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- =head1 NAME
- perlothrtut - old tutorial on threads in Perl
- This tutorial describes the old-style thread model that was introduced in
- release 5.005. This model is now deprecated, and will be removed, probably
- in version 5.10. The interfaces described here were considered
- experimental, and are likely to be buggy.
- For information about the new interpreter threads ("ithreads") model, see
- the F<perlthrtut> tutorial, and the L<threads> and L<threads::shared>
- modules.
- You are strongly encouraged to migrate any existing threads code to the
- new model as soon as possible.
- =head1 What Is A Thread Anyway?
- A thread is a flow of control through a program with a single
- execution point.
- Sounds an awful lot like a process, doesn't it? Well, it should.
- Threads are one of the pieces of a process. Every process has at least
- one thread and, up until now, every process running Perl had only one
- thread. With 5.005, though, you can create extra threads. We're going
- to show you how, when, and why.
- =head1 Threaded Program Models
- There are three basic ways that you can structure a threaded
- program. Which model you choose depends on what you need your program
- to do. For many non-trivial threaded programs you'll need to choose
- different models for different pieces of your program.
- =head2 Boss/Worker
- The boss/worker model usually has one `boss' thread and one or more
- `worker' threads. The boss thread gathers or generates tasks that need
- to be done, then parcels those tasks out to the appropriate worker
- thread.
- This model is common in GUI and server programs, where a main thread
- waits for some event and then passes that event to the appropriate
- worker threads for processing. Once the event has been passed on, the
- boss thread goes back to waiting for another event.
- The boss thread does relatively little work. While tasks aren't
- necessarily performed faster than with any other method, it tends to
- have the best user-response times.
- =head2 Work Crew
- In the work crew model, several threads are created that do
- essentially the same thing to different pieces of data. It closely
- mirrors classical parallel processing and vector processors, where a
- large array of processors do the exact same thing to many pieces of
- data.
- This model is particularly useful if the system running the program
- will distribute multiple threads across different processors. It can
- also be useful in ray tracing or rendering engines, where the
- individual threads can pass on interim results to give the user visual
- feedback.
- =head2 Pipeline
- The pipeline model divides up a task into a series of steps, and
- passes the results of one step on to the thread processing the
- next. Each thread does one thing to each piece of data and passes the
- results to the next thread in line.
- This model makes the most sense if you have multiple processors so two
- or more threads will be executing in parallel, though it can often
- make sense in other contexts as well. It tends to keep the individual
- tasks small and simple, as well as allowing some parts of the pipeline
- to block (on I/O or system calls, for example) while other parts keep
- going. If you're running different parts of the pipeline on different
- processors you may also take advantage of the caches on each
- processor.
- This model is also handy for a form of recursive programming where,
- rather than having a subroutine call itself, it instead creates
- another thread. Prime and Fibonacci generators both map well to this
- form of the pipeline model. (A version of a prime number generator is
- presented later on.)
- =head1 Native threads
- There are several different ways to implement threads on a system. How
- threads are implemented depends both on the vendor and, in some cases,
- the version of the operating system. Often the first implementation
- will be relatively simple, but later versions of the OS will be more
- sophisticated.
- While the information in this section is useful, it's not necessary,
- so you can skip it if you don't feel up to it.
- There are three basic categories of threads-user-mode threads, kernel
- threads, and multiprocessor kernel threads.
- User-mode threads are threads that live entirely within a program and
- its libraries. In this model, the OS knows nothing about threads. As
- far as it's concerned, your process is just a process.
- This is the easiest way to implement threads, and the way most OSes
- start. The big disadvantage is that, since the OS knows nothing about
- threads, if one thread blocks they all do. Typical blocking activities
- include most system calls, most I/O, and things like sleep().
- Kernel threads are the next step in thread evolution. The OS knows
- about kernel threads, and makes allowances for them. The main
- difference between a kernel thread and a user-mode thread is
- blocking. With kernel threads, things that block a single thread don't
- block other threads. This is not the case with user-mode threads,
- where the kernel blocks at the process level and not the thread level.
- This is a big step forward, and can give a threaded program quite a
- performance boost over non-threaded programs. Threads that block
- performing I/O, for example, won't block threads that are doing other
- things. Each process still has only one thread running at once,
- though, regardless of how many CPUs a system might have.
- Since kernel threading can interrupt a thread at any time, they will
- uncover some of the implicit locking assumptions you may make in your
- program. For example, something as simple as C<$a = $a + 2> can behave
- unpredictably with kernel threads if $a is visible to other
- threads, as another thread may have changed $a between the time it
- was fetched on the right hand side and the time the new value is
- stored.
