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- package integer;
- our $VERSION = '1.00';
- =head1 NAME
- integer - Perl pragma to use integer arithmetic instead of floating point
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use integer;
- $x = 10/3;
- # $x is now 3, not 3.33333333333333333
- This tells the compiler to use integer operations from here to the end
- of the enclosing BLOCK. On many machines, this doesn't matter a great
- deal for most computations, but on those without floating point
- hardware, it can make a big difference in performance.
- Note that this only affects how most of the arithmetic and relational
- B<operators> handle their operands and results, and B<not> how all
- numbers everywhere are treated. Specifically, C<use integer;> has the
- effect that before computing the results of the arithmetic operators
- (+, -, *, /, %, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, and unary minus), the comparison
- operators (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, <=>), and the bitwise operators (|, &,
- ^, <<, >>, |=, &=, ^=, <<=, >>=), the operands have their fractional
- portions truncated (or floored), and the result will have its
- fractional portion truncated as well. In addition, the range of
- operands and results is restricted to that of familiar two's complement
- integers, i.e., -(2**31) .. (2**31-1) on 32-bit architectures, and
- -(2**63) .. (2**63-1) on 64-bit architectures. For example, this code
- use integer;
- $x = 5.8;
- $y = 2.5;
- $z = 2.7;
- $a = 2**31 - 1; # Largest positive integer on 32-bit machines
- $, = ", ";
- print $x, -$x, $x + $y, $x - $y, $x / $y, $x * $y, $y == $z, $a, $a + 1;
- will print: 5.8, -5, 7, 3, 2, 10, 1, 2147483647, -2147483648
- Note that $x is still printed as having its true non-integer value of
- 5.8 since it wasn't operated on. And note too the wrap-around from the
- largest positive integer to the largest negative one. Also, arguments
- passed to functions and the values returned by them are B<not> affected
- by C<use integer;>. E.g.,
- srand(1.5);
- $, = ", ";
- print sin(.5), cos(.5), atan2(1,2), sqrt(2), rand(10);
- will give the same result with or without C<use integer;> The power
- operator C<**> is also not affected, so that 2 ** .5 is always the
- square root of 2. Now, it so happens that the pre- and post- increment
- and decrement operators, ++ and --, are not affected by C<use integer;>
- either. Some may rightly consider this to be a bug -- but at least it's
- a long-standing one.
- Finally, C<use integer;> also has an additional affect on the bitwise
- operators. Normally, the operands and results are treated as
- B<unsigned> integers, but with C<use integer;> the operands and results
- are B<signed>. This means, among other things, that ~0 is -1, and -2 &
- -5 is -6.
- Internally, native integer arithmetic (as provided by your C compiler)
- is used. This means that Perl's own semantics for arithmetic
- operations may not be preserved. One common source of trouble is the
- modulus of negative numbers, which Perl does one way, but your hardware
- may do another.
- % perl -le 'print (4 % -3)'
- -2
- % perl -Minteger -le 'print (4 % -3)'
- 1
- See L<perlmodlib/"Pragmatic Modules">, L<perlop/"Integer Arithmetic">
- =cut
- $integer::hint_bits = 0x1;
- sub import {
- $^H |= $integer::hint_bits;
- }
- sub unimport {
- $^H &= ~$integer::hint_bits;
- }
- 1;