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- =head1 NAME
- perlunicode - Unicode support in Perl
- =head2 Important Caveats
- Unicode support is an extensive requirement. While Perl does not
- implement the Unicode standard or the accompanying technical reports
- from cover to cover, Perl does support many Unicode features.
- =over 4
- =item Input and Output Layers
- Perl knows when a filehandle uses Perl's internal Unicode encodings
- (UTF-8, or UTF-EBCDIC if in EBCDIC) if the filehandle is opened with
- the ":utf8" layer. Other encodings can be converted to Perl's
- encoding on input or from Perl's encoding on output by use of the
- ":encoding(...)" layer. See L<open>.
- To indicate that Perl source itself is using a particular encoding,
- see L<encoding>.
- =item Regular Expressions
- The regular expression compiler produces polymorphic opcodes. That is,
- the pattern adapts to the data and automatically switches to the Unicode
- character scheme when presented with Unicode data--or instead uses
- a traditional byte scheme when presented with byte data.
- =item C<use utf8> still needed to enable UTF-8/UTF-EBCDIC in scripts
- As a compatibility measure, the C<use utf8> pragma must be explicitly
- included to enable recognition of UTF-8 in the Perl scripts themselves
- (in string or regular expression literals, or in identifier names) on
- ASCII-based machines or to recognize UTF-EBCDIC on EBCDIC-based
- machines. B<These are the only times when an explicit C<use utf8>
- is needed.> See L<utf8>.
- You can also use the C<encoding> pragma to change the default encoding
- of the data in your script; see L<encoding>.
- =back
- =head2 Byte and Character Semantics
- Beginning with version 5.6, Perl uses logically-wide characters to
- represent strings internally.
- In future, Perl-level operations will be expected to work with
- characters rather than bytes.
- However, as an interim compatibility measure, Perl aims to
- provide a safe migration path from byte semantics to character
- semantics for programs. For operations where Perl can unambiguously
- decide that the input data are characters, Perl switches to
- character semantics. For operations where this determination cannot
- be made without additional information from the user, Perl decides in
- favor of compatibility and chooses to use byte semantics.
- This behavior preserves compatibility with earlier versions of Perl,
- which allowed byte semantics in Perl operations only if
- none of the program's inputs were marked as being as source of Unicode
- character data. Such data may come from filehandles, from calls to
- external programs, from information provided by the system (such as %ENV),
- or from literals and constants in the source text.
- On Windows platforms, if the C<-C> command line switch is used or the
- ${^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS} global flag is set to C<1>, all system calls
- will use the corresponding wide-character APIs. This feature is
- available only on Windows to conform to the API standard already
- established for that platform--and there are very few non-Windows
- platforms that have Unicode-aware APIs.
- The C<bytes> pragma will always, regardless of platform, force byte
- semantics in a particular lexical scope. See L<bytes>.
- The C<utf8> pragma is primarily a compatibility device that enables
- recognition of UTF-(8|EBCDIC) in literals encountered by the parser.
- Note that this pragma is only required while Perl defaults to byte
- semantics; when character semantics become the default, this pragma
- may become a no-op. See L<utf8>.
- Unless explicitly stated, Perl operators use character semantics
- for Unicode data and byte semantics for non-Unicode data.
- The decision to use character semantics is made transparently. If
- input data comes from a Unicode source--for example, if a character
- encoding layer is added to a filehandle or a literal Unicode
- string constant appears in a program--character semantics apply.
- Otherwise, byte semantics are in effect. The C<bytes> pragma should
- be used to force byte semantics on Unicode data.
- If strings operating under byte semantics and strings with Unicode
- character data are concatenated, the new string will be upgraded to
- I<ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)>, even if the old Unicode string used EBCDIC.
- This translation is done without regard to the system's native 8-bit
- encoding, so to change this for systems with non-Latin-1 and
- non-EBCDIC native encodings use the C<encoding> pragma. See
- L<encoding>.
- Under character semantics, many operations that formerly operated on
- bytes now operate on characters. A character in Perl is
- logically just a number ranging from 0 to 2**31 or so. Larger
- characters may encode into longer sequences of bytes internally, but
- this internal detail is mostly hidden for Perl code.
- See L<perluniintro> for more.
- =head2 Effects of Character Semantics
- Character semantics have the following effects:
- =over 4
- =item *
- Strings--including hash keys--and regular expression patterns may
- contain characters that have an ordinal value larger than 255.
- If you use a Unicode editor to edit your program, Unicode characters
- may occur directly within the literal strings in one of the various
- Unicode encodings (UTF-8, UTF-EBCDIC, UCS-2, etc.), but will be recognized
- as such and converted to Perl's internal representation only if the
- appropriate L<encoding> is specified.
- Unicode characters can also be added to a string by using the
- C<\x{...}> notation. The Unicode code for the desired character, in
- hexadecimal, should be placed in the braces. For instance, a smiley
- face is C<\x{263A}>. This encoding scheme only works for characters
- with a code of 0x100 or above.
- Additionally, if you
- use charnames ':full';
- you can use the C<\N{...}> notation and put the official Unicode
- character name within the braces, such as C<\N{WHITE SMILING FACE}>.
- =item *
- If an appropriate L<encoding> is specified, identifiers within the
- Perl script may contain Unicode alphanumeric characters, including
- ideographs. Perl does not currently attempt to canonicalize variable
- names.
- =item *
- Regular expressions match characters instead of bytes. "." matches
- a character instead of a byte. The C<\C> pattern is provided to force
- a match a single byte--a C<char> in C, hence C<\C>.
- =item *
- Character classes in regular expressions match characters instead of
- bytes and match against the character properties specified in the
- Unicode properties database. C<\w> can be used to match a Japanese
- ideograph, for instance.