- Multiprocessor Kernel Threads are the final step in thread
- support. With multiprocessor kernel threads on a machine with multiple
- CPUs, the OS may schedule two or more threads to run simultaneously on
- different CPUs.
- This can give a serious performance boost to your threaded program,
- since more than one thread will be executing at the same time. As a
- tradeoff, though, any of those nagging synchronization issues that
- might not have shown with basic kernel threads will appear with a
- vengeance.
- In addition to the different levels of OS involvement in threads,
- different OSes (and different thread implementations for a particular
- OS) allocate CPU cycles to threads in different ways.
- Cooperative multitasking systems have running threads give up control
- if one of two things happen. If a thread calls a yield function, it
- gives up control. It also gives up control if the thread does
- something that would cause it to block, such as perform I/O. In a
- cooperative multitasking implementation, one thread can starve all the
- others for CPU time if it so chooses.
- Preemptive multitasking systems interrupt threads at regular intervals
- while the system decides which thread should run next. In a preemptive
- multitasking system, one thread usually won't monopolize the CPU.
- On some systems, there can be cooperative and preemptive threads
- running simultaneously. (Threads running with realtime priorities
- often behave cooperatively, for example, while threads running at
- normal priorities behave preemptively.)
- =head1 What kind of threads are perl threads?
- If you have experience with other thread implementations, you might
- find that things aren't quite what you expect. It's very important to
- remember when dealing with Perl threads that Perl Threads Are Not X
- Threads, for all values of X. They aren't POSIX threads, or
- DecThreads, or Java's Green threads, or Win32 threads. There are
- similarities, and the broad concepts are the same, but if you start
- looking for implementation details you're going to be either
- disappointed or confused. Possibly both.
- This is not to say that Perl threads are completely different from
- everything that's ever come before--they're not. Perl's threading
- model owes a lot to other thread models, especially POSIX. Just as
- Perl is not C, though, Perl threads are not POSIX threads. So if you
- find yourself looking for mutexes, or thread priorities, it's time to
- step back a bit and think about what you want to do and how Perl can
- do it.
- =head1 Threadsafe Modules
- The addition of threads has changed Perl's internals
- substantially. There are implications for people who write
- modules--especially modules with XS code or external libraries. While
- most modules won't encounter any problems, modules that aren't
- explicitly tagged as thread-safe should be tested before being used in
- production code.
- Not all modules that you might use are thread-safe, and you should
- always assume a module is unsafe unless the documentation says
- otherwise. This includes modules that are distributed as part of the
- core. Threads are a beta feature, and even some of the standard
- modules aren't thread-safe.
- If you're using a module that's not thread-safe for some reason, you
- can protect yourself by using semaphores and lots of programming
- discipline to control access to the module. Semaphores are covered
- later in the article. Perl Threads Are Different
- =head1 Thread Basics
- The core Thread module provides the basic functions you need to write
- threaded programs. In the following sections we'll cover the basics,
- showing you what you need to do to create a threaded program. After
- that, we'll go over some of the features of the Thread module that
- make threaded programming easier.
- =head2 Basic Thread Support
- Thread support is a Perl compile-time option-it's something that's
- turned on or off when Perl is built at your site, rather than when
- your programs are compiled. If your Perl wasn't compiled with thread
- support enabled, then any attempt to use threads will fail.
- Remember that the threading support in 5.005 is in beta release, and
- should be treated as such. You should expect that it may not function
- entirely properly, and the thread interface may well change some
- before it is a fully supported, production release. The beta version
- shouldn't be used for mission-critical projects. Having said that,
- threaded Perl is pretty nifty, and worth a look.
- Your programs can use the Config module to check whether threads are
- enabled. If your program can't run without them, you can say something
- like:
- $Config{usethreads} or die "Recompile Perl with threads to run this program.";
- A possibly-threaded program using a possibly-threaded module might
- have code like this:
- use Config;
- use MyMod;
- if ($Config{usethreads}) {
- # We have threads
- require MyMod_threaded;
- import MyMod_threaded;
- } else {
- require MyMod_unthreaded;
- import MyMod_unthreaded;
- }
- Since code that runs both with and without threads is usually pretty
- messy, it's best to isolate the thread-specific code in its own
- module. In our example above, that's what MyMod_threaded is, and it's
- only imported if we're running on a threaded Perl.
- =head2 Creating Threads
- The Thread package provides the tools you need to create new
- threads. Like any other module, you need to tell Perl you want to use
- it; use Thread imports all the pieces you need to create basic
- threads.
