML) used for both the frames.
- $cfgLeftPointerColor string [HTML color]
- The color (HTML) used for the pointer in the left frame (does
- not work with NS4).
- $cfgBorder integer
- The size of a table's border.
- $cfgThBgcolor string [HTML color]
- The color (HTML) used for table headers.
- $cfgBgcolorOne string [HTML color]
- The color (HTML) #1 for table rows.
- $cfgBgcolorTwo string [HTML color]
- The color (HTML) #2 for table rows.
- $cfgBrowsePointerColor string [HTML color]
- The color (HTML) used for the pointer in browse mode (does not
- work with NS4).
- $cfgTextareaCols integer
- $cfgTextareaRows integer
- Number of columns and rows for the textareas.
- $cfgLimitChars integer
- Maximal number of Chars showed in a TEXT OR a BLOB field on
- browse view. Can be turned off by a toggle button on the browse
- page.
- $cfgModifyDeleteAtLeft boolean
- $cfgModifyDeleteAtRight boolean
- Defines the place where modify and delete links would be put
- when tables contents are displayed (you may have them displayed
- both at the left and at the right). "Left" and "right" are
- parsed as "top" and "bottom" with vertical display mode.
- $cfgDefaultDisplay string
- There are 2 display modes: horizontal and vertical. Define
- which one is displayed by default.
- $cfgRepeatCells integer
- Repeat the headers every X cells, or 0 to deactivate.
- $cfgColumnTypes array
- All possible types of a MySQL column. In most cases you don't
- need to edit this.
- $cfgAttributeTypes array
- Possible attributes for fields. In most cases you don't need to
- edit this.
- $cfgFunctions array
- A list of functions MySQL supports. In most cases you don't
- need to edit this.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Top - Requirements - Introduction - Installation -
- Configuration - FAQ - Developers - Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- [Server]
- I'm running php 4+ and my server is crashing each time a specific
- action is required or phpMyAdmin sends a blank page or a page full of
- cryptic characters to my browser, what can I do?
- There are some known php bugs with output buffering and compression.
- Try to set the $cfgOBGzip directive to FALSE in your config.inc.php or
- .php3 file and the zlib.output_compression directive to Off in your
- php configuration file.
- My Apache server crashes when using phpMyAdmin.
- You should first try the latest versions of Apache (and possibly
- MySQL).
- See also the other FAQ entry about php bugs with output buffering.
- If your server keeps crashing, please ask for help in the various
- Apache support groups.
- Using phpMyAdmin on IIS, I'm displayed the error message: "The
- specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set
- of HTTP headers...."
- You just forgot to read the install.txt file from the php
- distribution. Have a look at the last message in this bug report from
- the official php bug database.
- Using phpMyAdmin on IIS, I'm facing crashes and/or many error messages
- with the http or advanced authentication mode.
- This is a known problem with the php ISAPI filter: it's not so stable.
- For some more information and complete testings see the messages
- posted by AndrΘ B. aka "djdeluxe76" in this thread from the phpWizard
- forum.
- Please use instead the cookie authentication mode.
- I can't use phpMyAdmin on PWS: nothing is displayed!
- This seems to be a PWS bug. Filippo Simoncini found a workaroud (at
- this time there is no better fix): remove or comment the DOCTYPE
- declarations (3 lines) from the scripts header.inc.php3, index.php3,
- left.php3 and libraries/common.lib.php3.
- How can I GZip or Bzip a dump or a CSV export. It seems to not work?
- These features are based on the gzencode() and bzcompress() php
- functions to be more independent of the platform (Unix/Windows, Safe
- Mode or not, and so on). So, you must have PHP4 >= 4.0.4 and
- Zlib/Bzip2 support (--with-zlib and --with-bz2).
- I cannot insert a text file in a table, and I get an error about safe
- mode being in effect.
- Your uploaded file is saved by PHP in the "upload dir", as defined in
- php.ini by the variable upload_tmp_dir (usually the system default is
- /tmp).