- =item *
- Named Unicode properties, scripts, and block ranges may be used like
- character classes via the C<\p{}> "matches property" construct and
- the C<\P{}> negation, "doesn't match property".
- For instance, C<\p{Lu}> matches any character with the Unicode "Lu"
- (Letter, uppercase) property, while C<\p{M}> matches any character
- with an "M" (mark--accents and such) property. Brackets are not
- required for single letter properties, so C<\p{M}> is equivalent to
- C<\pM>. Many predefined properties are available, such as
- C<\p{Mirrored}> and C<\p{Tibetan}>.
- The official Unicode script and block names have spaces and dashes as
- separators, but for convenience you can use dashes, spaces, or
- underbars, and case is unimportant. It is recommended, however, that
- for consistency you use the following naming: the official Unicode
- script, property, or block name (see below for the additional rules
- that apply to block names) with whitespace and dashes removed, and the
- words "uppercase-first-lowercase-rest". C<Latin-1 Supplement> thus
- becomes C<Latin1Supplement>.
- You can also use negation in both C<\p{}> and C<\P{}> by introducing a caret
- (^) between the first brace and the property name: C<\p{^Tamil}> is
- equal to C<\P{Tamil}>.
- Here are the basic Unicode General Category properties, followed by their
- long form. You can use either; C<\p{Lu}> and C<\p{LowercaseLetter}>,
- for instance, are identical.
- Short Long
- L Letter
- Lu UppercaseLetter
- Ll LowercaseLetter
- Lt TitlecaseLetter
- Lm ModifierLetter
- Lo OtherLetter
- M Mark
- Mn NonspacingMark
- Mc SpacingMark
- Me EnclosingMark
- N Number
- Nd DecimalNumber
- Nl LetterNumber
- No OtherNumber
- P Punctuation
- Pc ConnectorPunctuation
- Pd DashPunctuation
- Ps OpenPunctuation
- Pe ClosePunctuation
- Pi InitialPunctuation
- (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
- Pf FinalPunctuation
- (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
- Po OtherPunctuation
- S Symbol
- Sm MathSymbol
- Sc CurrencySymbol
- Sk ModifierSymbol
- So OtherSymbol
- Z Separator
- Zs SpaceSeparator
- Zl LineSeparator
- Zp ParagraphSeparator
- C Other
- Cc Control
- Cf Format
- Cs Surrogate (not usable)
- Co PrivateUse
- Cn Unassigned
- Single-letter properties match all characters in any of the
- two-letter sub-properties starting with the same letter.
- C<L&> is a special case, which is an alias for C<Ll>, C<Lu>, and C<Lt>.
- Because Perl hides the need for the user to understand the internal
- representation of Unicode characters, there is no need to implement
- the somewhat messy concept of surrogates. C<Cs> is therefore not
- supported.
- Because scripts differ in their directionality--Hebrew is
- written right to left, for example--Unicode supplies these properties:
- Property Meaning
- BidiL Left-to-Right
- BidiLRE Left-to-Right Embedding
- BidiLRO Left-to-Right Override
- BidiR Right-to-Left
- BidiAL Right-to-Left Arabic
- BidiRLE Right-to-Left Embedding
- BidiRLO Right-to-Left Override
- BidiPDF Pop Directional Format
- BidiEN European Number
- BidiES European Number Separator
- BidiET European Number Terminator
- BidiAN Arabic Number
- BidiCS Common Number Separator
- BidiNSM Non-Spacing Mark
- BidiBN Boundary Neutral
- BidiB Paragraph Separator
- BidiS Segment Separator
- BidiWS Whitespace
- BidiON Other Neutrals
- For example, C<\p{BidiR}> matches characters that are normally
- written right to left.
- =back
- =head2 Scripts
- The script names which can be used by C<\p{...}> and C<\P{...}>,
- such as in C<\p{Latin}> or C<\p{Cyrillic}>, are as follows:
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Bengali
- Bopomofo
- Buhid
- CanadianAboriginal
- Cherokee
- Cyrillic
- Deseret
- Devanagari
- Ethiopic
- Georgian
- Gothic
- Greek
- Gujarati
- Gurmukhi
- Han
- Hangul
- Hanunoo
- Hebrew
- Hiragana
- Inherited
- Kannada
- Katakana
- Khmer
- Lao
- Latin
- Malayalam
- Mongolian
- Myanmar
- Ogham
- OldItalic
- Oriya
- Runic
- Sinhala
- Syriac
- Tagalog
- Tagbanwa
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Thaana
- Thai
- Tibetan
- Yi
- Extended property classes can supplement the basic
- properties, defined by the F<PropList> Unicode database:
- ASCIIHexDigit
- BidiControl
- Dash
- Deprecated
- Diacritic
- Extender
- GraphemeLink
- HexDigit
- Hyphen
- Ideographic
- IDSBinaryOperator
- IDSTrinaryOperator
- JoinControl
- LogicalOrderException
- NoncharacterCodePoint
- OtherAlphabetic
- OtherDefaultIgnorableCodePoint
- OtherGraphemeExtend
- OtherLowercase
- OtherMath
- OtherUppercase
- QuotationMark
- Radical
- SoftDotted
- TerminalPunctuation
- UnifiedIdeograph
- WhiteSpace
- and there are further derived properties:
- Alphabetic Lu + Ll + Lt + Lm + Lo + OtherAlphabetic
- Lowercase Ll + OtherLowercase
- Uppercase Lu + OtherUppercase
- Math Sm + OtherMath
- ID_Start Lu + Ll + Lt + Lm + Lo + Nl
- ID_Continue ID_Start + Mn + Mc + Nd + Pc
- Any Any character
- Assigned Any non-Cn character (i.e. synonym for \P{Cn})
- Unassigned Synonym for \p{Cn}
- Common Any character (or unassigned code point)
- not explicitly assigned to a script
- For backward compatibility (with Perl 5.6), all properties mentioned
- so far may have C<Is> prepended to their name, so C<\P{IsLu}>, for
- example, is equal to C<\P{Lu}>.
