home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- package PPM;
- require 5.004;
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT = qw(PPMdat PPMERR InstalledPackageProperties ListOfRepositories
- RemoveRepository AddRepository GetPPMOptions SetPPMOptions InstallPackage
- RemovePackage VerifyPackage UpgradePackage RepositoryPackages
- RepositoryPackageProperties QueryInstalledPackages
- RepositorySummary ServerSearch PPMShell);
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- use LWP::Simple;
- use File::Basename;
- use File::Copy;
- use File::Path;
- use File::Spec;
- use ExtUtils::Install;
- use Cwd;
- use Config;
- use PPM::RelocPerl;
- use SOAP::Lite;
- use PPM::XML::PPD;
- use PPM::XML::PPMConfig;
- use XML::Parser;
- use Archive::Tar;
- use strict;
- my $useDocTools; # Generate HTML documentation after installing a package
- if (eval "require ActivePerl::DocTools") {
- import ActivePerl::DocTools;
- $useDocTools++;
- }
- }
- #set Debug to 1 to debug PPMdat file reading
- # 2 to debug parsing PPDs
- #
- # values may be or'ed together.
- #
- my $Debug = 0;
- # options from data file.
- my %options;
- my $TraceStarted = 0;
- # true if we're running from ppm, as opposed to VPM, etc.
- my $PPMShell;
- my %repositories;
- my %cached_ppd_list;
- # Keys for this hash are package names. It is filled in by a successful
- # call to read_config(). Each package is a hash with the following keys:
- my %installed_packages = ();
- # Keys for this hash are CODEBASE, INSTALL_HREF, INSTALL_EXEC,
- # It is filled in after a successful call to parsePPD().
- my %current_package = ();
- my @current_package_stack;
- # this may get overridden by the config file.
- my @required_packages = qw(PPM SOAP-Lite libnet Archive-Tar Compress-Zlib
- libwww-perl XML-Parser);
- # Packages that can't be upgraded on Win9x
- my @Win9x_denied = qw(xml-parser compress-zlib);
- my %Win9x_denied;
- @Win9x_denied{@Win9x_denied} = ();
- # ppm.xml location is in the environment variable 'PPM_DAT', else it is in
- # [Perl]/site/lib, else it is in the same place as this script.
- my ($basename, $path) = fileparse($0);
- if (defined $ENV{'PPM_DAT'} && -f $ENV{'PPM_DAT'})
- {
- $PPM::PPMdat = $ENV{'PPM_DAT'};
- }
- elsif (-f "$Config{'installsitelib'}/ppm.xml")
- {
- $PPM::PPMdat = "$Config{'installsitelib'}/ppm.xml";
- }
- elsif (-f "$Config{'installprivlib'}/ppm.xml")
- {
- $PPM::PPMdat = "$Config{'installprivlib'}/ppm.xml";
- }
- elsif (-f $path . "/ppm.xml")
- {
- $PPM::PPMdat = $path . $PPM::PPMdat;
- }
- else
- {
- &Trace("Failed to load PPM_DAT file") if $options{'TRACE'};
- print "Failed to load PPM_DAT file\n";
- return -1;
- }
- &Trace("Using config file: $PPM::PPMdat") if $options{'TRACE'};
- my $init = 0;
- chmod(0644, $PPM::PPMdat);
- my $varchname = $Config{archname};
- # Append "-5.8" to architecture name for Perl 5.8 and later
- if (length($^V) && ord(substr($^V,1)) >= 8) {
- $varchname .= sprintf("-%d.%d", ord($^V), ord(substr($^V,1)));
- }
- #
- # Exported subs
- #
- sub InstalledPackageProperties
- {
- my %ret_hash;
- read_config();
- foreach (keys %installed_packages) {
- parsePPD(%{ $installed_packages{$_}{'INST_PPD'} } );
- $ret_hash{$_}{'NAME'} = $_;
- $ret_hash{$_}{'DATE'} = $installed_packages{$_}{'INST_DATE'};
- $ret_hash{$_}{'TITLE'} = $current_package{'TITLE'};
- $ret_hash{$_}{'AUTHOR'} = $current_package{'AUTHOR'};
- $ret_hash{$_}{'VERSION'} = $current_package{'VERSION'};
- $ret_hash{$_}{'ABSTRACT'} = $current_package{'ABSTRACT'};
- $ret_hash{$_}{'PERLCORE_VER'} = $current_package{'PERLCORE_VER'};
- foreach my $dep (keys %{$current_package{'DEPEND'}}) {
- push @{$ret_hash{$_}{'DEPEND'}}, $dep;
- }
- }
- return %ret_hash;
- }
- sub ListOfRepositories
- {
- my %reps;
- read_config();
- foreach (keys %repositories) {
- $reps{$_} = $repositories{$_}{'LOCATION'};
- }
- return %reps;
- }
- sub RemoveRepository
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $repository = $argv{'repository'};
- my $save = $argv{'save'};
- read_config();
- foreach (keys %repositories) {
- if ($_ =~ /^\Q$repository\E$/) {
- &Trace("Removed repository $repositories{$repository}")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- delete $repositories{$repository};
- last;
- }
- }
- save_options() if $save;
- }
- sub AddRepository
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $repository = $argv{'repository'};
- my $save = $argv{'save'};
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my $username = $argv{'username'};
- my $password = $argv{'password'};
- read_config();
- $repositories{$repository}{'LOCATION'} = $location;
- $repositories{$repository}{'USERNAME'} = $username if defined $username;
- $repositories{$repository}{'PASSWORD'} = $password if defined $password;
- &Trace("Added repository $location") if $options{'TRACE'};
- save_options() if $save;
- }
- sub GetPPMOptions
- {
- read_config();
- return %options;
- }
- sub SetPPMOptions
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- %options = %{$argv{'options'}};
- save_options() if $argv{'save'};
- }
- sub UpgradePackage
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $package = $argv{'package'};
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- return VerifyPackage("package" => $package, "location" => $location,
- "upgrade" => 1);
- }
- # Returns 1 on success, 0 and sets $PPMERR on failure.
- sub InstallPackage
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $package = $argv{'package'};
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my $root = $argv{'root'} || $options{'ROOT'} || undef;
- my ($PPDfile, %PPD);
- read_config();
- if (!defined($package) && -d "blib" && -f "Makefile") {
- unless (open MAKEFILE, "< Makefile") {
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Couldn't open Makefile for reading: $!";
- return 0;
- }
- while (<MAKEFILE>) {
- if (/^DISTNAME\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
- $package = $1;
- $PPDfile = "$1.ppd";
- last;
- }
- }
- close MAKEFILE;
- unless (defined $PPDfile) {
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Couldn't determine local package name";
- return 0;
- }
- system("$Config{make} ppd");
- # XXX should set $PPM::PPMERR?
- return 0 unless (%PPD = getPPDfile('package' => $PPDfile));
- parsePPD(%PPD);
- $options{'CLEAN'} = 0;
- goto InstallBlib;
- }
- unless (%PPD = getPPDfile('package' => $package,
- 'location' => $location, 'PPDfile' => \$PPDfile)) {
- &Trace("Could not locate a PPD file for package $package")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Could not locate a PPD file for package $package";
- return 0;
- }
- if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32' &&
- !&Win32::IsWinNT && exists $Win9x_denied{lc($package)}) {
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Package '$package' cannot be installed with PPM on Win9x--see http://www.ActiveState.com/ppm for details";
- return 0;
- }
- parsePPD(%PPD);
- if (!$current_package{'CODEBASE'} && !$current_package{'INSTALL_HREF'}) {
- &Trace("Read a PPD for '$package', but it is not intended for this build of Perl ($varchname)")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Read a PPD for '$package', but it is not intended for this build of Perl ($varchname)";
- return 0;
- }
- if (defined $current_package{'DEPEND'}) {
- push(@current_package_stack, [%current_package]);
- foreach my $dep (keys %{$current_package{'DEPEND'}}) {
- # Has PPM already installed it?
- unless ($installed_packages{$dep}) {
- # Has *anybody* installed it, or is it part of core Perl?
- my $p = $dep;
- $p =~ s@-@/@g;
- my $found = grep -f, map "$_/$p.pm", @INC;
- unless ($found) {
- &Trace("Installing dependency '$dep'...")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- unless (!InstallPackage("package" => $dep,
- "location" => $location)) {
- &Trace("Error installing dependency: $PPM::PPMERR")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Error installing dependency: $PPM::PPMERR\n";
- return 0 unless ($options{'FORCE_INSTALL'});
- }
- }
- }
- # make sure minimum version is installed, if necessary
- elsif (defined $current_package{'DEPEND'}{$dep}) {
- my @comp = split (',', $current_package{'DEPEND'}{$dep});
- # parsePPD fills in %current_package
- push(@current_package_stack, [%current_package]);
- parsePPD(%{$installed_packages{$dep}{'INST_PPD'}});
- my @inst = split (',', $current_package{'VERSION'});
- foreach(0..3) {
- if ($comp[$_] > $inst[$_]) {
- VerifyPackage("package" => $dep, "upgrade" => 1);
- last;
- }
- last if ($comp[$_] < $inst[$_]);
- }
- %current_package = @{pop @current_package_stack};
- }
- }
- %current_package = @{pop @current_package_stack};
- }
- my ($basename, $path) = fileparse($PPDfile);
- # strip the trailing path separator
- my $chr = substr($path, -1, 1);
- chop $path if ($chr eq '/' || $chr eq '\\');
- if ($path =~ /^file:\/\/.*\|/i) {
- # $path is a local directory, let's avoid LWP by changing
- # it to a pathname.
