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- =head1 NAME
- perlmodstyle - Perl module style guide
- This document attempts to describe the Perl Community's "best practice"
- for writing Perl modules. It extends the recommendations found in
- L<perlstyle> , which should be considered required reading
- before reading this document.
- While this document is intended to be useful to all module authors, it is
- particularly aimed at authors who wish to publish their modules on CPAN.
- The focus is on elements of style which are visible to the users of a
- module, rather than those parts which are only seen by the module's
- developers. However, many of the guidelines presented in this document
- can be extrapolated and applied successfully to a module's internals.
- This document differs from L<perlnewmod> in that it is a style guide
- rather than a tutorial on creating CPAN modules. It provides a
- checklist against which modules can be compared to determine whether
- they conform to best practice, without necessarily describing in detail
- how to achieve this.
- All the advice contained in this document has been gleaned from
- extensive conversations with experienced CPAN authors and users. Every
- piece of advice given here is the result of previous mistakes. This
- information is here to help you avoid the same mistakes and the extra
- work that would inevitably be required to fix them.
- The first section of this document provides an itemized checklist;
- subsequent sections provide a more detailed discussion of the items on
- the list. The final section, "Common Pitfalls", describes some of the
- most popular mistakes made by CPAN authors.
- For more detail on each item in this checklist, see below.
- =head2 Before you start
- =over 4
- =item *
- Don't re-invent the wheel
- =item *
- Patch, extend or subclass an existing module where possible
- =item *
- Do one thing and do it well
- =item *
- Choose an appropriate name
- =back
- =head2 The API
- =over 4
- =item *
- API should be understandable by the average programmer
- =item *
- Simple methods for simple tasks
- =item *
- Separate functionality from output
- =item *
- Consistent naming of subroutines or methods
- =item *
- Use named parameters (a hash or hashref) when there are more than two
- parameters
- =back
- =head2 Stability
- =over 4
- =item *
- Ensure your module works under C<use strict> and C<-w>
- =item *
- Stable modules should maintain backwards compatibility
- =back
- =head2 Documentation
- =over 4
- =item *
- Write documentation in POD
- =item *
- Document purpose, scope and target applications
- =item *
- Document each publically accessible method or subroutine, including params and return values
- =item *
- Give examples of use in your documentation
- =item *
- Provide a README file and perhaps also release notes, changelog, etc
- =item *
- Provide links to further information (URL, email)
- =back
- =head2 Release considerations
- =over 4
- =item *
- Specify pre-requisites in Makefile.PL
- =item *
- Specify Perl version requirements with C<use>
- =item *
- Include tests with your module
- =item *
- Choose a sensible and consistent version numbering scheme (X.YY is the common Perl module numbering scheme)
- =item *
- Increment the version number for every change, no matter how small
- =item *
- Package the module using "make dist"
- =item *
- Choose an appropriate license (GPL/Artistic is a good default)
- =back
- Try not to launch headlong into developing your module without spending
- some time thinking first. A little forethought may save you a vast
- amount of effort later on.
- =head2 Has it been done before?
- You may not even need to write the module. Check whether it's already
- been done in Perl, and avoid re-inventing the wheel unless you have a
- good reason.
- Good places to look for pre-existing modules include
- http://search.cpan.org/ and asking on modules@perl.org
- If an existing module B<almost> does what you want, consider writing a
- patch, writing a subclass, or otherwise extending the existing module
- rather than rewriting it.
- =head2 Do one thing and do it well
- At the risk of stating the obvious, modules are intended to be modular.
- A Perl developer should be able to use modules to put together the
- building blocks of their application. However, it's important that the
- blocks are the right shape, and that the developer shouldn't have to use
- a big block when all they need is a small one.
- Your module should have a clearly defined scope which is no longer than
- a single sentence. Can your module be broken down into a family of
- related modules?
- Bad example:
- "FooBar.pm provides an implementation of the FOO protocol and the
- related BAR standard."
- Good example:
- "Foo.pm provides an implementation of the FOO protocol. Bar.pm
- implements the related BAR protocol."
- This means that if a developer only needs a module for the BAR standard,
- they should not be forced to install libraries for FOO as well.
- =head2 What's in a name?