- We recommend the following setup for Apache servers running in safe
- mode, to enable uploads of files while being reasonably secure:
- * create a separate directory for uploads: mkdir /tmp/php
- * give ownership to the Apache server's user.group: chown
- apache.apache /tmp/php
- * give proper permission: chmod 600 /tmp/php
- * put upload_tmp_dir = /tmp/php in php.ini
- * restart Apache
- I'm having troubles when uploading files. In general file uploads
- don't work on my system and uploaded files have a Content-Type: header
- in the first line.
- It's not really phpMyAdmin related but RedHat 7.0. You have a RedHat
- 7.0 and you updated your php rpm to php-4.0.4pl1-3.i386.rpm, didn't
- you?
- So the problem is that this package has a serious bug that was
- corrected ages ago in php (2001-01-28: see php's bug tracking system
- for more details). The problem is that the bugged package is still
- available though it was corrected (see redhat's bugzilla for more
- details).
- So please download the fixed package and the problem should go away.
- And that fixes the \r\n problem with file uploads!
- I'm having troubles when uploading files with phpMyAdmin running on a
- secure server. My browser is Internet Explorer and I'm using the
- Apache server.
- As suggested by "Rob M" in the phpWizard forum, add this line to your
- httpd.conf:
- SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
- It seems to clear up many problems between IE and SSL.
- [Configuration]
- The error message "Warning: Cannot add header information - headers
- already sent by ..." is displayed, what's the problem?
- Edit your config.inc.php or .php3 file and ensure there is nothing (ie
- no blank lines, no spaces, no characters...) neither before the <?php
- tag at the beginning, neither after the ?> tag at the end.
- phpMyAdmin can't connect to MySQL. What's wrong?
- Either there is an error with your PHP setup or your username/password
- is wrong. Try to make a small script which uses mysql_connect and see
- if it works. If it doesn't, it may be you haven't even compiled MySQL
- support into PHP.
- The error message "Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to
- local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111)...") is
- displayed. What can I do?
- Here is a fix suggested by Brad Ummer in the phpwizard forum:
- * First, you need to determine what socket is being used by MySQL.
- To do this, telnet to your server and go to the MySQL bin
- directory. In this directory there should be a file named
- mysqladmin. Type ./mysqladmin variables, and this should give you
- a bunch of info about your MySQL server, including the socket
- (/tmp/mysql.sock, for example).
- * Then, you need to tell PHP to use this socket.
- Assuming you are using PHP 3.0.10 or better, you can specify the
- socket to use when you open the connection. To do this in
- phpMyAdmin, you need to complete the socket information in the
- config.inc.php3.
- For example: $cfgServers[n]['socket'] = '/tmp/mysql.sock';
- Have also a look at the corresponding section of the MySQL
- documentation.
- Nothing is displayed by my browser when I try to run phpMyAdmin, what
- can I do?
- Try to set the $cfgOBGZip directive to FALSE in the phpMyAdmin
- configuration file. It helps sometime.
- Also have a look at your php version number: if it contains "4.0b..."
- it means you're running a beta version of PHP. That's not a so good
- idea, please upgrade to a plain revision.
- Each time I want to insert or change a record or drop a database or a
- table, an error 404 (page not found) is displayed or, with http or
- cookie authentication, I'm asked to login again. What's wrong?
- Check the value you set for the $cfgPmaAbsoluteUri directive in the
- phpMyAdmin configuration file.
- [Known limitations]
- When using http authentication, an user who logged out can not relog
- in with the same nick.
- This is related to the authentication mechanism (protocol) used by
- phpMyAdmin. We plan to change it as soon as we may find enough free
- time to do it, but you can bypass this problem: just close all the
- opened browser windows and then go back to phpMyAdmin. You should be
- able to logs in again.
- [ISPs]
- I'm an ISP. Can I setup one central copy of phpMyAdmin or do I need to
- install it for each customer?
- Since version 2.0.3, you can setup a central copy of phpMyAdmin for
- all your users. The development of this feature was kindly sponsored
- by NetCologne GmbH. This requires a properly setup MySQL user
- management and phpMyAdmin http authentication. See the install section
- on "Using http authentication".
- What's the preferred way of making phpMyAdmin secure against evil
- access?
- This depends on your system.
