home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- package Safe;
- use 5.003_11;
- use strict;
- our $VERSION = "2.08";
- use Carp;
- use Opcode 1.01, qw(
- opset opset_to_ops opmask_add
- empty_opset full_opset invert_opset verify_opset
- opdesc opcodes opmask define_optag opset_to_hex
- );
- *ops_to_opset = \&opset; # Temporary alias for old Penguins
- my $default_root = 0;
- my $default_share = ['*_']; #, '*main::'];
- sub new {
- my($class, $root, $mask) = @_;
- my $obj = {};
- bless $obj, $class;
- if (defined($root)) {
- croak "Can't use \"$root\" as root name"
- if $root =~ /^main\b/ or $root !~ /^\w[:\w]*$/;
- $obj->{Root} = $root;
- $obj->{Erase} = 0;
- }
- else {
- $obj->{Root} = "Safe::Root".$default_root++;
- $obj->{Erase} = 1;
- }
- # use permit/deny methods instead till interface issues resolved
- # XXX perhaps new Safe 'Root', mask => $mask, foo => bar, ...;
- croak "Mask parameter to new no longer supported" if defined $mask;
- $obj->permit_only(':default');
- # We must share $_ and @_ with the compartment or else ops such
- # as split, length and so on won't default to $_ properly, nor
- # will passing argument to subroutines work (via @_). In fact,
- # for reasons I don't completely understand, we need to share
- # the whole glob *_ rather than $_ and @_ separately, otherwise
- # @_ in non default packages within the compartment don't work.
- $obj->share_from('main', $default_share);
- Opcode::_safe_pkg_prep($obj->{Root});
- return $obj;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $obj = shift;
- $obj->erase('DESTROY') if $obj->{Erase};
- }
- sub erase {
- my ($obj, $action) = @_;
- my $pkg = $obj->root();
- my ($stem, $leaf);
- no strict 'refs';
- $pkg = "main::$pkg\::"; # expand to full symbol table name
- ($stem, $leaf) = $pkg =~ m/(.*::)(\w+::)$/;
- # The 'my $foo' is needed! Without it you get an
- # 'Attempt to free unreferenced scalar' warning!
- my $stem_symtab = *{$stem}{HASH};
- #warn "erase($pkg) stem=$stem, leaf=$leaf";
- #warn " stem_symtab hash ".scalar(%$stem_symtab)."\n";
- # ", join(', ', %$stem_symtab),"\n";
- # delete $stem_symtab->{$leaf};
- my $leaf_glob = $stem_symtab->{$leaf};
- my $leaf_symtab = *{$leaf_glob}{HASH};
- # warn " leaf_symtab ", join(', ', %$leaf_symtab),"\n";
- %$leaf_symtab = ();
- #delete $leaf_symtab->{'__ANON__'};
- #delete $leaf_symtab->{'foo'};
- #delete $leaf_symtab->{'main::'};
- # my $foo = undef ${"$stem\::"}{"$leaf\::"};
- if ($action and $action eq 'DESTROY') {
- delete $stem_symtab->{$leaf};
- } else {
- $obj->share_from('main', $default_share);
- }
- 1;
- }
- sub reinit {
- my $obj= shift;
- $obj->erase;
- $obj->share_redo;
- }
- sub root {
- my $obj = shift;
- croak("Safe root method now read-only") if @_;
- return $obj->{Root};
- }
- sub mask {
- my $obj = shift;
- return $obj->{Mask} unless @_;
- $obj->deny_only(@_);
- }
- # v1 compatibility methods
- sub trap { shift->deny(@_) }
- sub untrap { shift->permit(@_) }
- sub deny {
- my $obj = shift;
- $obj->{Mask} |= opset(@_);
- }
- sub deny_only {
- my $obj = shift;
- $obj->{Mask} = opset(@_);
- }
- sub permit {
- my $obj = shift;
- # XXX needs testing
- $obj->{Mask} &= invert_opset opset(@_);
- }
- sub permit_only {
- my $obj = shift;
- $obj->{Mask} = invert_opset opset(@_);
- }
- sub dump_mask {
- my $obj = shift;
- print opset_to_hex($obj->{Mask}),"\n";
- }
- sub share {
- my($obj, @vars) = @_;
- $obj->share_from(scalar(caller), \@vars);
- }
- sub share_from {
- my $obj = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my $no_record = shift || 0;
- my $root = $obj->root();
