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- # -*- Mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
- # $Id: Harness.pm,v 1.38 2002/06/19 21:01:01 schwern Exp $
- package Test::Harness;
- require 5.004;
- use Test::Harness::Straps;
- use Test::Harness::Assert;
- use Exporter;
- use Benchmark;
- use Config;
- use strict;
- use vars qw($VERSION $Verbose $Switches $Have_Devel_Corestack $Curtest
- $Columns $verbose $switches $ML $Strap
- );
- # Backwards compatibility for exportable variable names.
- *verbose = \$Verbose;
- *switches = \$Switches;
- $Have_Devel_Corestack = 0;
- $VERSION = '2.26';
- END {
- # For VMS.
- }
- # Some experimental versions of OS/2 build have broken $?
- my $Ignore_Exitcode = $ENV{HARNESS_IGNORE_EXITCODE};
- $Strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
- @ISA = ('Exporter');
- @EXPORT = qw(&runtests);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw($verbose $switches);
- $Verbose = $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE} || 0;
- $Switches = "-w";
- $Columns = $ENV{HARNESS_COLUMNS} || $ENV{COLUMNS} || 80;
- $Columns--; # Some shells have trouble with a full line of text.
- =head1 NAME
- Test::Harness - run perl standard test scripts with statistics
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Test::Harness;
- runtests(@test_files);
- B<STOP!> If all you want to do is write a test script, consider using
- Test::Simple. Otherwise, read on.
- (By using the Test module, you can write test scripts without
- knowing the exact output this module expects. However, if you need to
- know the specifics, read on!)
- Perl test scripts print to standard output C<"ok N"> for each single
- test, where C<N> is an increasing sequence of integers. The first line
- output by a standard test script is C<"1..M"> with C<M> being the
- number of tests that should be run within the test
- script. Test::Harness::runtests(@tests) runs all the testscripts
- named as arguments and checks standard output for the expected
- C<"ok N"> strings.
- After all tests have been performed, runtests() prints some
- performance statistics that are computed by the Benchmark module.
- =head2 The test script output
- The following explains how Test::Harness interprets the output of your
- test program.
- =over 4
- =item B<'1..M'>
- This header tells how many tests there will be. For example, C<1..10>
- means you plan on running 10 tests. This is a safeguard in case your
- test dies quietly in the middle of its run.
- It should be the first non-comment line output by your test program.
- In certain instances, you may not know how many tests you will
- ultimately be running. In this case, it is permitted for the 1..M
- header to appear as the B<last> line output by your test (again, it
- can be followed by further comments).
- Under B<no> circumstances should 1..M appear in the middle of your
- output or more than once.
- =item B<'ok', 'not ok'. Ok?>
- Any output from the testscript to standard error is ignored and
- bypassed, thus will be seen by the user. Lines written to standard
- output containing C</^(not\s+)?ok\b/> are interpreted as feedback for
- runtests(). All other lines are discarded.
- C</^not ok/> indicates a failed test. C</^ok/> is a successful test.
- =item B<test numbers>
- Perl normally expects the 'ok' or 'not ok' to be followed by a test
- number. It is tolerated if the test numbers after 'ok' are
- omitted. In this case Test::Harness maintains temporarily its own
- counter until the script supplies test numbers again. So the following
- test script
- print <<END;
- 1..6
- not ok
- ok
- not ok
- ok
- ok
- will generate
- FAILED tests 1, 3, 6
- Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay
- =item B<test names>
- Anything after the test number but before the # is considered to be
- the name of the test.
- ok 42 this is the name of the test
- Currently, Test::Harness does nothing with this information.
- =item B<Skipping tests>
- If the standard output line contains the substring C< # Skip> (with
- variations in spacing and case) after C<ok> or C<ok NUMBER>, it is
- counted as a skipped test. If the whole testscript succeeds, the
- count of skipped tests is included in the generated output.
- C<Test::Harness> reports the text after C< # Skip\S*\s+> as a reason
- for skipping.
- ok 23 # skip Insufficient flogiston pressure.
- Similarly, one can include a similar explanation in a C<1..0> line
- emitted if the test script is skipped completely:
- 1..0 # Skipped: no leverage found
- =item B<Todo tests>
- If the standard output line contains the substring C< # TODO> after
- C<not ok> or C<not ok NUMBER>, it is counted as a todo test. The text
- afterwards is the thing that has to be done before this test will
- succeed.