- Make sure you choose an appropriate name for your module early on. This
- will help people find and remember your module, and make programming
- with your module more intuitive.
- When naming your module, consider the following:
- =over 4
- =item *
- Be descriptive (i.e. accurately describes the purpose of the module).
- =item *
- Be consistent with existing modules.
- =item *
- Reflect the functionality of the module, not the implementation.
- =item *
- Avoid starting a new top-level hierarchy, especially if a suitable
- hierarchy already exists under which you could place your module.
- =back
- You should contact modules@perl.org to ask them about your module name
- before publishing your module. You should also try to ask people who
- are already familiar with the module's application domain and the CPAN
- naming system. Authors of similar modules, or modules with similar
- names, may be a good place to start.
- Considerations for module design and coding:
- =head2 To OO or not to OO?
- Your module may be object oriented (OO) or not, or it may have both kinds
- of interfaces available. There are pros and cons of each technique, which
- should be considered when you design your API.
- According to Damian Conway, you should consider using OO:
- =over 4
- =item *
- When the system is large or likely to become so
- =item *
- When the data is aggregated in obvious structures that will become objects
- =item *
- When the types of data form a natural hierarchy that can make use of inheritance
- =item *
- When operations on data vary according to data type (making
- polymorphic invocation of methods feasible)
- =item *
- When it is likely that new data types may be later introduced
- into the system, and will need to be handled by existing code
- =item *
- When interactions between data are best represented by
- overloaded operators
- =item *
- When the implementation of system components is likely to
- change over time (and hence should be encapsulated)
- =item *
- When the system design is itself object-oriented
- =item *
- When large amounts of client code will use the software (and
- should be insulated from changes in its implementation)
- =item *
- When many separate operations will need to be applied to the
- same set of data
- =back
- Think carefully about whether OO is appropriate for your module.
- Gratuitous object orientation results in complex APIs which are
- difficult for the average module user to understand or use.
- =head2 Designing your API
- Your interfaces should be understandable by an average Perl programmer.
- The following guidelines may help you judge whether your API is
- sufficiently straightforward:
- =over 4
- =item Write simple routines to do simple things.
- It's better to have numerous simple routines than a few monolithic ones.
- If your routine changes its behaviour significantly based on its
- arguments, it's a sign that you should have two (or more) separate
- routines.
- =item Separate functionality from output.
- Return your results in the most generic form possible and allow the user
- to choose how to use them. The most generic form possible is usually a
- Perl data structure which can then be used to generate a text report,
- HTML, XML, a database query, or whatever else your users require.
- If your routine iterates through some kind of list (such as a list of
- files, or records in a database) you may consider providing a callback
- so that users can manipulate each element of the list in turn.
- File::Find provides an example of this with its
- C<find(\&wanted, $dir)> syntax.
- =item Provide sensible shortcuts and defaults.
- Don't require every module user to jump through the same hoops to achieve a
- simple result. You can always include optional parameters or routines for
- more complex or non-standard behaviour. If most of your users have to
- type a few almost identical lines of code when they start using your
- module, it's a sign that you should have made that behaviour a default.
- Another good indicator that you should use defaults is if most of your
- users call your routines with the same arguments.
- =item Naming conventions
- Your naming should be consistent. For instance, it's better to have:
- display_day();
- display_week();
- display_year();
- than
- display_day();
- week_display();
- show_year();
- This applies equally to method names, parameter names, and anything else
- which is visible to the user (and most things that aren't!)
- =item Parameter passing
- Use named parameters. It's easier to use a hash like this:
- $obj->do_something(
- name => "wibble",
- type => "text",
- size => 1024,
- );
- ... than to have a long list of unnamed parameters like this:
- $obj->do_something("wibble", "text", 1024);
- While the list of arguments might work fine for one, two or even three
- arguments, any more arguments become hard for the module user to
- remember, and hard for the module author to manage. If you want to add
- a new parameter you will have to add it to the end of the list for
- backward compatibility, and this will probably make your list order
- unintuitive. Also, if many elements may be undefined you may see the
- following unattractive method calls:
- $obj->do_something(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 1024);
- Provide sensible defaults for parameters which have them. Don't make
- your users specify parameters which will almost always be the same.
- The issue of whether to pass the arguments in a hash or a hashref is
- largely a matter of personal style.
