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- =head1 NAME
- Term::ReadLine - Perl interface to various C<readline> packages. If
- no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead of basic functions.
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Term::ReadLine;
- my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'Simple Perl calc';
- my $prompt = "Enter your arithmetic expression: ";
- my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
- while ( defined ($_ = $term->readline($prompt)) ) {
- my $res = eval($_), "\n";
- warn $@ if $@;
- print $OUT $res, "\n" unless $@;
- $term->addhistory($_) if /\S/;
- }
- This package is just a front end to some other packages. At the moment
- this description is written, the only such package is Term-ReadLine,
- available on CPAN near you. The real target of this stub package is to
- set up a common interface to whatever Readline emerges with time.
- =head1 Minimal set of supported functions
- All the supported functions should be called as methods, i.e., either as
- $term = new Term::ReadLine 'name';
- or as
- $term->addhistory('row');
- where $term is a return value of Term::ReadLine-E<gt>Init.
- =over 12
- =item C<ReadLine>
- returns the actual package that executes the commands. Among possible
- values are C<Term::ReadLine::Gnu>, C<Term::ReadLine::Perl>,
- C<Term::ReadLine::Stub>.
- =item C<new>
- returns the handle for subsequent calls to following
- functions. Argument is the name of the application. Optionally can be
- followed by two arguments for C<IN> and C<OUT> filehandles. These
- arguments should be globs.
- =item C<readline>
- gets an input line, I<possibly> with actual C<readline>
- support. Trailing newline is removed. Returns C<undef> on C<EOF>.
- =item C<addhistory>
- adds the line to the history of input, from where it can be used if
- the actual C<readline> is present.
- =item C<IN>, $C<OUT>
- return the filehandles for input and output or C<undef> if C<readline>
- input and output cannot be used for Perl.
- =item C<MinLine>
- If argument is specified, it is an advice on minimal size of line to
- be included into history. C<undef> means do not include anything into
- history. Returns the old value.
- =item C<findConsole>
- returns an array with two strings that give most appropriate names for
- files for input and output using conventions C<"E<lt>$in">, C<"E<gt>out">.
- =item Attribs
- returns a reference to a hash which describes internal configuration
- of the package. Names of keys in this hash conform to standard
- conventions with the leading C<rl_> stripped.
- =item C<Features>
- Returns a reference to a hash with keys being features present in
- current implementation. Several optional features are used in the
- minimal interface: C<appname> should be present if the first argument
- to C<new> is recognized, and C<minline> should be present if
- C<MinLine> method is not dummy. C<autohistory> should be present if
- lines are put into history automatically (maybe subject to
- C<MinLine>), and C<addhistory> if C<addhistory> method is not dummy.
- If C<Features> method reports a feature C<attribs> as present, the
- method C<Attribs> is not dummy.
- =back
- =head1 Additional supported functions
- Actually C<Term::ReadLine> can use some other package, that will
- support reacher set of commands.
- All these commands are callable via method interface and have names
- which conform to standard conventions with the leading C<rl_> stripped.
- The stub package included with the perl distribution allows some
- additional methods:
- =over 12
- =item C<tkRunning>
- makes Tk event loop run when waiting for user input (i.e., during
- C<readline> method).
- =item C<ornaments>
- makes the command line stand out by using termcap data. The argument
- to C<ornaments> should be 0, 1, or a string of a form
- C<"aa,bb,cc,dd">. Four components of this string should be names of
- I<terminal capacities>, first two will be issued to make the prompt
- standout, last two to make the input line standout.
- =item C<newTTY>
- takes two arguments which are input filehandle and output filehandle.
- Switches to use these filehandles.
- =back
- One can check whether the currently loaded ReadLine package supports
- these methods by checking for corresponding C<Features>.
- =head1 EXPORTS
- None
- The environment variable C<PERL_RL> governs which ReadLine clone is
- loaded. If the value is false, a dummy interface is used. If the value
- is true, it should be tail of the name of the package to use, such as
- C<Perl> or C<Gnu>.
