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- package Tie::SubstrHash;
- our $VERSION = '1.00';
- =head1 NAME
- Tie::SubstrHash - Fixed-table-size, fixed-key-length hashing
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- require Tie::SubstrHash;
- tie %myhash, 'Tie::SubstrHash', $key_len, $value_len, $table_size;
- The B<Tie::SubstrHash> package provides a hash-table-like interface to
- an array of determinate size, with constant key size and record size.
- Upon tying a new hash to this package, the developer must specify the
- size of the keys that will be used, the size of the value fields that the
- keys will index, and the size of the overall table (in terms of key-value
- pairs, not size in hard memory). I<These values will not change for the
- duration of the tied hash>. The newly-allocated hash table may now have
- data stored and retrieved. Efforts to store more than C<$table_size>
- elements will result in a fatal error, as will efforts to store a value
- not exactly C<$value_len> characters in length, or reference through a
- key not exactly C<$key_len> characters in length. While these constraints
- may seem excessive, the result is a hash table using much less internal
- memory than an equivalent freely-allocated hash table.
- =head1 CAVEATS
- Because the current implementation uses the table and key sizes for the
- hashing algorithm, there is no means by which to dynamically change the
- value of any of the initialization parameters.
- The hash does not support exists().
- =cut
- use Carp;
- sub TIEHASH {
- my $pack = shift;
- my ($klen, $vlen, $tsize) = @_;
- my $rlen = 1 + $klen + $vlen;
- $tsize = [$tsize,
- findgteprime($tsize * 1.1)]; # Allow 10% empty.
- local $self = bless ["\0", $klen, $vlen, $tsize, $rlen, 0, -1];
- $$self[0] x= $rlen * $tsize->[1];
- $self;
- }
- sub CLEAR {
- local($self) = @_;
- $$self[0] = "\0" x ($$self[4] * $$self[3]->[1]);
- $$self[5] = 0;
- $$self[6] = -1;
- }
- sub FETCH {
- local($self,$key) = @_;
- local($klen, $vlen, $tsize, $rlen) = @$self[1..4];
- &hashkey;
- for (;;) {
- $offset = $hash * $rlen;
- $record = substr($$self[0], $offset, $rlen);
- if (ord($record) == 0) {
- return undef;
- }
- elsif (ord($record) == 1) {
- }
- elsif (substr($record, 1, $klen) eq $key) {
- return substr($record, 1+$klen, $vlen);
- }
- &rehash;
- }
- }
- sub STORE {
- local($self,$key,$val) = @_;
- local($klen, $vlen, $tsize, $rlen) = @$self[1..4];
- croak("Table is full ($tsize->[0] elements)") if $$self[5] > $tsize->[0];
- croak(qq/Value "$val" is not $vlen characters long/)
- if length($val) != $vlen;
- my $writeoffset;
- &hashkey;
- for (;;) {
- $offset = $hash * $rlen;
- $record = substr($$self[0], $offset, $rlen);
- if (ord($record) == 0) {
- $record = "\2". $key . $val;
- die "panic" unless length($record) == $rlen;
- $writeoffset = $offset unless defined $writeoffset;
- substr($$self[0], $writeoffset, $rlen) = $record;
- ++$$self[5];
- return;
- }
- elsif (ord($record) == 1) {
- $writeoffset = $offset unless defined $writeoffset;
- }
- elsif (substr($record, 1, $klen) eq $key) {
- $record = "\2". $key . $val;
- die "panic" unless length($record) == $rlen;
- substr($$self[0], $offset, $rlen) = $record;
- return;
- }
- &rehash;
- }
- }
- sub DELETE {
- local($self,$key) = @_;
- local($klen, $vlen, $tsize, $rlen) = @$self[1..4];
- &hashkey;
- for (;;) {
- $offset = $hash * $rlen;
- $record = substr($$self[0], $offset, $rlen);
- if (ord($record) == 0) {
- return undef;
- }
- elsif (ord($record) == 1) {
- }
- elsif (substr($record, 1, $klen) eq $key) {
- substr($$self[0], $offset, 1) = "\1";
- return substr($record, 1+$klen, $vlen);
- --$$self[5];
- }
- &rehash;
- }
- }
- sub FIRSTKEY {
- local($self) = @_;
- $$self[6] = -1;
- }
- sub NEXTKEY {
- local($self) = @_;
- local($klen, $vlen, $tsize, $rlen, $entries, $iterix) = @$self[1..6];
- for (++$iterix; $iterix < $tsize->[1]; ++$iterix) {
- next unless substr($$self[0], $iterix * $rlen, 1) eq "\2";
- $$self[6] = $iterix;
- return substr($$self[0], $iterix * $rlen + 1, $klen);
- }
- $$self[6] = -1;
- undef;
- }
- sub EXISTS {
- croak "Tie::SubstrHash does not support exists()";
- }
- sub hashkey {
- croak(qq/Key "$key" is not $klen characters long/)
- if length($key) != $klen;
- $hash = 2;
- for (unpack('C*', $key)) {
- $hash = $hash * 33 + $_;
- &_hashwrap if $hash >= 1e13;
- }
- &_hashwrap if $hash >= $tsize->[1];
- $hash = 1 unless $hash;
- $hashbase = $hash;
- }
- sub _hashwrap {
- $hash -= int($hash / $tsize->[1]) * $tsize->[1];
- }
- sub rehash {
- $hash += $hashbase;
- $hash -= $tsize->[1] if $hash >= $tsize->[1];
- }
- # using POSIX::ceil() would be too heavy, and not all platforms have it.
- sub ceil {
- my $num = shift;
- $num = int($num + 1) unless $num == int $num;
- return $num;
- }
- # See:
- #
- # http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Prime_numbers.html
- #
- sub findgteprime { # find the smallest prime integer greater than or equal to
- use integer;
- my $num = ceil(shift);
- return 2 if $num <= 2;
- $num++ unless $num % 2;
- my $i;
- my $sqrtnum = int sqrt $num;
- my $sqrtnumsquared = $sqrtnum * $sqrtnum;
- NUM:
- for (;; $num += 2) {
- if ($sqrtnumsquared < $num) {
- $sqrtnum++;
- $sqrtnumsquared = $sqrtnum * $sqrtnum;
- }
- for ($i = 3; $i <= $sqrtnum; $i += 2) {
- next NUM unless $num % $i;
- }
- return $num;
- }
- }
- 1;