- =head2 Blocks
- In addition to B<scripts>, Unicode also defines B<blocks> of
- characters. The difference between scripts and blocks is that the
- concept of scripts is closer to natural languages, while the concept
- of blocks is more of an artificial grouping based on groups of 256
- Unicode characters. For example, the C<Latin> script contains letters
- from many blocks but does not contain all the characters from those
- blocks. It does not, for example, contain digits, because digits are
- shared across many scripts. Digits and similar groups, like
- punctuation, are in a category called C<Common>.
- For more about scripts, see the UTR #24:
- http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr24/
- For more about blocks, see:
- http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Blocks.txt
- Block names are given with the C<In> prefix. For example, the
- Katakana block is referenced via C<\p{InKatakana}>. The C<In>
- prefix may be omitted if there is no naming conflict with a script
- or any other property, but it is recommended that C<In> always be used
- for block tests to avoid confusion.
- These block names are supported:
- InAlphabeticPresentationForms
- InArabic
- InArabicPresentationFormsA
- InArabicPresentationFormsB
- InArmenian
- InArrows
- InBasicLatin
- InBengali
- InBlockElements
- InBopomofo
- InBopomofoExtended
- InBoxDrawing
- InBraillePatterns
- InBuhid
- InByzantineMusicalSymbols
- InCJKCompatibility
- InCJKCompatibilityForms
- InCJKCompatibilityIdeographs
- InCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement
- InCJKRadicalsSupplement
- InCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation
- InCJKUnifiedIdeographs
- InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA
- InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB
- InCherokee
- InCombiningDiacriticalMarks
- InCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols
- InCombiningHalfMarks
- InControlPictures
- InCurrencySymbols
- InCyrillic
- InCyrillicSupplementary
- InDeseret
- InDevanagari
- InDingbats
- InEnclosedAlphanumerics
- InEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths
- InEthiopic
- InGeneralPunctuation
- InGeometricShapes
- InGeorgian
- InGothic
- InGreekExtended
- InGreekAndCoptic
- InGujarati
- InGurmukhi
- InHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms
- InHangulCompatibilityJamo
- InHangulJamo
- InHangulSyllables
- InHanunoo
- InHebrew
- InHighPrivateUseSurrogates
- InHighSurrogates
- InHiragana
- InIPAExtensions
- InIdeographicDescriptionCharacters
- InKanbun
- InKangxiRadicals
- InKannada
- InKatakana
- InKatakanaPhoneticExtensions
- InKhmer
- InLao
- InLatin1Supplement
- InLatinExtendedA
- InLatinExtendedAdditional
- InLatinExtendedB
- InLetterlikeSymbols
- InLowSurrogates
- InMalayalam
- InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols
- InMathematicalOperators
- InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA
- InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB
- InMiscellaneousSymbols
- InMiscellaneousTechnical
- InMongolian
- InMusicalSymbols
- InMyanmar
- InNumberForms
- InOgham
- InOldItalic
- InOpticalCharacterRecognition
- InOriya
- InPrivateUseArea
- InRunic
- InSinhala
- InSmallFormVariants
- InSpacingModifierLetters
- InSpecials
- InSuperscriptsAndSubscripts
- InSupplementalArrowsA
- InSupplementalArrowsB
- InSupplementalMathematicalOperators
- InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA
- InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB
- InSyriac
- InTagalog
- InTagbanwa
- InTags
- InTamil
- InTelugu
- InThaana
- InThai
- InTibetan
- InUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics
- InVariationSelectors
- InYiRadicals
- InYiSyllables
- =over 4
- =item *
- The special pattern C<\X> matches any extended Unicode
- sequence--"a combining character sequence" in Standardese--where the
- first character is a base character and subsequent characters are mark
- characters that apply to the base character. C<\X> is equivalent to
- C<(?:\PM\pM*)>.
- =item *
- The C<tr///> operator translates characters instead of bytes. Note
- that the C<tr///CU> functionality has been removed. For similar
- functionality see pack('U0', ...) and pack('C0', ...).
- =item *
- Case translation operators use the Unicode case translation tables
- when character input is provided. Note that C<uc()>, or C<\U> in
- interpolated strings, translates to uppercase, while C<ucfirst>,
- or C<\u> in interpolated strings, translates to titlecase in languages
- that make the distinction.
- =item *
- Most operators that deal with positions or lengths in a string will
- automatically switch to using character positions, including
- C<chop()>, C<substr()>, C<pos()>, C<index()>, C<rindex()>,
- C<sprintf()>, C<write()>, and C<length()>. Operators that
- specifically do not switch include C<vec()>, C<pack()>, and
- C<unpack()>. Operators that really don't care include C<chomp()>,
- operators that treats strings as a bucket of bits such as C<sort()>,
- and operators dealing with filenames.
- =item *
- The C<pack()>/C<unpack()> letters C<c> and C<C> do I<not> change,
- since they are often used for byte-oriented formats. Again, think
- C<char> in the C language.
- There is a new C<U> specifier that converts between Unicode characters
- and code points.
- =item *
- The C<chr()> and C<ord()> functions work on characters, similar to
- C<pack("U")> and C<unpack("U")>, I<not> C<pack("C")> and
- C<unpack("C")>. C<pack("C")> and C<unpack("C")> are methods for
- emulating byte-oriented C<chr()> and C<ord()> on Unicode strings.