- croak("vars not an array ref") unless ref $vars eq 'ARRAY';
- no strict 'refs';
- # Check that 'from' package actually exists
- croak("Package \"$pkg\" does not exist")
- unless keys %{"$pkg\::"};
- my $arg;
- foreach $arg (@$vars) {
- # catch some $safe->share($var) errors:
- croak("'$arg' not a valid symbol table name")
- unless $arg =~ /^[\$\@%*&]?\w[\w:]*$/
- or $arg =~ /^\$\W$/;
- my ($var, $type);
- $type = $1 if ($var = $arg) =~ s/^(\W)//;
- # warn "share_from $pkg $type $var";
- *{$root."::$var"} = (!$type) ? \&{$pkg."::$var"}
- : ($type eq '&') ? \&{$pkg."::$var"}
- : ($type eq '$') ? \${$pkg."::$var"}
- : ($type eq '@') ? \@{$pkg."::$var"}
- : ($type eq '%') ? \%{$pkg."::$var"}
- : ($type eq '*') ? *{$pkg."::$var"}
- : croak(qq(Can't share "$type$var" of unknown type));
- }
- $obj->share_record($pkg, $vars) unless $no_record or !$vars;
- }
- sub share_record {
- my $obj = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my $shares = \%{$obj->{Shares} ||= {}};
- # Record shares using keys of $obj->{Shares}. See reinit.
- @{$shares}{@$vars} = ($pkg) x @$vars if @$vars;
- }
- sub share_redo {
- my $obj = shift;
- my $shares = \%{$obj->{Shares} ||= {}};
- my($var, $pkg);
- while(($var, $pkg) = each %$shares) {
- # warn "share_redo $pkg\:: $var";
- $obj->share_from($pkg, [ $var ], 1);
- }
- }
- sub share_forget {
- delete shift->{Shares};
- }
- sub varglob {
- my ($obj, $var) = @_;
- no strict 'refs';
- return *{$obj->root()."::$var"};
- }
- sub reval {
- my ($obj, $expr, $strict) = @_;
- my $root = $obj->{Root};
- # Create anon sub ref in root of compartment.
- # Uses a closure (on $expr) to pass in the code to be executed.
- # (eval on one line to keep line numbers as expected by caller)
- my $evalcode = sprintf('package %s; sub { @_ = (); eval $expr; }', $root);
- my $evalsub;
- if ($strict) { use strict; $evalsub = eval $evalcode; }
- else { no strict; $evalsub = eval $evalcode; }
- return Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub);
- }
- sub rdo {
- my ($obj, $file) = @_;
- my $root = $obj->{Root};
- my $evalsub = eval
- sprintf('package %s; sub { @_ = (); do $file }', $root);
- return Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub);
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- Safe - Compile and execute code in restricted compartments
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Safe;
- $compartment = new Safe;
- $compartment->permit(qw(time sort :browse));
- $result = $compartment->reval($unsafe_code);
- The Safe extension module allows the creation of compartments
- in which perl code can be evaluated. Each compartment has
- =over 8
- =item a new namespace
- The "root" of the namespace (i.e. "main::") is changed to a
- different package and code evaluated in the compartment cannot
- refer to variables outside this namespace, even with run-time
- glob lookups and other tricks.
- Code which is compiled outside the compartment can choose to place
- variables into (or I<share> variables with) the compartment's namespace
- and only that data will be visible to code evaluated in the
- compartment.
- By default, the only variables shared with compartments are the
- "underscore" variables $_ and @_ (and, technically, the less frequently
- used %_, the _ filehandle and so on). This is because otherwise perl
- operators which default to $_ will not work and neither will the
- assignment of arguments to @_ on subroutine entry.
- =item an operator mask
- Each compartment has an associated "operator mask". Recall that
- perl code is compiled into an internal format before execution.
