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- package PerlIO;
- our $VERSION = '1.01';
- # Map layer name to package that defines it
- our %alias;
- sub import
- {
- my $class = shift;
- while (@_)
- {
- my $layer = shift;
- if (exists $alias{$layer})
- {
- $layer = $alias{$layer}
- }
- else
- {
- $layer = "${class}::$layer";
- }
- eval "require $layer";
- warn $@ if $@;
- }
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- PerlIO - On demand loader for PerlIO layers and root of PerlIO::* name space
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- open($fh,"<:crlf", "my.txt"); # portably open a text file for reading
- open($fh,"<","his.jpg"); # portably open a binary file for reading
- binmode($fh);
- Shell:
- PERLIO=perlio perl ....
- When an undefined layer 'foo' is encountered in an C<open> or
- C<binmode> layer specification then C code performs the equivalent of:
- use PerlIO 'foo';
- The perl code in PerlIO.pm then attempts to locate a layer by doing
- require PerlIO::foo;
- Otherwise the C<PerlIO> package is a place holder for additional
- PerlIO related functions.
- The following layers are currently defined:
- =over 4
- =item unix
- Low level layer which calls C<read>, C<write> and C<lseek> etc.
- =item stdio
- Layer which calls C<fread>, C<fwrite> and C<fseek>/C<ftell> etc. Note
- that as this is "real" stdio it will ignore any layers beneath it and
- got straight to the operating system via the C library as usual.
- =item perlio
- This is a re-implementation of "stdio-like" buffering written as a
- PerlIO "layer". As such it will call whatever layer is below it for
- its operations.
- =item crlf
- A layer which does CRLF to "\n" translation distinguishing "text" and
- "binary" files in the manner of MS-DOS and similar operating systems.
- (It currently does I<not> mimic MS-DOS as far as treating of Control-Z
- as being an end-of-file marker.)
- =item utf8
- Declares that the stream accepts perl's internal encoding of
- characters. (Which really is UTF-8 on ASCII machines, but is
- UTF-EBCDIC on EBCDIC machines.) This allows any character perl can
- represent to be read from or written to the stream. The UTF-X encoding
- is chosen to render simple text parts (i.e. non-accented letters,
- digits and common punctuation) human readable in the encoded file.
- Here is how to write your native data out using UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC)
- and then read it back in.
- open(F, ">:utf8", "data.utf");
- print F $out;
- close(F);
- open(F, "<:utf8", "data.utf");
- $in = <F>;
- close(F);
- =item bytes
- This is the inverse of C<:utf8> layer. It turns off the flag
- on the layer below so that data read from it is considered to
- be "octets" i.e. characters in range 0..255 only. Likewise
- on output perl will warn if a "wide" character is written
- to a such a stream.
- =item raw
- The C<:raw> layer is I<defined> as being identical to calling
- C<binmode($fh)> - the stream is made suitable for passing binary
- data i.e. each byte is passed as-is. The stream will still be
- buffered. Unlike earlier versions of perl C<:raw> is I<not> just the
- inverse of C<:crlf> - other layers which would affect the binary nature of
- the stream are also removed or disabled.
- The implementation of C<:raw> is as a pseudo-layer which when "pushed"
- pops itself and then any layers which do not declare themselves as suitable
- for binary data. (Undoing :utf8 and :crlf are implemented by clearing
- flags rather than poping layers but that is an implementation detail.)
- As a consequence of the fact that C<:raw> normally pops layers
- it usually only makes sense to have it as the only or first element in a
- layer specification. When used as the first element it provides
- a known base on which to build e.g.
- open($fh,":raw:utf8",...)
- will construct a "binary" stream, but then enable UTF-8 translation.
- =item pop
- A pseudo layer that removes the top-most layer. Gives perl code
- a way to manipulate the layer stack. Should be considered
- as experimental. Note that C<:pop> only works on real layers
- and will not undo the effects of pseudo layers like C<:utf8>.
- An example of a possible use might be:
- open($fh,...)
- ...
- binmode($fh,":encoding(...)"); # next chunk is encoded
- ...
- binmode($fh,":pop"); # back to un-encocded
- A more elegant (and safer) interface is needed.
- =back
- =head2 Alternatives to raw
- To get a binary stream an alternate method is to use:
- open($fh,"whatever")
- binmode($fh);
- this has advantage of being backward compatible with how such things have
- had to be coded on some platforms for years.
- To get an un-buffered stream specify an unbuffered layer (e.g. C<:unix>)
- in the open call:
- open($fh,"<:unix",$path)
- =head2 Defaults and how to override them
- If the platform is MS-DOS like and normally does CRLF to "\n"
- translation for text files then the default layers are :
- unix crlf
- (The low level "unix" layer may be replaced by a platform specific low
- level layer.)
- Otherwise if C<Configure> found out how to do "fast" IO using system's
- stdio, then the default layers are :
- unix stdio
- Otherwise the default layers are
- unix perlio
- These defaults may change once perlio has been better tested and tuned.
- The default can be overridden by setting the environment variable
- PERLIO to a space separated list of layers (unix or platform low level
- layer is always pushed first).
- This can be used to see the effect of/bugs in the various layers e.g.
- cd .../perl/t
- PERLIO=stdio ./perl harness
- PERLIO=perlio ./perl harness
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Nick Ing-Simmons E<lt>nick@ing-simmons.netE<gt>
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<perlfunc/"binmode">, L<perlfunc/"open">, L<perlunicode>, L<perliol>, L<Encode>
- =cut