- While these methods reveal the internal encoding of Unicode strings,
- that is not something one normally needs to care about at all.
- =item *
- The bit string operators, C<& | ^ ~>, can operate on character data.
- However, for backward compatibility, such as when using bit string
- operations when characters are all less than 256 in ordinal value, one
- should not use C<~> (the bit complement) with characters of both
- values less than 256 and values greater than 256. Most importantly,
- DeMorgan's laws (C<~($x|$y) eq ~$x&~$y> and C<~($x&$y) eq ~$x|~$y>)
- will not hold. The reason for this mathematical I<faux pas> is that
- the complement cannot return B<both> the 8-bit (byte-wide) bit
- complement B<and> the full character-wide bit complement.
- =item *
- lc(), uc(), lcfirst(), and ucfirst() work for the following cases:
- =over 8
- =item *
- the case mapping is from a single Unicode character to another
- single Unicode character, or
- =item *
- the case mapping is from a single Unicode character to more
- than one Unicode character.
- =back
- Things to do with locales (Lithuanian, Turkish, Azeri) do B<not> work
- since Perl does not understand the concept of Unicode locales.
- =back
- See the Unicode Technical Report #21, Case Mappings, for more details.
- =item *
- And finally, C<scalar reverse()> reverses by character rather than by byte.
- =back
- =head2 User-Defined Character Properties
- You can define your own character properties by defining subroutines
- whose names begin with "In" or "Is". The subroutines must be
- visible in the package that uses the properties. The user-defined
- properties can be used in the regular expression C<\p> and C<\P>
- constructs.
- The subroutines must return a specially-formatted string, with one
- or more newline-separated lines. Each line must be one of the following:
- =over 4
- =item *
- Two hexadecimal numbers separated by horizontal whitespace (space or
- tabular characters) denoting a range of Unicode code points to include.
- =item *
- Something to include, prefixed by "+": a built-in character
- property (prefixed by "utf8::"), to represent all the characters in that
- property; two hexadecimal code points for a range; or a single
- hexadecimal code point.
- =item *
- Something to exclude, prefixed by "-": an existing character
- property (prefixed by "utf8::"), for all the characters in that
- property; two hexadecimal code points for a range; or a single
- hexadecimal code point.
- =item *
- Something to negate, prefixed "!": an existing character
- property (prefixed by "utf8::") for all the characters except the
- characters in the property; two hexadecimal code points for a range;
- or a single hexadecimal code point.
- =back
- For example, to define a property that covers both the Japanese
- syllabaries (hiragana and katakana), you can define
- sub InKana {
- return <<END;
- 3040\t309F
- 30A0\t30FF
- }
- Imagine that the here-doc end marker is at the beginning of the line.
- Now you can use C<\p{InKana}> and C<\P{InKana}>.
- You could also have used the existing block property names:
- sub InKana {
- return <<'END';
- +utf8::InHiragana
- +utf8::InKatakana
- }
- Suppose you wanted to match only the allocated characters,
- not the raw block ranges: in other words, you want to remove
- the non-characters:
- sub InKana {
- return <<'END';
- +utf8::InHiragana
- +utf8::InKatakana
- -utf8::IsCn
- }
- The negation is useful for defining (surprise!) negated classes.
- sub InNotKana {
- return <<'END';
- !utf8::InHiragana
- -utf8::InKatakana
- +utf8::IsCn
- }
- =head2 Character Encodings for Input and Output
- See L<Encode>.
- =head2 Unicode Regular Expression Support Level
- The following list of Unicode support for regular expressions describes
- all the features currently supported. The references to "Level N"
- and the section numbers refer to the Unicode Technical Report 18,
- "Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines".
- =over 4
- =item *
- Level 1 - Basic Unicode Support
- 2.1 Hex Notation - done [1]
- Named Notation - done [2]
- 2.2 Categories - done [3][4]
- 2.3 Subtraction - MISSING [5][6]
- 2.4 Simple Word Boundaries - done [7]
- 2.5 Simple Loose Matches - done [8]
- 2.6 End of Line - MISSING [9][10]
- [ 1] \x{...}
- [ 2] \N{...}
- [ 3] . \p{...} \P{...}
- [ 4] now scripts (see UTR#24 Script Names) in addition to blocks
- [ 5] have negation
- [ 6] can use regular expression look-ahead [a]
- or user-defined character properties [b] to emulate subtraction
- [ 7] include Letters in word characters
- [ 8] note that Perl does Full case-folding in matching, not Simple:
- for example U+1F88 is equivalent with U+1F00 U+03B9,
- not with 1F80. This difference matters for certain Greek
- capital letters with certain modifiers: the Full case-folding
- decomposes the letter, while the Simple case-folding would map
- it to a single character.
- [ 9] see UTR#13 Unicode Newline Guidelines
- [10] should do ^ and $ also on \x{85}, \x{2028} and \x{2029}
- (should also affect <>, $., and script line numbers)
- (the \x{85}, \x{2028} and \x{2029} do match \s)
- [a] You can mimic class subtraction using lookahead.
- For example, what TR18 might write as
- [{Greek}-[{UNASSIGNED}]]
- in Perl can be written as:
- (?!\p{Unassigned})\p{InGreekAndCoptic}
- (?=\p{Assigned})\p{InGreekAndCoptic}
- But in this particular example, you probably really want
- \p{GreekAndCoptic}
- which will match assigned characters known to be part of the Greek script.
- [b] See L</"User-Defined Character Properties">.