- $path =~ s@^file://@@i;
- $path =~ s@^localhost/@@i;
- $path =~ s@\|@:@;
- }
- # get the code and put it in build_dir
- my $install_dir = "$options{'BUILDDIR'}/$current_package{'NAME'}-$$";
- File::Path::rmtree($install_dir,0,0);
- unless (-d $install_dir || File::Path::mkpath($install_dir, 0, 0755)) {
- &Trace("Could not create $install_dir: $!") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Could not create $install_dir: $!";
- return 0;
- }
- $basename = fileparse($current_package{'CODEBASE'});
- if ($current_package{'CODEBASE'} =~ m@^...*://@i) {
- return 0 unless read_href('href' => "$current_package{'CODEBASE'}",
- 'target' => "$install_dir/$basename", 'request' => "GET",
- 'progress' => 1);
- }
- # CODEBASE is a full pathname
- elsif (-f $current_package{'CODEBASE'}) {
- &Trace("Copying $current_package{'CODEBASE'} to $install_dir/$basename")
- if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- copy($current_package{'CODEBASE'}, "$install_dir/$basename");
- }
- # CODEBASE is relative to the directory location of the PPD
- elsif (-f "$path/$current_package{'CODEBASE'}") {
- &Trace("Copying $path/$current_package{'CODEBASE'} to $install_dir/$basename") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- copy("$path/$current_package{'CODEBASE'}", "$install_dir/$basename");
- }
- # CODEBASE is relative to the URL location of the PPD
- else {
- return 0 unless read_href('target' => "$install_dir/$basename",
- 'href' => "$path/$current_package{'CODEBASE'}",
- 'request' => 'GET', 'progress' => 1);
- }
- my $cwd = getcwd();
- $cwd .= "/" if $cwd =~ /[a-z]:$/i;
- chdir($install_dir);
- my $tar;
- if ($basename =~ /\.gz$/i) {
- $tar = Archive::Tar->new($basename,1);
- }
- else {
- $tar = Archive::Tar->new($basename,0);
- }
- $tar->extract($tar->list_files);
- die "Failed to expand tarball: $Archive::Tar::error"
- if $Archive::Tar::error;
- $basename =~ /(.*).tar/i and chdir($1);
- RelocPerl('.') if ($Config{'osname'} ne 'MSWin32');
- InstallBlib:
- my $inst_archlib = $Config{installsitearch};
- my $inst_root = $Config{prefix};
- my $packlist = File::Spec->catfile("$Config{installsitearch}/auto",
- split(/-/, $current_package{'NAME'}), ".packlist");
- # copied from ExtUtils::Install
- my $INST_LIB = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,"blib","lib");
- my $INST_ARCHLIB = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,"blib","arch");
- my $INST_BIN = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,'blib','bin');
- my $INST_SCRIPT = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,'blib','script');
- my $INST_MAN1DIR = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,'blib','man1');
- my $INST_MAN3DIR = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,'blib','man3');
- my $INST_HTMLDIR = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,'blib','html');
- my $INST_HTMLHELPDIR = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,'blib','htmlhelp');
- my $inst_script = $Config{installscript};
- my $inst_man1dir = $Config{installman1dir};
- my $inst_man3dir = $Config{installman3dir};
- my $inst_bin = $Config{installbin};
- my $inst_htmldir = $Config{installhtmldir};
- my $inst_htmlhelpdir = $Config{installhtmlhelpdir};
- my $inst_lib = $Config{installsitelib};
- if (defined $root && $root !~ /^\Q$inst_root\E$/i) {
- $packlist =~ s/\Q$inst_root/$root\E/i;
- $inst_lib =~ s/\Q$inst_root/$root\E/i;
- $inst_archlib =~ s/\Q$inst_root/$root\E/i;
- $inst_bin =~ s/\Q$inst_root/$root\E/i;
- $inst_script =~ s/\Q$inst_root/$root\E/i;
- $inst_man1dir =~ s/\Q$inst_root/$root\E/i;
- $inst_man3dir =~ s/\Q$inst_root/$root\E/i;
- $inst_root = $root;
- }
- while (1) {
- my $cwd = getcwd();
- $cwd .= "/" if $cwd =~ /[a-z]:$/i;
- &Trace("Calling ExtUtils::Install::install") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- eval {
- ExtUtils::Install::install({
- "read" => $packlist, "write" => $packlist,
- $INST_LIB => $inst_lib, $INST_ARCHLIB => $inst_archlib,
- $INST_BIN => $inst_bin, $INST_SCRIPT => $inst_script,
- $INST_MAN1DIR => $inst_man1dir, $INST_MAN3DIR => $inst_man3dir,
- $INST_HTMLDIR => $inst_htmldir,
- $INST_HTMLHELPDIR => $inst_htmlhelpdir},0,0,0);
- };
- # install might have croaked in another directory
- chdir($cwd);
- # Can't remove some DLLs, but we can rename them and try again.
- if ($@ && $@ =~ /Cannot forceunlink (\S+)/) {
- &Trace("$@...attempting rename") if $options{'TRACE'};
- my $oldname = $1;
- $oldname =~ s/:$//;
- my $newname = $oldname . "." . time();
- unless (rename($oldname, $newname)) {
- &Trace("$!") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "$!";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- # Some other error
- elsif($@) {
- &Trace("$@") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = $@;
- return 0;
- }
- else { last; }
- }
- #rebuild the html TOC
- Trace("Calling ActivePerl::DocTools::UpdateHTML()") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- ActivePerl::DocTools::UpdateHTML() if $useDocTools;
- Trace("Calling ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC()") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC() if $useDocTools;
- if (defined $current_package{'INSTALL_SCRIPT'}) {
- unless (run_script("script" => $current_package{'INSTALL_SCRIPT'},
- "scriptHREF" => $current_package{'INSTALL_HREF'},
- "exec" => $current_package{'INSTALL_EXEC'},
- "inst_root" => $inst_root, "inst_archlib" => $inst_archlib))
- {
- $PPM::PPMERR = "PPM install script failed, status $?";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- chdir($cwd);
- # ask to store this location as default for this package?
- PPMdat_add_package($path, $packlist, $inst_root);
- # if 'install.ppm' exists, don't remove; system()
- # has probably not finished with it yet.
- if ($options{'CLEAN'} && !-f "$install_dir/install.ppm") {
- File::Path::rmtree($install_dir,0,0);
- }
- &Trace("Package $package successfully installed") if $options{'TRACE'};
- reread_config();
- return 1;
- }
- # Returns a hash with key $location, and elements of arrays of package names.
- # Uses '%repositories' if $location is not specified.
- sub RepositoryPackages
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my %ppds;
- if (defined $location) {
- @{$ppds{$location}} = list_available("location" => $location);
- unless (@{$ppds{$location}}) {
- print "Error connecting to '$location'.\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- read_config(); # need repositories
- foreach (keys %repositories) {
- $location = $repositories{$_}{'LOCATION'};
- @{$ppds{$location}} = list_available("location" => $location);
- }
- }
- return %ppds;
- }
- sub RepositoryPackageProperties
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my $package = $argv{'package'};
- my %PPD;
- read_config();
- unless (%PPD = getPPDfile('package' => $package, 'location' => $location)) {
- &Trace("RepositoryPackageProperties: Could not locate a PPD file for package $package") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Could not locate a PPD file for package $package";
- return;
- }
- parsePPD(%PPD);
- my %ret_hash = map { $_ => $current_package{$_} }
- foreach my $dep (keys %{$current_package{'DEPEND'}}) {
- push @{$ret_hash{'DEPEND'}}, $dep;
- }
- return %ret_hash;
- }
- # Returns 1 on success, 0 and sets $PPMERR on failure.
- sub RemovePackage
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $package = $argv{'package'};
- my $force = $argv{'force'};
- my %PPD;
- read_config();
- unless ($installed_packages{$package}) {
- my $pattern = $package;
- undef $package;
- # Do another lookup, ignoring case
- foreach (keys %installed_packages) {
- if (/^$pattern$/i) {
- $package = $_;
- last;
- }
- }
- unless ($package) {
- &Trace("Package '$pattern' has not been installed by PPM")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Package '$pattern' has not been installed by PPM";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- # Don't let them remove PPM itself, libnet, Archive-Tar, etc.
