home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Compatibility layer for applications using the old toplevel OLE.pm.
- # New code should use Win32::OLE
- # This file is based on ../lib/OLE.pm from ActiveState build 315.
- # Compatibility notes:
- # - "GetObject" -> "GetActiveObject"
- # - "keys %$collection" -> "Win32::OLE::Enum->All($collection)"
- # or "in $Collection"
- # - "unnamed" default method retries
- ########################################################################
- package Win32;
- ########################################################################
- sub OLELastError {return OLE->LastError()}
- ########################################################################
- package OLE::Variant;
- ########################################################################
- use Win32::OLE qw(CP_ACP);
- use Win32::OLE::Variant;
- use strict;
- use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA $LCID $CP $Warn $LastError $_NewEnum $_Unique);
- @ISA = qw(Win32::OLE::Variant);
- $Warn = 0;
- $CP = CP_ACP;
- $_NewEnum = 0;
- $_Unique = 0;
- sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $variant = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
- $OLE::LastError = $Win32::OLE->LastError unless defined $variant;
- return $variant;
- }
- ########################################################################
- package OLE::Tie;
- ########################################################################
- use strict;
- use vars qw(@ISA);
- @ISA = qw(Win32::OLE::Tie);
- # !!! It is VERY important that Win32::OLE::Tie::DESTROY gets called. !!!
- # If you subclass DESTROY, don't forget to call $self->SUPER::DESTROY.
- # Otherwise the OLE interfaces will not be released until process termination!
- # Retry default method if property doesn't exist
- sub FETCH {
- my ($self,$key) = @_;
- return $self->SUPER::Fetch($key, 1);
- }
- sub STORE {
- my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
- $self->SUPER::Store($key, $value, 1);
- }
- # Enumerate collection members, not object properties
- *NEXTKEY = *Win32::OLE::Tie::NEXTENUM;
- ########################################################################
- package OLE;
- ########################################################################
- use Win32::OLE qw(CP_ACP);
- # Use OleInitialize() instead of CoInitializeEx:
- Win32::OLE->Initialize(Win32::OLE::COINIT_OLEINITIALIZE);
- use strict;
- # Disable overload; unfortunately "no overload" doesn't do it :-(
- # Overloading is no longer enabled by default in Win32::OLE
- #use overload '""' => sub {overload::StrVal($_[0])},
- # '0+' => sub {overload::StrVal($_[0])};
- use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA $LCID $CP $Warn $LastError $Tie);
- @ISA = qw(Win32::OLE);
- $Warn = 0;
- $CP = CP_ACP;
- $Tie = 'OLE::Tie';
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- $class = shift if $class eq 'OLE';
- return OLE->SUPER::new($class);
- }
- sub copy {
- my $class = shift;
- $class = shift if $class eq 'OLE';
- return OLE->SUPER::GetActiveObject($class);
- }
- sub AUTOLOAD {
- my $self = shift;
- my $retval;
- $AUTOLOAD =~ s/.*:://o;
- Carp::croak("Cannot autoload class method \"$AUTOLOAD\"")
- unless ref($self) && UNIVERSAL::isa($self,'OLE');
- local $^H = 0; # !hack alert!
- unless (defined $self->Dispatch($AUTOLOAD, $retval, @_)) {
- # Retry default method
- $self->Dispatch(undef, $retval, $AUTOLOAD, @_);
- }
- return $retval;
- }
- *CreateObject = \&new;
- *GetObject = \©
- # Automation data types.
- sub VT_EMPTY {0;}
- sub VT_NULL {1;}
- sub VT_I2 {2;}
- sub VT_I4 {3;}
- sub VT_R4 {4;}
- sub VT_R8 {5;}
- sub VT_CY {6;}
- sub VT_DATE {7;}
- sub VT_BSTR {8;}
- sub VT_DISPATCH {9;}
- sub VT_ERROR {10;}
- sub VT_BOOL {11;}
- sub VT_VARIANT {12;}
- sub VT_UNKNOWN {13;}
- sub VT_I1 {16;}
- sub VT_UI1 {17;}
- sub VT_UI2 {18;}
- sub VT_UI4 {19;}
- sub VT_I8 {20;}
- sub VT_UI8 {21;}
- sub VT_INT {22;}
- sub VT_UINT {23;}
- sub VT_VOID {24;}
- sub VT_HRESULT {25;}
- sub VT_PTR {26;}
- sub VT_SAFEARRAY {27;}
- sub VT_CARRAY {28;}
- sub VT_USERDEFINED {29;}
- sub VT_LPSTR {30;}
- sub VT_LPWSTR {31;}
- sub VT_FILETIME {64;}
- sub VT_BLOB {65;}
- sub VT_STREAM {66;}
- sub VT_STORAGE {67;}
- sub VT_STORED_OBJECT {69;}
- sub VT_BLOB_OBJECT {70;}
- sub VT_CF {71;}
- sub VT_CLSID {72;}
- sub TKIND_ENUM {0;}
- sub TKIND_RECORD {1;}
- sub TKIND_MODULE {2;}
- sub TKIND_COCLASS {5;}
- sub TKIND_ALIAS {6;}
- sub TKIND_UNION {7;}
- sub TKIND_MAX {8;}
- 1;