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Text File | 2002-07-13 | 77.3 KB | 2,314 lines |
- If you read this file _as_is_, just ignore the funny characters you
- see. It is written in the POD format (see perlpod manpage) which is
- specially designed to be readable as is.
- =head1 NAME
- perlos2 - Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT.
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- One can read this document in the following formats:
- man perlos2
- view perl perlos2
- explorer perlos2.html
- info perlos2
- to list some (not all may be available simultaneously), or it may
- be read I<as is>: either as F<README.os2>, or F<pod/perlos2.pod>.
- To read the F<.INF> version of documentation (B<very> recommended)
- outside of OS/2, one needs an IBM's reader (may be available on IBM
- ftp sites (?) (URL anyone?)) or shipped with PC DOS 7.0 and IBM's
- Visual Age C++ 3.5.
- A copy of a Win* viewer is contained in the "Just add OS/2 Warp" package
- ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/tools/jaow/jaow.zip
- in F<?:\JUST_ADD\view.exe>. This gives one an access to EMX's
- F<.INF> docs as well (text form is available in F</emx/doc> in
- EMX's distribution). There is also a different viewer named xview.
- Note that if you have F<lynx.exe> or F<netscape.exe> installed, you can follow WWW links
- from this document in F<.INF> format. If you have EMX docs installed
- correctly, you can follow library links (you need to have C<view emxbook>
- working by setting C<EMXBOOK> environment variable as it is described
- in EMX docs).
- =cut
- Contents (This may be a little bit obsolete)
- perlos2 - Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT.
- - Target
- - Other OSes
- - Prerequisites
- - Starting Perl programs under OS/2 (and DOS and...)
- - Starting OS/2 (and DOS) programs under Perl
- Frequently asked questions
- - "It does not work"
- - I cannot run external programs
- - I cannot embed perl into my program, or use perl.dll from my
- - `` and pipe-open do not work under DOS.
- - Cannot start find.exe "pattern" file
- - Automatic binary installation
- - Manual binary installation
- - Warning
- Accessing documentation
- - OS/2 .INF file
- - Plain text
- - Manpages
- - HTML
- - GNU info files
- - PDF files
- - LaTeX docs
- - The short story
- - Prerequisites
- - Getting perl source
- - Application of the patches
- - Hand-editing
- - Making
- - Testing
- - Installing the built perl
- - a.out-style build
- Build FAQ
- - Some / became \ in pdksh.
- - 'errno' - unresolved external
- - Problems with tr or sed
- - Some problem (forget which ;-)
- - Library ... not found
- - Segfault in make
- - op/sprintf test failure
- Specific (mis)features of OS/2 port
- - setpriority, getpriority
- - system()
- - extproc on the first line
- - Additional modules:
- - Prebuilt methods:
- - Prebuilt variables:
- - Misfeatures
- - Modifications
- - Identifying DLLs
- - Centralized management of resources
- Perl flavors
- - perl.exe
- - perl_.exe
- - perl__.exe
- - perl___.exe
- - Why strange names?
- - Why dynamic linking?
- - Why chimera build?
- - TMP or TEMP
- Evolution
- - Text-mode filehandles
- - Priorities
- - DLL name mangling: pre 5.6.2
- - DLL name mangling: 5.6.2 and beyond
- - DLL forwarder generation
- - Threading
- - Calls to external programs
- - Memory allocation
- - Threads
- =head2 Target
- The target is to make OS/2 one of the best supported platform for
- using/building/developing Perl and I<Perl applications>, as well as
- make Perl the best language to use under OS/2. The secondary target is
- to try to make this work under DOS and Win* as well (but not B<too> hard).
- The current state is quite close to this target. Known limitations:
- =over 5
- =item *
- Some *nix programs use fork() a lot; with the mostly useful flavors of
- perl for OS/2 (there are several built simultaneously) this is
- supported; but some flavors do not support this (e.g., when Perl is
- called from inside REXX). Using fork() after
- I<use>ing dynamically loading extensions would not work with I<very> old
- versions of EMX.
- =item *
- You need a separate perl executable F<perl__.exe> (see L<perl__.exe>)
- if you want to use PM code in your application (as Perl/Tk or OpenGL
- Perl modules do) without having a text-mode window present.
- While using the standard F<perl.exe> from a text-mode window is possible
- too, I have seen cases when this causes degradation of the system stability.
- Using F<perl__.exe> avoids such a degradation.
- =item *
- There is no simple way to access WPS objects. The only way I know
- is via C<OS2::REXX> and C<SOM> extensions (see L<OS2::REXX>, L<Som>).
- However, we do not have access to
- convenience methods of Object-REXX. (Is it possible at all? I know
- of no Object-REXX API.) The C<SOM> extension (currently in alpha-text)
- may eventually remove this shortcoming; however, due to the fact that
- DII is not supported by the C<SOM> module, using C<SOM> is not as
- convenient as one would like it.
- =back
- Please keep this list up-to-date by informing me about other items.
- =head2 Other OSes
- Since OS/2 port of perl uses a remarkable EMX environment, it can
- run (and build extensions, and - possibly - be built itself) under any
- environment which can run EMX. The current list is DOS,
- DOS-inside-OS/2, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT. Out of many perl flavors,
- only one works, see L<"perl_.exe">.
- Note that not all features of Perl are available under these
- environments. This depends on the features the I<extender> - most
- probably RSX - decided to implement.
- Cf. L<Prerequisites>.
- =head2 Prerequisites
- =over 6
- =item EMX
- EMX runtime is required (may be substituted by RSX). Note that
- it is possible to make F<perl_.exe> to run under DOS without any
- external support by binding F<emx.exe>/F<rsx.exe> to it, see L<emxbind>. Note
- that under DOS for best results one should use RSX runtime, which
- has much more functions working (like C<fork>, C<popen> and so on). In
- fact RSX is required if there is no VCPI present. Note the
- RSX requires DPMI. Many implementations of DPMI are known to be very
- buggy, beware!
- Only the latest runtime is supported, currently C<0.9d fix 03>. Perl may run
- under earlier versions of EMX, but this is not tested.
- One can get different parts of EMX from, say
- http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/gnu/emx+gcc/
- http://powerusersbbs.com/pub/os2/dev/ [EMX+GCC Development]
- http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/dev/emx/v0.9d/
- The runtime component should have the name F<emxrt.zip>.
- B<NOTE>. When using F<emx.exe>/F<rsx.exe>, it is enough to have them on your path. One
- does not need to specify them explicitly (though this
- emx perl_.exe -de 0
- will work as well.)
- =item RSX
- To run Perl on DPMI platforms one needs RSX runtime. This is
- needed under DOS-inside-OS/2, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT (see
- L<"Other OSes">). RSX would not work with VCPI
- only, as EMX would, it requires DMPI.
- Having RSX and the latest F<sh.exe> one gets a fully functional
- B<*nix>-ish environment under DOS, say, C<fork>, C<``> and
- pipe-C<open> work. In fact, MakeMaker works (for static build), so one
- can have Perl development environment under DOS.
- One can get RSX from, say
- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/os2/emx09c/contrib
- ftp://ftp.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/systems/msdos/misc
- ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/devtools/emx+gcc/contrib
- Contact the author on C<rainer@mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de>.
- The latest F<sh.exe> with DOS hooks is available in
- http://www.ilyaz.org/software/os2/
- as F<sh_dos.zip> or under similar names starting with C<sh>, C<pdksh> etc.
- =item HPFS
- Perl does not care about file systems, but the perl library contains
- many files with long names, so to install it intact one needs a file
- system which supports long file names.
- Note that if you do not plan to build the perl itself, it may be
- possible to fool EMX to truncate file names. This is not supported,
- read EMX docs to see how to do it.
- =item pdksh
- To start external programs with complicated command lines (like with
- pipes in between, and/or quoting of arguments), Perl uses an external
- shell. With EMX port such shell should be named F<sh.exe>, and located
- either in the wired-in-during-compile locations (usually F<F:/bin>),
- or in configurable location (see L<"PERL_SH_DIR">).
- For best results use EMX pdksh. The standard binary (5.2.14 or later) runs
- under DOS (with L<RSX>) as well, see
- http://www.ilyaz.org/software/os2/
- =back
- =head2 Starting Perl programs under OS/2 (and DOS and...)
- Start your Perl program F<foo.pl> with arguments C<arg1 arg2 arg3> the
- same way as on any other platform, by
- perl foo.pl arg1 arg2 arg3
- If you want to specify perl options C<-my_opts> to the perl itself (as
- opposed to your program), use
- perl -my_opts foo.pl arg1 arg2 arg3
- Alternately, if you use OS/2-ish shell, like CMD or 4os2, put
- the following at the start of your perl script:
- extproc perl -S -my_opts
- rename your program to F<foo.cmd>, and start it by typing
- foo arg1 arg2 arg3
- Note that because of stupid OS/2 limitations the full path of the perl
- script is not available when you use C<extproc>, thus you are forced to
- use C<-S> perl switch, and your script should be on the C<PATH>. As a plus
- side, if you know a full path to your script, you may still start it
- with
- perl ../../blah/foo.cmd arg1 arg2 arg3
- (note that the argument C<-my_opts> is taken care of by the C<extproc> line
- in your script, see L<C<extproc> on the first line>).
- To understand what the above I<magic> does, read perl docs about C<-S>
- switch - see L<perlrun>, and cmdref about C<extproc>:
- view perl perlrun
- man perlrun
- view cmdref extproc
- help extproc
- or whatever method you prefer.