- Evaluating perl code (e.g. via "eval" or "do 'file'") causes
- the code to be compiled into an internal format and then,
- provided there was no error in the compilation, executed.
- Code evaluated in a compartment compiles subject to the
- compartment's operator mask. Attempting to evaluate code in a
- compartment which contains a masked operator will cause the
- compilation to fail with an error. The code will not be executed.
- The default operator mask for a newly created compartment is
- the ':default' optag.
- It is important that you read the Opcode(3) module documentation
- for more information, especially for detailed definitions of opnames,
- optags and opsets.
- Since it is only at the compilation stage that the operator mask
- applies, controlled access to potentially unsafe operations can
- be achieved by having a handle to a wrapper subroutine (written
- outside the compartment) placed into the compartment. For example,
- $cpt = new Safe;
- sub wrapper {
- # vet arguments and perform potentially unsafe operations
- }
- $cpt->share('&wrapper');
- =back
- =head1 WARNING
- The authors make B<no warranty>, implied or otherwise, about the
- suitability of this software for safety or security purposes.
- The authors shall not in any case be liable for special, incidental,
- consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising from the use
- of this software.
- Your mileage will vary. If in any doubt B<do not use it>.
- The interface to the Safe module has changed quite dramatically since
- version 1 (as supplied with Perl5.002). Study these pages carefully if
- you have code written to use Safe version 1 because you will need to
- makes changes.
- =head2 Methods in class Safe
- To create a new compartment, use
- $cpt = new Safe;
- Optional argument is (NAMESPACE), where NAMESPACE is the root namespace
- to use for the compartment (defaults to "Safe::Root0", incremented for
- each new compartment).
- Note that version 1.00 of the Safe module supported a second optional
- parameter, MASK. That functionality has been withdrawn pending deeper
- consideration. Use the permit and deny methods described below.
- The following methods can then be used on the compartment
- object returned by the above constructor. The object argument
- is implicit in each case.
- =over 8
- =item permit (OP, ...)
- Permit the listed operators to be used when compiling code in the
- compartment (in I<addition> to any operators already permitted).
- =item permit_only (OP, ...)
- Permit I<only> the listed operators to be used when compiling code in
- the compartment (I<no> other operators are permitted).
- =item deny (OP, ...)
- Deny the listed operators from being used when compiling code in the
- compartment (other operators may still be permitted).
- =item deny_only (OP, ...)
- Deny I<only> the listed operators from being used when compiling code
- in the compartment (I<all> other operators will be permitted).
- =item trap (OP, ...)
- =item untrap (OP, ...)
- The trap and untrap methods are synonyms for deny and permit
- respectfully.
- =item share (NAME, ...)
- This shares the variable(s) in the argument list with the compartment.
- This is almost identical to exporting variables using the L<Exporter>
- module.
- Each NAME must be the B<name> of a variable, typically with the leading
- type identifier included. A bareword is treated as a function name.
- Examples of legal names are '$foo' for a scalar, '@foo' for an
- array, '%foo' for a hash, '&foo' or 'foo' for a subroutine and '*foo'
- for a glob (i.e. all symbol table entries associated with "foo",
- including scalar, array, hash, sub and filehandle).
- Each NAME is assumed to be in the calling package. See share_from
- for an alternative method (which share uses).
- =item share_from (PACKAGE, ARRAYREF)
- This method is similar to share() but allows you to explicitly name the
- package that symbols should be shared from. The symbol names (including
- type characters) are supplied as an array reference.
- $safe->share_from('main', [ '$foo', '%bar', 'func' ]);
- =item varglob (VARNAME)
- This returns a glob reference for the symbol table entry of VARNAME in
- the package of the compartment. VARNAME must be the B<name> of a
- variable without any leading type marker. For example,
- $cpt = new Safe 'Root';
- $Root::foo = "Hello world";
- # Equivalent version which doesn't need to know $cpt's package name:
- ${$cpt->varglob('foo')} = "Hello world";
- =item reval (STRING)
- This evaluates STRING as perl code inside the compartment.
- The code can only see the compartment's namespace (as returned by the
- B<root> method). The compartment's root package appears to be the
- C<main::> package to the code inside the compartment.