- =item *
- Level 2 - Extended Unicode Support
- 3.1 Surrogates - MISSING [11]
- 3.2 Canonical Equivalents - MISSING [12][13]
- 3.3 Locale-Independent Graphemes - MISSING [14]
- 3.4 Locale-Independent Words - MISSING [15]
- 3.5 Locale-Independent Loose Matches - MISSING [16]
- [11] Surrogates are solely a UTF-16 concept and Perl's internal
- representation is UTF-8. The Encode module does UTF-16, though.
- [12] see UTR#15 Unicode Normalization
- [13] have Unicode::Normalize but not integrated to regexes
- [14] have \X but at this level . should equal that
- [15] need three classes, not just \w and \W
- [16] see UTR#21 Case Mappings
- =item *
- Level 3 - Locale-Sensitive Support
- 4.1 Locale-Dependent Categories - MISSING
- 4.2 Locale-Dependent Graphemes - MISSING [16][17]
- 4.3 Locale-Dependent Words - MISSING
- 4.4 Locale-Dependent Loose Matches - MISSING
- 4.5 Locale-Dependent Ranges - MISSING
- [16] see UTR#10 Unicode Collation Algorithms
- [17] have Unicode::Collate but not integrated to regexes
- =back
- =head2 Unicode Encodings
- Unicode characters are assigned to I<code points>, which are abstract
- numbers. To use these numbers, various encodings are needed.
- =over 4
- =item *
- UTF-8
- UTF-8 is a variable-length (1 to 6 bytes, current character allocations
- require 4 bytes), byte-order independent encoding. For ASCII (and we
- really do mean 7-bit ASCII, not another 8-bit encoding), UTF-8 is
- transparent.
- The following table is from Unicode 3.2.
- Code Points 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte
- U+0000..U+007F 00..7F
- U+0080..U+07FF C2..DF 80..BF
- U+0800..U+0FFF E0 A0..BF 80..BF
- U+1000..U+CFFF E1..EC 80..BF 80..BF
- U+D000..U+D7FF ED 80..9F 80..BF
- U+D800..U+DFFF ******* ill-formed *******
- U+E000..U+FFFF EE..EF 80..BF 80..BF
- U+10000..U+3FFFF F0 90..BF 80..BF 80..BF
- U+40000..U+FFFFF F1..F3 80..BF 80..BF 80..BF
- U+100000..U+10FFFF F4 80..8F 80..BF 80..BF
- Note the C<A0..BF> in C<U+0800..U+0FFF>, the C<80..9F> in
- C<U+D000...U+D7FF>, the C<90..B>F in C<U+10000..U+3FFFF>, and the
- C<80...8F> in C<U+100000..U+10FFFF>. The "gaps" are caused by legal
- UTF-8 avoiding non-shortest encodings: it is technically possible to
- UTF-8-encode a single code point in different ways, but that is
- explicitly forbidden, and the shortest possible encoding should always
- be used. So that's what Perl does.
- Another way to look at it is via bits:
- Code Points 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte
- 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa
- 00000bbbbbaaaaaa 110bbbbb 10aaaaaa
- ccccbbbbbbaaaaaa 1110cccc 10bbbbbb 10aaaaaa
- 00000dddccccccbbbbbbaaaaaa 11110ddd 10cccccc 10bbbbbb 10aaaaaa
- As you can see, the continuation bytes all begin with C<10>, and the
- leading bits of the start byte tell how many bytes the are in the
- encoded character.
- =item *
- Like UTF-8 but EBCDIC-safe, in the way that UTF-8 is ASCII-safe.
- =item *
- UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF16-LE, Surrogates, and BOMs (Byte Order Marks)
- The followings items are mostly for reference and general Unicode
- knowledge, Perl doesn't use these constructs internally.
- UTF-16 is a 2 or 4 byte encoding. The Unicode code points
- C<U+0000..U+FFFF> are stored in a single 16-bit unit, and the code
- points C<U+10000..U+10FFFF> in two 16-bit units. The latter case is
- using I<surrogates>, the first 16-bit unit being the I<high
- surrogate>, and the second being the I<low surrogate>.
- Surrogates are code points set aside to encode the C<U+10000..U+10FFFF>
- range of Unicode code points in pairs of 16-bit units. The I<high
- surrogates> are the range C<U+D800..U+DBFF>, and the I<low surrogates>
- are the range C<U+DC00..U+DFFF>. The surrogate encoding is
- $hi = ($uni - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800;
- $lo = ($uni - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00;
- and the decoding is
- $uni = 0x10000 + ($hi - 0xD800) * 0x400 + ($lo - 0xDC00);
- If you try to generate surrogates (for example by using chr()), you
- will get a warning if warnings are turned on, because those code
- points are not valid for a Unicode character.
- Because of the 16-bitness, UTF-16 is byte-order dependent. UTF-16
- itself can be used for in-memory computations, but if storage or
- transfer is required either UTF-16BE (big-endian) or UTF-16LE
- (little-endian) encodings must be chosen.
- This introduces another problem: what if you just know that your data
- is UTF-16, but you don't know which endianness? Byte Order Marks, or
- BOMs, are a solution to this. A special character has been reserved
- in Unicode to function as a byte order marker: the character with the
- code point C<U+FEFF> is the BOM.
- The trick is that if you read a BOM, you will know the byte order,
- since if it was written on a big-endian platform, you will read the
- bytes C<0xFE 0xFF>, but if it was written on a little-endian platform,
- you will read the bytes C<0xFF 0xFE>. (And if the originating platform
- was writing in UTF-8, you will read the bytes C<0xEF 0xBB 0xBF>.)
- The way this trick works is that the character with the code point
- C<U+FFFE> is guaranteed not to be a valid Unicode character, so the
- sequence of bytes C<0xFF 0xFE> is unambiguously "BOM, represented in
- little-endian format" and cannot be C<U+FFFE>, represented in big-endian
- format".