- # but we can force removal if we're upgrading
- unless ($force) {
- foreach (@required_packages) {
- if ($_ eq $package) {
- &Trace("Package '$package' is required by PPM and cannot be removed") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Package '$package' is required by PPM and cannot be removed";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- my $install_dir = "$options{'BUILDDIR'}/$package";
- %PPD = %{ $installed_packages{$package}{'INST_PPD'} };
- parsePPD(%PPD);
- my $cwd = getcwd();
- $cwd .= "/" if $cwd =~ /[a-z]:$/i;
- if (defined $current_package{'UNINSTALL_SCRIPT'}) {
- if (!chdir($install_dir)) {
- &Trace("Could not chdir() to $install_dir: $!") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Could not chdir() to $install_dir: $!";
- return 0;
- }
- unless (run_script("script" => $current_package{'UNINSTALL_SCRIPT'},
- "scriptHREF" => $current_package{'UNINSTALL_HREF'},
- "exec" => $current_package{'UNINSTALL_EXEC'}))
- {
- $PPM::PPMERR = "PPM uninstall script failed, status $?";
- return 0;
- }
- chdir($cwd);
- }
- else {
- if (-f $installed_packages{$package}{'INST_PACKLIST'}) {
- &Trace("Calling ExtUtils::Install::uninstall")
- if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- eval {
- ExtUtils::Install::uninstall("$installed_packages{$package}{'INST_PACKLIST'}", 0, 0);
- };
- warn $@ if $@;
- }
- }
- #rebuild the html TOC
- Trace("Calling ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC()") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC() if $useDocTools;
- File::Path::rmtree($install_dir,0,0);
- PPMdat_remove_package($package);
- &Trace("Package $package removed") if $options{'TRACE'};
- reread_config();
- return 1;
- }
- # returns "0" if package is up-to-date; "1" if an upgrade is available;
- # undef and sets $PPMERR on error; and the new VERSION string if a package
- # was upgraded.
- sub VerifyPackage
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $package = $argv{'package'};
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my $upgrade = $argv{'upgrade'};
- my $force = $argv{'force'};
- my ($installedPPDfile, $comparePPDfile, %installedPPD, %comparePPD);
- read_config();
- unless ($installed_packages{$package}) {
- my $pattern = $package;
- undef $package;
- # Do another lookup, ignoring case
- foreach (keys %installed_packages) {
- if (/^$pattern$/i) {
- $package = $_;
- last;
- }
- }
- unless ($package) {
- &Trace("Package '$pattern' has not been installed by PPM") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Package '$pattern' has not been installed by PPM";
- return undef;
- }
- }
- %installedPPD = %{ $installed_packages{$package}{'INST_PPD'} };
- unless (%comparePPD = getPPDfile('package' => $package,
- 'location' => $location)) {
- &Trace("VerifyPackage: Could not locate a PPD file for $package")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Could not locate a PPD file for $package";
- return;
- }
- parsePPD(%installedPPD);
- my @installed_version = split (',', $current_package{'VERSION'});
- my $inst_root = $installed_packages{$package}{'INST_ROOT'};
- parsePPD(%comparePPD);
- unless ($current_package{'CODEBASE'} || $current_package{'INSTALL_HREF'}) {
- &Trace("Read a PPD for '$package', but it is not intended for this build of Perl ($varchname)")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Read a PPD for '$package', but it is not intended for this build of Perl ($varchname)";
- return undef;
- }
- my @compare_version = split (',', $current_package{'VERSION'});
- my $available;
- foreach(0..3) {
- next if $installed_version[$_] == $compare_version[$_];
- $available++ if $installed_version[$_] < $compare_version[$_];
- last;
- }
- if ($available || $force) {
- &Trace("Upgrade to $package is available")
- if $options{'TRACE'} > 1 and $available;
- if ($upgrade) {
- if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32' &&
- !&Win32::IsWinNT && exists $Win9x_denied{lc($package)}) {
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Package '$package' cannot be upgraded with PPM on Win9x--see http://aspn.ActiveState.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActivePerl/PPM/ for details";
- return undef;
- }
- # need to remember the $location, and $current_version,
- # because once we remove the package, they're unavailable.
- # XXX this should probably be fixed
- $location = $installed_packages{$package}{'LOCATION'} unless $location;
- my $current_version = $current_package{'VERSION'};
- unless (getPPDfile('package' => $package,
- 'location' => $location)) {
- &Trace("VerifyPackage: Could not locate a PPD file for $package") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Could not locate a PPD file for $package";
- return undef;
- }
- RemovePackage("package" => $package, "force" => 1);
- unless(InstallPackage("package" => $package,
- "location" => $location,
- "root" => $inst_root))
- {
- # InstallPackage() sets $PPM::PPMERR if it fails
- return undef;
- }
- return $current_version;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- # package is up to date
- return 0;
- }
- # Changes where the packages are installed.
- # Returns previous root on success, undef and sets $PPMERR on failure.
- sub chroot
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- unless (-d $location) {
- &Trace("'$location' does not exist.") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "'$location' does not exist.\n";
- return undef;
- }
- my $previous_root = $options{'ROOT'} || $Config{'prefix'};
- $options{'ROOT'} = $location;
- return $previous_root;
- }
- sub QueryInstalledPackages
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $ignorecase = $options{'IGNORECASE'} || $argv{'ignorecase'};
- my $searchtag = uc $argv{'searchtag'} || undef;
- my ($searchRE, $package, %ret_hash);
- if (defined $argv{'searchRE'}) {
- $searchRE = $argv{'searchRE'};
- $searchRE = "(?i)$searchRE" if $ignorecase;
- eval { $searchRE =~ /$searchRE/ };
- if ($@) {
- &Trace("'$searchRE': invalid regular expression.") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "'$searchRE': invalid regular expression.";
- return ();
- }
- }
- read_config();
- foreach $package (keys %installed_packages) {
- my $results = $package;
- if (defined $searchtag) {
- my %Package = %{ $installed_packages{$package} };
- parsePPD( %{ $Package{'INST_PPD'} } );
- $results = $current_package{$searchtag};
- }
- $ret_hash{$package} = $results
- if (!defined $searchRE || ($results =~ /$searchRE/));
- }
- return %ret_hash;
- }
- # Returns a summary of available packages for all repositories.
- # Returned hash has the following structure:
- #
- # $hash{repository}{package_name}{NAME}
- # $hash{repository}{package_name}{VERSION}
- # etc.
- #
- sub RepositorySummary {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my (%summary, %locations);
- # If we weren't given the location of a repository to query the summary
- # for, check all of the repositories that we know about.
- unless ($location) {
- read_config(); # need repositories
- foreach (keys %repositories) {
- $locations{$repositories{$_}{'LOCATION'}} =
- $repositories{$_}{'SUMMARYFILE'};
- }
- }
- # Otherwise, we were given a repository to query, figure out where we can
- # find the summary file for that repository.
- else {
- foreach (keys %repositories) {
- if ($location =~ /\Q$repositories{$_}{'LOCATION'}\E/i) {
- $locations{$repositories{$_}{'LOCATION'}} =
- $repositories{$_}{'SUMMARYFILE'};
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- # Check all of the summary file locations that we were able to find.
- foreach $location (keys %locations) {
- my $summaryfile = $locations{$location};
- unless ($summaryfile) {
- &Trace("RepositorySummary: No summary available from $location.")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "No summary available from $location.\n";
- next;
- }
- my $data;
- if ($location =~ m@^...*://@i) {
- next unless ($data = read_href("request" => 'GET',
- "href" => "$location/$summaryfile"));
- } else {
- local $/;
- next if (!open (DATAFILE, "$location/$summaryfile"));
- $data = <DATAFILE>;
- close(DATAFILE);
- }
- $summary{$location} = parse_summary($data);
- }
- return %summary;
- }
- # Returns the same structure as RepositorySummary() above.
- sub ServerSearch
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my $searchRE = $argv{'searchRE'};
- my $searchtag = $argv{'searchtag'};
- my $data;
- my %summary;
- return unless $location =~ m#^(http://.*)\?(urn:.*)#i;
- my ($proxy, $uri) = ($1, $2);
- my $client = SOAP::Lite -> uri($uri) -> proxy($proxy);
- eval { $data = $client ->
- search_ppds($varchname, $searchRE, $searchtag) -> result; };
- if ($@) {
- &Trace("Error searching repository '$proxy': $@")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Error searching repository '$proxy': $@\n";
- return;
- }
- $summary{$location} = parse_summary($data);
- return %summary;
- }
- #
- # Internal subs
- #
- sub parse_summary
- {
- my $data = shift;
- my (%summary, @parsed);
- # take care of '&'
- $data =~ s/&(?!\w+;)/&/go;
- my $parser = new XML::Parser( Style => 'Objects',
- Pkg => 'PPM::XML::RepositorySummary' );
- eval { @parsed = @{ $parser->parse( $data ) } };
- if ($@) {
- &Trace("parse_summary: content of summary file is not valid")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- "parse_summary: content of summary file is not valid: $!\n";
- return;
- }
- my $packages = ${$parsed[0]}{Kids};
- foreach my $package (@{$packages}) {
- my $elem_type = ref $package;
- $elem_type =~ s/.*:://;
- next if ($elem_type eq 'Characters');
- if ($elem_type eq 'SOFTPKG') {
- my %ret_hash;
- parsePPD(%{$package});
- %ret_hash = map { $_ => $current_package{$_} }
- foreach my $dep (keys %{$current_package{'DEPEND'}}) {
- push @{$ret_hash{'DEPEND'}}, $dep;
- }
- $summary{$current_package{'NAME'}} = \%ret_hash;
- }
- }
- return \%summary;
- }
- sub save_options
- {
- read_config();
- my %PPMConfig;
- # Read in the existing PPM configuration file
- return unless (%PPMConfig = getPPDfile('package' => $PPM::PPMdat,
- 'parsertype' => 'PPM::XML::PPMConfig'));
- # Remove all of the declarations for REPOSITORY and PPMPRECIOUS;
- # we'll output these from the lists we've got in memory instead.
