home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- # Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject
- # to additional disclaimer in Tk/license.terms due to partial
- # derivation from Tk8.0 sources.
- #
- package Tk;
- require 5.00404;
- use Tk::Event ();
- use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);
- use DynaLoader;
- use base qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
- *fileevent = \&Tk::Event::IO::fileevent;
- if($^O eq 'cygwin')
- {
- require Tk::Config;
- $Tk::platform = $Tk::Config::win_arch;
- $Tk::platform = 'unix' if $Tk::platform eq 'x';
- }
- else
- {
- $Tk::platform = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? $^O : 'unix';
- }
- };
- $Tk::tearoff = 1 if ($Tk::platform eq 'unix');
- @EXPORT = qw(Exists Ev exit MainLoop DoOneEvent tkinit);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(NoOp after *widget *event lsearch catch $XS_VERSION
- variables => [qw(*widget *event)],
- );
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- # $tk_version and $tk_patchLevel are reset by pTk when a mainwindow
- # is created, $VERSION is checked by bootstrap
- $Tk::version = '8.0';
- $Tk::patchLevel = '8.0';
- $Tk::VERSION = '800.024';
- $Tk::strictMotif = 0;
- {($Tk::library) = __FILE__ =~ /^(.*)\.pm$/;}
- $Tk::library = Tk->findINC('.') unless (defined($Tk::library) && -d $Tk::library);
- $Tk::widget = undef;
- $Tk::event = undef;
- use vars qw($inMainLoop);
- bootstrap Tk;
- my $boot_time = timeofday();
- # This is a workround for Solaris X11 locale handling
- Preload(DynaLoader::dl_findfile('-L/usr/openwin/lib','-lX11'))
- if (NeedPreload() && -d '/usr/openwin/lib');
- use Tk::Submethods ('option' => [qw(add get clear readfile)],
- 'clipboard' => [qw(clear append)]
- );
- sub _backTrace
- {
- my $w = shift;
- my $i = 1;
- my ($pack,$file,$line,$sub) = caller($i++);
- while (1)
- {
- my $loc = "at $file line $line";
- ($pack,$file,$line,$sub) = caller($i++);
- last unless defined($sub);
- return 1 if $sub eq '(eval)';
- $w->AddErrorInfo("$sub $loc");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub BackTrace
- {
- my $w = shift;
- return unless (@_ || $@);
- my $mess = (@_) ? shift : "$@";
- die "$mess\n" if $w->_backTrace;
- # if we get here we are not in an eval so report now
- $w->Fail($mess);
- $w->idletasks;
- die "$mess\n";
- }
- #
- # This is a $SIG{__DIE__} handler which does not change the $@
- # string in the way 'croak' does, but rather add to Tk's ErrorInfo.
- # It stops at 1st enclosing eval on assumption that the eval
- # is part of Tk call process and will add its own context to ErrorInfo
- # and then pass on the error.
- #
- sub __DIE__
- {
- my $mess = shift;
- my $w = $Tk::widget;
- # Note that if a __DIE__ handler returns it re-dies up the chain.
- return unless defined $w;
- return if $w->_backTrace;
- # Not in an eval - should not happen
- }
- sub XEvent::xy { shift->Info('xy') }
- sub XEvent::AUTOLOAD
- {
- my ($meth) = $XEvent::AUTOLOAD =~ /(\w)$/;
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$XEvent::AUTOLOAD} = sub { shift->Info($meth) };
- goto &$XEvent::AUTOLOAD;
- }
- sub NoOp { }
- sub Ev
- {
- my @args = @_;
- my $obj;
- if (@args == 1)
- {
- my $arg = pop(@args);
- $obj = (ref $arg) ? $arg : \$arg;
- }
- else
- {
- $obj = \@args;
- }
- return bless $obj,'Tk::Ev';
- }
- sub InitClass
- {
- my ($package,$parent) = @_;
- croak "Unexpected type of parent $parent" unless(ref $parent);
- croak "$parent is not a widget" unless($parent->IsWidget);
- my $mw = $parent->MainWindow;
- my $hash = $mw->TkHash('_ClassInit_');
- unless (exists $hash->{$package})
- {
- $package->Install($mw);
- $hash->{$package} = $package->ClassInit($mw);
- }
- }
- require Tk::Widget;
- require Tk::Image;
- require Tk::MainWindow;
- sub Exists
- {my $w = shift;
- return defined($w) && ref($w) && $w->IsWidget && $w->exists;
- }
- sub Time_So_Far
- {
- return timeofday() - $boot_time;
- }
- # Selection* are not autoloaded as names are too long.