- If you're running a server which cannot be accessed by other people,
- it's sufficient to use the directory protection bundled with your
- webserver (with Apache you can use .htaccess files, for example).
- If other people have telnet access to your server, you should use
- phpMyAdmin's http authentication feature.
- Suggestions:
- * Your config.inc.php3 file should be chmod 660.
- * All your phpMyAdmin files should be chown phpmy.apache, where
- phpmy is a user whose password is only known to you, and apache is
- the group under which Apache runs.
- * You should use PHP safe mode, to protect from other users that try
- to include your config.inc.php3 in their scripts.
- I get errors about not being able to include a file in /lang
- Check php.ini, or ask your sysadmin to check it. The include_path must
- contain "." somewhere in it, and open_basedir, if used, must contain
- "." and "./lang" to allow normal operation of phpMyAdmin.
- phpMyAdmin always gives "Access denied" when using http
- authentication.
- This could happen for several reasons:
- * $cfgServers[n]['stduser'] and/or $cfgServers[n]['stdpass'] are
- wrong.
- * The username/password you specify in the login-dialog are invalid.
- * You have already setup a security mechanism for the
- phpMyAdmin-directory, eg. a .htaccess file. This would interfere
- with phpMyAdmin's authentication, so remove it.
- [Browsers or client OS]
- I get an out of memory error, and my controls are non-functional, when
- trying to create a table with more than 14 fields.
- We could reproduce this problem only under Win98/98SE. Testing under
- WinNT4 or Win2K, we could easily create more than 60 fields.
- A workaround is to create a smaller number of fields, then come back
- to your table properties and add the other fields.
- With Xitami 2.5b4, phpMyAdmin won't process form fields.
- This is not a phpMyAdmin problem but a Xitami known bug: you'll face
- it with each script/website that use forms.
- Upgrade or downgrade your Xitami server.
- I have problems dumping tables with Konqueror (phpMyAdmin 2.2.2)
- With Konqueror 2.1.1: plain dumps, zip and gzip dumps work ok, except
- that the proposed file name for the dump is always 'tbl_dump.php'.
- Bzip2 dumps don't seem to work.
- With Konqueror 2.2.1: plain dumps work; zip dumps are placed into the
- user's temporary directory, so they must be moved before closing
- Konqueror, or else they disappear. Gzip dumps give an error message.
- Testing needs to be done for Konqueror 2.2.2.
- I refresh (reload) my browser, and come back to the welcome page.
- Some browsers support right-clicking into the frame you want to
- refresh, just do this in the right frame.
- [Using phpMyAdmin]
- I can't insert new rows into a table - MySQL brings up a SQL-error.
- Examine the SQL error with care. I've found that many programmers
- specifying a wrong field-type.
- Common errors include:
- * Using VARCHAR without a size argument
- * Using TEXT or BLOB with a size argument
- Also, look at the syntax chapter in the MySQL manual to confirm that
- your syntax is correct.
- When I create a table, I click the Index checkbox for 2 fields and
- phpMyAdmin generates only one index with those 2 fields.
- In phpMyAdmin 2.2.0 and 2.2.1, this is the way to create a
- multi-fields index. If you want two indexes, create the first one when
- creating the table, save, then display the table properties and click
- the Index link to create the other index.
- How can I insert a null value into my table?
- Since version 2.2.3, you have a checkbox for each field that can be
- null. Before 2.2.3, you had to enter "null", without the quotes, as
- the field's value.
- [phpMyAdmin project]
- I have found a bug. How do I inform developers?
- Our Bug Tracker is located at
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/ under the Bugs section.
- But please first discuss your bug with other users:
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/ (and choose Forums)
- http://www.phpwizard.net/projects/phpMyAdmin/ (and choose Support
- Forum)
- I want to translate the messages to a new language or upgrade an
- existing language, where do I start?
- Always use the current cvs version of your language file. For a new
- language, start from english.inc.php3. If you don't know how to get
- the cvs version, please ask one of the developers. It would be a good
- idea to subscribe to the phpmyadmin-translators discussion list,
- because this is where we ask for translations of new messages. You can
- then send your translations to the sourceforge.net translation
- tracker.
- I would like to help out with the development of phpMyAdmin. How
- should I proceed?