- As a special case, if the value of this variable is space-separated,
- the tail might be used to disable the ornaments by setting the tail to
- be C<o=0> or C<ornaments=0>. The head should be as described above, say
- If the variable is not set, or if the head of space-separated list is
- empty, the best available package is loaded.
- export "PERL_RL=Perl o=0" # Use Perl ReadLine without ornaments
- export "PERL_RL= o=0" # Use best available ReadLine without ornaments
- (Note that processing of C<PERL_RL> for ornaments is in the discretion of the
- particular used C<Term::ReadLine::*> package).
- =head1 CAVEATS
- It seems that using Term::ReadLine from Emacs minibuffer doesn't work
- quite right and one will get an error message like
- Cannot open /dev/tty for read at ...
- One possible workaround for this is to explicitly open /dev/tty like this
- open (FH, "/dev/tty" )
- or eval 'sub Term::ReadLine::findConsole { ("&STDIN", "&STDERR") }';
- die $@ if $@;
- close (FH);
- or you can try using the 4-argument form of Term::ReadLine->new().
- =cut
- use strict;
- package Term::ReadLine::Stub;
- our @ISA = qw'Term::ReadLine::Tk Term::ReadLine::TermCap';
- $DB::emacs = $DB::emacs; # To peacify -w
- our @rl_term_set;
- *rl_term_set = \@Term::ReadLine::TermCap::rl_term_set;
- sub ReadLine {'Term::ReadLine::Stub'}
- sub readline {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($in,$out,$str) = @$self;
- my $prompt = shift;
- print $out $rl_term_set[0], $prompt, $rl_term_set[1], $rl_term_set[2];
- $self->register_Tk
- if not $Term::ReadLine::registered and $Term::ReadLine::toloop
- and defined &Tk::DoOneEvent;
- #$str = scalar <$in>;
- $str = $self->get_line;
- $str =~ s/^\s*\Q$prompt\E// if ($^O eq 'MacOS');
- print $out $rl_term_set[3];
- # bug in 5.000: chomping empty string creats length -1:
- chomp $str if defined $str;
- $str;
- }
- sub addhistory {}
- sub findConsole {
- my $console;
- if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- $console = "Dev:Console";
- } elsif (-e "/dev/tty") {
- $console = "/dev/tty";
- } elsif (-e "con" or $^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- $console = "con";
- } else {
- $console = "sys\$command";
- }
- if (($^O eq 'amigaos') || ($^O eq 'beos') || ($^O eq 'epoc')) {
- $console = undef;
- }
- elsif ($^O eq 'os2') {
- if ($DB::emacs) {
- $console = undef;
- } else {
- $console = "/dev/con";
- }
- }
- my $consoleOUT = $console;
- $console = "&STDIN" unless defined $console;
- if (!defined $consoleOUT) {
- $consoleOUT = defined fileno(STDERR) ? "&STDERR" : "&STDOUT";
- }
- ($console,$consoleOUT);
- }
- sub new {
- die "method new called with wrong number of arguments"
- unless @_==2 or @_==4;
- #local (*FIN, *FOUT);
- my ($FIN, $FOUT, $ret);
- if (@_==2) {
- my($console, $consoleOUT) = $_[0]->findConsole;
- open(FIN, "<$console");
- open(FOUT,">$consoleOUT");
- #OUT->autoflush(1); # Conflicts with debugger?
- my $sel = select(FOUT);
- $| = 1; # for DB::OUT
- select($sel);
- $ret = bless [\*FIN, \*FOUT];
- } else { # Filehandles supplied
- $FIN = $_[2]; $FOUT = $_[3];
- #OUT->autoflush(1); # Conflicts with debugger?