- not ok 13 # TODO harness the power of the atom
- =begin _deprecated
- Alternatively, you can specify a list of what tests are todo as part
- of the test header.
- 1..23 todo 5 12 23
- This only works if the header appears at the beginning of the test.
- This style is B<deprecated>.
- =end _deprecated
- These tests represent a feature to be implemented or a bug to be fixed
- and act as something of an executable "thing to do" list. They are
- B<not> expected to succeed. Should a todo test begin succeeding,
- Test::Harness will report it as a bonus. This indicates that whatever
- you were supposed to do has been done and you should promote this to a
- normal test.
- =item B<Bail out!>
- As an emergency measure, a test script can decide that further tests
- are useless (e.g. missing dependencies) and testing should stop
- immediately. In that case the test script prints the magic words
- Bail out!
- to standard output. Any message after these words will be displayed by
- C<Test::Harness> as the reason why testing is stopped.
- =item B<Comments>
- Additional comments may be put into the testing output on their own
- lines. Comment lines should begin with a '#', Test::Harness will
- ignore them.
- ok 1
- # Life is good, the sun is shining, RAM is cheap.
- not ok 2
- # got 'Bush' expected 'Gore'
- =item B<Anything else>
- Any other output Test::Harness sees it will silently ignore B<BUT WE
- PLAN TO CHANGE THIS!> If you wish to place additional output in your
- test script, please use a comment.
- =back
- =head2 Taint mode
- Test::Harness will honor the C<-T> in the #! line on your test files. So
- if you begin a test with:
- #!perl -T
- the test will be run with taint mode on.
- =head2 Configuration variables.
- These variables can be used to configure the behavior of
- Test::Harness. They are exported on request.
- =over 4
- =item B<$Test::Harness::verbose>
- The global variable $Test::Harness::verbose is exportable and can be
- used to let runtests() display the standard output of the script
- without altering the behavior otherwise.
- =item B<$Test::Harness::switches>
- The global variable $Test::Harness::switches is exportable and can be
- used to set perl command line options used for running the test
- script(s). The default value is C<-w>.
- =back
- =head2 Failure
- It will happen, your tests will fail. After you mop up your ego, you
- can begin examining the summary report:
- t/base..............ok
- t/nonumbers.........ok
- t/ok................ok
- t/test-harness......ok
- t/waterloo..........dubious
- Test returned status 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
- DIED. FAILED tests 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
- Failed 10/20 tests, 50.00% okay
- Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- t/waterloo.t 3 768 20 10 50.00% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
- Failed 1/5 test scripts, 80.00% okay. 10/44 subtests failed, 77.27% okay.
- Everything passed but t/waterloo.t. It failed 10 of 20 tests and
- exited with non-zero status indicating something dubious happened.
- The columns in the summary report mean:
- =over 4
- =item B<Failed Test>
- The test file which failed.
- =item B<Stat>
- If the test exited with non-zero, this is its exit status.
- =item B<Wstat>
- The wait status of the test I<umm, I need a better explanation here>.
- =item B<Total>
- Total number of tests expected to run.
- =item B<Fail>
- Number which failed, either from "not ok" or because they never ran.
- =item B<Failed>
- Percentage of the total tests which failed.
- =item B<List of Failed>
- A list of the tests which failed. Successive failures may be
- abbreviated (ie. 15-20 to indicate that tests 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and
- 20 failed).
- =back
- =head2 Functions
- Test::Harness currently only has one function, here it is.
- =over 4
- =item B<runtests>
- my $allok = runtests(@test_files);
- This runs all the given @test_files and divines whether they passed
- or failed based on their output to STDOUT (details above). It prints
- out each individual test which failed along with a summary report and
- a how long it all took.
- It returns true if everything was ok. Otherwise it will die() with
- one of the messages in the DIAGNOSTICS section.
- =for _private
- This is just _run_all_tests() plus _show_results()
- =cut
- sub runtests {
- my(@tests) = @_;
- local ($\, $,);
- my($tot, $failedtests) = _run_all_tests(@tests);
- _show_results($tot, $failedtests);
- my $ok = _all_ok($tot);
- assert(($ok xor keys %$failedtests),
- q{ok status jives with $failedtests});
- return $ok;
- }
- =begin _private
- =item B<_all_ok>
- my $ok = _all_ok(\%tot);
- Tells you if this test run is overall successful or not.