- =item *
- UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF32-LE
- The UTF-32 family is pretty much like the UTF-16 family, expect that
- the units are 32-bit, and therefore the surrogate scheme is not
- needed. The BOM signatures will be C<0x00 0x00 0xFE 0xFF> for BE and
- C<0xFF 0xFE 0x00 0x00> for LE.
- =item *
- UCS-2, UCS-4
- Encodings defined by the ISO 10646 standard. UCS-2 is a 16-bit
- encoding. Unlike UTF-16, UCS-2 is not extensible beyond C<U+FFFF>,
- because it does not use surrogates. UCS-4 is a 32-bit encoding,
- functionally identical to UTF-32.
- =item *
- UTF-7
- A seven-bit safe (non-eight-bit) encoding, which is useful if the
- transport or storage is not eight-bit safe. Defined by RFC 2152.
- =back
- =head2 Security Implications of Unicode
- =over 4
- =item *
- Malformed UTF-8
- Unfortunately, the specification of UTF-8 leaves some room for
- interpretation of how many bytes of encoded output one should generate
- from one input Unicode character. Strictly speaking, the shortest
- possible sequence of UTF-8 bytes should be generated,
- because otherwise there is potential for an input buffer overflow at
- the receiving end of a UTF-8 connection. Perl always generates the
- shortest length UTF-8, and with warnings on Perl will warn about
- non-shortest length UTF-8 along with other malformations, such as the
- surrogates, which are not real Unicode code points.
- =item *
- Regular expressions behave slightly differently between byte data and
- character (Unicode) data. For example, the "word character" character
- class C<\w> will work differently depending on if data is eight-bit bytes
- or Unicode.
- In the first case, the set of C<\w> characters is either small--the
- default set of alphabetic characters, digits, and the "_"--or, if you
- are using a locale (see L<perllocale>), the C<\w> might contain a few
- more letters according to your language and country.
- In the second case, the C<\w> set of characters is much, much larger.
- Most importantly, even in the set of the first 256 characters, it will
- probably match different characters: unlike most locales, which are
- specific to a language and country pair, Unicode classifies all the
- characters that are letters I<somewhere> as C<\w>. For example, your
- locale might not think that LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH is a letter (unless
- you happen to speak Icelandic), but Unicode does.
- As discussed elsewhere, Perl has one foot (two hooves?) planted in
- each of two worlds: the old world of bytes and the new world of
- characters, upgrading from bytes to characters when necessary.
- If your legacy code does not explicitly use Unicode, no automatic
- switch-over to characters should happen. Characters shouldn't get
- downgraded to bytes, either. It is possible to accidentally mix bytes
- and characters, however (see L<perluniintro>), in which case C<\w> in
- regular expressions might start behaving differently. Review your
- code. Use warnings and the C<strict> pragma.
- =back
- =head2 Unicode in Perl on EBCDIC
- The way Unicode is handled on EBCDIC platforms is still
- experimental. On such platforms, references to UTF-8 encoding in this
- document and elsewhere should be read as meaning the UTF-EBCDIC
- specified in Unicode Technical Report 16, unless ASCII vs. EBCDIC issues
- are specifically discussed. There is no C<utfebcdic> pragma or
- ":utfebcdic" layer; rather, "utf8" and ":utf8" are reused to mean
- the platform's "natural" 8-bit encoding of Unicode. See L<perlebcdic>
- for more discussion of the issues.
- =head2 Locales
- Usually locale settings and Unicode do not affect each other, but
- there are a couple of exceptions:
- =over 4
- =item *
- If your locale environment variables (LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LANG)
- contain the strings 'UTF-8' or 'UTF8' (case-insensitive matching),
- the default encodings of your STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR, and of
- B<any subsequent file open>, are considered to be UTF-8.
- =item *
- Perl tries really hard to work both with Unicode and the old
- byte-oriented world. Most often this is nice, but sometimes Perl's
- straddling of the proverbial fence causes problems.
- =back
- =head2 Using Unicode in XS
- If you want to handle Perl Unicode in XS extensions, you may find
- the following C APIs useful. See L<perlapi> for details.
- =over 4
- =item *
- C<DO_UTF8(sv)> returns true if the C<UTF8> flag is on and the bytes
- pragma is not in effect. C<SvUTF8(sv)> returns true is the C<UTF8>
- flag is on; the bytes pragma is ignored. The C<UTF8> flag being on
- does B<not> mean that there are any characters of code points greater
- than 255 (or 127) in the scalar or that there are even any characters
- in the scalar. What the C<UTF8> flag means is that the sequence of
- octets in the representation of the scalar is the sequence of UTF-8
- encoded code points of the characters of a string. The C<UTF8> flag
- being off means that each octet in this representation encodes a
- single character with code point 0..255 within the string. Perl's
- Unicode model is not to use UTF-8 until it is absolutely necessary.
- =item *
- C<uvuni_to_utf8(buf, chr>) writes a Unicode character code point into
- a buffer encoding the code point as UTF-8, and returns a pointer
- pointing after the UTF-8 bytes.
- =item *
- C<utf8_to_uvuni(buf, lenp)> reads UTF-8 encoded bytes from a buffer and
- returns the Unicode character code point and, optionally, the length of
- the UTF-8 byte sequence.
- =item *
- C<utf8_length(start, end)> returns the length of the UTF-8 encoded buffer
- in characters. C<sv_len_utf8(sv)> returns the length of the UTF-8 encoded
- scalar.