- The simplest, straightforward way to create a thread is with new():
- use Thread;
- $thr = new Thread \&sub1;
- sub sub1 {
- print "In the thread\n";
- }
- The new() method takes a reference to a subroutine and creates a new
- thread, which starts executing in the referenced subroutine. Control
- then passes both to the subroutine and the caller.
- If you need to, your program can pass parameters to the subroutine as
- part of the thread startup. Just include the list of parameters as
- part of the C<Thread::new> call, like this:
- use Thread;
- $Param3 = "foo";
- $thr = new Thread \&sub1, "Param 1", "Param 2", $Param3;
- $thr = new Thread \&sub1, @ParamList;
- $thr = new Thread \&sub1, qw(Param1 Param2 $Param3);
- sub sub1 {
- my @InboundParameters = @_;
- print "In the thread\n";
- print "got parameters >", join("<>", @InboundParameters), "<\n";
- }
- The subroutine runs like a normal Perl subroutine, and the call to new
- Thread returns whatever the subroutine returns.
- The last example illustrates another feature of threads. You can spawn
- off several threads using the same subroutine. Each thread executes
- the same subroutine, but in a separate thread with a separate
- environment and potentially separate arguments.
- The other way to spawn a new thread is with async(), which is a way to
- spin off a chunk of code like eval(), but into its own thread:
- use Thread qw(async);
- $LineCount = 0;
- $thr = async {
- while(<>) {$LineCount++}
- print "Got $LineCount lines\n";
- };
- print "Waiting for the linecount to end\n";
- $thr->join;
- print "All done\n";
- You'll notice we did a use Thread qw(async) in that example. async is
- not exported by default, so if you want it, you'll either need to
- import it before you use it or fully qualify it as
- Thread::async. You'll also note that there's a semicolon after the
- closing brace. That's because async() treats the following block as an
- anonymous subroutine, so the semicolon is necessary.
- Like eval(), the code executes in the same context as it would if it
- weren't spun off. Since both the code inside and after the async start
- executing, you need to be careful with any shared resources. Locking
- and other synchronization techniques are covered later.
- =head2 Giving up control
- There are times when you may find it useful to have a thread
- explicitly give up the CPU to another thread. Your threading package
- might not support preemptive multitasking for threads, for example, or
- you may be doing something compute-intensive and want to make sure
- that the user-interface thread gets called frequently. Regardless,
- there are times that you might want a thread to give up the processor.
- Perl's threading package provides the yield() function that does
- this. yield() is pretty straightforward, and works like this:
- use Thread qw(yield async);
- async {
- my $foo = 50;
- while ($foo--) { print "first async\n" }
- yield;
- $foo = 50;
- while ($foo--) { print "first async\n" }
- };
- async {
- my $foo = 50;
- while ($foo--) { print "second async\n" }
- yield;
- $foo = 50;
- while ($foo--) { print "second async\n" }
- };
- =head2 Waiting For A Thread To Exit
- Since threads are also subroutines, they can return values. To wait
- for a thread to exit and extract any scalars it might return, you can
- use the join() method.
- use Thread;
- $thr = new Thread \&sub1;
- @ReturnData = $thr->join;
- print "Thread returned @ReturnData";
- sub sub1 { return "Fifty-six", "foo", 2; }
- In the example above, the join() method returns as soon as the thread
- ends. In addition to waiting for a thread to finish and gathering up
- any values that the thread might have returned, join() also performs
- any OS cleanup necessary for the thread. That cleanup might be
- important, especially for long-running programs that spawn lots of
- threads. If you don't want the return values and don't want to wait
- for the thread to finish, you should call the detach() method
- instead. detach() is covered later in the article.
- =head2 Errors In Threads
- So what happens when an error occurs in a thread? Any errors that
- could be caught with eval() are postponed until the thread is
- joined. If your program never joins, the errors appear when your
- program exits.
- Errors deferred until a join() can be caught with eval():
- use Thread qw(async);
- $thr = async {$b = 3/0}; # Divide by zero error
- $foo = eval {$thr->join};
- if ($@) {
- print "died with error $@\n";
- } else {
- print "Hey, why aren't you dead?\n";
- }
- eval() passes any results from the joined thread back unmodified, so
- if you want the return value of the thread, this is your only chance
- to get them.
- =head2 Ignoring A Thread
- join() does three things: it waits for a thread to exit, cleans up
- after it, and returns any data the thread may have produced. But what
- if you're not interested in the thread's return values, and you don't
- really care when the thread finishes? All you want is for the thread
- to get cleaned up after when it's done.