- foreach my $idx (0 .. @{$PPMConfig{Kids}}) {
- my $elem = $PPMConfig{Kids}[$idx];
- my $elem_type = ref $elem;
- if ($elem_type =~ /::REPOSITORY$|::PPMPRECIOUS$/o) {
- splice( @{$PPMConfig{Kids}}, $idx, 1 );
- redo; # Restart again so we don't miss any
- }
- }
- # Traverse the info we read in and replace the values in it with the new
- # config options that we've got.
- foreach my $elem (@{ $PPMConfig{Kids} }) {
- my $elem_type = ref $elem;
- $elem_type =~ s/.*:://;
- next if ($elem_type ne 'OPTIONS');
- %{$elem} = map { $_ => $options{$_} } keys %options;
- # This bit of ugliness is necessary for historical (VPM) reasons
- delete $elem->{FORCE_INSTALL};
- $elem->{FORCEINSTALL} = $options{'FORCE_INSTALL'};
- }
- # Find out where the package listings start and insert our PPMPRECIOUS and
- # updated list of REPOSITORYs.
- foreach my $idx (0 .. @{$PPMConfig{Kids}}) {
- my $elem = $PPMConfig{Kids}[$idx];
- my $elem_type = ref $elem;
- $elem_type =~ s/.*:://;
- next unless (($elem_type eq 'PACKAGE') or
- ($idx == $#{$PPMConfig{Kids}}));
- # Insert our PPMPRECIOUS
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters;
- $chardata->{Text} = join( ';', @required_packages );
- my $precious = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::PPMPRECIOUS;
- push( @{$precious->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- splice( @{$PPMConfig{Kids}}, $idx, 0, $precious );
- # Insert the list of repositories we've got
- my $rep_name;
- foreach $rep_name (keys %repositories) {
- my $repository = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::REPOSITORY;
- %{$repository} =
- map { $_ => $repositories{$rep_name}{$_} }
- keys %{$repositories{$rep_name}};
- $repository->{'NAME'} = $rep_name;
- splice( @{$PPMConfig{Kids}}, $idx, 0, $repository );
- }
- last;
- }
- # Take the data structure we've got and bless it into a PPMCONFIG object so
- # that we can output it.
- my $cfg = bless \%PPMConfig, 'PPM::XML::PPMConfig::PPMCONFIG';
- # Open the output file and output the PPM config file
- unless (open( DAT, ">$PPM::PPMdat" )) {
- &Trace("open of $PPM::PPMdat failed: $!") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "open of $PPM::PPMdat failed: $!\n";
- return 1;
- }
- my $oldout = select DAT;
- $cfg->output();
- select $oldout;
- close( DAT );
- &Trace("Wrote config file") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- }
- # Gets a listing of all of the packages available in the repository. If an
- # argument of 'location' is provided in %argv, it is used as the repository to
- # query. This method returns to the caller a complete list of all of the
- # available packages at the repository in a list context, returning 'undef' if
- # any errors occurred.
- sub list_available
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my @ppds;
- if ($location =~ /^file:\/\/.*\|/i) {
- # $location is a local directory, let's avoid LWP by changing
- # it to a pathname.
- $location =~ s@^file://@@i;
- $location =~ s@^localhost/@@i;
- $location =~ s@\|@:@;
- }
- # URL in UNC notation
- if ($location =~ /^file:\/\/\/\//i) {
- $location =~ s@^file://@@i;
- }
- # directory or UNC
- if (-d $location || $location =~ /^\\\\/ || $location =~ /^\/\//) {
- opendir(PPDDIR, $location) or return undef;
- my ($file);
- @ppds = grep { /\.ppd$/i && -f "$location/$_" } readdir(PPDDIR);
- foreach $file (@ppds) {
- $file =~ s/\.ppd//i;
- }
- }
- elsif ($location =~ m@^...*://@i) {
- if ($cached_ppd_list{$location}) {
- return @{$cached_ppd_list{$location}};
- }
- # If we're accessing a SOAP server, do things differently than we would
- # for FTP, HTTP, etc.
- if ($location =~ m#^(http://.*)\?(.*)#i) {
- my ($proxy, $uri) = ($1, $2);
- my $client = SOAP::Lite -> uri($uri) -> proxy($proxy);
- eval { @ppds = $client->packages()->paramsout };
- if ($@) {
- &Trace("Package list from '$proxy' failed: $@")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- "Package list from repository '$proxy' failed: $@\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- return unless (my $doc = read_href("href" => $location,
- "request" => 'GET'));
- if ($doc =~ /^<head><title>/) {
- # read an IIS format directory listing
- @ppds = grep { /\.ppd/i } split('<br>', $doc);
- foreach my $file (@ppds) {
- $file =~ s/\.ppd<.*$//is;
- $file =~ s@.*>@@is;
- }
- }
- elsif ($doc =~ /<BODY BGCOLOR=FFFFFF>\n\n<form name=VPMform/s) {
- # read output of default.prk over an HTTP connection
- @ppds = grep { /^<!--Key:.*-->$/ } split('\n', $doc);
- foreach my $file (@ppds) {
- if ($file =~ /^<!--Key:(.*)-->$/) {
- $file = $1;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- # read an Apache format directory listing
- @ppds = grep { /\.ppd/i } split('\n', $doc);
- foreach my $file (@ppds) {
- $file =~ s/^.*>(.*?)\.ppd<.*$/$1/i;
- }
- }
- }
- # All done, take the list of PPDs that we've queried and cache it for
- # later re-use, then return it to the caller.
- @{$cached_ppd_list{$location}} = sort @ppds;
- return @{$cached_ppd_list{$location}};
- }
- return sort @ppds;
- }
- my ($response, $bytes_transferred);
- sub read_href
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $href = $argv{'href'};
- my $request = $argv{'request'};
- my $target = $argv{'target'};
- my $progress = $argv{'progress'}; # display status of binary transfers
- my ($proxy_user, $proxy_pass);
- # If this is a SOAP URL, handle it differently than FTP/HTTP/file.
- if ($href =~ m#^(http://.*)\?(.*)#i) {
- my ($proxy, $uri) = ($1, $2);
- my $fcn;
- if ($uri =~ m#(.*:/.*)/(.+?)$#) {
- ($uri, $fcn) = ($1, $2);
- }
- my $client = SOAP::Lite -> uri($uri) -> proxy($proxy);
- if ($fcn eq 'fetch_summary') {
- my $summary = eval { $client->fetch_summary()->result; };
- if ($@) {
- &Trace("Error getting summary from repository '$proxy': $@")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- "Error getting summary from repository '$proxy': $@\n";
- return;
- }
- return $summary;
- }
- $fcn =~ s/\.ppd$//i;
- my $ppd = eval { $client->fetch_ppd($fcn)->result };
- if ($@) {
- &Trace("Error fetching '$fcn' from repository '$proxy': $@")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- "Error fetching '$fcn' from repository '$proxy': $@\n";
- return;
- }
- return $ppd;
- # todo: write to disk file if $target
- }
- # Otherwise it's a standard URL, go ahead and request it using LWP.
- my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
- $ua->agent($ENV{HTTP_proxy_agent} || ("$0/0.1 " . $ua->agent));
- if (defined $ENV{HTTP_proxy}) {
- $proxy_user = $ENV{HTTP_proxy_user};
- $proxy_pass = $ENV{HTTP_proxy_pass};
- &Trace("read_href: calling env_proxy: $ENV{'HTTP_proxy'}")
- if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- $ua->env_proxy;
- }
- my $req = new HTTP::Request $request => $href;
- if (defined $proxy_user && defined $proxy_pass) {
- &Trace("read_href: calling proxy_authorization_basic($proxy_user, $proxy_pass)") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- $req->proxy_authorization_basic("$proxy_user", "$proxy_pass");
- }
- # Do we need to do authorization?
- # This is a hack, but will have to do for now.