- The following method is preferred for new developers:
- * fetch the current CVS tree over anonymous CVS:
- cvs
- -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/phpmy
- admin login
- [Password: simply press the Enter key]
- cvs -z3
- -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/phpmy
- admin checkout phpMyAdmin
- [This will create a new sub-directory named phpMyAdmin]
- * add your stuff
- * put the modified files (tar'ed and gzip'ed) inside the patch
- tracker of the phpMyAdmin SourceForge account.
- Write access to the CVS tree is granted only to experienced developers
- who have already contributed something useful to phpMyAdmin.
- Also, have a look at the Developers section.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Top - Requirements - Introduction - Installation -
- Configuration - FAQ - Developers - Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Developers Information
- phpMyAdmin is Open Source, so you're invited to contribute to it. Many
- great features have been written by other people and you too can help
- to make phpMyAdmin a useful tool.
- If you're planning to contribute source, please read the following
- information:
- * All files include header.inc.php3 (layout),
- libraries/common.lib.php3 (common functions) and config.inc.php3.
- All configuration data belongs in config.inc.php3. Please keep it
- free from other code.
- Commonly used functions should be added to libraries/lib.inc.php3
- and more specific ones may be added within a library stored into
- the libraries sub-directory.
- * Obviously, you're free to use whatever coding style you want. But
- please try to keep your code as simple as possible: beginners are
- using phpMyAdmin as an example application.
- By the way, we're currently updating all the scripts so they will
- be XHTML1.0 and CSS2 compliant on one hand, they will fit PEAR
- coding standards on the other hand. Please pay attention to this.
- * Please try to keep up the file-naming conventions. Table-related
- stuff goes to tbl_*.php3, db-related code to db_*.php3 and so on.
- * Please don't use verbose strings in your code, instead add the
- string (at least) to english.inc.php3 and print() it out.
- * If you want to be really helpful, write an entry for the
- ChangeLog.
- IMPORTANT: With 1.4.1, development has switched to CVS. The following
- method is preferred for new developers:
- * fetch the current CVS tree over anonymous CVS:
- cvs
- -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/phpmy
- admin login
- [Password: simply press the Enter key]
- cvs -z3
- -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/phpmy
- admin checkout phpMyAdmin
- [This will create a new sub-directory named phpMyAdmin]
- * add your stuff
- * put the modified files (tar'ed and gzip'ed) inside the patch
- tracker of the phpMyAdmin SourceForge account
- (http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/)
- Write access to the CVS tree is granted only to developers who have
- already contributed something useful to phpMyAdmin. If you're
- interested in that, please contact us using the phpmyadmin-devel
- mailing list.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Top - Requirements - Introduction - Installation -
- Configuration - FAQ - Developers - Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Credits
- phpMyAdmin - Credits
- ====================
- CREDITS, in chronological order
- -------------------------------
- [tr] - Tobias Ratschiller <tobias_at_phpwizard.net>
- * creator of the phpmyadmin project
- * maintainer from 1998 to summer 2000
- [md] - Marc Delisle <DelislMa_at_CollegeSherbrooke.qc.ca>
- * multi-language version
- * various fixes and improvements
- [om] - Olivier Mⁿller <om_at_omnis.ch>
- * started SourceForge phpMyAdmin project in March 2001
- * sync'ed different existing CVS trees with new features and bugfixes
- * multi-language improvements, dynamic language selection
- * current project maintainer, with Marc and Loic
- [lc] - Lo∩c Chapeaux <lolo_at_phpheaven.net>
- * rewrote and optimized javascript, DHTML and DOM stuff
- * started to rewrite the scripts so they fit the PEAR coding standards
- and generate XHTML1.0 and CSS2 compliant codes
- * improved the language detection system
- * many bugfixes and improvements
- [rj] - Robin Johnson <robbat2_at_users.sourceforge.net>
- * database maintence controls
- * table type code
- [af] - Armel Fauveau <armel.fauveau_at_globalis-ms.com>
- * bookmarks feature
- * multiple dump feature
- * gzip dump feature
- * zip dump feature
- [gl] - Geert Lund <glund_at_silversoft.dk>
- * various fixes
- * moderator of the phpMyAdmin users forum at phpwizard.net
- [kc] - Korakot Chaovavanich <korakot_at_iname.com>
- * "insert as new row" feature
- [pk] - Pete Kelly <webmaster_at_trafficg.com>
- * rewrote and fix dump code
- * bugfixes
- [sa] - Steve Alberty <alberty_at_neptunlabs.de>
- * rewrote dump code for PHP4
- * mySQL table statistics
- * bugfixes
- [bg] - Benjamin Gandon <gandon_at_isia.cma.fr>
- * main author of the version
- * bugfixes
- Thanks to those guy who send us some major improvements to merge into the
- code since version 2.1.0:
- - Michal Cihar who implemented the enhanced
- index creation/display feature.