- In this case, you use the detach() method. Once a thread is detached,
- it'll run until it's finished, then Perl will clean up after it
- automatically.
- use Thread;
- $thr = new Thread \&sub1; # Spawn the thread
- $thr->detach; # Now we officially don't care any more
- sub sub1 {
- $a = 0;
- while (1) {
- $a++;
- print "\$a is $a\n";
- sleep 1;
- }
- }
- Once a thread is detached, it may not be joined, and any output that
- it might have produced (if it was done and waiting for a join) is
- lost.
- =head1 Threads And Data
- Now that we've covered the basics of threads, it's time for our next
- topic: data. Threading introduces a couple of complications to data
- access that non-threaded programs never need to worry about.
- =head2 Shared And Unshared Data
- The single most important thing to remember when using threads is that
- all threads potentially have access to all the data anywhere in your
- program. While this is true with a nonthreaded Perl program as well,
- it's especially important to remember with a threaded program, since
- more than one thread can be accessing this data at once.
- Perl's scoping rules don't change because you're using threads. If a
- subroutine (or block, in the case of async()) could see a variable if
- you weren't running with threads, it can see it if you are. This is
- especially important for the subroutines that create, and makes C<my>
- variables even more important. Remember--if your variables aren't
- lexically scoped (declared with C<my>) you're probably sharing them
- between threads.
- =head2 Thread Pitfall: Races
- While threads bring a new set of useful tools, they also bring a
- number of pitfalls. One pitfall is the race condition:
- use Thread;
- $a = 1;
- $thr1 = Thread->new(\&sub1);
- $thr2 = Thread->new(\&sub2);
- sleep 10;
- print "$a\n";
- sub sub1 { $foo = $a; $a = $foo + 1; }
- sub sub2 { $bar = $a; $a = $bar + 1; }
- What do you think $a will be? The answer, unfortunately, is "it
- depends." Both sub1() and sub2() access the global variable $a, once
- to read and once to write. Depending on factors ranging from your
- thread implementation's scheduling algorithm to the phase of the moon,
- $a can be 2 or 3.
- Race conditions are caused by unsynchronized access to shared
- data. Without explicit synchronization, there's no way to be sure that
- nothing has happened to the shared data between the time you access it
- and the time you update it. Even this simple code fragment has the
- possibility of error:
- use Thread qw(async);
- $a = 2;
- async{ $b = $a; $a = $b + 1; };
- async{ $c = $a; $a = $c + 1; };
- Two threads both access $a. Each thread can potentially be interrupted
- at any point, or be executed in any order. At the end, $a could be 3
- or 4, and both $b and $c could be 2 or 3.
- Whenever your program accesses data or resources that can be accessed
- by other threads, you must take steps to coordinate access or risk
- data corruption and race conditions.
- =head2 Controlling access: lock()
- The lock() function takes a variable (or subroutine, but we'll get to
- that later) and puts a lock on it. No other thread may lock the
- variable until the locking thread exits the innermost block containing
- the lock. Using lock() is straightforward:
- use Thread qw(async);
- $a = 4;
- $thr1 = async {
- $foo = 12;
- {
- lock ($a); # Block until we get access to $a
- $b = $a;
- $a = $b * $foo;
- }
- print "\$foo was $foo\n";
- };
- $thr2 = async {
- $bar = 7;
- {
- lock ($a); # Block until we can get access to $a
- $c = $a;
- $a = $c * $bar;
- }
- print "\$bar was $bar\n";
- };
- $thr1->join;
- $thr2->join;
- print "\$a is $a\n";
- lock() blocks the thread until the variable being locked is
- available. When lock() returns, your thread can be sure that no other
- thread can lock that variable until the innermost block containing the
- lock exits.
- It's important to note that locks don't prevent access to the variable
- in question, only lock attempts. This is in keeping with Perl's
- longstanding tradition of courteous programming, and the advisory file
- locking that flock() gives you. Locked subroutines behave differently,
- however. We'll cover that later in the article.
- You may lock arrays and hashes as well as scalars. Locking an array,
- though, will not block subsequent locks on array elements, just lock
- attempts on the array itself.
- Finally, locks are recursive, which means it's okay for a thread to
- lock a variable more than once. The lock will last until the outermost
- lock() on the variable goes out of scope.
