home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- package Net::servent;
- use strict;
- use 5.006_001;
- our $VERSION = '1.00';
- use Exporter ();
- @EXPORT = qw(getservbyname getservbyport getservent getserv);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw( $s_name @s_aliases $s_port $s_proto );
- }
- use vars @EXPORT_OK;
- # Class::Struct forbids use of @ISA
- sub import { goto &Exporter::import }
- use Class::Struct qw(struct);
- struct 'Net::servent' => [
- name => '$',
- aliases => '@',
- port => '$',
- proto => '$',
- ];
- sub populate (@) {
- return unless @_;
- my $sob = new();
- $s_name = $sob->[0] = $_[0];
- @s_aliases = @{ $sob->[1] } = split ' ', $_[1];
- $s_port = $sob->[2] = $_[2];
- $s_proto = $sob->[3] = $_[3];
- return $sob;
- }
- sub getservent ( ) { populate(CORE::getservent()) }
- sub getservbyname ($;$) { populate(CORE::getservbyname(shift,shift||'tcp')) }
- sub getservbyport ($;$) { populate(CORE::getservbyport(shift,shift||'tcp')) }
- sub getserv ($;$) {
- no strict 'refs';
- return &{'getservby' . ($_[0]=~/^\d+$/ ? 'port' : 'name')}(@_);
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- Net::servent - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getserv*() functions
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Net::servent;
- $s = getservbyname(shift || 'ftp') || die "no service";
- printf "port for %s is %s, aliases are %s\n",
- $s->name, $s->port, "@{$s->aliases}";
- use Net::servent qw(:FIELDS);
- getservbyname(shift || 'ftp') || die "no service";
- print "port for $s_name is $s_port, aliases are @s_aliases\n";
- This module's default exports override the core getservent(),
- getservbyname(), and
- getnetbyport() functions, replacing them with versions that return
- "Net::servent" objects. They take default second arguments of "tcp". This object has methods that return the similarly
- named structure field name from the C's servent structure from F<netdb.h>;
- namely name, aliases, port, and proto. The aliases
- method returns an array reference, the rest scalars.
- You may also import all the structure fields directly into your namespace
- as regular variables using the :FIELDS import tag. (Note that this still
- overrides your core functions.) Access these fields as variables named
- with a preceding C<n_>. Thus, C<$serv_obj-E<gt>name()> corresponds to
- $s_name if you import the fields. Array references are available as
- regular array variables, so for example C<@{ $serv_obj-E<gt>aliases()
- }> would be simply @s_aliases.
- The getserv() function is a simple front-end that forwards a numeric
- argument to getservbyport(), and the rest to getservbyname().
- To access this functionality without the core overrides,
- pass the C<use> an empty import list, and then access
- function functions with their full qualified names.
- On the other hand, the built-ins are still available
- via the C<CORE::> pseudo-package.
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- use Net::servent qw(:FIELDS);
- while (@ARGV) {
- my ($service, $proto) = ((split m!/!, shift), 'tcp');
- my $valet = getserv($service, $proto);
- unless ($valet) {
- warn "$0: No service: $service/$proto\n"
- next;
- }
- printf "service $service/$proto is port %d\n", $valet->port;
- print "alias are @s_aliases\n" if @s_aliases;
- }
- =head1 NOTE
- While this class is currently implemented using the Class::Struct
- module to build a struct-like class, you shouldn't rely upon this.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Tom Christiansen