- =cut
- sub _all_ok {
- my($tot) = shift;
- return $tot->{bad} == 0 && ($tot->{max} || $tot->{skipped}) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- =item B<_globdir>
- my @files = _globdir $dir;
- Returns all the files in a directory. This is shorthand for backwards
- compatibility on systems where glob() doesn't work right.
- =cut
- sub _globdir {
- opendir DIRH, shift;
- my @f = readdir DIRH;
- closedir DIRH;
- return @f;
- }
- =item B<_run_all_tests>
- my($total, $failed) = _run_all_tests(@test_files);
- Runs all the given @test_files (as runtests()) but does it quietly (no
- report). $total is a hash ref summary of all the tests run. Its keys
- and values are this:
- bonus Number of individual todo tests unexpectedly passed
- max Number of individual tests ran
- ok Number of individual tests passed
- sub_skipped Number of individual tests skipped
- todo Number of individual todo tests
- files Number of test files ran
- good Number of test files passed
- bad Number of test files failed
- tests Number of test files originally given
- skipped Number of test files skipped
- If $total->{bad} == 0 and $total->{max} > 0, you've got a successful
- test.
- $failed is a hash ref of all the test scripts which failed. Each key
- is the name of a test script, each value is another hash representing
- how that script failed. Its keys are these:
- name Name of the test which failed
- estat Script's exit value
- wstat Script's wait status
- max Number of individual tests
- failed Number which failed
- percent Percentage of tests which failed
- canon List of tests which failed (as string).
- Needless to say, $failed should be empty if everything passed.
- B<NOTE> Currently this function is still noisy. I'm working on it.
- =cut
- #'#
- sub _run_all_tests {
- my(@tests) = @_;
- local($|) = 1;
- my(%failedtests);
- # Test-wide totals.
- my(%tot) = (
- bonus => 0,
- max => 0,
- ok => 0,
- files => 0,
- bad => 0,
- good => 0,
- tests => scalar @tests,
- sub_skipped => 0,
- todo => 0,
- skipped => 0,
- bench => 0,
- );
- my @dir_files = _globdir $Files_In_Dir if defined $Files_In_Dir;
- my $t_start = new Benchmark;
- my $width = _leader_width(@tests);
- foreach my $tfile (@tests) {
- my($leader, $ml) = _mk_leader($tfile, $width);
- local $ML = $ml;
- print $leader;
- $tot{files}++;
- $Strap->{_seen_header} = 0;
- my %results = $Strap->analyze_file($tfile) or
- do { warn "$Strap->{error}\n"; next };
- # state of the current test.
- my @failed = grep { !$results{details}[$_-1]{ok} }
- 1..@{$results{details}};
- my %test = (
- ok => $results{ok},
- 'next' => $Strap->{'next'},
- max => $results{max},
- failed => \@failed,
- bonus => $results{bonus},
- skipped => $results{skip},
- skip_reason => $Strap->{_skip_reason},
- skip_all => $Strap->{skip_all},
- ml => $ml,
- );
- $tot{bonus} += $results{bonus};
- $tot{max} += $results{max};
- $tot{ok} += $results{ok};
- $tot{todo} += $results{todo};
- $tot{sub_skipped} += $results{skip};
- my($estatus, $wstatus) = @results{qw(exit wait)};
- if ($wstatus) {
- $failedtests{$tfile} = _dubious_return(\%test, \%tot,
- $estatus, $wstatus);
- $failedtests{$tfile}{name} = $tfile;
- }
- elsif ($results{passing}) {
- if ($test{max} and $test{skipped} + $test{bonus}) {
- my @msg;
- push(@msg, "$test{skipped}/$test{max} skipped: $test{skip_reason}")
- if $test{skipped};
- push(@msg, "$test{bonus}/$test{max} unexpectedly succeeded")
- if $test{bonus};
- print "$test{ml}ok\n ".join(', ', @msg)."\n";
- } elsif ($test{max}) {
- print "$test{ml}ok\n";
- } elsif (defined $test{skip_all} and length $test{skip_all}) {
- print "skipped\n all skipped: $test{skip_all}\n";
- $tot{skipped}++;
- } else {
- print "skipped\n all skipped: no reason given\n";
- $tot{skipped}++;
- }
- $tot{good}++;
- }
- else {
- if ($test{max}) {
- if ($test{'next'} <= $test{max}) {
- push @{$test{failed}}, $test{'next'}..$test{max};
- }
- if (@{$test{failed}}) {
- my ($txt, $canon) = canonfailed($test{max},$test{skipped},
- @{$test{failed}});
- print "$test{ml}$txt";
- $failedtests{$tfile} = { canon => $canon,
- max => $test{max},
- failed => scalar @{$test{failed}},
- name => $tfile,
- percent => 100*(scalar @{$test{failed}})/$test{max},
- estat => '',
- wstat => '',
- };
- } else {
- print "Don't know which tests failed: got $test{ok} ok, ".