- =head2 Thread Pitfall: Deadlocks
- Locks are a handy tool to synchronize access to data. Using them
- properly is the key to safe shared data. Unfortunately, locks aren't
- without their dangers. Consider the following code:
- use Thread qw(async yield);
- $a = 4;
- $b = "foo";
- async {
- lock($a);
- yield;
- sleep 20;
- lock ($b);
- };
- async {
- lock($b);
- yield;
- sleep 20;
- lock ($a);
- };
- This program will probably hang until you kill it. The only way it
- won't hang is if one of the two async() routines acquires both locks
- first. A guaranteed-to-hang version is more complicated, but the
- principle is the same.
- The first thread spawned by async() will grab a lock on $a then, a
- second or two later, try to grab a lock on $b. Meanwhile, the second
- thread grabs a lock on $b, then later tries to grab a lock on $a. The
- second lock attempt for both threads will block, each waiting for the
- other to release its lock.
- This condition is called a deadlock, and it occurs whenever two or
- more threads are trying to get locks on resources that the others
- own. Each thread will block, waiting for the other to release a lock
- on a resource. That never happens, though, since the thread with the
- resource is itself waiting for a lock to be released.
- There are a number of ways to handle this sort of problem. The best
- way is to always have all threads acquire locks in the exact same
- order. If, for example, you lock variables $a, $b, and $c, always lock
- $a before $b, and $b before $c. It's also best to hold on to locks for
- as short a period of time to minimize the risks of deadlock.
- =head2 Queues: Passing Data Around
- A queue is a special thread-safe object that lets you put data in one
- end and take it out the other without having to worry about
- synchronization issues. They're pretty straightforward, and look like
- this:
- use Thread qw(async);
- use Thread::Queue;
- my $DataQueue = new Thread::Queue;
- $thr = async {
- while ($DataElement = $DataQueue->dequeue) {
- print "Popped $DataElement off the queue\n";
- }
- };
- $DataQueue->enqueue(12);
- $DataQueue->enqueue("A", "B", "C");
- $DataQueue->enqueue(\$thr);
- sleep 10;
- $DataQueue->enqueue(undef);
- You create the queue with new Thread::Queue. Then you can add lists of
- scalars onto the end with enqueue(), and pop scalars off the front of
- it with dequeue(). A queue has no fixed size, and can grow as needed
- to hold everything pushed on to it.
- If a queue is empty, dequeue() blocks until another thread enqueues
- something. This makes queues ideal for event loops and other
- communications between threads.
- =head1 Threads And Code
- In addition to providing thread-safe access to data via locks and
- queues, threaded Perl also provides general-purpose semaphores for
- coarser synchronization than locks provide and thread-safe access to
- entire subroutines.
- =head2 Semaphores: Synchronizing Data Access
- Semaphores are a kind of generic locking mechanism. Unlike lock, which
- gets a lock on a particular scalar, Perl doesn't associate any
- particular thing with a semaphore so you can use them to control
- access to anything you like. In addition, semaphores can allow more
- than one thread to access a resource at once, though by default
- semaphores only allow one thread access at a time.
- =over 4
- =item Basic semaphores
- Semaphores have two methods, down and up. down decrements the resource
- count, while up increments it. down calls will block if the
- semaphore's current count would decrement below zero. This program
- gives a quick demonstration:
- use Thread qw(yield);
- use Thread::Semaphore;
- my $semaphore = new Thread::Semaphore;
- $GlobalVariable = 0;
- $thr1 = new Thread \&sample_sub, 1;
- $thr2 = new Thread \&sample_sub, 2;
- $thr3 = new Thread \&sample_sub, 3;
- sub sample_sub {
- my $SubNumber = shift @_;
- my $TryCount = 10;
- my $LocalCopy;
- sleep 1;
- while ($TryCount--) {
- $semaphore->down;
- $LocalCopy = $GlobalVariable;
- print "$TryCount tries left for sub $SubNumber (\$GlobalVariable is $GlobalVariable)\n";
- yield;
- sleep 2;
- $LocalCopy++;
- $GlobalVariable = $LocalCopy;
- $semaphore->up;
- }
- }
- The three invocations of the subroutine all operate in sync. The
- semaphore, though, makes sure that only one thread is accessing the
- global variable at once.
- =item Advanced Semaphores
- By default, semaphores behave like locks, letting only one thread
- down() them at a time. However, there are other uses for semaphores.
- Each semaphore has a counter attached to it. down() decrements the
- counter and up() increments the counter. By default, semaphores are
- created with the counter set to one, down() decrements by one, and
- up() increments by one. If down() attempts to decrement the counter
- below zero, it blocks until the counter is large enough. Note that
- while a semaphore can be created with a starting count of zero, any
- up() or down() always changes the counter by at least
- one. $semaphore->down(0) is the same as $semaphore->down(1).