- my $sel = select($FOUT);
- $| = 1; # for DB::OUT
- select($sel);
- $ret = bless [$FIN, $FOUT];
- }
- if ($ret->Features->{ornaments}
- and not ($ENV{PERL_RL} and $ENV{PERL_RL} =~ /\bo\w*=0/)) {
- local $Term::ReadLine::termcap_nowarn = 1;
- $ret->ornaments(1);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- sub newTTY {
- my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
- $self->[0] = $in;
- $self->[1] = $out;
- my $sel = select($out);
- $| = 1; # for DB::OUT
- select($sel);
- }
- sub IN { shift->[0] }
- sub OUT { shift->[1] }
- sub MinLine { undef }
- sub Attribs { {} }
- my %features = (tkRunning => 1, ornaments => 1, 'newTTY' => 1);
- sub Features { \%features }
- package Term::ReadLine; # So late to allow the above code be defined?
- our $VERSION = '1.00';
- my ($which) = exists $ENV{PERL_RL} ? split /\s+/, $ENV{PERL_RL} : undef;
- if ($which) {
- if ($which =~ /\bgnu\b/i){
- eval "use Term::ReadLine::Gnu;";
- } elsif ($which =~ /\bperl\b/i) {
- eval "use Term::ReadLine::Perl;";
- } else {
- eval "use Term::ReadLine::$which;";
- }
- } elsif (defined $which and $which ne '') { # Defined but false
- # Do nothing fancy
- } else {
- eval "use Term::ReadLine::Gnu; 1" or eval "use Term::ReadLine::Perl; 1";
- }
- #require FileHandle;
- # To make possible switch off RL in debugger: (Not needed, work done
- # in debugger).
- our @ISA;
- if (defined &Term::ReadLine::Gnu::readline) {
- @ISA = qw(Term::ReadLine::Gnu Term::ReadLine::Stub);
- } elsif (defined &Term::ReadLine::Perl::readline) {
- @ISA = qw(Term::ReadLine::Perl Term::ReadLine::Stub);
- } elsif (defined $which && defined &{"Term::ReadLine::$which\::readline"}) {
- @ISA = "Term::ReadLine::$which";
- } else {
- @ISA = qw(Term::ReadLine::Stub);
- }
- package Term::ReadLine::TermCap;
- # Prompt-start, prompt-end, command-line-start, command-line-end
- # -- zero-width beautifies to emit around prompt and the command line.
- our @rl_term_set = ("","","","");
- # string encoded:
- our $rl_term_set = ',,,';
- our $terminal;
- sub LoadTermCap {
- return if defined $terminal;
- require Term::Cap;
- $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap ({OSPEED => 9600}); # Avoid warning.
- }
- sub ornaments {
- shift;
- return $rl_term_set unless @_;
- $rl_term_set = shift;
- $rl_term_set ||= ',,,';
- $rl_term_set = 'us,ue,md,me' if $rl_term_set eq '1';
- my @ts = split /,/, $rl_term_set, 4;
- eval { LoadTermCap };
- unless (defined $terminal) {
- warn("Cannot find termcap: $@\n") unless $Term::ReadLine::termcap_nowarn;
- $rl_term_set = ',,,';
- return;
- }
- @rl_term_set = map {$_ ? $terminal->Tputs($_,1) || '' : ''} @ts;
- return $rl_term_set;
- }
- package Term::ReadLine::Tk;
- our($count_handle, $count_DoOne, $count_loop);
- $count_handle = $count_DoOne = $count_loop = 0;
- our($giveup);
- sub handle {$giveup = 1; $count_handle++}
- sub Tk_loop {
- # Tk->tkwait('variable',\$giveup); # needs Widget
- $count_DoOne++, Tk::DoOneEvent(0) until $giveup;
- $count_loop++;
- $giveup = 0;
- }
- sub register_Tk {
- my $self = shift;
- $Term::ReadLine::registered++
- or Tk->fileevent($self->IN,'readable',\&handle);
- }
- sub tkRunning {
- $Term::ReadLine::toloop = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
- $Term::ReadLine::toloop;
- }
- sub get_c {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->Tk_loop if $Term::ReadLine::toloop && defined &Tk::DoOneEvent;
- return getc $self->IN;
- }
- sub get_line {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->Tk_loop if $Term::ReadLine::toloop && defined &Tk::DoOneEvent;
- my $in = $self->IN;
- local ($/) = "\n";
- return scalar <$in>;
- }
- 1;