- "expected $test{max}\n";
- $failedtests{$tfile} = { canon => '??',
- max => $test{max},
- failed => '??',
- name => $tfile,
- percent => undef,
- estat => '',
- wstat => '',
- };
- }
- $tot{bad}++;
- } elsif ($test{'next'} == 0) {
- print "FAILED before any test output arrived\n";
- $tot{bad}++;
- $failedtests{$tfile} = { canon => '??',
- max => '??',
- failed => '??',
- name => $tfile,
- percent => undef,
- estat => '',
- wstat => '',
- };
- }
- }
- if (defined $Files_In_Dir) {
- my @new_dir_files = _globdir $Files_In_Dir;
- if (@new_dir_files != @dir_files) {
- my %f;
- @f{@new_dir_files} = (1) x @new_dir_files;
- delete @f{@dir_files};
- my @f = sort keys %f;
- print "LEAKED FILES: @f\n";
- @dir_files = @new_dir_files;
- }
- }
- }
- $tot{bench} = timediff(new Benchmark, $t_start);
- $Strap->_restore_PERL5LIB;
- return(\%tot, \%failedtests);
- }
- =item B<_mk_leader>
- my($leader, $ml) = _mk_leader($test_file, $width);
- Generates the 't/foo........' $leader for the given $test_file as well
- as a similar version which will overwrite the current line (by use of
- \r and such). $ml may be empty if Test::Harness doesn't think you're
- on TTY.
- The $width is the width of the "yada/blah.." string.
- =cut
- sub _mk_leader {
- my($te, $width) = @_;
- chomp($te);
- $te =~ s/\.\w+$/./;
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $te =~ s/^.*\.t\./\[.t./s; }
- my $blank = (' ' x 77);
- my $leader = "$te" . '.' x ($width - length($te));
- my $ml = "";
- $ml = "\r$blank\r$leader"
- if -t STDOUT and not $ENV{HARNESS_NOTTY} and not $Verbose;
- return($leader, $ml);
- }
- =item B<_leader_width>
- my($width) = _leader_width(@test_files);
- Calculates how wide the leader should be based on the length of the
- longest test name.
- =cut
- sub _leader_width {
- my $maxlen = 0;
- my $maxsuflen = 0;
- foreach (@_) {
- my $suf = /\.(\w+)$/ ? $1 : '';
- my $len = length;
- my $suflen = length $suf;
- $maxlen = $len if $len > $maxlen;
- $maxsuflen = $suflen if $suflen > $maxsuflen;
- }
- # + 3 : we want three dots between the test name and the "ok"
- return $maxlen + 3 - $maxsuflen;
- }
- sub _show_results {
- my($tot, $failedtests) = @_;
- my $pct;
- my $bonusmsg = _bonusmsg($tot);
- if (_all_ok($tot)) {
- print "All tests successful$bonusmsg.\n";
- } elsif (!$tot->{tests}){
- die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n";
- } elsif (!$tot->{max}) {
- my $blurb = $tot->{tests}==1 ? "script" : "scripts";
- die "FAILED--$tot->{tests} test $blurb could be run, ".