- =item *
- C<sv_utf8_upgrade(sv)> converts the string of the scalar to its UTF-8
- encoded form. C<sv_utf8_downgrade(sv)> does the opposite, if
- possible. C<sv_utf8_encode(sv)> is like sv_utf8_upgrade except that
- it does not set the C<UTF8> flag. C<sv_utf8_decode()> does the
- opposite of C<sv_utf8_encode()>. Note that none of these are to be
- used as general-purpose encoding or decoding interfaces: C<use Encode>
- for that. C<sv_utf8_upgrade()> is affected by the encoding pragma
- but C<sv_utf8_downgrade()> is not (since the encoding pragma is
- designed to be a one-way street).
- =item *
- C<is_utf8_char(s)> returns true if the pointer points to a valid UTF-8
- character.
- =item *
- C<is_utf8_string(buf, len)> returns true if C<len> bytes of the buffer
- are valid UTF-8.
- =item *
- C<UTF8SKIP(buf)> will return the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoded
- character in the buffer. C<UNISKIP(chr)> will return the number of bytes
- required to UTF-8-encode the Unicode character code point. C<UTF8SKIP()>
- is useful for example for iterating over the characters of a UTF-8
- encoded buffer; C<UNISKIP()> is useful, for example, in computing
- the size required for a UTF-8 encoded buffer.
- =item *
- C<utf8_distance(a, b)> will tell the distance in characters between the
- two pointers pointing to the same UTF-8 encoded buffer.
- =item *
- C<utf8_hop(s, off)> will return a pointer to an UTF-8 encoded buffer
- that is C<off> (positive or negative) Unicode characters displaced
- from the UTF-8 buffer C<s>. Be careful not to overstep the buffer:
- C<utf8_hop()> will merrily run off the end or the beginning of the
- buffer if told to do so.
- =item *
- C<pv_uni_display(dsv, spv, len, pvlim, flags)> and
- C<sv_uni_display(dsv, ssv, pvlim, flags)> are useful for debugging the
- output of Unicode strings and scalars. By default they are useful
- only for debugging--they display B<all> characters as hexadecimal code
- points--but with the flags C<UNI_DISPLAY_ISPRINT>,
- C<UNI_DISPLAY_BACKSLASH>, and C<UNI_DISPLAY_QQ> you can make the
- output more readable.
- =item *
- C<ibcmp_utf8(s1, pe1, u1, l1, u1, s2, pe2, l2, u2)> can be used to
- compare two strings case-insensitively in Unicode. For case-sensitive
- comparisons you can just use C<memEQ()> and C<memNE()> as usual.
- =back
- For more information, see L<perlapi>, and F<utf8.c> and F<utf8.h>
- in the Perl source code distribution.
- =head1 BUGS
- =head2 Interaction with Locales
- Use of locales with Unicode data may lead to odd results. Currently,
- Perl attempts to attach 8-bit locale info to characters in the range
- 0..255, but this technique is demonstrably incorrect for locales that
- use characters above that range when mapped into Unicode. Perl's
- Unicode support will also tend to run slower. Use of locales with
- Unicode is discouraged.
- =head2 Interaction with Extensions
- When Perl exchanges data with an extension, the extension should be
- able to understand the UTF-8 flag and act accordingly. If the
- extension doesn't know about the flag, it's likely that the extension
- will return incorrectly-flagged data.
- So if you're working with Unicode data, consult the documentation of
- every module you're using if there are any issues with Unicode data
- exchange. If the documentation does not talk about Unicode at all,
- suspect the worst and probably look at the source to learn how the
- module is implemented. Modules written completely in Perl shouldn't
- cause problems. Modules that directly or indirectly access code written
- in other programming languages are at risk.
- For affected functions, the simple strategy to avoid data corruption is
- to always make the encoding of the exchanged data explicit. Choose an
- encoding that you know the extension can handle. Convert arguments passed
- to the extensions to that encoding and convert results back from that
- encoding. Write wrapper functions that do the conversions for you, so
- you can later change the functions when the extension catches up.
- To provide an example, let's say the popular Foo::Bar::escape_html
- function doesn't deal with Unicode data yet. The wrapper function
- would convert the argument to raw UTF-8 and convert the result back to
- Perl's internal representation like so:
- sub my_escape_html ($) {
- my($what) = shift;
- return unless defined $what;
- Encode::decode_utf8(Foo::Bar::escape_html(Encode::encode_utf8($what)));
- }
- Sometimes, when the extension does not convert data but just stores
- and retrieves them, you will be in a position to use the otherwise
- dangerous Encode::_utf8_on() function. Let's say the popular
- C<Foo::Bar> extension, written in C, provides a C<param> method that
- lets you store and retrieve data according to these prototypes:
- $self->param($name, $value); # set a scalar
- $value = $self->param($name); # retrieve a scalar
- If it does not yet provide support for any encoding, one could write a
- derived class with such a C<param> method:
- sub param {
- my($self,$name,$value) = @_;
- utf8::upgrade($name); # make sure it is UTF-8 encoded
- if (defined $value)
- utf8::upgrade($value); # make sure it is UTF-8 encoded
- return $self->SUPER::param($name,$value);
- } else {
- my $ret = $self->SUPER::param($name);
- Encode::_utf8_on($ret); # we know, it is UTF-8 encoded
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- Some extensions provide filters on data entry/exit points, such as
- DB_File::filter_store_key and family. Look out for such filters in
- the documentation of your extensions, they can make the transition to
- Unicode data much easier.