- sub SelectionOwn
- {my $widget = shift;
- selection('own',(@_,$widget));
- }
- sub SelectionOwner
- {
- selection('own','-displayof',@_);
- }
- sub SelectionClear
- {
- selection('clear','-displayof',@_);
- }
- sub SelectionExists
- {
- selection('exists','-displayof',@_);
- }
- sub SelectionHandle
- {my $widget = shift;
- my $command = pop;
- selection('handle',@_,$widget,$command);
- }
- sub SplitString
- {
- local $_ = shift;
- my (@arr, $tmp);
- while (/\{([^{}]*)\}|((?:[^\s\\]|\\.)+)/gs) {
- if (defined $1) { push @arr, $1 }
- else { $tmp = $2 ; $tmp =~ s/\\([\s\\])/$1/g; push @arr, $tmp }
- }
- # carp '('.join(',',@arr).")";
- return @arr;
- }
- sub Methods
- {
- my ($package) = caller;
- no strict 'refs';
- foreach my $meth (@_)
- {
- my $name = $meth;
- *{$package."::$meth"} = sub { shift->WidgetMethod($name,@_) };
- }
- }
- sub MessageBox {
- my ($kind,%args) = @_;
- require Tk::Dialog;
- my $parent = delete $args{'-parent'};
- my $args = \%args;
- $args->{-bitmap} = delete $args->{-icon} if defined $args->{-icon};
- $args->{-text} = delete $args->{-message} if defined $args->{-message};
- $args->{-type} = 'OK' unless defined $args->{-type};
- my $type;
- if (defined($type = delete $args->{-type})) {
- delete $args->{-type};
- my @buttons = grep($_,map(ucfirst($_),
- split(/(abort|retry|ignore|yes|no|cancel|ok)/,
- lc($type))));
- $args->{-buttons} = [@buttons];
- $args->{-default_button} = delete $args->{-default} if
- defined $args->{-default};
- if (not defined $args->{-default_button} and scalar(@buttons) == 1) {
- $args->{-default_button} = $buttons[0];
- }
- my $md = $parent->Dialog(%$args);
- my $an = $md->Show;
- $md->destroy;
- return $an;
- }
- } # end messageBox
- sub messageBox
- {
- my ($widget,%args) = @_;
- $args{'-type'} = (exists $args{'-type'}) ? lc($args{'-type'}) : 'ok';
- tk_messageBox(-parent => $widget, %args);
- }
- sub getOpenFile
- {
- tk_getOpenFile(-parent => shift,@_);
- }
- sub getSaveFile
- {
- tk_getSaveFile(-parent => shift,@_);
- }
- sub chooseColor
- {
- tk_chooseColor(-parent => shift,@_);
- }
- sub DialogWrapper
- {
- my ($method,$kind,%args) = @_;
- my $created = 0;
- my $w = delete $args{'-parent'};
- if (defined $w)
- {
- $args{'-popover'} = $w;
- }
- else
- {
- $w = MainWindow->new;
- $w->withdraw;
- $created = 1;
- }
- my $mw = $w->MainWindow;
- my $fs = $mw->{$kind};
- unless (defined $fs)
- {
- $mw->{$kind} = $fs = $mw->$method(%args);
- }
- else
- {
- $fs->configure(%args);
- }
- my $val = $fs->Show;
- $w->destroy if $created;
- return $val;
- }
- sub ColorDialog
- {
- require Tk::ColorEditor;
- DialogWrapper('ColorDialog',@_);
- }
- sub FDialog
- {
- require Tk::FBox;
- my $cmd = shift;
- if ($cmd =~ /Save/)
- {
- push @_, -type => 'save';
- }
- DialogWrapper('FBox', $cmd, @_);
- }
- *MotifFDialog = \&FDialog;
- sub MainLoop
- {
- unless ($inMainLoop)
- {
- local $inMainLoop = 1;
- while (Tk::MainWindow->Count)
- {
- DoOneEvent(0);
- }
- }
- }
- sub tkinit { return MainWindow->new(@_) }
- # a wrapper on eval which turns off user $SIG{__DIE__}
- sub catch (&)
- {
- my $sub = shift;
- eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; &$sub };
- }
- my $Home;
- sub TranslateFileName
- {
- local $_ = shift;
- unless (defined $Home)
- {
- $Home = $ENV{'HOME'} || ($ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'}.$ENV{'HOMEPATH'});
- $Home =~ s#\\#/#g;
- $Home .= '/' unless $Home =~ m#/$#;
- }
- s#~/#$Home#g;
- # warn $_;
- return $_;
- }
- sub findINC
- {
- my $file = join('/',@_);
- my $dir;
- $file =~ s,::,/,g;
- foreach $dir (@INC)
- {
- my $path;