- There are also endless possibilities to use I<executable extensions> of
- 4os2, I<associations> of WPS and so on... However, if you use
- *nixish shell (like F<sh.exe> supplied in the binary distribution),
- you need to follow the syntax specified in L<perlrun/"Switches">.
- Note that B<-S> switch supports scripts with additional extensions
- F<.cmd>, F<.btm>, F<.bat>, F<.pl> as well.
- =head2 Starting OS/2 (and DOS) programs under Perl
- This is what system() (see L<perlfunc/system>), C<``> (see
- L<perlop/"I/O Operators">), and I<open pipe> (see L<perlfunc/open>)
- are for. (Avoid exec() (see L<perlfunc/exec>) unless you know what you
- do).
- Note however that to use some of these operators you need to have a
- sh-syntax shell installed (see L<"Pdksh">,
- L<"Frequently asked questions">), and perl should be able to find it
- (see L<"PERL_SH_DIR">).
- The cases when the shell is used are:
- =over
- =item 1
- One-argument system() (see L<perlfunc/system>), exec() (see L<perlfunc/exec>)
- with redirection or shell meta-characters;
- =item 2
- Pipe-open (see L<perlfunc/open>) with the command which contains redirection
- or shell meta-characters;
- =item 3
- Backticks C<``> (see L<perlop/"I/O Operators">) with the command which contains
- redirection or shell meta-characters;
- =item 4
- If the executable called by system()/exec()/pipe-open()/C<``> is a script
- with the "magic" C<#!> line or C<extproc> line which specifies shell;
- =item 5
- If the executable called by system()/exec()/pipe-open()/C<``> is a script
- without "magic" line, and C<$ENV{EXECSHELL}> is set to shell;
- =item 6
- If the executable called by system()/exec()/pipe-open()/C<``> is not
- found (is not this remark obsolete?);
- =item 7
- For globbing (see L<perlfunc/glob>, L<perlop/"I/O Operators">)
- (obsolete? Perl uses builtin globbing nowadays...).
- =back
- For the sake of speed for a common case, in the above algorithms
- backslashes in the command name are not considered as shell metacharacters.
- Perl starts scripts which begin with cookies
- C<extproc> or C<#!> directly, without an intervention of shell. Perl uses the
- same algorithm to find the executable as F<pdksh>: if the path
- on C<#!> line does not work, and contains C</>, then the directory
- part of the executable is ignored, and the executable
- is searched in F<.> and on C<PATH>. To find arguments for these scripts
- Perl uses a different algorithm than F<pdksh>: up to 3 arguments are
- recognized, and trailing whitespace is stripped.
- If a script
- does not contain such a cooky, then to avoid calling F<sh.exe>, Perl uses
- the same algorithm as F<pdksh>: if C<$ENV{EXECSHELL}> is set, the
- script is given as the first argument to this command, if not set, then
- C<$ENV{COMSPEC} /c> is used (or a hardwired guess if C<$ENV{COMSPEC}> is
- not set).
- When starting scripts directly, Perl uses exactly the same algorithm as for
- the search of script given by B<-S> command-line option: it will look in
- the current directory, then on components of C<$ENV{PATH}> using the
- following order of appended extensions: no extension, F<.cmd>, F<.btm>,
- F<.bat>, F<.pl>.
- Note that Perl will start to look for scripts only if OS/2 cannot start the
- specified application, thus C<system 'blah'> will not look for a script if
- there is an executable file F<blah.exe> I<anywhere> on C<PATH>. In
- other words, C<PATH> is essentially searched twice: once by the OS for
- an executable, then by Perl for scripts.
- Note also that executable files on OS/2 can have an arbitrary extension,
- but F<.exe> will be automatically appended if no dot is present in the name.
- The workaround is as simple as that: since F<blah.> and F<blah> denote the
- same file (at list on FAT and HPFS file systems), to start an executable residing in file F<n:/bin/blah> (no
- extension) give an argument C<n:/bin/blah.> (dot appended) to system().
- Perl will start PM programs from VIO (=text-mode) Perl process in a
- separate PM session;
- the opposite is not true: when you start a non-PM program from a PM
- Perl process, Perl would not run it in a separate session. If a separate
- session is desired, either ensure
- that shell will be used, as in C<system 'cmd /c myprog'>, or start it using
- optional arguments to system() documented in C<OS2::Process> module. This
- is considered to be a feature.
- =head1 Frequently asked questions
- =head2 "It does not work"
- Perl binary distributions come with a F<testperl.cmd> script which tries
- to detect common problems with misconfigured installations. There is a
- pretty large chance it will discover which step of the installation you
- managed to goof. C<;-)>
- =head2 I cannot run external programs
- =over 4
- =item *
- Did you run your programs with C<-w> switch? See
- L<Starting OS/2 (and DOS) programs under Perl>.
- =item *
- Do you try to run I<internal> shell commands, like C<`copy a b`>
- (internal for F<cmd.exe>), or C<`glob a*b`> (internal for ksh)? You
- need to specify your shell explicitly, like C<`cmd /c copy a b`>,
- since Perl cannot deduce which commands are internal to your shell.
- =back
- =head2 I cannot embed perl into my program, or use F<perl.dll> from my
- program.
- =over 4
- =item Is your program EMX-compiled with C<-Zmt -Zcrtdll>?
- Well, nowadays Perl DLL should be usable from a differently compiled
- program too... If you can run Perl code from REXX scripts (see
- L<OS2::REXX>), then there are some other aspect of interaction which
- are overlooked by the current hackish code to support
- differently-compiled principal programs.
- If everything else fails, you need to build a stand-alone DLL for
- perl. Contact me, I did it once. Sockets would not work, as a lot of
- other stuff.
- =item Did you use L<ExtUtils::Embed>?
- Some time ago I had reports it does not work. Nowadays it is checked
- in the Perl test suite, so grep F<./t> subdirectory of the build tree
- (as well as F<*.t> files in the F<./lib> subdirectory) to find how it
- should be done "correctly".
- =back
- =head2 C<``> and pipe-C<open> do not work under DOS.
- This may a variant of just L<"I cannot run external programs">, or a
- deeper problem. Basically: you I<need> RSX (see L<"Prerequisites">)
- for these commands to work, and you may need a port of F<sh.exe> which
- understands command arguments. One of such ports is listed in
- L<"Prerequisites"> under RSX. Do not forget to set variable
- C<L<"PERL_SH_DIR">> as well.
- DPMI is required for RSX.
- =head2 Cannot start C<find.exe "pattern" file>
- The whole idea of the "standard C API to start applications" is that
- the forms C<foo> and C<"foo"> of program arguments are completely
- interchangable. F<find> breaks this paradigm;
- find "pattern" file
- find pattern file
- are not equivalent; F<find> cannot be started directly using the above
- API. One needs a way to surround the doublequotes in some other
- quoting construction, necessarily having an extra non-Unixish shell in
- between.
- Use one of
- system 'cmd', '/c', 'find "pattern" file';
- `cmd /c 'find "pattern" file'`
- This would start F<find.exe> via F<cmd.exe> via C<sh.exe> via
- C<perl.exe>, but this is a price to pay if you want to use
- non-conforming program.
- =head2 Automatic binary installation
- The most convenient way of installing a binary distribution of perl is via perl installer
- F<install.exe>. Just follow the instructions, and 99% of the
- installation blues would go away.
- Note however, that you need to have F<unzip.exe> on your path, and
- EMX environment I<running>. The latter means that if you just
- installed EMX, and made all the needed changes to F<Config.sys>,
- you may need to reboot in between. Check EMX runtime by running
- emxrev
- Binary installer also creates a folder on your desktop with some useful
- objects. If you need to change some aspects of the work of the binary
- installer, feel free to edit the file F<Perl.pkg>. This may be useful
- e.g., if you need to run the installer many times and do not want to
- make many interactive changes in the GUI.
- B<Things not taken care of by automatic binary installation:>
- =over 15
- may be needed if you change your codepage I<after> perl installation,
- and the new value is not supported by EMX. See L<"PERL_BADLANG">.
- see L<"PERL_BADFREE">.
- =item F<Config.pm>
- This file resides somewhere deep in the location you installed your
- perl library, find it out by
- perl -MConfig -le "print $INC{'Config.pm'}"
- While most important values in this file I<are> updated by the binary
- installer, some of them may need to be hand-edited. I know no such
- data, please keep me informed if you find one. Moreover, manual
- changes to the installed version may need to be accompanied by an edit
- of this file.
- =back
- B<NOTE>. Because of a typo the binary installer of 5.00305
- would install a variable C<PERL_SHPATH> into F<Config.sys>. Please
- remove this variable and put C<L<PERL_SH_DIR>> instead.
- =head2 Manual binary installation
- As of version 5.00305, OS/2 perl binary distribution comes split
- into 11 components. Unfortunately, to enable configurable binary
- installation, the file paths in the zip files are not absolute, but
- relative to some directory.
- Note that the extraction with the stored paths is still necessary
- (default with unzip, specify C<-d> to pkunzip). However, you
- need to know where to extract the files. You need also to manually
- change entries in F<Config.sys> to reflect where did you put the
- files. Note that if you have some primitive unzipper (like
- C<pkunzip>), you may get a lot of warnings/errors during
- unzipping. Upgrade to C<(w)unzip>.