- "alas--no output ever seen\n";
- } else {
- $pct = sprintf("%.2f", $tot->{good} / $tot->{tests} * 100);
- my $percent_ok = 100*$tot->{ok}/$tot->{max};
- my $subpct = sprintf " %d/%d subtests failed, %.2f%% okay.",
- $tot->{max} - $tot->{ok}, $tot->{max},
- $percent_ok;
- my($fmt_top, $fmt) = _create_fmts($failedtests);
- # Now write to formats
- for my $script (sort keys %$failedtests) {
- $Curtest = $failedtests->{$script};
- write;
- }
- if ($tot->{bad}) {
- $bonusmsg =~ s/^,\s*//;
- print "$bonusmsg.\n" if $bonusmsg;
- die "Failed $tot->{bad}/$tot->{tests} test scripts, $pct% okay.".
- "$subpct\n";
- }
- }
- printf("Files=%d, Tests=%d, %s\n",
- $tot->{files}, $tot->{max}, timestr($tot->{bench}, 'nop'));
- }
- my %Handlers = ();
- $Strap->{callback} = sub {
- my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- print $line if $Verbose;
- my $meth = $Handlers{$type};
- $meth->($self, $line, $type, $totals) if $meth;
- };
- $Handlers{header} = sub {
- my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- warn "Test header seen more than once!\n" if $self->{_seen_header};
- $self->{_seen_header}++;
- warn "1..M can only appear at the beginning or end of tests\n"
- if $totals->{seen} &&
- $totals->{max} < $totals->{seen};
- };
- $Handlers{test} = sub {
- my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- my $curr = $totals->{seen};
- my $next = $self->{'next'};
- my $max = $totals->{max};
- my $detail = $totals->{details}[-1];
- if( $detail->{ok} ) {
- _print_ml("ok $curr/$max");
- if( $detail->{type} eq 'skip' ) {
- $self->{_skip_reason} = $detail->{reason}
- unless defined $self->{_skip_reason};
- $self->{_skip_reason} = 'various reasons'
- if $self->{_skip_reason} ne $detail->{reason};
- }
- }
- else {
- _print_ml("NOK $curr");
- }
- if( $curr > $next ) {
- print "Test output counter mismatch [test $curr]\n";
- }
- elsif( $curr < $next ) {
- print "Confused test output: test $curr answered after ".
- "test ", $next - 1, "\n";
- }
- };
- $Handlers{bailout} = sub {
- my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- die "FAILED--Further testing stopped" .
- ($self->{bailout_reason} ? ": $self->{bailout_reason}\n" : ".\n");
- };
- sub _print_ml {
- print join '', $ML, @_ if $ML;
- }
- sub _bonusmsg {
- my($tot) = @_;
- my $bonusmsg = '';
- $bonusmsg = (" ($tot->{bonus} subtest".($tot->{bonus} > 1 ? 's' : '').
- if $tot->{bonus};
- if ($tot->{skipped}) {
- $bonusmsg .= ", $tot->{skipped} test"
- . ($tot->{skipped} != 1 ? 's' : '');
- if ($tot->{sub_skipped}) {
- $bonusmsg .= " and $tot->{sub_skipped} subtest"
- . ($tot->{sub_skipped} != 1 ? 's' : '');
- }
- $bonusmsg .= ' skipped';
- }
- elsif ($tot->{sub_skipped}) {
- $bonusmsg .= ", $tot->{sub_skipped} subtest"
- . ($tot->{sub_skipped} != 1 ? 's' : '')
- . " skipped";
- }
- return $bonusmsg;
- }
- # Test program go boom.
- sub _dubious_return {
- my($test, $tot, $estatus, $wstatus) = @_;
- my ($failed, $canon, $percent) = ('??', '??');
- printf "$test->{ml}dubious\n\tTest returned status $estatus ".
- "(wstat %d, 0x%x)\n",
- $wstatus,$wstatus;
- print "\t\t(VMS status is $estatus)\n" if $^O eq 'VMS';
- if (corestatus($wstatus)) { # until we have a wait module
- if ($Have_Devel_Corestack) {
- Devel::CoreStack::stack($^X);
- } else {
- print "\ttest program seems to have generated a core\n";
- }
- }
- $tot->{bad}++;
- if ($test->{max}) {
- if ($test->{'next'} == $test->{max} + 1 and not @{$test->{failed}}) {
- print "\tafter all the subtests completed successfully\n";
- $percent = 0;
- $failed = 0; # But we do not set $canon!