- Any attempt by the code in STRING to use an operator which is not permitted
- by the compartment will cause an error (at run-time of the main program
- but at compile-time for the code in STRING). The error is of the form
- "%s trapped by operation mask operation...".
- If an operation is trapped in this way, then the code in STRING will
- not be executed. If such a trapped operation occurs or any other
- compile-time or return error, then $@ is set to the error message, just
- as with an eval().
- If there is no error, then the method returns the value of the last
- expression evaluated, or a return statement may be used, just as with
- subroutines and B<eval()>. The context (list or scalar) is determined
- by the caller as usual.
- This behaviour differs from the beta distribution of the Safe extension
- where earlier versions of perl made it hard to mimic the return
- behaviour of the eval() command and the context was always scalar.
- Some points to note:
- If the entereval op is permitted then the code can use eval "..." to
- 'hide' code which might use denied ops. This is not a major problem
- since when the code tries to execute the eval it will fail because the
- opmask is still in effect. However this technique would allow clever,
- and possibly harmful, code to 'probe' the boundaries of what is
- possible.
- Any string eval which is executed by code executing in a compartment,
- or by code called from code executing in a compartment, will be eval'd
- in the namespace of the compartment. This is potentially a serious
- problem.
- Consider a function foo() in package pkg compiled outside a compartment
- but shared with it. Assume the compartment has a root package called
- 'Root'. If foo() contains an eval statement like eval '$foo = 1' then,
- normally, $pkg::foo will be set to 1. If foo() is called from the
- compartment (by whatever means) then instead of setting $pkg::foo, the
- eval will actually set $Root::pkg::foo.
- This can easily be demonstrated by using a module, such as the Socket
- module, which uses eval "..." as part of an AUTOLOAD function. You can
- 'use' the module outside the compartment and share an (autoloaded)
- function with the compartment. If an autoload is triggered by code in
- the compartment, or by any code anywhere that is called by any means
- from the compartment, then the eval in the Socket module's AUTOLOAD
- function happens in the namespace of the compartment. Any variables
- created or used by the eval'd code are now under the control of
- the code in the compartment.
- A similar effect applies to I<all> runtime symbol lookups in code
- called from a compartment but not compiled within it.
- =item rdo (FILENAME)
- This evaluates the contents of file FILENAME inside the compartment.
- See above documentation on the B<reval> method for further details.
- =item root (NAMESPACE)
- This method returns the name of the package that is the root of the
- compartment's namespace.
- Note that this behaviour differs from version 1.00 of the Safe module
- where the root module could be used to change the namespace. That
- functionality has been withdrawn pending deeper consideration.
- =item mask (MASK)
- This is a get-or-set method for the compartment's operator mask.
- With no MASK argument present, it returns the current operator mask of
- the compartment.
- With the MASK argument present, it sets the operator mask for the
- compartment (equivalent to calling the deny_only method).
- =back
- =head2 Some Safety Issues
- This section is currently just an outline of some of the things code in
- a compartment might do (intentionally or unintentionally) which can
- have an effect outside the compartment.
- =over 8
- =item Memory
- Consuming all (or nearly all) available memory.
- =item CPU
- Causing infinite loops etc.
- =item Snooping
- Copying private information out of your system. Even something as
- simple as your user name is of value to others. Much useful information
- could be gleaned from your environment variables for example.
- =item Signals
- Causing signals (especially SIGFPE and SIGALARM) to affect your process.
- Setting up a signal handler will need to be carefully considered
- and controlled. What mask is in effect when a signal handler
- gets called? If a user can get an imported function to get an
- exception and call the user's signal handler, does that user's
- restricted mask get re-instated before the handler is called?
- Does an imported handler get called with its original mask or
- the user's one?
- =item State Changes
- Ops such as chdir obviously effect the process as a whole and not just
- the code in the compartment. Ops such as rand and srand have a similar
- but more subtle effect.
- =back
- =head2 AUTHOR
- Originally designed and implemented by Malcolm Beattie,
- mbeattie@sable.ox.ac.uk.
- Reworked to use the Opcode module and other changes added by Tim Bunce
- E<lt>F<Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk>E<gt>.
- =cut