- return $path if (-e ($path = "$dir/$file"));
- }
- return undef;
- }
- sub idletasks
- {
- shift->update('idletasks');
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- sub Error
- {my $w = shift;
- my $error = shift;
- if (Exists($w))
- {
- my $grab = $w->grab('current');
- $grab->Unbusy if (defined $grab);
- }
- chomp($error);
- warn "Tk::Error: $error\n " . join("\n ",@_)."\n";
- }
- sub CancelRepeat
- {
- my $w = shift->MainWindow;
- my $id = delete $w->{_afterId_};
- $w->after('cancel',$id) if (defined $id);
- }
- sub RepeatId
- {
- my ($w,$id) = @_;
- $w = $w->MainWindow;
- $w->CancelRepeat;
- $w->{_afterId_} = $id;
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # focus.tcl --
- #
- # This file defines several procedures for managing the input
- # focus.
- #
- # @(#) focus.tcl 1.6 94/12/19 17:06:46
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- #
- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
- # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- sub FocusChildren { shift->children }
- #
- # focusNext --
- # This procedure is invoked to move the input focus to the next window
- # after a given one. "Next" is defined in terms of the window
- # stacking order, with all the windows underneath a given top-level
- # (no matter how deeply nested in the hierarchy) considered except
- # for frames and toplevels.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w - Name of a window: the procedure will set the focus
- # to the next window after this one in the traversal
- # order.
- sub focusNext
- {
- my $w = shift;
- my $cur = $w;
- while (1)
- {
- # Descend to just before the first child of the current widget.
- my $parent = $cur;
- my @children = $cur->FocusChildren();
- my $i = -1;
- # Look for the next sibling that isn't a top-level.
- while (1)
- {
- $i += 1;
- if ($i < @children)
- {
- $cur = $children[$i];
- next if ($cur->toplevel == $cur);
- last
- }
- # No more siblings, so go to the current widget's parent.
- # If it's a top-level, break out of the loop, otherwise
- # look for its next sibling.
- $cur = $parent;
- last if ($cur->toplevel() == $cur);
- $parent = $parent->parent();
- @children = $parent->FocusChildren();
- $i = lsearch(\@children,$cur);
- }
- if ($cur == $w || $cur->FocusOK)
- {
- $cur->tabFocus;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- # focusPrev --
- # This procedure is invoked to move the input focus to the previous
- # window before a given one. "Previous" is defined in terms of the
- # window stacking order, with all the windows underneath a given
- # top-level (no matter how deeply nested in the hierarchy) considered.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w - Name of a window: the procedure will set the focus
- # to the previous window before this one in the traversal
- # order.
- sub focusPrev
- {
- my $w = shift;
- my $cur = $w;
- my @children;
- my $i;
- my $parent;
- while (1)
- {
- # Collect information about the current window's position
- # among its siblings. Also, if the window is a top-level,
- # then reposition to just after the last child of the window.
- if ($cur->toplevel() == $cur)
- {
- $parent = $cur;
- @children = $cur->FocusChildren();
- $i = @children;
- }
- else
- {
- $parent = $cur->parent();
- @children = $parent->FocusChildren();
- $i = lsearch(\@children,$cur);
- }
- # Go to the previous sibling, then descend to its last descendant
- # (highest in stacking order. While doing this, ignore top-levels
- # and their descendants. When we run out of descendants, go up
- # one level to the parent.