- }
- else {
- push @{$test->{failed}}, $test->{'next'}..$test->{max};
- $failed = @{$test->{failed}};
- (my $txt, $canon) = canonfailed($test->{max},$test->{skipped},@{$test->{failed}});
- $percent = 100*(scalar @{$test->{failed}})/$test->{max};
- print "DIED. ",$txt;
- }
- }
- return { canon => $canon, max => $test->{max} || '??',
- failed => $failed,
- percent => $percent,
- estat => $estatus, wstat => $wstatus,
- };
- }
- sub _create_fmts {
- my($failedtests) = @_;
- my $failed_str = "Failed Test";
- my $middle_str = " Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed ";
- my $list_str = "List of Failed";
- # Figure out our longest name string for formatting purposes.
- my $max_namelen = length($failed_str);
- foreach my $script (keys %$failedtests) {
- my $namelen = length $failedtests->{$script}->{name};
- $max_namelen = $namelen if $namelen > $max_namelen;
- }
- my $list_len = $Columns - length($middle_str) - $max_namelen;
- if ($list_len < length($list_str)) {
- $list_len = length($list_str);
- $max_namelen = $Columns - length($middle_str) - $list_len;
- if ($max_namelen < length($failed_str)) {
- $max_namelen = length($failed_str);
- $Columns = $max_namelen + length($middle_str) + $list_len;
- }
- }
- my $fmt_top = "format STDOUT_TOP =\n"
- . sprintf("%-${max_namelen}s", $failed_str)
- . $middle_str
- . $list_str . "\n"
- . "-" x $Columns
- . "\n.\n";
- my $fmt = "format STDOUT =\n"
- . "@" . "<" x ($max_namelen - 1)
- . " @>> @>>>> @>>>> @>>> ^##.##% "
- . "^" . "<" x ($list_len - 1) . "\n"
- . '{ $Curtest->{name}, $Curtest->{estat},'
- . ' $Curtest->{wstat}, $Curtest->{max},'
- . ' $Curtest->{failed}, $Curtest->{percent},'
- . ' $Curtest->{canon}'
- . "\n}\n"
- . "~~" . " " x ($Columns - $list_len - 2) . "^"
- . "<" x ($list_len - 1) . "\n"
- . '$Curtest->{canon}'
- . "\n.\n";
- eval $fmt_top;
- die $@ if $@;
- eval $fmt;
- die $@ if $@;
- return($fmt_top, $fmt);
- }
- {
- my $tried_devel_corestack;
- sub corestatus {
- my($st) = @_;
- eval {
- local $^W = 0; # *.ph files are often *very* noisy
- require 'wait.ph'
- };
- return if $@;
- my $did_core = defined &WCOREDUMP ? WCOREDUMP($st) : $st & 0200;
- eval { require Devel::CoreStack; $Have_Devel_Corestack++ }
- unless $tried_devel_corestack++;
- return $did_core;
- }
- }
- sub canonfailed ($@) {
- my($max,$skipped,@failed) = @_;
- my %seen;
- @failed = sort {$a <=> $b} grep !$seen{$_}++, @failed;
- my $failed = @failed;
- my @result = ();
- my @canon = ();
- my $min;
- my $last = $min = shift @failed;
- my $canon;
- if (@failed) {
- for (@failed, $failed[-1]) { # don't forget the last one
- if ($_ > $last+1 || $_ == $last) {
- if ($min == $last) {
- push @canon, $last;
- } else {
- push @canon, "$min-$last";
- }
- $min = $_;
- }
- $last = $_;
- }
- local $" = ", ";
- push @result, "FAILED tests @canon\n";
- $canon = join ' ', @canon;
- } else {
- push @result, "FAILED test $last\n";
- $canon = $last;
- }
- push @result, "\tFailed $failed/$max tests, ";
- push @result, sprintf("%.2f",100*(1-$failed/$max)), "% okay";
- my $ender = 's' x ($skipped > 1);
- my $good = $max - $failed - $skipped;
- my $goodper = sprintf("%.2f",100*($good/$max));
- push @result, " (less $skipped skipped test$ender: $good okay, ".