- Below is the sample of what to do to reproduce the configuration on my
- machine. In F<VIEW.EXE> you can press C<Ctrl-Insert> now, and
- cut-and-paste from the resulting file - created in the directory you
- started F<VIEW.EXE> from.
- For each component, we mention environment variables related to each
- installation directory. Either choose directories to match your
- values of the variables, or create/append-to variables to take into
- account the directories.
- =over 3
- =item Perl VIO and PM executables (dynamically linked)
- unzip perl_exc.zip *.exe *.ico -d f:/emx.add/bin
- unzip perl_exc.zip *.dll -d f:/emx.add/dll
- (have the directories with C<*.exe> on PATH, and C<*.dll> on
- =item Perl_ VIO executable (statically linked)
- unzip perl_aou.zip -d f:/emx.add/bin
- (have the directory on PATH);
- =item Executables for Perl utilities
- unzip perl_utl.zip -d f:/emx.add/bin
- (have the directory on PATH);
- =item Main Perl library
- unzip perl_mlb.zip -d f:/perllib/lib
- If this directory is exactly the same as the prefix which was compiled
- into F<perl.exe>, you do not need to change
- anything. However, for perl to find the library if you use a different
- path, you need to
- C<set PERLLIB_PREFIX> in F<Config.sys>, see L<"PERLLIB_PREFIX">.
- =item Additional Perl modules
- unzip perl_ste.zip -d f:/perllib/lib/site_perl/5.8.3/
- Same remark as above applies. Additionally, if this directory is not
- one of directories on @INC (and @INC is influenced by C<PERLLIB_PREFIX>), you
- need to put this
- directory and subdirectory F<./os2> in C<PERLLIB> or C<PERL5LIB>
- variable. Do not use C<PERL5LIB> unless you have it set already. See
- L<perl/"ENVIRONMENT">.
- B<[Check whether this extraction directory is still applicable with
- the new directory structure layout!]>
- =item Tools to compile Perl modules
- unzip perl_blb.zip -d f:/perllib/lib
- Same remark as for F<perl_ste.zip>.
- =item Manpages for Perl and utilities
- unzip perl_man.zip -d f:/perllib/man
- This directory should better be on C<MANPATH>. You need to have a
- working F<man> to access these files.
- =item Manpages for Perl modules
- unzip perl_mam.zip -d f:/perllib/man
- This directory should better be on C<MANPATH>. You need to have a
- working man to access these files.
- =item Source for Perl documentation
- unzip perl_pod.zip -d f:/perllib/lib
- This is used by the C<perldoc> program (see L<perldoc>), and may be used to
- generate HTML documentation usable by WWW browsers, and
- documentation in zillions of other formats: C<info>, C<LaTeX>,
- C<Acrobat>, C<FrameMaker> and so on. [Use programs such as
- F<pod2latex> etc.]
- =item Perl manual in F<.INF> format
- unzip perl_inf.zip -d d:/os2/book
- This directory should better be on C<BOOKSHELF>.
- =item Pdksh
- unzip perl_sh.zip -d f:/bin
- This is used by perl to run external commands which explicitly
- require shell, like the commands using I<redirection> and I<shell
- metacharacters>. It is also used instead of explicit F</bin/sh>.
- Set C<PERL_SH_DIR> (see L<"PERL_SH_DIR">) if you move F<sh.exe> from
- the above location.
- B<Note.> It may be possible to use some other sh-compatible shell (untested).
- =back
- After you installed the components you needed and updated the
- F<Config.sys> correspondingly, you need to hand-edit
- F<Config.pm>. This file resides somewhere deep in the location you
- installed your perl library, find it out by
- perl -MConfig -le "print $INC{'Config.pm'}"
- You need to correct all the entries which look like file paths (they
- currently start with C<f:/>).
- =head2 B<Warning>
- The automatic and manual perl installation leave precompiled paths
- inside perl executables. While these paths are overwriteable (see
- L<"PERLLIB_PREFIX">, L<"PERL_SH_DIR">), some people may prefer
- binary editing of paths inside the executables/DLLs.
- =head1 Accessing documentation
- Depending on how you built/installed perl you may have (otherwise
- identical) Perl documentation in the following formats:
- =head2 OS/2 F<.INF> file
- Most probably the most convenient form. Under OS/2 view it as
- view perl
- view perl perlfunc
- view perl less
- view perl ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- (currently the last two may hit a wrong location, but this may improve
- soon). Under Win* see L<"SYNOPSIS">.
- If you want to build the docs yourself, and have I<OS/2 toolkit>, run
- pod2ipf > perl.ipf
- in F</perllib/lib/pod> directory, then
- ipfc /inf perl.ipf
- (Expect a lot of errors during the both steps.) Now move it on your
- =head2 Plain text
- If you have perl documentation in the source form, perl utilities
- installed, and GNU groff installed, you may use
- perldoc perlfunc
- perldoc less
- perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- to access the perl documentation in the text form (note that you may get
- better results using perl manpages).
- Alternately, try running pod2text on F<.pod> files.
- =head2 Manpages
- If you have F<man> installed on your system, and you installed perl
- manpages, use something like this:
- man perlfunc
- man 3 less
- man ExtUtils.MakeMaker
- to access documentation for different components of Perl. Start with
- man perl
- Note that dot (F<.>) is used as a package separator for documentation
- for packages, and as usual, sometimes you need to give the section - C<3>
- above - to avoid shadowing by the I<less(1) manpage>.
- Make sure that the directory B<above> the directory with manpages is
- on our C<MANPATH>, like this
- set MANPATH=c:/man;f:/perllib/man
- for Perl manpages in C<f:/perllib/man/man1/> etc.
- =head2 HTML
- If you have some WWW browser available, installed the Perl
- documentation in the source form, and Perl utilities, you can build
- HTML docs. Cd to directory with F<.pod> files, and do like this
- cd f:/perllib/lib/pod
- pod2html
- After this you can direct your browser the file F<perl.html> in this
- directory, and go ahead with reading docs, like this:
- explore file:///f:/perllib/lib/pod/perl.html
- Alternatively you may be able to get these docs prebuilt from CPAN.
- =head2 GNU C<info> files
- Users of Emacs would appreciate it very much, especially with
- C<CPerl> mode loaded. You need to get latest C<pod2texi> from C<CPAN>,
- or, alternately, the prebuilt info pages.
- =head2 F<PDF> files
- for C<Acrobat> are available on CPAN (may be for slightly older version of
- perl).
- =head2 C<LaTeX> docs
- can be constructed using C<pod2latex>.
- =head1 BUILD
- Here we discuss how to build Perl under OS/2. There is an alternative
- (but maybe older) view on L<http://www.shadow.net/~troc/os2perl.html>.
- =head2 The short story
- Assume that you are a seasoned porter, so are sure that all the necessary
- tools are already present on your system, and you know how to get the Perl
- source distribution. Untar it, change to the extract directory, and
- gnupatch -p0 < os2\diff.configure
- sh Configure -des -D prefix=f:/perllib
- make
- make test
- make install
- make aout_test
- make aout_install
- This puts the executables in f:/perllib/bin. Manually move them to the
- C<PATH>, manually move the built F<perl*.dll> to C<LIBPATH> (here for
- Perl DLL F<*> is a not-very-meaningful hex checksum), and run
- make installcmd INSTALLCMDDIR=d:/ir/on/path
- Assuming that the C<man>-files were put on an appropriate location,
- this completes the installation of minimal Perl system. (The binary
- distribution contains also a lot of additional modules, and the
- documentation in INF format.)
- What follows is a detailed guide through these steps.
- =head2 Prerequisites
- You need to have the latest EMX development environment, the full
- GNU tool suite (gawk renamed to awk, and GNU F<find.exe>
- earlier on path than the OS/2 F<find.exe>, same with F<sort.exe>, to
- check use
- find --version
- sort --version
- ). You need the latest version of F<pdksh> installed as F<sh.exe>.
- Check that you have B<BSD> libraries and headers installed, and -
- optionally - Berkeley DB headers and libraries, and crypt.
- Possible locations to get the files:
- ftp://hobbes.nmsu.edu/os2/unix/
- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/os2/unix/
- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/os2/dev32/
- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/os2/emx09c/
- It is reported that the following archives contain enough utils to
- build perl: F<gnufutil.zip>, F<gnusutil.zip>, F<gnututil.zip>, F<gnused.zip>,
- F<gnupatch.zip>, F<gnuawk.zip>, F<gnumake.zip>, F<gnugrep.zip>, F<bsddev.zip> and
- F<ksh527rt.zip> (or a later version). Note that all these utilities are
- known to be available from LEO:
- ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/gnu
- Note also that the F<db.lib> and F<db.a> from the EMX distribution
- are not suitable for multi-threaded compile (even single-threaded
- flavor of Perl uses multi-threaded C RTL, for
- compatibility with XFree86-OS/2). Get a corrected one from
- http://www.ilyaz.org/software/os2/db_mt.zip
- If you have I<exactly the same version of Perl> installed already,
- make sure that no copies or perl are currently running. Later steps
- of the build may fail since an older version of F<perl.dll> loaded into
- memory may be found.
- Also make sure that you have F</tmp> directory on the current drive,
- and F<.> directory in your C<LIBPATH>. One may try to correct the
- latter condition by
- if you use something like F<CMD.EXE> or latest versions of
- F<4os2.exe>. (Setting BEGINLIBPATH to just C<.> is ignored by the
- OS/2 kernel.)