- foreach (keys %repositories) {
- if ($href =~ /^\Q$repositories{$_}{'LOCATION'}\E/i) {
- my $username = $repositories{$_}{'USERNAME'};
- my $password = $repositories{$_}{'PASSWORD'};
- if (defined $username && defined $password) {
- &Trace("read_href: calling proxy_authorization_basic($username, $password)") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- $req->authorization_basic($username, $password);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- ($response, $bytes_transferred) = (undef, 0);
- if ($progress && -t STDOUT) {
- # display the 'progress indicator'
- print "Downloading " . $req->uri . " ...\n";
- $ua->request($req, \&lwp_callback,
- ($options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'} || 4096));
- if ($PPM::PPMShell && $options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'}) {
- # remove "Bytes transfered:"-message;
- print " " x 35;
- print "\r";
- }
- }
- else {
- $response = $ua->request($req);
- }
- if ($response && $response->is_success) {
- if ($target) {
- unless (open(OUT, ">$target")) {
- &Trace("read_href: Couldn't open $target for writing")
- if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Couldn't open $target for writing\n";
- return;
- }
- binmode(OUT);
- print OUT $response->content;
- close(OUT);
- }
- return $response->content;
- }
- if ($response) {
- &Trace("read_href: Error reading $href: " . $response->code . " " .
- $response->message) if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Error reading $href: " . $response->code . " " .
- $response->message . "\n";
- }
- else {
- &Trace("read_href: Error reading $href") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "Error reading $href\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- sub lwp_callback
- {
- my ($data, $res, $protocol) = @_;
- $response = $res;
- $response->add_content($data);
- $bytes_transferred += length($data);
- print "Bytes transferred: $bytes_transferred\r"
- if ($PPM::PPMShell && $options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'});
- }
- sub reread_config
- {
- %current_package = ();
- %installed_packages = ();
- $init = 0;
- read_config();
- }
- # returns 0 on success, 1 and sets $PPMERR on error.
- sub PPMdat_add_package
- {
- my ($location, $packlist, $inst_root) = @_;
- my $package = $current_package{'NAME'};
- my $time_str = localtime;
- # If we already have this package installed, remove it from the PPM
- # Configuration file so we can put the new one in.
- if (defined $installed_packages{$package} ) {
- # remove the existing entry for this package.
- PPMdat_remove_package($package);
- }
- # Build the new SOFTPKG data structure for this package we're adding.
- my $softpkg =
- new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::SOFTPKG( NAME => $package,
- VERSION => $current_package{VERSION}
- );
- if (defined $current_package{TITLE}) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters(
- Text => $current_package{TITLE} );
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::TITLE;
- push( @{$newelem->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- push( @{$softpkg->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- if (defined $current_package{ABSTRACT}) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters(
- Text => $current_package{ABSTRACT});
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::ABSTRACT;
- push( @{$newelem->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- push( @{$softpkg->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- if (defined $current_package{AUTHOR}) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters(
- Text => $current_package{AUTHOR} );
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::AUTHOR;
- push( @{$newelem->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- push( @{$softpkg->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- if (defined $current_package{LICENSE}) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters(
- Text => $current_package{LICENSE});
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::LICENSE;
- push( @{$newelem->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- push( @{$softpkg->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- my $impl = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::IMPLEMENTATION;
- push( @{$softpkg->{Kids}}, $impl );
- if (defined $current_package{PERLCORE_VER}) {
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::PERLCORE(
- VERSION => $current_package{PERLCORE_VER} );
- push( @{$impl->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- foreach (keys %{$current_package{DEPEND}}) {
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::DEPENDENCY(
- NAME => $_, VERSION => $current_package{DEPEND}{$_} );
- push( @{$impl->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- my $codebase = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::CODEBASE(
- HREF => $current_package{CODEBASE} );
- push( @{$impl->{Kids}}, $codebase );
- my $inst = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::INSTALL;
- push( @{$impl->{Kids}}, $inst );
- if (defined $current_package{INSTALL_EXEC})
- { $inst->{EXEC} = $current_package{INSTALL_EXEC}; }
- if (defined $current_package{INSTALL_HREF})
- { $inst->{HREF} = $current_package{INSTALL_HREF}; }
- if (defined $current_package{INSTALL_SCRIPT}) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters(
- Text => $current_package{INSTALL_SCRIPT} );
- push( @{$inst->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- }
- my $uninst = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::UNINSTALL;
- push( @{$impl->{Kids}}, $uninst );
- if (defined $current_package{UNINSTALL_EXEC})
- { $uninst->{EXEC} = $current_package{UNINSTALL_EXEC}; }
- if (defined $current_package{UNINSTALL_HREF})
- { $uninst->{HREF} = $current_package{UNINSTALL_HREF}; }
- if (defined $current_package{UNINSTALL_SCRIPT}) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters(
- Text => $current_package{UNINSTALL_SCRIPT} );
- push( @{$uninst->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- }
- # Then, build the PACKAGE object and stick the SOFTPKG inside of it.
- my $pkg = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::PACKAGE( NAME => $package );
- if ($location) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters( Text => $location );
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::LOCATION;
- push( @{$newelem->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- push( @{$pkg->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- if ($packlist) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters( Text => $packlist );
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::INSTPACKLIST;
- push( @{$newelem->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- push( @{$pkg->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- if ($inst_root) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters( Text => $inst_root );
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::INSTROOT;
- push( @{$newelem->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- push( @{$pkg->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- if ($time_str) {
- my $chardata = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::Characters( Text => $time_str);
- my $newelem = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::INSTDATE;
- push( @{$newelem->{Kids}}, $chardata );
- push( @{$pkg->{Kids}}, $newelem );
- }
- my $instppd = new PPM::XML::PPMConfig::INSTPPD;
- push( @{$instppd->{Kids}}, $softpkg );
- push( @{$pkg->{Kids}}, $instppd );
- # Now that we've got the structure built, read in the existing PPM
- # Configuration file, add this to it, and spit it back out.
- my %PPMConfig;
- return 1 unless (%PPMConfig = getPPDfile('package' => $PPM::PPMdat,
- 'parsertype' => 'PPM::XML::PPMConfig'));
- push( @{$PPMConfig{Kids}}, $pkg );
- my $cfg = bless \%PPMConfig, 'PPM::XML::PPMConfig::PPMCONFIG';
- unless (open( DAT, ">$PPM::PPMdat" )) {
- &Trace("open of $PPM::PPMdat failed: $!") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "open of $PPM::PPMdat failed: $!\n";
- return 1;
- }
- my $oldout = select DAT;
- $cfg->output();
- select $oldout;
- close( DAT );
- &Trace("PPMdat_add_package: wrote $PPM::PPMdat") if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- return 0;
- }
- # returns 0 on success, 1 and sets $PPMERR on error.
- sub PPMdat_remove_package
- {
- my $package = shift;
- # Read in the existing PPM configuration file
- my %PPMConfig;
- return 1 unless (%PPMConfig = getPPDfile('package' => $PPM::PPMdat,
- 'parsertype' => 'PPM::XML::PPMConfig'));
- # Try to find the package that we're supposed to be removing, and yank it
- # out of the list of installed packages.
- foreach my $idx (0 .. @{$PPMConfig{Kids}}) {
- my $elem = $PPMConfig{Kids}[$idx];
- my $elem_type = ref $elem;
- next if ($elem_type !~ /::PACKAGE$/o);
- next if ($elem->{NAME} ne $package);
- splice( @{$PPMConfig{Kids}}, $idx, 1 );
- }
- # Take the data structure we've got and bless it into a PPMCONFIG object so
- # that we can output it again.
- my $cfg = bless \%PPMConfig, 'PPM::XML::PPMConfig::PPMCONFIG';
- # Now that we've removed the package, save the configuration file back out.
- unless (open( DAT, ">$PPM::PPMdat" )) {
- $PPM::PPMERR = "open of $PPM::PPMdat failed: $!\n";
- return 1;
- }
- my $oldout = select DAT;
- $cfg->output();
- select $oldout;
- close( DAT );
- &Trace("PPMdat_remove_package: wrote $PPM::PPMdat")
- if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- return 0;
- }
- # Run $script using system(). If $scriptHREF is specified, its contents are
- # used as the script. If $exec is specified, the script is saved to a
- # temporary file and executed by $exec.
- sub run_script
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $script = $argv{'script'};
- my $scriptHREF = $argv{'scriptHREF'};
- my $exec = $argv{'exec'};
- my $inst_root = $argv{'inst_root'};
- my $inst_archlib = $argv{'inst_archlib'};
- my (@commands, $tmpname);
- if ($scriptHREF) {
- if ($exec) {
- # store in a temp file.