- =head2 Speed
- Some functions are slower when working on UTF-8 encoded strings than
- on byte encoded strings. All functions that need to hop over
- characters such as length(), substr() or index() can work B<much>
- faster when the underlying data are byte-encoded. Witness the
- following benchmark:
- % perl -e '
- use Benchmark;
- use strict;
- our $l = 10000;
- our $u = our $b = "x" x $l;
- substr($u,0,1) = "\x{100}";
- timethese(-2,{
- LENGTH_B => q{ length($b) },
- LENGTH_U => q{ length($u) },
- SUBSTR_B => q{ substr($b, $l/4, $l/2) },
- SUBSTR_U => q{ substr($u, $l/4, $l/2) },
- });
- '
- Benchmark: running LENGTH_B, LENGTH_U, SUBSTR_B, SUBSTR_U for at least 2 CPU seconds...
- LENGTH_B: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.36 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.36 CPU) @ 5649983.05/s (n=13333960)
- LENGTH_U: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.11 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.11 CPU) @ 12155.45/s (n=25648)
- SUBSTR_B: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.16 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.16 CPU) @ 374480.09/s (n=808877)
- SUBSTR_U: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.11 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.11 CPU) @ 6791.00/s (n=14329)
- The numbers show an incredible slowness on long UTF-8 strings. You
- should carefully avoid using these functions in tight loops. If you
- want to iterate over characters, the superior coding technique would
- split the characters into an array instead of using substr, as the following
- benchmark shows:
- % perl -e '
- use Benchmark;
- use strict;
- our $l = 10000;
- our $u = our $b = "x" x $l;
- substr($u,0,1) = "\x{100}";
- timethese(-5,{
- SPLIT_B => q{ for my $c (split //, $b){} },
- SPLIT_U => q{ for my $c (split //, $u){} },
- SUBSTR_B => q{ for my $i (0..length($b)-1){my $c = substr($b,$i,1);} },
- SUBSTR_U => q{ for my $i (0..length($u)-1){my $c = substr($u,$i,1);} },
- });
- '
- Benchmark: running SPLIT_B, SPLIT_U, SUBSTR_B, SUBSTR_U for at least 5 CPU seconds...
- SPLIT_B: 6 wallclock secs ( 5.29 usr + 0.00 sys = 5.29 CPU) @ 56.14/s (n=297)
- SPLIT_U: 5 wallclock secs ( 5.17 usr + 0.01 sys = 5.18 CPU) @ 55.21/s (n=286)
- SUBSTR_B: 5 wallclock secs ( 5.34 usr + 0.00 sys = 5.34 CPU) @ 123.22/s (n=658)
- SUBSTR_U: 7 wallclock secs ( 6.20 usr + 0.00 sys = 6.20 CPU) @ 0.81/s (n=5)
- Even though the algorithm based on C<substr()> is faster than
- C<split()> for byte-encoded data, it pales in comparison to the speed
- of C<split()> when used with UTF-8 data.
- =head2 Porting code from perl-5.6.X
- Perl 5.8 has a different Unicode model from 5.6. In 5.6 the programmer
- was required to use the C<utf8> pragma to declare that a given scope
- expected to deal with Unicode data and had to make sure that only
- Unicode data were reaching that scope. If you have code that is
- working with 5.6, you will need some of the following adjustments to
- your code. The examples are written such that the code will continue
- to work under 5.6, so you should be safe to try them out.
- =over 4
- =item *
- A filehandle that should read or write UTF-8
- if ($] > 5.007) {
- binmode $fh, ":utf8";
- }
- =item *
- A scalar that is going to be passed to some extension
- Be it Compress::Zlib, Apache::Request or any extension that has no
- mention of Unicode in the manpage, you need to make sure that the
- UTF-8 flag is stripped off. Note that at the time of this writing
- (October 2002) the mentioned modules are not UTF-8-aware. Please
- check the documentation to verify if this is still true.
- if ($] > 5.007) {
- require Encode;
- $val = Encode::encode_utf8($val); # make octets
- }
- =item *
- A scalar we got back from an extension
- If you believe the scalar comes back as UTF-8, you will most likely
- want the UTF-8 flag restored:
- if ($] > 5.007) {
- require Encode;
- $val = Encode::decode_utf8($val);
- }
- =item *
- Same thing, if you are really sure it is UTF-8
- if ($] > 5.007) {
- require Encode;
- Encode::_utf8_on($val);
- }
- =item *
- A wrapper for fetchrow_array and fetchrow_hashref
- When the database contains only UTF-8, a wrapper function or method is
- a convenient way to replace all your fetchrow_array and
- fetchrow_hashref calls. A wrapper function will also make it easier to
- adapt to future enhancements in your database driver. Note that at the
- time of this writing (October 2002), the DBI has no standardized way
- to deal with UTF-8 data. Please check the documentation to verify if
- that is still true.
- sub fetchrow {
- my($self, $sth, $what) = @_; # $what is one of fetchrow_{array,hashref}
- if ($] < 5.007) {
- return $sth->$what;
- } else {
- require Encode;
- if (wantarray) {
- my @arr = $sth->$what;
- for (@arr) {
- defined && /[^\000-\177]/ && Encode::_utf8_on($_);
- }
- return @arr;
- } else {
- my $ret = $sth->$what;
- if (ref $ret) {
- for my $k (keys %$ret) {
- defined && /[^\000-\177]/ && Encode::_utf8_on($_) for $ret->{$k};
- }
- return $ret;
- } else {
- defined && /[^\000-\177]/ && Encode::_utf8_on($_) for $ret;
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- =item *
- A large scalar that you know can only contain ASCII
- Scalars that contain only ASCII and are marked as UTF-8 are sometimes
- a drag to your program. If you recognize such a situation, just remove
- the UTF-8 flag:
- utf8::downgrade($val) if $] > 5.007;
- =back
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<perluniintro>, L<encoding>, L<Encode>, L<open>, L<utf8>, L<bytes>,
- L<perlretut>, L<perlvar/"${^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS}">
- =cut