- Make sure your gcc is good for C<-Zomf> linking: run C<omflibs>
- script in F</emx/lib> directory.
- Check that you have link386 installed. It comes standard with OS/2,
- but may be not installed due to customization. If typing
- link386
- shows you do not have it, do I<Selective install>, and choose C<Link
- object modules> in I<Optional system utilities/More>. If you get into
- link386 prompts, press C<Ctrl-C> to exit.
- =head2 Getting perl source
- You need to fetch the latest perl source (including developers
- releases). With some probability it is located in
- http://www.cpan.org/src/5.0
- http://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/unsupported
- If not, you may need to dig in the indices to find it in the directory
- of the current maintainer.
- Quick cycle of developers release may break the OS/2 build time to
- time, looking into
- http://www.cpan.org/ports/os2/ilyaz/
- may indicate the latest release which was publicly released by the
- maintainer. Note that the release may include some additional patches
- to apply to the current source of perl.
- Extract it like this
- tar vzxf perl5.00409.tar.gz
- You may see a message about errors while extracting F<Configure>. This is
- because there is a conflict with a similarly-named file F<configure>.
- Change to the directory of extraction.
- =head2 Application of the patches
- You need to apply the patches in F<./os2/diff.*> like this:
- gnupatch -p0 < os2\diff.configure
- You may also need to apply the patches supplied with the binary
- distribution of perl. It also makes sense to look on the
- perl5-porters mailing list for the latest OS/2-related patches (see
- L<http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/perl5-porters/>). Such
- patches usually contain strings C</os2/> and C<patch>, so it makes
- sense looking for these strings.
- =head2 Hand-editing
- You may look into the file F<./hints/os2.sh> and correct anything
- wrong you find there. I do not expect it is needed anywhere.
- =head2 Making
- sh Configure -des -D prefix=f:/perllib
- C<prefix> means: where to install the resulting perl library. Giving
- correct prefix you may avoid the need to specify C<PERLLIB_PREFIX>,
- I<Ignore the message about missing C<ln>, and about C<-c> option to
- tr>. The latter is most probably already fixed, if you see it and can trace
- where the latter spurious warning comes from, please inform me.
- Now
- make
- At some moment the built may die, reporting a I<version mismatch> or
- I<unable to run F<perl>>. This means that you do not have F<.> in
- your LIBPATH, so F<perl.exe> cannot find the needed F<perl67B2.dll> (treat
- these hex digits as line noise). After this is fixed the build
- should finish without a lot of fuss.
- =head2 Testing
- Now run
- make test
- All tests should succeed (with some of them skipped). If you have the
- same version of Perl installed, it is crucial that you have C<.> early
- in your LIBPATH (or in BEGINLIBPATH), otherwise your tests will most
- probably test the wrong version of Perl.
- Some tests may generate extra messages similar to
- =over 4
- =item A lot of C<bad free>
- in database tests related to Berkeley DB. I<This should be fixed already.>
- If it persists, you may disable this warnings, see L<"PERL_BADFREE">.
- =item Process terminated by SIGTERM/SIGINT
- This is a standard message issued by OS/2 applications. *nix
- applications die in silence. It is considered to be a feature. One can
- easily disable this by appropriate sighandlers.
- However the test engine bleeds these message to screen in unexpected
- moments. Two messages of this kind I<should> be present during
- testing.
- =back
- To get finer test reports, call
- perl t/harness
- The report with F<io/pipe.t> failing may look like this:
- Failed Test Status Wstat Total Fail Failed List of failed
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- io/pipe.t 12 1 8.33% 9
- 7 tests skipped, plus 56 subtests skipped.
- Failed 1/195 test scripts, 99.49% okay. 1/6542 subtests failed, 99.98% okay.
- The reasons for most important skipped tests are:
- =over 8
- =item F<op/fs.t>
- =over 4
- =item 18
- Checks C<atime> and C<mtime> of C<stat()> - unfortunately, HPFS
- provides only 2sec time granularity (for compatibility with FAT?).
- =item 25
- Checks C<truncate()> on a filehandle just opened for write - I do not
- know why this should or should not work.
- =back
- =item F<op/stat.t>
- Checks C<stat()>. Tests:
- =over 4
- =item 4
- Checks C<atime> and C<mtime> of C<stat()> - unfortunately, HPFS
- provides only 2sec time granularity (for compatibility with FAT?).
- =back
- =back
- =head2 Installing the built perl
- If you haven't yet moved C<perl*.dll> onto LIBPATH, do it now.
- Run
- make install
- It would put the generated files into needed locations. Manually put
- F<perl.exe>, F<perl__.exe> and F<perl___.exe> to a location on your
- PATH, F<perl.dll> to a location on your LIBPATH.
- Run
- make installcmd INSTALLCMDDIR=d:/ir/on/path
- to convert perl utilities to F<.cmd> files and put them on
- PATH. You need to put F<.EXE>-utilities on path manually. They are
- installed in C<$prefix/bin>, here C<$prefix> is what you gave to
- F<Configure>, see L<Making>.
- If you use C<man>, either move the installed F<*/man/> directories to
- your C<MANPATH>, or modify C<MANPATH> to match the location. (One
- could have avoided this by providing a correct C<manpath> option to
- F<./Configure>, or editing F<./config.sh> between configuring and
- making steps.)
- =head2 C<a.out>-style build
- Proceed as above, but make F<perl_.exe> (see L<"perl_.exe">) by
- make perl_
- test and install by
- make aout_test
- make aout_install
- Manually put F<perl_.exe> to a location on your PATH.
- B<Note.> The build process for C<perl_> I<does not know> about all the
- dependencies, so you should make sure that anything is up-to-date,
- say, by doing
- make perl_dll
- first.
- =head1 Build FAQ
- =head2 Some C</> became C<\> in pdksh.
- You have a very old pdksh. See L<Prerequisites>.
- =head2 C<'errno'> - unresolved external
- You do not have MT-safe F<db.lib>. See L<Prerequisites>.
- =head2 Problems with tr or sed
- reported with very old version of tr and sed.
- =head2 Some problem (forget which ;-)
- You have an older version of F<perl.dll> on your LIBPATH, which
- broke the build of extensions.
- =head2 Library ... not found
- You did not run C<omflibs>. See L<Prerequisites>.
- =head2 Segfault in make
- You use an old version of GNU make. See L<Prerequisites>.
- =head2 op/sprintf test failure
- This can result from a bug in emx sprintf which was fixed in 0.9d fix 03.
- =head1 Specific (mis)features of OS/2 port
- =head2 C<setpriority>, C<getpriority>
- Note that these functions are compatible with *nix, not with the older
- ports of '94 - 95. The priorities are absolute, go from 32 to -95,
- lower is quicker. 0 is the default priority.
- B<WARNING>. Calling C<getpriority> on a non-existing process could lock
- the system before Warp3 fixpak22. Starting with Warp3, Perl will use
- a workaround: it aborts getpriority() if the process is not present.
- This is not possible on older versions C<2.*>, and has a race
- condition anyway.
- =head2 C<system()>
- Multi-argument form of C<system()> allows an additional numeric
- argument. The meaning of this argument is described in
- L<OS2::Process>.
- When finding a program to run, Perl first asks the OS to look for executables
- on C<PATH> (OS/2 adds extension F<.exe> if no extension is present).
- If not found, it looks for a script with possible extensions
- added in this order: no extension, F<.cmd>, F<.btm>,
- F<.bat>, F<.pl>. If found, Perl checks the start of the file for magic
- strings C<"#!"> and C<"extproc ">. If found, Perl uses the rest of the
- first line as the beginning of the command line to run this script. The
- only mangling done to the first line is extraction of arguments (currently
- up to 3), and ignoring of the path-part of the "interpreter" name if it can't
- be found using the full path.
- E.g., C<system 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'> may lead Perl to finding
- F<C:/emx/bin/foo.cmd> with the first line being
- extproc /bin/bash -x -c
- If F</bin/bash.exe> is not found, then Perl looks for an executable F<bash.exe> on
- C<PATH>. If found in F<C:/emx.add/bin/bash.exe>, then the above system() is
- translated to
- system qw(C:/emx.add/bin/bash.exe -x -c C:/emx/bin/foo.cmd bar baz)
- One additional translation is performed: instead of F</bin/sh> Perl uses
- the hardwired-or-customized shell (see C<L<"PERL_SH_DIR">>).
- The above search for "interpreter" is recursive: if F<bash> executable is not
- found, but F<bash.btm> is found, Perl will investigate its first line etc.
- The only hardwired limit on the recursion depth is implicit: there is a limit
- 4 on the number of additional arguments inserted before the actual arguments
- given to system(). In particular, if no additional arguments are specified
- on the "magic" first lines, then the limit on the depth is 4.
- If Perl finds that the found executable is of PM type when the
- current session is not, it will start the new process in a separate session of
- necessary type. Call via C<OS2::Process> to disable this magic.
- B<WARNING>. Due to the described logic, you need to explicitly
- specify F<.com> extension if needed. Moreover, if the executable
- F<perl5.6.1> is requested, Perl will not look for F<perl5.6.1.exe>.
- [This may change in the future.]
- =head2 C<extproc> on the first line
- If the first chars of a Perl script are C<"extproc ">, this line is treated
- as C<#!>-line, thus all the switches on this line are processed (twice
- if script was started via cmd.exe). See L<perlrun/DESCRIPTION>.