- while ($i > 0)
- {
- $i--;
- $cur = $children[$i];
- next if ($cur->toplevel() == $cur);
- $parent = $cur;
- @children = $parent->FocusChildren();
- $i = @children;
- }
- $cur = $parent;
- if ($cur == $w || $cur->FocusOK)
- {
- $cur->tabFocus;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- sub FocusOK
- {
- my $w = shift;
- my $value;
- catch { $value = $w->cget('-takefocus') };
- if (!$@ && defined($value))
- {
- return 0 if ($value eq '0');
- return $w->viewable if ($value eq '1');
- $value = $w->$value();
- return $value if (defined $value);
- }
- if (!$w->viewable)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- catch { $value = $w->cget('-state') } ;
- if (!$@ && defined($value) && $value eq 'disabled')
- {
- return 0;
- }
- $value = grep(/Key|Focus/,$w->Tk::bind(),$w->Tk::bind(ref($w)));
- return $value;
- }
- # focusFollowsMouse
- #
- # If this procedure is invoked, Tk will enter "focus-follows-mouse"
- # mode, where the focus is always on whatever window contains the
- # mouse. If this procedure isn't invoked, then the user typically
- # has to click on a window to give it the focus.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # None.
- sub EnterFocus
- {
- my $w = shift;
- my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
- my $d = $Ev->d;
- $w->Tk::focus() if ($d eq 'NotifyAncestor' || $d eq 'NotifyNonlinear' || $d eq 'NotifyInferior');
- }
- sub tabFocus
- {
- shift->Tk::focus;
- }
- sub focusFollowsMouse
- {
- my $widget = shift;
- $widget->bind('all','<Enter>','EnterFocus');
- }
- # tkTraverseToMenu --
- # This procedure implements keyboard traversal of menus. Given an
- # ASCII character "char", it looks for a menubutton with that character
- # underlined. If one is found, it posts the menubutton's menu
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w - Window in which the key was typed (selects
- # a toplevel window).
- # char - Character that selects a menu. The case
- # is ignored. If an empty string, nothing
- # happens.
- sub TraverseToMenu
- {
- my $w = shift;
- my $char = shift;
- return unless(defined $char && $char ne '');
- $w = $w->toplevel->FindMenu($char);
- }
- # tkFirstMenu --
- # This procedure traverses to the first menubutton in the toplevel
- # for a given window, and posts that menubutton's menu.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w - Name of a window. Selects which toplevel
- # to search for menubuttons.
- sub FirstMenu
- {
- my $w = shift;
- $w = $w->toplevel->FindMenu('');
- }
- # These wrappers don't use method syntax so need to live
- # in same package as raw Tk routines are newXS'ed into.
- sub Selection
- {my $widget = shift;
- my $cmd = shift;
- croak 'Use SelectionOwn/SelectionOwner' if ($cmd eq 'own');
- croak "Use Selection\u$cmd()";
- }
- # If we have sub Clipboard in Tk then use base qw(Tk::Clipboard ....)
- # calls it when it does its eval "require $base"
- #sub Clipboard
- #{my $w = shift;
- # my $cmd = shift;
- # croak "Use clipboard\u$cmd()";
- #}
- sub Receive
- {
- my $w = shift;
- warn 'Receive(' . join(',',@_) .')';
- die 'Tk rejects send(' . join(',',@_) .")\n";
- }
- sub break
- {
- die "_TK_BREAK_\n";
- }
- sub updateWidgets
- {
- my ($w) = @_;
- {
- }
- $w;
- }
- sub ImageNames
- {
- image('names');
- }
- sub ImageTypes
- {
- image('types');
- }
- sub interps
- {
- my $w = shift;
- return $w->winfo('interps','-displayof');
- }
- sub lsearch
- {my $ar = shift;
- my $x = shift;
- my $i;
- for ($i = 0; $i < scalar @$ar; $i++)
- {
- return $i if ($$ar[$i] eq $x);
- }
- return -1;
- }