- - Christophe GeschΘ from the "MySQL Form Generator for PHPMyAdmin"
- (http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmysqlformgen/) who suggested the patch
- for multiple table printviews.
- - Garvin Hicking who builds the patch for vertical
- display of table rows.
- - Piotr Roszatycki and Dan Wilson, for the
- Cookie authentication mode.
- And also to the following people who have contributed minor changes,
- enhancements, bugfixes or support for a new language since version 2.1.0:
- Bora Alioglu, Ricardo ?, Sven-Erik Andersen, Alessandro Astarita, Borges Botelh
- o,
- Olivier Bussier, Neil Darlow, Kristof Hamann, Thomas KlΣger, Lubos Klokner,
- Martin Marconcini, Girish Nair, David Nordenberg, Bernard M. Piller,
- Laurent Haas, "Sakamoto", www.securereality.com.au,
- Michael Tacelosky, Daniel Villanueva, Vinay, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams,
- Chee Wai, Jakub Wilk, Thomas Michael Winningham.
- Original Credits of Version 2.1.0
- ---------------------------------
- This work is based on Peter Kuppelwieser's MySQL-Webadmin. It was his idea
- to create a web-based interface to MySQL using PHP3. Although I have not
- used any of his source-code, there are some concepts I've borrowed from
- him. phpMyAdmin was created because Peter told me he wasn't going to
- further develop his (great) tool.
- Thanks go to
- - Amalesh Kempf <ak-lsml_at_living-source.com> who contributed the
- code for the check when dropping a table or database. He also suggested
- that you should be able to specify the primary key on tbl_create.php3. To
- version 1.1.1 he contributed the ldi_*.php3-set (Import text-files) as
- well as a bug-report. Plus many smaller improvements.
- - Jan Legenhausen <jan_at_nrw.net>: He made many of the changes that
- were introduced in 1.3.0 (including quite significant ones like the
- authentication). For 1.4.1 he enhanced the table-dump feature. Plus
- bug-fixes and help.
- - Marc Delisle <DelislMa_at_CollegeSherbrooke.qc.ca> made phpMyAdmin
- language-independent by outsourcing the strings to a separate file. He
- also contributed the French translation.
- - Alexandr Bravo <abravo_at_hq.admiral.ru> who contributed
- tbl_select.php3, a feature to display only some fields from a table.
- - Chris Jackson <chrisj_at_ctel.net> added support for MySQL
- functions in tbl_change.php3. He also added the
- "Query by Example" feature in 2.0.
- - Dave Walton <walton_at_nordicdms.com> added support for multiple
- servers and is a regular contributor for bug-fixes.
- - Gabriel Ash <ga244_at_is8.nyu.edu> contributed the random access
- features for 2.0.6.
- The following people have contributed minor changes, enhancements, bugfixes
- or support for a new language:
- Jim Kraai, Jordi Bruguera, Miquel Obrador, Geert Lund, Thomas Kleemann,
- Alexander Leidinger, Kiko Albiol, Daniel C. Chao, Pavel Piankov,
- Sascha Kettler, Joe Pruett, Renato Lins, Mark Kronsbein, Jannis Hermanns,
- G. Wieggers.
- And thanks to everyone else who sent me email with suggestions, bug-reports
- and or just some feedback.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Top - Requirements - Introduction - Installation -
- Configuration - FAQ - Developers - Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
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