- =head2 Additional modules:
- L<OS2::Process>, L<OS2::DLL>, L<OS2::REXX>, L<OS2::PrfDB>, L<OS2::ExtAttr>. These
- modules provide access to additional numeric argument for C<system>
- and to the information about the running process,
- to DLLs having functions with REXX signature and to the REXX runtime, to
- OS/2 databases in the F<.INI> format, and to Extended Attributes.
- Two additional extensions by Andreas Kaiser, C<OS2::UPM>, and
- C<OS2::FTP>, are included into C<ILYAZ> directory, mirrored on CPAN.
- Other OS/2-related extensions are available too.
- =head2 Prebuilt methods:
- =over 4
- =item C<File::Copy::syscopy>
- used by C<File::Copy::copy>, see L<File::Copy>.
- =item C<DynaLoader::mod2fname>
- used by C<DynaLoader> for DLL name mangling.
- =item C<Cwd::current_drive()>
- Self explanatory.
- =item C<Cwd::sys_chdir(name)>
- leaves drive as it is.
- =item C<Cwd::change_drive(name)>
- chanes the "current" drive.
- =item C<Cwd::sys_is_absolute(name)>
- means has drive letter and is_rooted.
- =item C<Cwd::sys_is_rooted(name)>
- means has leading C<[/\\]> (maybe after a drive-letter:).
- =item C<Cwd::sys_is_relative(name)>
- means changes with current dir.
- =item C<Cwd::sys_cwd(name)>
- Interface to cwd from EMX. Used by C<Cwd::cwd>.
- =item C<Cwd::sys_abspath(name, dir)>
- Really really odious function to implement. Returns absolute name of
- file which would have C<name> if CWD were C<dir>. C<Dir> defaults to the
- current dir.
- =item C<Cwd::extLibpath([type])>
- Get current value of extended library search path. If C<type> is
- present and positive, works with C<END_LIBPATH>, if negative, works
- with C<LIBPATHSTRICT>, otherwise with C<BEGIN_LIBPATH>.
- =item C<Cwd::extLibpath_set( path [, type ] )>
- Set current value of extended library search path. If C<type> is
- present and positive, works with <END_LIBPATH>, if negative, works
- with C<LIBPATHSTRICT>, otherwise with C<BEGIN_LIBPATH>.
- =item C<OS2::Error(do_harderror,do_exception)>
- Returns C<undef> if it was not called yet, otherwise bit 1 is
- set if on the previous call do_harderror was enabled, bit
- 2 is set if on previous call do_exception was enabled.
- This function enables/disables error popups associated with
- hardware errors (Disk not ready etc.) and software exceptions.
- I know of no way to find out the state of popups I<before> the first call
- to this function.
- =item C<OS2::Errors2Drive(drive)>
- Returns C<undef> if it was not called yet, otherwise return false if errors
- were not requested to be written to a hard drive, or the drive letter if
- this was requested.
- This function may redirect error popups associated with hardware errors
- (Disk not ready etc.) and software exceptions to the file POPUPLOG.OS2 at
- the root directory of the specified drive. Overrides OS2::Error() specified
- by individual programs. Given argument undef will disable redirection.
- Has global effect, persists after the application exits.
- I know of no way to find out the state of redirection of popups to the disk
- I<before> the first call to this function.
- =item OS2::SysInfo()
- Returns a hash with system information. The keys of the hash are
- =item OS2::BootDrive()
- Returns a letter without colon.
- =item C<OS2::MorphPM(serve)>, C<OS2::UnMorphPM(serve)>
- Transforms the current application into a PM application and back.
- The argument true means that a real message loop is going to be served.
- OS2::MorphPM() returns the PM message queue handle as an integer.
- See L<"Centralized management of resources"> for additional details.
- =item C<OS2::Serve_Messages(force)>
- Fake on-demand retrieval of outstanding PM messages. If C<force> is false,
- will not dispatch messages if a real message loop is known to
- be present. Returns number of messages retrieved.
- Dies with "QUITing..." if WM_QUIT message is obtained.
- =item C<OS2::Process_Messages(force [, cnt])>
- Retrieval of PM messages until window creation/destruction.
- If C<force> is false, will not dispatch messages if a real message loop
- is known to be present.
- Returns change in number of windows. If C<cnt> is given,
- it is incremented by the number of messages retrieved.
- Dies with "QUITing..." if WM_QUIT message is obtained.
- =item C<OS2::_control87(new,mask)>
- the same as L<_control87(3)> of EMX. Takes integers as arguments, returns
- the previous coprocessor control word as an integer. Only bits in C<new> which
- are present in C<mask> are changed in the control word.
- =item OS2::get_control87()
- gets the coprocessor control word as an integer.
- =item C<OS2::set_control87_em(new=MCW_EM,mask=MCW_EM)>
- The variant of OS2::_control87() with default values good for
- handling exception mask: if no C<mask>, uses exception mask part of C<new>
- only. If no C<new>, disables all the floating point exceptions.
- See L<"Misfeatures"> for details.
- =item C<OS2::DLLname([how [, \&xsub]])>
- Gives the information about the Perl DLL or the DLL containing the C
- function bound to by C<&xsub>. The meaning of C<how> is: default (2):
- full name; 0: handle; 1: module name.
- =back
- (Note that some of these may be moved to different libraries -
- eventually).
- =head2 Prebuilt variables:
- =over 4
- =item $OS2::emx_rev
- numeric value is the same as _emx_rev of EMX, a string value the same
- as _emx_vprt (similar to C<0.9c>).
- =item $OS2::emx_env
- same as _emx_env of EMX, a number similar to 0x8001.
- =item $OS2::os_ver
- a number C<OS_MAJOR + 0.001 * OS_MINOR>.
- =item $OS2::is_aout
- true if the Perl library was compiled in AOUT format.
- =item $OS2::can_fork
- true if the current executable is an AOUT EMX executable, so Perl can
- fork. Do not use this, use the portable check for
- $Config::Config{dfork}.
- =item $OS2::nsyserror
- This variable (default is 1) controls whether to enforce the contents
- of $^E to start with C<SYS0003>-like id. If set to 0, then the string
- value of $^E is what is available from the OS/2 message file. (Some
- messages in this file have an C<SYS0003>-like id prepended, some not.)
- =back
- =head2 Misfeatures
- =over 4
- =item *
- Since L<flock(3)> is present in EMX, but is not functional, it is
- emulated by perl. To disable the emulations, set environment variable
- =item *
- Here is the list of things which may be "broken" on
- EMX (from EMX docs):
- =over 4
- =item *
- The functions L<recvmsg(3)>, L<sendmsg(3)>, and L<socketpair(3)> are not
- implemented.
- =item *
- L<sock_init(3)> is not required and not implemented.
- =item *
- L<flock(3)> is not yet implemented (dummy function). (Perl has a workaround.)
- =item *
- L<kill(3)>: Special treatment of PID=0, PID=1 and PID=-1 is not implemented.
- =item *
- L<waitpid(3)>:
- Not implemented.
- waitpid() is not implemented for negative values of PID.
- =back
- Note that C<kill -9> does not work with the current version of EMX.
- =item *
- See L<"Text-mode filehandles">.
- =item *
- Unix-domain sockets on OS/2 live in a pseudo-file-system C</sockets/...>.
- To avoid a failure to create a socket with a name of a different form,
- C<"/socket/"> is prepended to the socket name (unless it starts with this
- already).
- This may lead to problems later in case the socket is accessed via the
- "usual" file-system calls using the "initial" name.
- =item *
- Apparently, IBM used a compiler (for some period of time around '95?) which
- changes FP mask right and left. This is not I<that> bad for IBM's
- programs, but the same compiler was used for DLLs which are used with
- general-purpose applications. When these DLLs are used, the state of
- floating-point flags in the application is not predictable.
- What is much worse, some DLLs change the floating point flags when in
- _DLLInitTerm() (e.g., F<TCP32IP>). This means that even if you do not I<call>
- any function in the DLL, just the act of loading this DLL will reset your
- flags. What is worse, the same compiler was used to compile some HOOK DLLs.
- Given that HOOK dlls are executed in the context of I<all> the applications
- in the system, this means a complete unpredictablity of floating point
- flags on systems using such HOOK DLLs. E.g., F<GAMESRVR.DLL> of B<DIVE>
- origin changes the floating point flags on each write to the TTY of a VIO
- (windowed text-mode) applications.
- Some other (not completely debugged) situations when FP flags change include
- some video drivers (?), and some operations related to creation of the windows.
- People who code B<OpenGL> may have more experience on this.
- Perl is generally used in the situation when all the floating-point
- exceptions are ignored, as is the default under EMX. If they are not ignored,
- some benign Perl programs would get a C<SIGFPE> and would die a horrible death.
- To circumvent this, Perl uses two hacks. They help against I<one> type of
- damage only: FP flags changed when loading a DLL.
- One of the hacks is to disable floating point exceptions on Perl startup (as
- is the default with EMX). This helps only with compile-time-linked DLLs
- changing the flags before main() had a chance to be called.
- The other hack is to restore FP flags after a call to dlopen(). This helps
- against similar damage done by DLLs _DLLInitTerm() at runtime. Currently
- no way to switch these hacks off is provided.
- =back
- =head2 Modifications
- Perl modifies some standard C library calls in the following ways:
- =over 9
- =item C<popen>
- C<my_popen> uses F<sh.exe> if shell is required, cf. L<"PERL_SH_DIR">.