- The question, of course, is why would you do something like this? Why
- create a semaphore with a starting count that's not one, or why
- decrement/increment it by more than one? The answer is resource
- availability. Many resources that you want to manage access for can be
- safely used by more than one thread at once.
- For example, let's take a GUI driven program. It has a semaphore that
- it uses to synchronize access to the display, so only one thread is
- ever drawing at once. Handy, but of course you don't want any thread
- to start drawing until things are properly set up. In this case, you
- can create a semaphore with a counter set to zero, and up it when
- things are ready for drawing.
- Semaphores with counters greater than one are also useful for
- establishing quotas. Say, for example, that you have a number of
- threads that can do I/O at once. You don't want all the threads
- reading or writing at once though, since that can potentially swamp
- your I/O channels, or deplete your process' quota of filehandles. You
- can use a semaphore initialized to the number of concurrent I/O
- requests (or open files) that you want at any one time, and have your
- threads quietly block and unblock themselves.
- Larger increments or decrements are handy in those cases where a
- thread needs to check out or return a number of resources at once.
- =back
- =head2 Attributes: Restricting Access To Subroutines
- In addition to synchronizing access to data or resources, you might
- find it useful to synchronize access to subroutines. You may be
- accessing a singular machine resource (perhaps a vector processor), or
- find it easier to serialize calls to a particular subroutine than to
- have a set of locks and semaphores.
- One of the additions to Perl 5.005 is subroutine attributes. The
- Thread package uses these to provide several flavors of
- serialization. It's important to remember that these attributes are
- used in the compilation phase of your program so you can't change a
- subroutine's behavior while your program is actually running.
- =head2 Subroutine Locks
- The basic subroutine lock looks like this:
- sub test_sub :locked {
- }
- This ensures that only one thread will be executing this subroutine at
- any one time. Once a thread calls this subroutine, any other thread
- that calls it will block until the thread in the subroutine exits
- it. A more elaborate example looks like this:
- use Thread qw(yield);
- new Thread \&thread_sub, 1;
- new Thread \&thread_sub, 2;
- new Thread \&thread_sub, 3;
- new Thread \&thread_sub, 4;
- sub sync_sub :locked {
- my $CallingThread = shift @_;
- print "In sync_sub for thread $CallingThread\n";
- yield;
- sleep 3;
- print "Leaving sync_sub for thread $CallingThread\n";
- }
- sub thread_sub {
- my $ThreadID = shift @_;
- print "Thread $ThreadID calling sync_sub\n";
- sync_sub($ThreadID);
- print "$ThreadID is done with sync_sub\n";
- }
- The C<locked> attribute tells perl to lock sync_sub(), and if you run
- this, you can see that only one thread is in it at any one time.
- =head2 Methods
- Locking an entire subroutine can sometimes be overkill, especially
- when dealing with Perl objects. When calling a method for an object,
- for example, you want to serialize calls to a method, so that only one
- thread will be in the subroutine for a particular object, but threads
- calling that subroutine for a different object aren't blocked. The
- method attribute indicates whether the subroutine is really a method.
- use Thread;
- sub tester {
- my $thrnum = shift @_;
- my $bar = new Foo;
- foreach (1..10) {
- print "$thrnum calling per_object\n";
- $bar->per_object($thrnum);
- print "$thrnum out of per_object\n";
- yield;
- print "$thrnum calling one_at_a_time\n";
- $bar->one_at_a_time($thrnum);
- print "$thrnum out of one_at_a_time\n";
- yield;
- }
- }
- foreach my $thrnum (1..10) {
- new Thread \&tester, $thrnum;
- }
- package Foo;
- sub new {
- my $class = shift @_;
- return bless [@_], $class;
- }
- sub per_object :locked :method {
- my ($class, $thrnum) = @_;
- print "In per_object for thread $thrnum\n";
- yield;
- sleep 2;
- print "Exiting per_object for thread $thrnum\n";
- }
- sub one_at_a_time :locked {
- my ($class, $thrnum) = @_;
- print "In one_at_a_time for thread $thrnum\n";
- yield;
- sleep 2;
- print "Exiting one_at_a_time for thread $thrnum\n";
- }
- As you can see from the output (omitted for brevity; it's 800 lines)
- all the threads can be in per_object() simultaneously, but only one
- thread is ever in one_at_a_time() at once.