- "$goodper%)"
- if $skipped;
- push @result, "\n";
- my $txt = join "", @result;
- ($txt, $canon);
- }
- =end _private
- =back
- =cut
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 EXPORT
- C<&runtests> is exported by Test::Harness per default.
- C<$verbose> and C<$switches> are exported upon request.
- =over 4
- =item C<All tests successful.\nFiles=%d, Tests=%d, %s>
- If all tests are successful some statistics about the performance are
- printed.
- =item C<FAILED tests %s\n\tFailed %d/%d tests, %.2f%% okay.>
- For any single script that has failing subtests statistics like the
- above are printed.
- =item C<Test returned status %d (wstat %d)>
- Scripts that return a non-zero exit status, both C<$? E<gt>E<gt> 8>
- and C<$?> are printed in a message similar to the above.
- =item C<Failed 1 test, %.2f%% okay. %s>
- =item C<Failed %d/%d tests, %.2f%% okay. %s>
- If not all tests were successful, the script dies with one of the
- above messages.
- =item C<FAILED--Further testing stopped: %s>
- If a single subtest decides that further testing will not make sense,
- the script dies with this message.
- =back
- =over 4
- Harness sets this before executing the individual tests. This allows
- the tests to determine if they are being executed through the harness
- or by any other means.
- This value will be used for the width of the terminal. If it is not
- set then it will default to C<COLUMNS>. If this is not set, it will
- default to 80. Note that users of Bourne-sh based shells will need to
- C<export COLUMNS> for this module to use that variable.
- When true it will make harness attempt to compile the test using
- C<perlcc> before running it.
- B<NOTE> This currently only works when sitting in the perl source
- directory!
- When set to the name of a directory, harness will check after each
- test whether new files appeared in that directory, and report them as
- LEAKED FILES: scr.tmp 0 my.db
- If relative, directory name is with respect to the current directory at
- the moment runtests() was called. Putting absolute path into
- C<HARNESS_FILELEAK_IN_DIR> may give more predictable results.
- Makes harness ignore the exit status of child processes when defined.
- When set to a true value, forces it to behave as though STDOUT were
- not a console. You may need to set this if you don't want harness to
- output more frequent progress messages using carriage returns. Some
- consoles may not handle carriage returns properly (which results in a
- somewhat messy output).
- Its value will be prepended to the switches used to invoke perl on
- each test. For example, setting C<HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES> to C<-W> will
- run all tests with all warnings enabled.
- If true, Test::Harness will output the verbose results of running
- its tests. Setting $Test::Harness::verbose will override this.
- =back
- =head1 EXAMPLE
- Here's how Test::Harness tests itself
- $ cd ~/src/devel/Test-Harness
- $ perl -Mblib -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose);
- $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t
- Using /home/schwern/src/devel/Test-Harness/blib
- t/base..............ok
- t/nonumbers.........ok
- t/ok................ok
- t/test-harness......ok
- All tests successful.
- Files=4, Tests=24, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.61 cusr + 0.41 csys = 1.02 CPU)
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<Test> and L<Test::Simple> for writing test scripts, L<Benchmark> for
- the underlying timing routines, L<Devel::CoreStack> to generate core
- dumps from failed tests and L<Devel::Cover> for test coverage
- analysis.
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Either Tim Bunce or Andreas Koenig, we don't know. What we know for
- sure is, that it was inspired by Larry Wall's TEST script that came
- with perl distributions for ages. Numerous anonymous contributors
- exist. Andreas Koenig held the torch for many years.
- Current maintainer is Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>
- =head1 TODO
- Provide a way of running tests quietly (ie. no printing) for automated
- validation of tests. This will probably take the form of a version
- of runtests() which rather than printing its output returns raw data
- on the state of the tests. (Partially done in Test::Harness::Straps)
- Fix HARNESS_COMPILE_TEST without breaking its core usage.
- Figure a way to report test names in the failure summary.
- Rework the test summary so long test names are not truncated as badly.
- (Partially done with new skip test styles)
- Deal with VMS's "not \nok 4\n" mistake.
- Add option for coverage analysis.
- =for _private
- Keeping whittling away at _run_all_tests()
- =for _private
- Clean up how the summary is printed. Get rid of those damned formats.
- =head1 BUGS
- HARNESS_COMPILE_TEST currently assumes it's run from the Perl source
- directory.
- =cut