- =item C<tmpnam>
- is created using C<TMP> or C<TEMP> environment variable, via
- C<tempnam>.
- =item C<tmpfile>
- If the current directory is not writable, file is created using modified
- C<tmpnam>, so there may be a race condition.
- =item C<ctermid>
- a dummy implementation.
- =item C<stat>
- C<os2_stat> special-cases F</dev/tty> and F</dev/con>.
- =item C<mkdir>, C<rmdir>
- these EMX functions do not work if the path contains a trailing C</>.
- Perl contains a workaround for this.
- =item C<flock>
- Since L<flock(3)> is present in EMX, but is not functional, it is
- emulated by perl. To disable the emulations, set environment variable
- =back
- =head2 Identifying DLLs
- All the DLLs built with the current versions of Perl have ID strings
- identifying the name of the extension, its version, and the version
- of Perl required for this DLL. Run C<bldlevel DLL-name> to find this
- info.
- =head2 Centralized management of resources
- Since to call certain OS/2 API one needs to have a correctly initialized
- C<Win> subsystem, OS/2-specific extensions may require getting C<HAB>s and
- C<HMQ>s. If an extension would do it on its own, another extension could
- fail to initialize.
- Perl provides a centralized management of these resources:
- =over
- =item C<HAB>
- To get the HAB, the extension should call C<hab = perl_hab_GET()> in C. After
- this call is performed, C<hab> may be accessed as C<Perl_hab>. There is
- no need to release the HAB after it is used.
- If by some reasons F<perl.h> cannot be included, use
- extern int Perl_hab_GET(void);
- instead.
- =item C<HMQ>
- There are two cases:
- =over
- =item *
- the extension needs an C<HMQ> only because some API will not work otherwise.
- Use C<serve = 0> below.
- =item *
- the extension needs an C<HMQ> since it wants to engage in a PM event loop.
- Use C<serve = 1> below.
- =back
- To get an C<HMQ>, the extension should call C<hmq = perl_hmq_GET(serve)> in C.
- After this call is performed, C<hmq> may be accessed as C<Perl_hmq>.
- To signal to Perl that HMQ is not needed any more, call
- C<perl_hmq_UNSET(serve)>. Perl process will automatically morph/unmorph itself
- into/from a PM process if HMQ is needed/not-needed. Perl will automatically
- enable/disable C<WM_QUIT> message during shutdown if the message queue is
- served/not-served.
- B<NOTE>. If during a shutdown there is a message queue which did not disable
- WM_QUIT, and which did not process the received WM_QUIT message, the
- shutdown will be automatically cancelled. Do not call C<perl_hmq_GET(1)>
- unless you are going to process messages on an orderly basis.
- =item * Treating errors reported by OS/2 API
- There are two principal conventions (it is useful to call them C<Dos*>
- and C<Win*> - though this part of the function signature is not always
- determined by the name of the API) of reporting the error conditions
- of OS/2 API. Most of C<Dos*> APIs report the error code as the result
- of the call (so 0 means success, and there are many types of errors).
- Most of C<Win*> API report success/fail via the result being
- C<TRUE>/C<FALSE>; to find the reason for the failure one should call
- WinGetLastError() API.
- Some C<Win*> entry points also overload a "meaningful" return value
- with the error indicator; having a 0 return value indicates an error.
- Yet some other C<Win*> entry points overload things even more, and 0
- return value may mean a successful call returning a valid value 0, as
- well as an error condition; in the case of a 0 return value one should
- call WinGetLastError() API to distinguish a successful call from a
- failing one.
- By convention, all the calls to OS/2 API should indicate their
- failures by resetting $^E. All the Perl-accessible functions which
- call OS/2 API may be broken into two classes: some die()s when an API
- error is encountered, the other report the error via a false return
- value (of course, this does not concern Perl-accessible functions
- which I<expect> a failure of the OS/2 API call, having some workarounds
- coded).
- Obviously, in the situation of the last type of the signature of an OS/2
- API, it is must more convenient for the users if the failure is
- indicated by die()ing: one does not need to check $^E to know that
- something went wrong. If, however, this solution is not desirable by
- some reason, the code in question should reset $^E to 0 before making
- this OS/2 API call, so that the caller of this Perl-accessible
- function has a chance to distinguish a success-but-0-return value from
- a failure. (One may return undef as an alternative way of reporting
- an error.)
- The macros to simplify this type of error propagation are
- =over
- =item C<CheckOSError(expr)>
- Returns true on error, sets $^E. Expects expr() be a call of
- C<Dos*>-style API.
- =item C<CheckWinError(expr)>
- Returns true on error, sets $^E. Expects expr() be a call of
- C<Win*>-style API.
- =item C<SaveWinError(expr)>
- Returns C<expr>, sets $^E from WinGetLastError() if C<expr> is false.
- =item C<SaveCroakWinError(expr,die,name1,name2)>
- Returns C<expr>, sets $^E from WinGetLastError() if C<expr> is false,
- and die()s if C<die> and $^E are true. The message to die is the
- concatenated strings C<name1> and C<name2>, separated by C<": "> from
- the contents of $^E.
- =item C<WinError_2_Perl_rc>
- Sets C<Perl_rc> to the return value of WinGetLastError().
- =item C<FillWinError>
- Sets C<Perl_rc> to the return value of WinGetLastError(), and sets $^E
- to the corresponding value.
- =item C<FillOSError(rc)>
- Sets C<Perl_rc> to C<rc>, and sets $^E to the corresponding value.
- =back
- =item * Loading DLLs and ordinals in DLLs
- Some DLLs are only present in some versions of OS/2, or in some
- configurations of OS/2. Some exported entry points are present only
- in DLLs shipped with some versions of OS/2. If these DLLs and entry
- points were linked directly for a Perl executable/DLL or from a Perl
- extensions, this binary would work only with the specified
- versions/setups. Even if these entry points were not needed, the
- I<load> of the executable (or DLL) would fail.
- For example, many newer useful APIs are not present in OS/2 v2; many
- PM-related APIs require DLLs not available on floppy-boot setup.
- To make these calls fail I<only when the calls are executed>, one
- should call these API via a dynamic linking API. There is a subsystem
- in Perl to simplify such type of calls. A large number of entry
- points available for such linking is provided (see C<entries_ordinals>
- - and also C<PMWIN_entries> - in F<os2ish.h>). These ordinals can be
- accessed via the APIs:
- CallORD(), DeclFuncByORD(), DeclVoidFuncByORD(),
- DeclOSFuncByORD(), DeclWinFuncByORD(), AssignFuncPByORD(),
- DeclWinFuncByORD_CACHE(), DeclWinFuncByORD_CACHE_survive(),
- DeclWinFuncByORD_CACHE_resetError_survive(),
- DeclWinFunc_CACHE(), DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError(),
- DeclWinFunc_CACHE_survive(), DeclWinFunc_CACHE_resetError_survive()
- See the header files and the C code in the supplied OS/2-related
- modules for the details on usage of these functions.
- Some of these functions also combine dynaloading semantic with the
- error-propagation semantic discussed above.
- =back
- =head1 Perl flavors
- Because of idiosyncrasies of OS/2 one cannot have all the eggs in the
- same basket (though EMX environment tries hard to overcome this
- limitations, so the situation may somehow improve). There are 4
- executables for Perl provided by the distribution:
- =head2 F<perl.exe>
- The main workhorse. This is a chimera executable: it is compiled as an
- C<a.out>-style executable, but is linked with C<omf>-style dynamic
- library F<perl.dll>, and with dynamic CRT DLL. This executable is a
- VIO application.
- It can load perl dynamic extensions, and it can fork().
- B<Note.> Keep in mind that fork() is needed to open a pipe to yourself.
- =head2 F<perl_.exe>
- This is a statically linked C<a.out>-style executable. It cannot
- load dynamic Perl extensions. The executable supplied in binary
- distributions has a lot of extensions prebuilt, thus the above restriction is
- important only if you use custom-built extensions. This executable is a VIO
- application.
- I<This is the only executable with does not require OS/2.> The
- friends locked into C<M$> world would appreciate the fact that this
- executable runs under DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT with an
- appropriate extender. See L<"Other OSes">.
- =head2 F<perl__.exe>
- This is the same executable as F<perl___.exe>, but it is a PM
- application.
- B<Note.> Usually (unless explicitly redirected during the startup)
- application are redirected to F<nul>. However, it is possible to I<see>
- them if you start C<perl__.exe> from a PM program which emulates a
- console window, like I<Shell mode> of Emacs or EPM. Thus it I<is
- possible> to use Perl debugger (see L<perldebug>) to debug your PM
- application (but beware of the message loop lockups - this will not
- work if you have a message queue to serve, unless you hook the serving
- into the getc() function of the debugger).
- Another way to see the output of a PM program is to run it as
- pm_prog args 2>&1 | cat -
- with a shell I<different> from F<cmd.exe>, so that it does not create
- a link between a VIO session and the session of C<pm_porg>. (Such a link
- closes the VIO window.) E.g., this works with F<sh.exe> - or with Perl!
- open P, 'pm_prog args 2>&1 |' or die;
- print while <P>;
- The flavor F<perl__.exe> is required if you want to start your program without
- a VIO window present, but not C<detach>ed (run C<help detach> for more info).
- Very useful for extensions which use PM, like C<Perl/Tk> or C<OpenGL>.