- =head2 Locking A Subroutine
- You can lock a subroutine as you would lock a variable. Subroutine locks
- work the same as specifying a C<locked> attribute for the subroutine,
- and block all access to the subroutine for other threads until the
- lock goes out of scope. When the subroutine isn't locked, any number
- of threads can be in it at once, and getting a lock on a subroutine
- doesn't affect threads already in the subroutine. Getting a lock on a
- subroutine looks like this:
- lock(\&sub_to_lock);
- Simple enough. Unlike the C<locked> attribute, which is a compile time
- option, locking and unlocking a subroutine can be done at runtime at your
- discretion. There is some runtime penalty to using lock(\&sub) instead
- of the C<locked> attribute, so make sure you're choosing the proper
- method to do the locking.
- You'd choose lock(\&sub) when writing modules and code to run on both
- threaded and unthreaded Perl, especially for code that will run on
- 5.004 or earlier Perls. In that case, it's useful to have subroutines
- that should be serialized lock themselves if they're running threaded,
- like so:
- package Foo;
- use Config;
- $Running_Threaded = 0;
- BEGIN { $Running_Threaded = $Config{'usethreads'} }
- sub sub1 { lock(\&sub1) if $Running_Threaded }
- This way you can ensure single-threadedness regardless of which
- version of Perl you're running.
- =head1 General Thread Utility Routines
- We've covered the workhorse parts of Perl's threading package, and
- with these tools you should be well on your way to writing threaded
- code and packages. There are a few useful little pieces that didn't
- really fit in anyplace else.
- =head2 What Thread Am I In?
- The Thread->self method provides your program with a way to get an
- object representing the thread it's currently in. You can use this
- object in the same way as the ones returned from the thread creation.
- =head2 Thread IDs
- tid() is a thread object method that returns the thread ID of the
- thread the object represents. Thread IDs are integers, with the main
- thread in a program being 0. Currently Perl assigns a unique tid to
- every thread ever created in your program, assigning the first thread
- to be created a tid of 1, and increasing the tid by 1 for each new
- thread that's created.
- =head2 Are These Threads The Same?
- The equal() method takes two thread objects and returns true
- if the objects represent the same thread, and false if they don't.
- =head2 What Threads Are Running?
- Thread->list returns a list of thread objects, one for each thread
- that's currently running. Handy for a number of things, including
- cleaning up at the end of your program:
- # Loop through all the threads
- foreach $thr (Thread->list) {
- # Don't join the main thread or ourselves
- if ($thr->tid && !Thread::equal($thr, Thread->self)) {
- $thr->join;
- }
- }
- The example above is just for illustration. It isn't strictly
- necessary to join all the threads you create, since Perl detaches all
- the threads before it exits.
- =head1 A Complete Example
- Confused yet? It's time for an example program to show some of the
- things we've covered. This program finds prime numbers using threads.
- 1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- 2 # prime-pthread, courtesy of Tom Christiansen
- 3
- 4 use strict;
- 5
- 6 use Thread;
- 7 use Thread::Queue;
- 8
- 9 my $stream = new Thread::Queue;
- 10 my $kid = new Thread(\&check_num, $stream, 2);
- 11
- 12 for my $i ( 3 .. 1000 ) {
- 13 $stream->enqueue($i);
- 14 }
- 15
- 16 $stream->enqueue(undef);
- 17 $kid->join();
- 18
- 19 sub check_num {
- 20 my ($upstream, $cur_prime) = @_;
- 21 my $kid;
- 22 my $downstream = new Thread::Queue;
- 23 while (my $num = $upstream->dequeue) {
- 24 next unless $num % $cur_prime;
- 25 if ($kid) {
- 26 $downstream->enqueue($num);
- 27 } else {
- 28 print "Found prime $num\n";
- 29 $kid = new Thread(\&check_num, $downstream, $num);
- 30 }
- 31 }
- 32 $downstream->enqueue(undef) if $kid;
- 33 $kid->join() if $kid;
- 34 }
- This program uses the pipeline model to generate prime numbers. Each
- thread in the pipeline has an input queue that feeds numbers to be
- checked, a prime number that it's responsible for, and an output queue
- that it funnels numbers that have failed the check into. If the thread
- has a number that's failed its check and there's no child thread, then
- the thread must have found a new prime number. In that case, a new
- child thread is created for that prime and stuck on the end of the
- pipeline.
- This probably sounds a bit more confusing than it really is, so lets
- go through this program piece by piece and see what it does. (For
- those of you who might be trying to remember exactly what a prime
- number is, it's a number that's only evenly divisible by itself and 1)
- The bulk of the work is done by the check_num() subroutine, which
- takes a reference to its input queue and a prime number that it's
- responsible for. After pulling in the input queue and the prime that
- the subroutine's checking (line 20), we create a new queue (line 22)
- and reserve a scalar for the thread that we're likely to create later
- (line 21).