- $tmpname = "$options{'BUILDDIR'}/PPM-" . time();
- LWP::Simple::getstore($scriptHREF, $tmpname);
- }
- else {
- my $doc = LWP::Simple::get $scriptHREF;
- if (!defined $doc) {
- &Trace("run_script: get $scriptHREF failed")
- if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- return 0;
- }
- @commands = split("\n", $doc);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (-f $script) {
- $tmpname = $script;
- }
- else {
- # change any escaped chars
- $script =~ s/</</gi;
- $script =~ s/>/>/gi;
- @commands = split(';;', $script);
- if ($exec) {
- # store in a temp file.
- $tmpname = "$options{'BUILDDIR'}/PPM-" . time();
- open(TMP, ">$tmpname");
- foreach my $command (@commands) {
- print TMP "$command\n";
- }
- close(TMP);
- }
- }
- }
- $ENV{'PPM_INSTROOT'} = $inst_root;
- $ENV{'PPM_INSTARCHLIB'} = $inst_archlib;
- if ($exec) {
- if ($exec =~ /^PPM_PERL$/i) {
- $exec = $^X;
- unless ($exec =~ m,/,) {
- $exec = "$Config{binexp}/$exec"
- if -x "$Config{binexp}/$exec";
- }
- }
- $exec = "start $exec" if $Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32';
- if (system("$exec $tmpname") != 0) {
- &Trace("system($exec $tmpname) failed")
- if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- for my $command (@commands) {
- if (system($command) != 0) {
- &Trace("system($command) failed")
- if $options{'TRACE'} > 1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parsePPD
- {
- my %PPD = @_;
- my $pkg;
- %current_package = ();
- # Get the package name and version from the attributes and stick it
- # into the 'current package' global var
- $current_package{NAME} = $PPD{NAME};
- $current_package{VERSION} = $PPD{VERSION};
- # Get all the information for this package and put it into the 'current
- # package' global var.
- my $got_implementation = 0;
- my $elem;
- foreach $elem (@{$PPD{Kids}}) {
- my $elem_type = ref $elem;
- $elem_type =~ s/.*:://;
- next if ($elem_type eq 'Characters');
- if ($elem_type eq 'TITLE') {
- # Get the package title out of our _only_ char data child
- $current_package{TITLE} = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'LICENSE') {
- # Get the HREF for the license out of our attribute
- $current_package{LICENSE} = $elem->{HREF};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'ABSTRACT') {
- # Get the package abstract out of our _only_ char data child
- $current_package{ABSTRACT} = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'AUTHOR') {
- # Get the authors name out of our _only_ char data child
- $current_package{AUTHOR} = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'IMPLEMENTATION') {
- # If we don't have a valid implementation yet, check if this is
- # it.
- next if ($got_implementation);
- $got_implementation = implementation( @{ $elem->{Kids} } );
- }
- else {
- &Trace("Unknown element '$elem_type' found inside SOFTPKG") if $options{'TRACE'};
- die "Unknown element '$elem_type' found inside SOFTPKG.";
- }
- } # End of "for each child element inside the PPD"
- if ($options{'TRACE'} > 3 and (%current_package) ) {
- &Trace("Read a PPD:");
- foreach my $elem (keys %current_package) {
- &Trace("\t$elem:\t$current_package{$elem}");
- }
- }
- if (($Debug & 2) and (%current_package)) {
- print "Read a PPD...\n";
- foreach my $elem (keys %current_package)
- { print "\t$elem:\t$current_package{$elem}\n"; }
- }
- }
- # Tests the passed IMPLEMENTATION for suitability on the current platform.
- # %current_package. Returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
- sub implementation
- {
- my @impl = @_;
- # Declare the tmp vars we're going to use to hold onto things.
- my ($ImplProcessor, $ImplOS, $ImplOSVersion, $ImplLanguage, $ImplCodebase);
- my ($ImplInstallHREF, $ImplInstallEXEC, $ImplInstallScript);
- my ($ImplUninstallHREF, $ImplUninstallEXEC, $ImplUninstallScript);
- my ($ImplArch, $ImplPerlCoreVer, %ImplDepend);
- my $elem;
- foreach $elem (@impl) {
- my $elem_type = ref $elem;
- $elem_type =~ s/.*:://;
- next if ($elem_type eq 'Characters');
- if ($elem_type eq 'CODEBASE') {
- # Get the reference to the codebase out of our attributes.
- $ImplCodebase = $elem->{HREF};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'DEPENDENCY') {
- # Get the name of any dependencies we have out of our attributes.
- # Dependencies in old PPDs might not have version info.
- $ImplDepend{$elem->{NAME}} = (defined $elem->{VERSION} && $elem->{VERSION} ne "") ? $elem->{VERSION} : "0,0,0,0";
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'LANGUAGE') {
- # Get the language out of our attributes (if we don't already have
- # the right one).
- if ($ImplLanguage && ($ImplLanguage ne $LANGUAGE))
- { $ImplLanguage = $elem->{VALUE}; }
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'ARCHITECTURE') {
- $ImplArch = $elem->{VALUE};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'OS') {
- # Get the OS value out of our attribute.
- $ImplOS = $elem->{VALUE};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'OSVERSION') {
- # Get the OS version value out of our attribute
- $ImplOSVersion = $elem->{VALUE};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'PERLCORE') {
- # Get the compiled Perl core value out of our attributes
- $ImplPerlCoreVer = $elem->{VERSION};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'PROCESSOR') {
- # Get the processor value out of our attribute
- $ImplProcessor = $elem->{VALUE};
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'INSTALL') {
- # Get anything which might have been an attribute
- $ImplInstallHREF = $elem->{HREF};
- $ImplInstallEXEC = $elem->{EXEC};
- # Get any raw Perl script out of here (if we've got any)
- if ( (exists $elem->{Kids}) and (exists $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text}) )
- { $ImplInstallScript = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text}; }
- }
- elsif ($elem_type eq 'UNINSTALL') {
- # Get anything which might have been an attribute
- $ImplUninstallHREF = $elem->{HREF};
- $ImplUninstallEXEC = $elem->{EXEC};
- # Get any raw Perl script out of here (if we've got any)
- if ( (exists $elem->{Kids}) and (exists $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text}) )
- { $ImplUninstallScript = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text}; }
- }
- else {
- die "Unknown element '$elem_type' found inside of IMPLEMENTATION.";
- }
- } # end of 'for every element inside IMPLEMENTATION'
- # Check to see if we've found a valid IMPLEMENTATION for the target
- # machine.
- return 0 if ((defined $ImplArch) and ($ImplArch ne $varchname));
- return 0 if ((defined $ImplProcessor) and ($ImplProcessor ne $CPU));
- return 0 if ((defined $ImplLanguage) and ($ImplLanguage ne $LANGUAGE));
- return 0 if ((defined $ImplOS) and ($ImplOS ne $OS_VALUE));
- return 0 if ((defined $ImplOSVersion) and ($ImplOSVersion ne $OS_VERSION));
- # Got a valid IMPLEMENTATION, stuff all the values we just read in into the
- # 'current package' global var.
- $current_package{PERLCORE_VER} = $ImplPerlCoreVer
- if (defined $ImplPerlCoreVer);
- $current_package{CODEBASE} = $ImplCodebase
- if (defined $ImplCodebase);
- $current_package{INSTALL_HREF} = $ImplInstallHREF
- if (defined $ImplInstallHREF);
- $current_package{INSTALL_EXEC} = $ImplInstallEXEC
- if (defined $ImplInstallEXEC);
- $current_package{INSTALL_SCRIPT} = $ImplInstallScript
- if (defined $ImplInstallScript);
- $current_package{UNINSTALL_HREF} = $ImplUninstallHREF
- if (defined $ImplUninstallHREF);
- $current_package{UNINSTALL_EXEC} = $ImplUninstallEXEC
- if (defined $ImplUninstallEXEC);
- $current_package{UNINSTALL_SCRIPT} = $ImplUninstallScript
- if (defined $ImplUninstallScript);
- %{$current_package{DEPEND}} = %ImplDepend
- if (%ImplDepend);
- return 1;
- }
- sub getPPDfile
- {
- my %argv = @_;
- my $package = $argv{'package'};
- my $parsertype = $argv{'parsertype'} || 'PPM::XML::PPD';
- my $location = $argv{'location'};
- my $PPDfile = $argv{'PPDfile'};
- my (%PPD, $contents);
- if (defined($location)) {
- if ($location =~ /[^\/]$/) { $location .= "/"; }
- $package = $location . $package . ".ppd";
- }
- if ($package =~ /^file:\/\/.*\|/i) {
- # $package is a local directory, let's avoid LWP by changing
- # it to a pathname.
- $package =~ s@^file://@@i;
- $package =~ s@^localhost/@@i;
- $package =~ s@\|@:@;
- }
- # full path to a file?
- if (-f $package) {
- local $/;
- unless (open (DATAFILE, $package)) {
- &Trace("getPPDfile: open of $package failed") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "open of $package failed: $!\n";
- return;
- }
- $contents = <DATAFILE>;
- close(DATAFILE);
- $$PPDfile = $package;
- }
- # URL?