- Note also that the differences between PM and VIO executables are only
- in the I<default> behaviour. One can start I<any> executable in
- I<any> kind of session by using the arguments C</fs>, C</pm> or
- C</win> switches of the command C<start> (of F<CMD.EXE> or a similar
- shell). Alternatively, one can use the numeric first argument of the
- C<system> Perl function (see L<C<OS2::Process>>).
- =head2 F<perl___.exe>
- This is an C<omf>-style executable which is dynamically linked to
- F<perl.dll> and CRT DLL. I know no advantages of this executable
- over C<perl.exe>, but it cannot fork() at all. Well, one advantage is
- that the build process is not so convoluted as with C<perl.exe>.
- It is a VIO application.
- =head2 Why strange names?
- Since Perl processes the C<#!>-line (cf.
- L<perlrun/DESCRIPTION>, L<perlrun/Switches>,
- L<perldiag/"Not a perl script">,
- L<perldiag/"No Perl script found in input">), it should know when a
- program I<is a Perl>. There is some naming convention which allows
- Perl to distinguish correct lines from wrong ones. The above names are
- almost the only names allowed by this convention which do not contain
- digits (which have absolutely different semantics).
- =head2 Why dynamic linking?
- Well, having several executables dynamically linked to the same huge
- library has its advantages, but this would not substantiate the
- additional work to make it compile. The reason is the complicated-to-developers
- but very quick and convenient-to-users "hard" dynamic linking used by OS/2.
- There are two distinctive features of the dyna-linking model of OS/2:
- first, all the references to external functions are resolved at the compile time;
- second, there is no runtime fixup of the DLLs after they are loaded into memory.
- The first feature is an enormous advantage over other models: it avoids
- conflicts when several DLLs used by an application export entries with
- the same name. In such cases "other" models of dyna-linking just choose
- between these two entry points using some random criterion - with predictable
- disasters as results. But it is the second feature which requires the build
- of F<perl.dll>.
- The address tables of DLLs are patched only once, when they are
- loaded. The addresses of the entry points into DLLs are guaranteed to be
- the same for all the programs which use the same DLL. This removes the
- runtime fixup - once DLL is loaded, its code is read-only.
- While this allows some (significant?) performance advantages, this makes life
- much harder for developers, since the above scheme makes it impossible
- for a DLL to be "linked" to a symbol in the F<.EXE> file. Indeed, this
- would need a DLL to have different relocations tables for the
- (different) executables which use this DLL.
- However, a dynamically loaded Perl extension is forced to use some symbols
- from the perl
- executable, e.g., to know how to find the arguments to the functions:
- the arguments live on the perl
- internal evaluation stack. The solution is to put the main code of
- the interpreter into a DLL, and make the F<.EXE> file which just loads
- this DLL into memory and supplies command-arguments. The extension DLL
- cannot link to symbols in F<.EXE>, but it has no problem linking
- to symbols in the F<.DLL>.
- This I<greatly> increases the load time for the application (as well as
- complexity of the compilation). Since interpreter is in a DLL,
- the C RTL is basically forced to reside in a DLL as well (otherwise
- extensions would not be able to use CRT). There are some advantages if
- you use different flavors of perl, such as running F<perl.exe> and
- F<perl__.exe> simultaneously: they share the memory of F<perl.dll>.
- B<NOTE>. There is one additional effect which makes DLLs more wasteful:
- DLLs are loaded in the shared memory region, which is a scarse resource
- given the 512M barrier of the "standard" OS/2 virtual memory. The code of
- F<.EXE> files is also shared by all the processes which use the particular
- F<.EXE>, but they are "shared in the private address space of the process";
- this is possible because the address at which different sections
- of the F<.EXE> file are loaded is decided at compile-time, thus all the
- processes have these sections loaded at same addresses, and no fixup
- of internal links inside the F<.EXE> is needed.
- Since DLLs may be loaded at run time, to have the same mechanism for DLLs
- one needs to have the address range of I<any of the loaded> DLLs in the
- system to be available I<in all the processes> which did not load a particular
- DLL yet. This is why the DLLs are mapped to the shared memory region.
- =head2 Why chimera build?
- Current EMX environment does not allow DLLs compiled using Unixish
- C<a.out> format to export symbols for data (or at least some types of
- data). This forces C<omf>-style compile of F<perl.dll>.
- Current EMX environment does not allow F<.EXE> files compiled in
- C<omf> format to fork(). fork() is needed for exactly three Perl
- operations:
- =over 4
- =item *
- explicit fork() in the script,
- =item *
- C<open FH, "|-">
- =item *
- C<open FH, "-|">, in other words, opening pipes to itself.
- =back
- While these operations are not questions of life and death, they are
- needed for a lot of
- useful scripts. This forces C<a.out>-style compile of
- F<perl.exe>.
- Here we list environment variables with are either OS/2- and DOS- and
- Win*-specific, or are more important under OS/2 than under other OSes.
- Specific for EMX port. Should have the form
- path1;path2
- or
- path1 path2
- If the beginning of some prebuilt path matches F<path1>, it is
- substituted with F<path2>.
- Should be used if the perl library is moved from the default
- location in preference to C<PERL(5)LIB>, since this would not leave wrong
- entries in @INC. For example, if the compiled version of perl looks for @INC
- in F<f:/perllib/lib>, and you want to install the library in
- F<h:/opt/gnu>, do
- set PERLLIB_PREFIX=f:/perllib/lib;h:/opt/gnu
- This will cause Perl with the prebuilt @INC of
- f:/perllib/lib/5.00553/os2
- f:/perllib/lib/5.00553
- f:/perllib/lib/site_perl/5.00553/os2
- f:/perllib/lib/site_perl/5.00553
- .
- to use the following @INC:
- h:/opt/gnu/5.00553/os2
- h:/opt/gnu/5.00553
- h:/opt/gnu/site_perl/5.00553/os2
- h:/opt/gnu/site_perl/5.00553
- .
- =head2 C<PERL_BADLANG>
- If 0, perl ignores setlocale() failing. May be useful with some
- strange I<locale>s.
- =head2 C<PERL_BADFREE>
- If 0, perl would not warn of in case of unwarranted free(). With older
- perls this might be
- useful in conjunction with the module DB_File, which was buggy when
- dynamically linked and OMF-built.
- Should not be set with newer Perls, since this may hide some I<real> problems.
- =head2 C<PERL_SH_DIR>
- Specific for EMX port. Gives the directory part of the location for
- F<sh.exe>.
- =head2 C<USE_PERL_FLOCK>
- Specific for EMX port. Since L<flock(3)> is present in EMX, but is not
- functional, it is emulated by perl. To disable the emulations, set
- environment variable C<USE_PERL_FLOCK=0>.
- =head2 C<TMP> or C<TEMP>
- Specific for EMX port. Used as storage place for temporary files.
- =head1 Evolution
- Here we list major changes which could make you by surprise.
- =head2 Text-mode filehandles
- Starting from version 5.8, Perl uses a builtin translation layer for
- text-mode files. This replaces the efficient well-tested EMX layer by
- some code which should be best characterized as a "quick hack".
- In addition to possible bugs and an inability to follow changes to the
- translation policy with off/on switches of TERMIO translation, this
- introduces a serious incompatible change: before sysread() on
- text-mode filehandles would go through the translation layer, now it
- would not.
- =head2 Priorities
- C<setpriority> and C<getpriority> are not compatible with earlier
- ports by Andreas Kaiser. See C<"setpriority, getpriority">.
- =head2 DLL name mangling: pre 5.6.2
- With the release 5.003_01 the dynamically loadable libraries
- should be rebuilt when a different version of Perl is compiled. In particular,
- DLLs (including F<perl.dll>) are now created with the names
- which contain a checksum, thus allowing workaround for OS/2 scheme of
- caching DLLs.
- It may be possible to code a simple workaround which would
- =over
- =item *
- find the old DLLs looking through the old @INC;
- =item *
- mangle the names according to the scheme of new perl and copy the DLLs to
- these names;
- =item *
- edit the internal C<LX> tables of DLL to reflect the change of the name
- (probably not needed for Perl extension DLLs, since the internally coded names
- are not used for "specific" DLLs, they used only for "global" DLLs).
- =item *
- edit the internal C<IMPORT> tables and change the name of the "old"
- F<perl????.dll> to the "new" F<perl????.dll>.
- =back
- =head2 DLL name mangling: 5.6.2 and beyond
- In fact mangling of I<extension> DLLs was done due to misunderstanding
- of the OS/2 dynaloading model. OS/2 (effectively) maintains two
- different tables of loaded DLL:
- =over
- =item Global DLLs
- those loaded by the base name from C<LIBPATH>; including those
- associated at link time;
- =item specific DLLs
- loaded by the full name.
- =back
- When resolving a request for a global DLL, the table of already-loaded
- specific DLLs is (effectively) ignored; moreover, specific DLLs are
- I<always> loaded from the prescribed path.
- There is/was a minor twist which makes this scheme fragile: what to do
- with DLLs loaded from
- =over
- (which depend on the process)
- =item F<.> from C<LIBPATH>
- which I<effectively> depends on the process (although C<LIBPATH> is the
- same for all the processes).