- The use of hash keys starting with a hyphen (C<-name>) or entirely in
- upper case (C<NAME>) is a relic of older versions of Perl in which
- ordinary lower case strings were not handled correctly by the C<=E<gt>>
- operator. While some modules retain uppercase or hyphenated argument
- keys for historical reasons or as a matter of personal style, most new
- modules should use simple lower case keys. Whatever you choose, be
- consistent!
- =back
- =head2 Strictness and warnings
- Your module should run successfully under the strict pragma and should
- run without generating any warnings. Your module should also handle
- taint-checking where appropriate, though this can cause difficulties in
- many cases.
- =head2 Backwards compatibility
- Modules which are "stable" should not break backwards compatibility
- without at least a long transition phase and a major change in version
- number.
- =head2 Error handling and messages
- When your module encounters an error it should do one or more of:
- =over 4
- =item *
- Return an undefined value.
- =item *
- set C<$Module::errstr> or similar (C<errstr> is a common name used by
- DBI and other popular modules; if you choose something else, be sure to
- document it clearly).
- =item *
- C<warn()> or C<carp()> a message to STDERR.
- =item *
- C<croak()> only when your module absolutely cannot figure out what to
- do. (C<croak()> is a better version of C<die()> for use within
- modules, which reports its errors from the perspective of the caller.
- See L<Carp> for details of C<croak()>, C<carp()> and other useful
- routines.)
- =item *
- As an alternative to the above, you may prefer to throw exceptions using
- the Error module.
- =back
- Configurable error handling can be very useful to your users. Consider
- offering a choice of levels for warning and debug messages, an option to
- send messages to a separate file, a way to specify an error-handling
- routine, or other such features. Be sure to default all these options
- to the commonest use.
- =head2 POD
- Your module should include documentation aimed at Perl developers.
- You should use Perl's "plain old documentation" (POD) for your general
- technical documentation, though you may wish to write additional
- documentation (white papers, tutorials, etc) in some other format.
- You need to cover the following subjects:
- =over 4
- =item *
- A synopsis of the common uses of the module
- =item *
- The purpose, scope and target applications of your module
- =item *
- Use of each publically accessible method or subroutine, including
- parameters and return values
- =item *
- Examples of use
- =item *
- Sources of further information
- =item *
- A contact email address for the author/maintainer
- =back
- The level of detail in Perl module documentation generally goes from
- less detailed to more detailed. Your SYNOPSIS section should contain a
- minimal example of use (perhaps as little as one line of code; skip the
- unusual use cases or anything not needed by most users); the
- DESCRIPTION should describe your module in broad terms, generally in
- just a few paragraphs; more detail of the module's routines or methods,
- lengthy code examples, or other in-depth material should be given in
- subsequent sections.
- Ideally, someone who's slightly familiar with your module should be able
- to refresh their memory without hitting "page down". As your reader
- continues through the document, they should receive a progressively
- greater amount of knowledge.
- The recommended order of sections in Perl module documentation is:
- =over 4
- =item *
- =item *
- =item *
- =item *
- One or more sections or subsections giving greater detail of available
- methods and routines and any other relevant information.
- =item *
- =item *
- =item *
- =item *
- =back
- Keep your documentation near the code it documents ("inline"
- documentation). Include POD for a given method right above that
- method's subroutine. This makes it easier to keep the documentation up
- to date, and avoids having to document each piece of code twice (once in
- POD and once in comments).
- =head2 README, INSTALL, release notes, changelogs
- Your module should also include a README file describing the module and
- giving pointers to further information (website, author email).
- An INSTALL file should be included, and should contain simple installation
- instructions (usually "perl Makefile.PL; make; make install").
- Release notes or changelogs should be produced for each release of your
- software describing user-visible changes to your module, in terms
- relevant to the user.
- =head2 Version numbering
- Version numbers should indicate at least major and minor releases, and
- possibly sub-minor releases. A major release is one in which most of
- the functionality has changed, or in which major new functionality is
- added. A minor release is one in which a small amount of functionality
- has been added or changed. Sub-minor version numbers are usually used
- for changes which do not affect functionality, such as documentation
- patches.