- elsif ($package =~ m@^...*://@i) {
- return unless ($contents = read_href("href" => $package,
- "request" => 'GET'));
- $$PPDfile = $package;
- }
- # does the package have a <LOCATION> in $PPM::PPMdat?
- elsif ($installed_packages{$package}) {
- $location = $installed_packages{$package}{'LOCATION'};
- if ($location =~ /[^\/]$/) { $location .= "/"; }
- $$PPDfile = $location . $package . ".ppd";
- return %PPD if (%PPD = getPPDfile('package' => $$PPDfile,
- 'parsertype' => $parsertype));
- undef $$PPDfile;
- }
- # None of the above, search the repositories.
- unless ($PPDfile && $$PPDfile) {
- foreach (keys %repositories) {
- my $location = $repositories{$_}{'LOCATION'};
- if ($location =~ /[^\/]$/) { $location .= "/"; }
- $$PPDfile = $location . $package . ".ppd";
- return %PPD if (%PPD = getPPDfile('package' => $$PPDfile,
- 'parsertype' => $parsertype, 'PPDfile' => \$$PPDfile));
- undef $$PPDfile;
- }
- # XXX should set $PPM::PPMERR?
- return unless $$PPDfile;
- }
- # take care of '&'
- $contents =~ s/&(?!\w+;)/&/go;
- my $parser = new XML::Parser( Style => 'Objects', Pkg => $parsertype );
- my @parsed;
- eval { @parsed = @{ $parser->parse( $contents ) } };
- if ($@) {
- &Trace("getPPDfile: content of $$PPDfile is not valid") if $options{'TRACE'};
- $PPM::PPMERR = "content of $$PPDfile is not valid: $!\n";
- return;
- }
- return if (!$parsed[0]->rvalidate( \&PPM::parse_err ));
- return %{$parsed[0]};
- }
- # Spits out the error from parsing, and sets our global error message
- # accordingly.
- sub parse_err
- {
- &Trace("parse_err: @_") if $options{'TRACE'};
- warn @_;
- $PPM::PPMERR = 'Errors found while parsing document.';
- }
- # reads and parses the PPM data file $PPM::PPMdat. Stores config information in
- # $PPM_ver, $build_dir, %repositories, $CPU, $OS_VALUE, and $OS_VERSION.
- # Stores information about individual packages in the hash %installed_packages.
- sub read_config
- {
- return if $init++;
- my %PPMConfig;
- return unless (%PPMConfig = getPPDfile('package' => $PPM::PPMdat,
- 'parsertype' => 'PPM::XML::PPMConfig'));
- foreach my $elem (@{$PPMConfig{Kids}}) {
- my $subelem = ref $elem;
- $subelem =~ s/.*:://;
- next if ($subelem eq 'Characters');
- if ($subelem eq 'PPMVER') {
- # Get the value out of our _only_ character data element.
- $PPM_ver = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text};
- }
- elsif ($subelem eq 'PPMPRECIOUS') {
- # Get the value out of our _only_ character data element.
- @required_packages = split( ';', $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text} );
- }
- elsif ($subelem eq 'PLATFORM') {
- # Get values out of our attributes
- $CPU = $elem->{CPU};
- $OS_VALUE = $elem->{OSVALUE};
- $LANGUAGE = $elem->{LANGUAGE};
- }
- elsif ($subelem eq 'REPOSITORY') {
- # Get a repository out of the element attributes
- my ($name);
- $name = $elem->{NAME};
- $repositories{ $name }{'LOCATION'} = $elem->{LOCATION};
- $repositories{ $name }{'USERNAME'} = $elem->{USERNAME};
- $repositories{ $name }{'PASSWORD'} = $elem->{PASSWORD};
- $repositories{ $name }{'SUMMARYFILE'} = $elem->{SUMMARYFILE};
- }
- elsif ($subelem eq 'OPTIONS') {
- # Get our options out of the element attributes
- #
- # Previous versions of the ppm.xml had "Yes/No" values
- # for some of these options. Change these to "1/0" if we
- # encounter them.
- $options{'IGNORECASE'} =
- ($elem->{IGNORECASE} && $elem->{IGNORECASE} ne 'No');
- $options{'CLEAN'} = ($elem->{CLEAN} && $elem->{CLEAN} ne 'No');
- $options{'CONFIRM'} =
- ($elem->{CONFIRM} && $elem->{CONFIRM} ne 'No');
- $options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'} =
- defined $elem->{DOWNLOADSTATUS} ? $elem->{DOWNLOADSTATUS} : "0";
- $options{'FORCE_INSTALL'} =
- ($elem->{FORCEINSTALL} && $elem->{FORCEINSTALL} ne 'No');
- $options{'ROOT'} = $elem->{ROOT};
- $options{'MORE'} = $elem->{MORE};
- $options{'TRACE'} = defined $elem->{TRACE} ? $elem->{TRACE} : "0";
- $options{'TRACEFILE'} =
- defined $elem->{TRACEFILE} ? $elem->{TRACEFILE} : "PPM.LOG";
- $options{'VERBOSE'} =
- defined $elem->{VERBOSE} ? $elem->{VERBOSE} : "1";
- $options{'BUILDDIR'} = $elem->{BUILDDIR} || File::Spec->tmpdir();
- # Strip trailing separator
- my $chr = substr( $options{'BUILDDIR'}, -1, 1 );
- chop $options{'BUILDDIR'} if ($chr eq '/' || $chr eq '\\');
- if ($options{'TRACE'} && !$TraceStarted) {
- $options{'TRACEFILE'} = "PPM.log" if (!defined $options{'TRACEFILE'});
- open(PPMTRACE, ">>$options{'TRACEFILE'}");
- my $oldfh = select(PPMTRACE);
- $| = 1;
- select($oldfh);
- &Trace("starting up...");
- $TraceStarted = 1;
- }
- }
- elsif ($subelem eq 'PACKAGE') {
- # Get our package name out of our attributes
- my $pkg = $elem->{NAME};
- # Gather the information on this package from the child elements.
- my ($loc, $instdate, $root, $packlist, $ppd);
- foreach my $child (@{$elem->{Kids}}) {
- my $child_type = ref $child;
- $child_type =~ s/.*:://;
- next if ($child_type eq 'Characters');
- if ($child_type eq 'LOCATION')
- { $loc = $child->{Kids}[0]{Text}; }
- elsif ($child_type eq 'INSTDATE')
- { $instdate = $child->{Kids}[0]{Text}; }
- elsif ($child_type eq 'INSTROOT')
- { $root = $child->{Kids}[0]{Text}; }
- elsif ($child_type eq 'INSTPACKLIST')
- { $packlist = $child->{Kids}[0]{Text}; }
- elsif ($child_type eq 'INSTPPD')
- {
- # Find the SOFTPKG inside here and hang onto it
- my $tmp;
- foreach $tmp (@{$child->{Kids}})
- {
- if ((ref $tmp) =~ /::SOFTPKG$/o)
- { $ppd = $tmp; }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- die "Unknown element inside of $pkg PACKAGE; $child";
- }
- }
- my %package_details = ( LOCATION => $loc,
- INST_DATE => $instdate,
- INST_ROOT => $root,
- INST_PACKLIST => $packlist,
- INST_PPD => $ppd);
- $installed_packages{$pkg} = \%package_details;
- }
- else
- {
- die "Unknown element found in PPD_DAT file; $subelem";
- }
- }
- if ($Debug & 1) {
- print "This is ppm, version $PPM_ver.\nRepository locations:\n";
- foreach (keys %repositories) {
- print "\t$_: $repositories{$_}{'LOCATION'}\n"
- }
- print "Platform is $OS_VALUE version $OS_VERSION on a $CPU CPU.\n";
- print "Packages will be built in $options{'BUILDDIR'}\n";
- print "Commands will " . ($options{'CONFIRM'} ? "" : "not ") .
- "be confirmed.\n";
- print "Temporary files will " . ($options{'CLEAN'} ? "" : "not ") .
- "be deleted.\n";
- print "Installations will " . ($options{'FORCE_INSTALL'} ? "" : "not ")
- . "continue if a dependency cannot be installed.\n";
- print "Screens will " . ($options{'MORE'} > 0 ?
- "pause after each $options{'MORE'} lines.\n" :
- "not pause after the screen is full.\n");
- print "Tracing info will " . ($options{'TRACE'} > 0 ?
- "be written to $options{'TRACEFILE'}.\n" : "not be written.\n");
- print "Case-" . ($options{'IGNORECASE'} ? "in" : "") .
- "sensitive searches will be performed.\n";
- foreach my $pkg (keys %installed_packages) {
- print "\nFound installed package $pkg, " .
- "installed on $installed_packages{$pkg}{INST_DATE}\n" .
- "in directory root $installed_packages{$pkg}{INST_ROOT} " .