- =back
- Unless C<LIBPATHSTRICT> is set to C<T> (and the kernel is after
- 2000/09/01), such DLLs are considered to be global. When loading a
- global DLL it is first looked in the table of already-loaded global
- DLLs. Because of this the fact that one executable loaded a DLL from
- C<BEGINLIBPATH> and C<ENDLIBPATH>, or F<.> from C<LIBPATH> may affect
- I<which> DLL is loaded when I<another> executable requests a DLL with
- the same name. I<This> is the reason for version-specific mangling of
- the DLL name for perl DLL.
- Since the Perl extension DLLs are always loaded with the full path,
- there is no need to mangle their names in a version-specific ways:
- their directory already reflects the corresponding version of perl,
- and @INC takes into account binary compatibility with older version.
- Starting from C<5.6.2> the name mangling scheme is fixed to be the
- same as for Perl 5.005_53 (same as in a popular binary release). Thus
- new Perls will be able to I<resolve the names> of old extension DLLs
- if @INC allows finding their directories.
- However, this still does not guarantee that these DLL may be loaded.
- The reason is the mangling of the name of the I<Perl DLL>. And since
- the extension DLLs link with the Perl DLL, extension DLLs for older
- versions would load an older Perl DLL, and would most probably
- segfault (since the data in this DLL is not properly initialized).
- There is a partial workaround (which can be made complete with newer
- OS/2 kernels): create a forwarder DLL with the same name as the DLL of
- the older version of Perl, which forwards the entry points to the
- newer Perl's DLL. Make this DLL accessible on (say) the C<BEGINLIBPATH> of
- the new Perl executable. When the new executable accesses old Perl's
- extension DLLs, they would request the old Perl's DLL by name, get the
- forwarder instead, so effectively will link with the currently running
- (new) Perl DLL.
- This may break in two ways:
- =over
- =item *
- Old perl executable is started when a new executable is running has
- loaded an extension compiled for the old executable (ouph!). In this
- case the old executable will get a forwarder DLL instead of the old
- perl DLL, so would link with the new perl DLL. While not directly
- fatal, it will behave the same as new executable. This beats the whole
- purpose of explicitly starting an old executable.
- =item *
- A new executable loads an extension compiled for the old executable
- when an old perl executable is running. In this case the extension
- will not pick up the forwarder - with fatal results.
- =back
- With support for C<LIBPATHSTRICT> this may be circumvented - unless
- one of DLLs is started from F<.> from C<LIBPATH> (I do not know
- whether C<LIBPATHSTRICT> affects this case).
- B<REMARK>. Unless newer kernels allow F<.> in C<BEGINLIBPATH> (older
- do not), this mess cannot be completely cleaned. (It turns out that
- as of the beginning of 2002, F<.> is not allowed, but F<.\.> is - and
- it has the same effect.)
- not environment variables, although F<cmd.exe> emulates them on C<SET
- ...> lines. From Perl they may be accessed by L<Cwd::extLibpath> and
- L<Cwd::extLibpath_set>.
- =head2 DLL forwarder generation
- Assume that the old DLL is named F<perlE0AC.dll> (as is one for
- 5.005_53), and the new version is 5.6.1. Create a file
- F<perl5shim.def-leader> with
- DESCRIPTION '@#perl5-porters@perl.org:5.006001#@ Perl module for 5.00553 -> Perl 5.6.1 forwarder'
- modifying the versions/names as needed. Run
- perl -wnle "next if 0../EXPORTS/; print qq( \"$1\") if /\"(\w+)\"/" perl5.def >lst
- in the Perl build directory (to make the DLL smaller replace perl5.def
- with the definition file for the older version of Perl if present).
- cat perl5shim.def-leader lst >perl5shim.def
- gcc -Zomf -Zdll -o perlE0AC.dll perl5shim.def -s -llibperl
- (ignore multiple C<warning L4085>).
- =head2 Threading
- As of release 5.003_01 perl is linked to multithreaded C RTL
- DLL. If perl itself is not compiled multithread-enabled, so will not be perl's
- malloc(). However, extensions may use multiple thread on their own
- risk.
- This was needed to compile C<Perl/Tk> for XFree86-OS/2 out-of-the-box, and
- link with DLLs for other useful libraries, which typically are compiled
- with C<-Zmt -Zcrtdll>.
- =head2 Calls to external programs
- Due to a popular demand the perl external program calling has been
- changed wrt Andreas Kaiser's port. I<If> perl needs to call an
- external program I<via shell>, the F<f:/bin/sh.exe> will be called, or
- whatever is the override, see L<"PERL_SH_DIR">.
- Thus means that you need to get some copy of a F<sh.exe> as well (I
- use one from pdksh). The path F<F:/bin> above is set up automatically during
- the build to a correct value on the builder machine, but is
- overridable at runtime,
- B<Reasons:> a consensus on C<perl5-porters> was that perl should use
- one non-overridable shell per platform. The obvious choices for OS/2
- are F<cmd.exe> and F<sh.exe>. Having perl build itself would be impossible
- with F<cmd.exe> as a shell, thus I picked up C<sh.exe>. This assures almost
- 100% compatibility with the scripts coming from *nix. As an added benefit
- this works as well under DOS if you use DOS-enabled port of pdksh
- (see L<"Prerequisites">).
- B<Disadvantages:> currently F<sh.exe> of pdksh calls external programs
- via fork()/exec(), and there is I<no> functioning exec() on
- OS/2. exec() is emulated by EMX by an asynchronous call while the caller
- waits for child completion (to pretend that the C<pid> did not change). This
- means that 1 I<extra> copy of F<sh.exe> is made active via fork()/exec(),
- which may lead to some resources taken from the system (even if we do
- not count extra work needed for fork()ing).
- Note that this a lesser issue now when we do not spawn F<sh.exe>
- unless needed (metachars found).
- One can always start F<cmd.exe> explicitly via
- system 'cmd', '/c', 'mycmd', 'arg1', 'arg2', ...
- If you need to use F<cmd.exe>, and do not want to hand-edit thousands of your
- scripts, the long-term solution proposed on p5-p is to have a directive
- use OS2::Cmd;
- which will override system(), exec(), C<``>, and
- C<open(,'...|')>. With current perl you may override only system(),
- readpipe() - the explicit version of C<``>, and maybe exec(). The code
- will substitute the one-argument call to system() by
- C<CORE::system('cmd.exe', '/c', shift)>.
- If you have some working code for C<OS2::Cmd>, please send it to me,
- I will include it into distribution. I have no need for such a module, so
- cannot test it.
- For the details of the current situation with calling external programs,
- see L<Starting OS/2 (and DOS) programs under Perl>. Set us mention a couple
- of features:
- =over 4
- =item *
- External scripts may be called by their basename. Perl will try the same
- extensions as when processing B<-S> command-line switch.
- =item *
- External scripts starting with C<#!> or C<extproc > will be executed directly,
- without calling the shell, by calling the program specified on the rest of
- the first line.
- =back
- =head2 Memory allocation
- Perl uses its own malloc() under OS/2 - interpreters are usually malloc-bound
- for speed, but perl is not, since its malloc is lightning-fast.
- Perl-memory-usage-tuned benchmarks show that Perl's malloc is 5 times quicker
- than EMX one. I do not have convincing data about memory footprint, but
- a (pretty random) benchmark showed that Perl's one is 5% better.
- Combination of perl's malloc() and rigid DLL name resolution creates
- a special problem with library functions which expect their return value to
- be free()d by system's free(). To facilitate extensions which need to call
- such functions, system memory-allocation functions are still available with
- the prefix C<emx_> added. (Currently only DLL perl has this, it should
- propagate to F<perl_.exe> shortly.)
- =head2 Threads
- One can build perl with thread support enabled by providing C<-D usethreads>
- option to F<Configure>. Currently OS/2 support of threads is very
- preliminary.
- Most notable problems:
- =over 4
- =item C<COND_WAIT>
- may have a race condition (but probably does not due to edge-triggered
- nature of OS/2 Event semaphores). (Needs a reimplementation (in terms of chaining
- waiting threads, with the linked list stored in per-thread structure?)?)
- =item F<os2.c>
- has a couple of static variables used in OS/2-specific functions. (Need to be
- moved to per-thread structure, or serialized?)
- =back
- Note that these problems should not discourage experimenting, since they
- have a low probability of affecting small programs.
- =head1 BUGS
- This description was not updated since 5.6.1, see F<os2/Changes> for
- more info.
- =cut
- OS/2 extensions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I include 3 extensions by Andreas Kaiser, OS2::REXX, OS2::UPM, and OS2::FTP,
- into my ftp directory, mirrored on CPAN. I made
- some minor changes needed to compile them by standard tools. I cannot
- test UPM and FTP, so I will appreciate your feedback. Other extensions
- there are OS2::ExtAttr, OS2::PrfDB for tied access to EAs and .INI
- files - and maybe some other extensions at the time you read it.
- Note that OS2 perl defines 2 pseudo-extension functions
- OS2::Copy::copy and DynaLoader::mod2fname (many more now, see
- L<Prebuilt methods>).
- The -R switch of older perl is deprecated. If you need to call a REXX code
- which needs access to variables, include the call into a REXX compartment
- created by
- REXX_call {...block...};
- Two new functions are supported by REXX code,
- REXX_eval 'string';
- REXX_eval_with 'string', REXX_function_name => \&perl_sub_reference;
- If you have some other extensions you want to share, send the code to
- me. At least two are available: tied access to EA's, and tied access
- to system databases.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Ilya Zakharevich, cpan@ilyaz.org
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- perl(1).
- =cut