- The most common CPAN version numbering scheme looks like this:
- 1.00, 1.10, 1.11, 1.20, 1.30, 1.31, 1.32
- A correct CPAN version number is a floating point number with at least
- 2 digits after the decimal. You can test whether it conforms to CPAN by
- using
- perl -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -le 'print MM->parse_version(shift)' 'Foo.pm'
- If you want to release a 'beta' or 'alpha' version of a module but
- don't want CPAN.pm to list it as most recent use an '_' after the
- regular version number followed by at least 2 digits, eg. 1.20_01. If
- you do this, the following idiom is recommended:
- $VERSION = "1.12_01";
- $XS_VERSION = $VERSION; # only needed if you have XS code
- With that trick MakeMaker will only read the first line and thus read
- the underscore, while the perl interpreter will evaluate the $VERSION
- and convert the string into a number. Later operations that treat
- $VERSION as a number will then be able to do so without provoking a
- warning about $VERSION not being a number.
- Never release anything (even a one-word documentation patch) without
- incrementing the number. Even a one-word documentation patch should
- result in a change in version at the sub-minor level.
- =head2 Pre-requisites
- Module authors should carefully consider whether to rely on other
- modules, and which modules to rely on.
- Most importantly, choose modules which are as stable as possible. In
- order of preference:
- =over 4
- =item *
- Core Perl modules
- =item *
- Stable CPAN modules
- =item *
- Unstable CPAN modules
- =item *
- Modules not available from CPAN
- =back
- Specify version requirements for other Perl modules in the
- pre-requisites in your Makefile.PL.
- Be sure to specify Perl version requirements both in Makefile.PL and
- with C<require 5.6.1> or similar.
- =head2 Testing
- All modules should be tested before distribution (using "make disttest",
- and the tests should also be available to people installing the modules
- (using "make test").
- The importance of these tests is proportional to the alleged stability of a
- module -- a module which purports to be stable or which hopes to achieve wide
- use should adhere to as strict a testing regime as possible.
- Useful modules to help you write tests (with minimum impact on your
- development process or your time) include Test::Simple, Carp::Assert
- and Test::Inline.
- =head2 Packaging
- Modules should be packaged using the standard MakeMaker tools, allowing
- them to be installed in a consistent manner. Use "make dist" to create
- your package.
- Tools exist to help you build your module in a MakeMaker-friendly style.
- These include ExtUtils::ModuleMaker and h2xs. See also L<perlnewmod>.
- =head2 Licensing
- Make sure that your module has a license, and that the full text of it
- is included in the distribution (unless it's a common one and the terms
- of the license don't require you to include it).
- If you don't know what license to use, dual licensing under the GPL
- and Artistic licenses (the same as Perl itself) is a good idea.
- =head2 Reinventing the wheel
- There are certain application spaces which are already very, very well
- served by CPAN. One example is templating systems, another is date and
- time modules, and there are many more. While it is a rite of passage to
- write your own version of these things, please consider carefully
- whether the Perl world really needs you to publish it.
- =head2 Trying to do too much
- Your module will be part of a developer's toolkit. It will not, in
- itself, form the B<entire> toolkit. It's tempting to add extra features
- until your code is a monolithic system rather than a set of modular
- building blocks.
- =head2 Inappropriate documentation
- Don't fall into the trap of writing for the wrong audience. Your
- primary audience is a reasonably experienced developer with at least
- a moderate understanding of your module's application domain, who's just
- downloaded your module and wants to start using it as quickly as possible.
- Tutorials, end-user documentation, research papers, FAQs etc are not
- appropriate in a module's main documentation. If you really want to
- write these, include them as sub-documents such as C<My::Module::Tutorial> or
- C<My::Module::FAQ> and provide a link in the SEE ALSO section of the
- main documentation.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- =over 4
- =item L<perlstyle>
- General Perl style guide
- =item L<perlnewmod>
- How to create a new module
- =item L<perlpod>
- POD documentation
- =item L<podchecker>
- Verifies your POD's correctness
- =item Testing tools
- L<Test::Simple>, L<Test::Inline>, L<Carp::Assert>
- =item http://pause.perl.org/
- Perl Authors Upload Server. Contains links to information for module
- authors.
- =item Any good book on software engineering
- =back
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Kirrily "Skud" Robert <skud@cpan.org>