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- # Scalar::Util.pm
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved.
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- package Scalar::Util;
- require Exporter;
- require List::Util; # List::Util loads the XS
- our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- our @EXPORT_OK = qw(blessed dualvar reftype weaken isweak tainted readonly openhandle);
- our $VERSION = $List::Util::VERSION;
- sub openhandle ($) {
- my $fh = shift;
- my $rt = reftype($fh) || '';
- return defined(fileno($fh)) ? $fh : undef
- if $rt eq 'IO';
- if (reftype(\$fh) eq 'GLOB') { # handle openhandle(*DATA)
- $fh = \(my $tmp=$fh);
- }
- elsif ($rt ne 'GLOB') {
- return undef;
- }
- (tied(*$fh) or defined(fileno($fh)))
- ? $fh : undef;
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- Scalar::Util - A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Scalar::Util qw(blessed dualvar isweak readonly reftype tainted weaken);
- C<Scalar::Util> contains a selection of subroutines that people have
- expressed would be nice to have in the perl core, but the usage would
- not really be high enough to warrant the use of a keyword, and the size
- so small such that being individual extensions would be wasteful.
- By default C<Scalar::Util> does not export any subroutines. The
- subroutines defined are
- =over 4
- =item blessed EXPR
- If EXPR evaluates to a blessed reference the name of the package
- that it is blessed into is returned. Otherwise C<undef> is returned.
- $scalar = "foo";
- $class = blessed $scalar; # undef
- $ref = [];
- $class = blessed $ref; # undef
- $obj = bless [], "Foo";
- $class = blessed $obj; # "Foo"
- =item dualvar NUM, STRING
- Returns a scalar that has the value NUM in a numeric context and the
- value STRING in a string context.
- $foo = dualvar 10, "Hello";
- $num = $foo + 2; # 12
- $str = $foo . " world"; # Hello world
- =item isweak EXPR
- If EXPR is a scalar which is a weak reference the result is true.
- $ref = \$foo;
- $weak = isweak($ref); # false
- weaken($ref);
- $weak = isweak($ref); # true
- =item openhandle FH
- Returns FH if FH may be used as a filehandle and is open, or FH is a tied
- handle. Otherwise C<undef> is returned.
- $fh = openhandle(*STDIN); # \*STDIN
- $fh = openhandle(\*STDIN); # \*STDIN
- $fh = openhandle(*NOTOPEN); # undef
- $fh = openhandle("scalar"); # undef
- =item readonly SCALAR
- Returns true if SCALAR is readonly.
- sub foo { readonly($_[0]) }
- $readonly = foo($bar); # false
- $readonly = foo(0); # true
- =item reftype EXPR
- If EXPR evaluates to a reference the type of the variable referenced
- is returned. Otherwise C<undef> is returned.
- $type = reftype "string"; # undef
- $type = reftype \$var; # SCALAR
- $type = reftype []; # ARRAY
- $obj = bless {}, "Foo";
- $type = reftype $obj; # HASH
- =item tainted EXPR
- Return true if the result of EXPR is tainted
- $taint = tainted("constant"); # false
- $taint = tainted($ENV{PWD}); # true if running under -T
- =item weaken REF
- REF will be turned into a weak reference. This means that it will not
- hold a reference count on the object it references. Also when the reference
- count on that object reaches zero, REF will be set to undef.
- This is useful for keeping copies of references , but you don't want to
- prevent the object being DESTROY-ed at its usual time.
- {
- my $var;
- $ref = \$var;
- weaken($ref); # Make $ref a weak reference
- }
- # $ref is now undef
- =back
- =head1 KNOWN BUGS
- There is a bug in perl5.6.0 with UV's that are >= 1<<31. This will
- show up as tests 8 and 9 of dualvar.t failing
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the same terms as Perl itself.
- Except weaken and isweak which are
- Copyright (c) 1999 Tuomas J. Lukka <lukka@iki.fi>. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the same terms as perl itself.
- The weaken and isweak subroutines in this module and the patch to the core Perl
- were written in connection with the APress book `Tuomas J. Lukka's Definitive
- Guide to Object-Oriented Programming in Perl', to avoid explaining why certain
- things would have to be done in cumbersome ways.
- =cut