- The while loop from lines 23 to line 31 grabs a scalar off the input
- queue and checks against the prime this thread is responsible
- for. Line 24 checks to see if there's a remainder when we modulo the
- number to be checked against our prime. If there is one, the number
- must not be evenly divisible by our prime, so we need to either pass
- it on to the next thread if we've created one (line 26) or create a
- new thread if we haven't.
- The new thread creation is line 29. We pass on to it a reference to
- the queue we've created, and the prime number we've found.
- Finally, once the loop terminates (because we got a 0 or undef in the
- queue, which serves as a note to die), we pass on the notice to our
- child and wait for it to exit if we've created a child (Lines 32 and
- 37).
- Meanwhile, back in the main thread, we create a queue (line 9) and the
- initial child thread (line 10), and pre-seed it with the first prime:
- 2. Then we queue all the numbers from 3 to 1000 for checking (lines
- 12-14), then queue a die notice (line 16) and wait for the first child
- thread to terminate (line 17). Because a child won't die until its
- child has died, we know that we're done once we return from the join.
- That's how it works. It's pretty simple; as with many Perl programs,
- the explanation is much longer than the program.
- =head1 Conclusion
- A complete thread tutorial could fill a book (and has, many times),
- but this should get you well on your way. The final authority on how
- Perl's threads behave is the documentation bundled with the Perl
- distribution, but with what we've covered in this article, you should
- be well on your way to becoming a threaded Perl expert.
- =head1 Bibliography
- Here's a short bibliography courtesy of Jⁿrgen Christoffel:
- =head2 Introductory Texts
- Birrell, Andrew D. An Introduction to Programming with
- Threads. Digital Equipment Corporation, 1989, DEC-SRC Research Report
- #35 online as
- http://www.research.digital.com/SRC/staff/birrell/bib.html (highly
- recommended)
- Robbins, Kay. A., and Steven Robbins. Practical Unix Programming: A
- Guide to Concurrency, Communication, and
- Multithreading. Prentice-Hall, 1996.
- Lewis, Bill, and Daniel J. Berg. Multithreaded Programming with
- Pthreads. Prentice Hall, 1997, ISBN 0-13-443698-9 (a well-written
- introduction to threads).
- Nelson, Greg (editor). Systems Programming with Modula-3. Prentice
- Hall, 1991, ISBN 0-13-590464-1.
- Nichols, Bradford, Dick Buttlar, and Jacqueline Proulx Farrell.
- Pthreads Programming. O'Reilly & Associates, 1996, ISBN 156592-115-1
- (covers POSIX threads).
- =head2 OS-Related References
- Boykin, Joseph, David Kirschen, Alan Langerman, and Susan
- LoVerso. Programming under Mach. Addison-Wesley, 1994, ISBN
- 0-201-52739-1.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Distributed Operating Systems. Prentice Hall,
- 1995, ISBN 0-13-219908-4 (great textbook).
- Silberschatz, Abraham, and Peter B. Galvin. Operating System Concepts,
- 4th ed. Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-201-59292-4
- =head2 Other References
- Arnold, Ken and James Gosling. The Java Programming Language, 2nd
- ed. Addison-Wesley, 1998, ISBN 0-201-31006-6.
- Le Sergent, T. and B. Berthomieu. "Incremental MultiThreaded Garbage
- Collection on Virtually Shared Memory Architectures" in Memory
- Management: Proc. of the International Workshop IWMM 92, St. Malo,
- France, September 1992, Yves Bekkers and Jacques Cohen, eds. Springer,
- 1992, ISBN 3540-55940-X (real-life thread applications).
- =head1 Acknowledgements
- Thanks (in no particular order) to Chaim Frenkel, Steve Fink, Gurusamy
- Sarathy, Ilya Zakharevich, Benjamin Sugars, Jⁿrgen Christoffel, Joshua
- Pritikin, and Alan Burlison, for their help in reality-checking and
- polishing this article. Big thanks to Tom Christiansen for his rewrite
- of the prime number generator.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Dan Sugalski E<lt>sugalskd@ous.eduE<gt>
- =head1 Copyrights
- This article originally appeared in The Perl Journal #10, and is
- copyright 1998 The Perl Journal. It appears courtesy of Jon Orwant and
- The Perl Journal. This document may be distributed under the same terms
- as Perl itself.