- "from $installed_packages{$pkg}{'LOCATION'}.\n\n";
- }
- }
- }
- sub Trace
- {
- print PPMTRACE "$0: @_ at ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- ppm - PPM (Perl Package Management)
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use PPM;
- PPM::InstallPackage("package" => $package, "location" => $location, "root" => $root);
- PPM::RemovePackage("package" => $package, "force" => $force);
- PPM::VerifyPackage("package" => $package, "location" => $location, "upgrade" => $upgrade);
- PPM::QueryInstalledPackages("searchRE" => $searchRE, "searchtag" => $searchtag, "ignorecase" => $ignorecase);
- PPM::InstalledPackageProperties();
- PPM::ListOfRepositories();
- PPM::RemoveRepository("repository" => $repository, "save" => $save);
- PPM::AddRepository("repository" => $repository, "location" => $location, "save" => $save);
- PPM::RepositoryPackages("location" => $location);
- PPM::RepositoryPackageProperties("package" => $package, "location" => $location);
- PPM::RepositorySummary("location" => $location);
- PPM::GetPPMOptions();
- PPM::SetPPMOptions("options" => %options, "save" => $save);
- PPM is a group of functions intended to simplify the tasks of locating,
- installing, upgrading and removing software 'packages'. It can determine
- if the most recent version of a software package is installed on a system,
- and can install or upgrade that package from a local or remote host.
- PPM uses files containing a modified form of the Open Software Distribution
- (OSD) specification for information about software packages.
- These description files, which are written in Extensible Markup
- Language (XML) code, are referred to as 'PPD' files. Information about
- OSD can be found at the W3C web site (at the time of this writing,
- http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-OSD.html). The modifications to OSD used by PPM
- are documented in PPM::ppd.
- PPD files for packages are generated from POD files using the pod2ppd
- command.
- =head1 USAGE
- =over 4
- =item PPM::InstallPackage("package" => $package, "location" => $location, "root" => $root);
- Installs the specified package onto the local system. 'package' may
- be a simple package name ('foo'), a pathname (P:\PACKAGES\FOO.PPD) or
- a URL (HTTP://www.ActiveState.com/packages/foo.ppd). In the case of a
- simple package name, the function will look for the package's PPD file
- at 'location', if provided; otherwise, it will use information stored
- in the PPM data file (see 'Files' section below) to locate the PPD file
- for the requested package. The package's files will be installed under
- the directory specified in 'root'; if not specified the default value
- of 'root' will be used.
- The function uses the values stored in the PPM data file to determine the
- local operating system, operating system version and CPU type. If the PPD
- for this package contains implementations for different platforms, these
- values will be used to determine which one is installed.
- InstallPackage() updates the PPM data file with information about the package
- installation. It stores a copy of the PPD used for installation, as well
- as the location from which this PPD was obtained. This location will
- become the default PPD location for this package.
- During an installation, the following actions are performed:
- - the PPD file for the package is read
- - a directory for this package is created in the directory specified in
- <BUILDDIR> in the PPM data file.
- - the file specified with the <CODEBASE> tag in the PPD file is
- retrieved/copied into the directory created above.
- - the package is unarchived in the directory created for this package
- - individual files from the archive are installed in the appropriate
- directories of the local Perl installation.
- - perllocal.pod is updated with the install information.
- - if provided, the <INSTALL> script from the PPD is executed in the
- directory created above.
- - information about the installation is stored in the PPM data file.
- =item PPM::RemovePackage("package" => $package, "force" => $force)
- Removes the specified package from the system. Reads the package's PPD
- (stored during installation) for removal details. If 'force' is
- specified, even a package required by PPM will be removed (useful
- when installing an upgrade).
- =item PPM::VerifyPackage("package" => $package, "location" => $location, "upgrade" => $upgrade)
- Reads a PPD file for 'package', and compares the currently installed
- version of 'package' to the version available according to the PPD.
- The PPD file is expected to be on a local directory or remote site
- specified either in the PPM data file or in the 'location' argument.
- The 'location' argument may be a directory location or a URL.
- The 'upgrade' argument forces an upgrade if the installed package is
- not up-to-date.
- The PPD file for each package will initially be searched for at
- 'location', and if not found will then be searched for using the
- locations specified in the PPM data file.
- =item PPM::QueryInstalledPackages("searchRE" => $searchRE, "searchtag" => $searchtag, "ignorecase" => $ignorecase);
- Returns a hash containing information about all installed packages.
- By default, a list of all installed packages is returned. If a regular
- expression 'searchRE' is specified, only packages matching it are
- returned. If 'searchtag' is specified, the pattern match is applied
- to the appropriate tag (e.g., ABSTRACT).
- The data comes from the PPM data file, which contains installation
- information about each installed package.
- =item PPM::InstalledPackageProperties();
- Returns a hash with package names as keys, and package properties as
- attributes.
- =item PPM::RepositoryPackages("location" => $location);
- Returns a hash, with 'location' being the key, and arrays of all packages
- with package description (PPD) files available at 'location' as its
- elements. 'location' may be either a remote address or a directory path.
- If 'location' is not specified, the default location as specified in
- the PPM data file will be used.
- =item PPM::ListOfRepositories();
- Returns a hash containing the name of the repository and its location.
- These repositories will be searched if an explicit location is not
- provided in any function needing to locate a PPD.
- =item PPM::RemoveRepository("repository" => $repository, "save" => $save);
- Removes the repository named 'repository' from the list of available
- repositories. If 'save' is not specified, the change is for the current
- session only.
- =item PPM::AddRepository("repository" => $repository, "location" => $location, "save" => $save);
- Adds the repository named 'repository' to the list of available repositories.
- If 'save' is not specified, the change is for the current session only.
- =item PPM::RepositoryPackageProperties("package" => $package, "location" => $location);
- Reads the PPD file for 'package', from 'location' or the default repository,
- and returns a hash with keys being the various tags from the PPD (e.g.
- 'ABSTRACT', 'AUTHOR', etc.).
- =item PPM::RepositorySummary("location" => $location);
- Attempts to retrieve the summary file associated with the specified repository,
- or from all repositories if 'location' is not specified. The return value
- is a hash with the key being the repository, and the data being another
- hash of package name keys, and package detail data.
- =item PPM::GetPPMOptions();
- Returns a hash containing values for all PPM internal options ('IGNORECASE',
- =item PPM::SetPPMOptions("options" => %options, "save" => $save);
- Sets internal PPM options as specified in the 'options' hash, which is
- expected to be the hash previously returned by a call to GetPPMOptions().
- =back
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- =over 4
- =item PPM::AddRepository("repository" => 'ActiveState', "location" => "http://www.ActiveState.com/packages", "save" => 1);
- Adds a repository to the list of available repositories, and saves it in
- the PPM options file.
- =item PPM::InstallPackage("package" => 'http://www.ActiveState.com/packages/foo.ppd');
- Installs the software package 'foo' based on the information in the PPD
- obtained from the specified URL.
- =item PPM::VerifyPackage("package" => 'foo', "upgrade" => true)
- Compares the currently installed version of the software package 'foo' to
- the one available according to the PPD obtained from the package-specific
- location provided in the PPM data file, and upgrades to a newer
- version if available. If a location for this specific package is not
- given in PPM data file, a default location is searched.
- =item PPM::VerifyPackage("package" => 'foo', "location" => 'P:\PACKAGES', "upgrade" => true);
- Compares the currently installed version of the software package 'foo'
- to the one available according to the PPD obtained from the specified
- directory, and upgrades to a newer version if available.
- =item PPM::VerifyPackage("package" => 'PerlDB');
- Verifies that package 'PerlDB' is up to date, using package locations specified
- in the PPM data file.
- =item PPM::RepositoryPackages("location" => http://www.ActiveState.com/packages);
- Returns a hash keyed on 'location', with its elements being an array of
- packages with PPD files available at the specified location.
- =item %opts = PPM::GetPPMOptions();
- =item $options{'CONFIRM'} = '0';
- =item PPM::SetPPMOptions("options" => \%opts, "save" => 1);
- Sets and saves the value of the option 'CONFIRM' to '0'.
- =back
- =over 4
- =item HTTP_proxy
- If the environment variable 'HTTP_proxy' is set, then it will
- be used as the address of a proxy for accessing the Internet.
- If the environment variables 'HTTP_proxy_user' and 'HTTP_proxy_pass'
- are set, they will be used as the login and password for the
- proxy server. If a proxy requires a certain User-Agent value
- (e.g. "Mozilla/5.0"), this can be set using the 'HTTP_proxy_agent'
- environment variable.
- =back
- =head1 FILES
- =over 4
- =item package.ppd
- A description of a software package, in Perl Package Distribution (PPD)
- format. More information on this file format can be found in L<PPM::XML::PPD>.
- PPM stores a copy of the PPD it uses to install or upgrade any software
- package.
- =item ppm.xml - PPM data file.
- The XML format file in which PPM stores configuration and package
- installation information. This file is created when PPM is installed,
- and under normal circumstances should never require modification other
- than by PPM itself. For more information on this file, refer to
- L<PPM::XML::PPMConfig>.
- =back
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Murray Nesbitt
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<PPM::XML::PPMConfig>
- .
- =cut